It All Started With Amnesia

By thebookiee

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Want a recipe for chaos? Take an average teen girl who is sarcastic and hot-headed (at times). Add a sprinkli... More

|| Everything That You Will Ever Need ||
Chapter One || The Beginning Of The End ||
Chapter Three || Can Someone Say Awkward?||
Chapter Four || They Both Suffer From Full-Name Phobia ||
Chapter Five || Awkwardness seems like the Theme of The Day ||
Chapter Six || Operation Amnesia and Middle Names ||
Chapter Seven || I have Amnesia not Short Term Memory Loss ||
Chapter Eight || Insanity is contagious -You get it from your friends' ||
Chapter Nine || It's kinda freaky that she knows my timetable ||
Chapter Ten || Their fights are hilarious, but only if you're not included ||
Chapter Eleven || He went to hit Keith, but the cake caught Alyssa instead ||
Chapter Twelve || I might have the hots for Keith ||
Chapter Thirteen || Johnson Certainly Had Class ||

Chapter Two || It's That Time Again ||

647 39 31
By thebookiee

|| It’s that time again ||


I wake up the next morning to a pounding head and my phone blaring ‘Moves Like Jagger’ by Maroon Five. And then with a jolt, I remember the events of last night.

‘James. Accident. Hospital.’

I decided to visit him today. After all, he had been my friend since ages. I shut the alarm on my phone and make a move to get off my bed. And, that’s when I notice the dull pain in my abdomen. Oi vey.

I’m pretty sure that once I die and go up to heaven, (yeah, I absolutely have no doubts about that), God is going to have some seriously awkward questions to answer to. Like, why in the bloody hell are we women still facing the punishment for what Eve did? Wasn't he a forgiving, compassionate and all those awesome adjectives God? And more importantly, why the hell are men not facing this? I mean, Adam ate the apple too! He should be punished too.

Here I go rambling again.

I still think it isn’t fair that only we women bear this pain!

According to this legend in Hindu Mythology that we studied during a Personal Values class, the Gods were the ones who use to work in the fields and they used to give birth to kids from their sides – under their arms. The legend goes that the Goddesses took pity on them and took the curse (or blessing, depending on whatever you think) of childbirth from them, and since then women give birth and have to face all that other crap too.

Eh, if I was in their place, I doubt I’d be so generous after feeling the pain of the ‘time of the month’.

While thinking about all of this, I'd brushed and finished dressing up for college. As usual I chose to keep it simple in black skinny jeans and a navy blue tee. I’m your average t-shirt and jeans girl. Dresses are like my kryptonite.

I get out of my bedroom, searching my parents. I walk into the hall and grab a piece of toast off the dining table and shove it in my mouth. Charming, I know. I put on my converse; grab my hoodie and sling my bag over my shoulders before yelling, “Bye Ma, Bye Dad.” Mom and Dad are probably in the bedroom searching for something that dad misplaced as usual. Yesterday, he’d misplaced his wallet and as I walk to the door I notice his car keys that he’s most likely turning the bedroom upside – down for. “Dad, the keys are on the table in the hall,” I scream again before my mom comes out and takes the keys and goes back after telling me to be careful and to take care on the trains.  

I find Carollyn and Anushka waiting for me at the train station. They have the usual look on their face, I’m not very punctual. They always get me out of the house five minutes earlier just in case. 

We just about had time to greet each other when the train arrives. We get in and quickly sit down on the first seats we snatch. The Mumbai local trains are a dicey lot. You never know if you’re getting a seat, and if you do, thank your lucky stars and be content, since you’re probably not getting one the next time.

I interrupt the conversation they’re having about Carollyn’s new top with the grim news of James’ accident.

“James Fernandes? That guy who was your best friend once upon a time?” Carollyn echoes in shock after listening to me.

I nod, “Apparently some drunk driver rammed into him and he got hit pretty badly on the head. His bike skidded on the road and he suffered some really serious injuries.”

Anushka whistled, “Whoa. Now, even if you don’t drink and drive there’s still a risk that you can get into an accident. That’s really unfair. I hope he doesn’t have any major injuries that last.”

“Yeah, it happens almost every day now. There's a fresh drunk driving case in the papers every single day. I glad that the people passing by didn’t ignore James like they usually do. I really think this careless attitude of drivers needs to be stopped.” Carollyn said firmly.

“I know, it’s sad really. After all, Mumbai is one of the best cities in India. Its callous attitude might be its downfall.” I replied.

“Well, I hope Mumbai isn’t trying to be the new drunk driver’s capital anytime soon.” Said Anushka, with the slightest hint of a smile.

We reached college soon after that. I study at Johnson College of Arts and Commerce. My field of study was Arts, and the college had a great faculty equipped to teach us. We found Keith and Samir waiting for us near the canteen.

“Did you complete your Psychology Assignment? Apparently Prof. Desai wants it today, no matter what. She isn’t taking any excuses this time. Deanne already tried.” Samir told us.

I nodded, saying that I’d completed it and thankfully I’d remembered to put in my bag last night before going to sleep. Carollyn said she'd done it, though she believed it was majorly crap. And that’s when Anushka cursed under her breath. She had finally tagged which assignment it was.

“The due date for the assignment was today? Damn I still have quarter of it left to complete!” she all but yelled.

And then, without saying a word she shot off towards the reference library to complete her assignment.

Poor girl. She has a lot to write.

I told the guys about James’ accident and Keith said he come with me in the evening to visit James. I'd forgotten that he knew James too. He used to stay in my building before he’d shifted away.

The day went by swiftly, with occasional outbursts from me over small matters. I yelled at Dylan when he forgot to return the pen he'd borrowed from me at the end of the lecture. To make matters even worse, we had all the lectures. Nothing was cancelled. Six lectures a day meant that I’d be returning home in a peak hour local.

That was beyond horrifying.

As we stood on the platform waiting for our train to come and take us home, I started thinking, what would happen to James if he really had serious injuries? Would they be short term or long term injuries? Would he ever recover fully?

I reached home, took a shower and waited for Keith to arrive. 

He said he'd come after telling his parents where he was going and kept his bag at home.




My head hurts. That was the first thing I realized before I blinked a few times before I finally opened my eyes. A blue ceiling came into view. My head was really hurting. I blinked once again, hoping it would clear the mass of confusion in my head.

“James, you're awake, thank God!”

I turned my head to the right from where the sound had come and a middle-aged lady came into my sight. I heard the shuffling of feet and some moments later a man with a doctor's coat came in front of me.

I tried sitting up and succeeded with a little help from that lady next to me.

“Where am I? Why am I here? And who are you people?” I asked, to both of them.

“Oh, he really doesn't remember anything. James, honey, I'm your mom” said the middle-aged lady, she seemed to be holding back tears.

 “What’s happened to me? Why am I here?” I asked her as I shifted myself into a more comfortable posture.

“Honey, you were in an accident. Some drunk driver hit you while you were driving and you hit your head pretty hard. You also suffered a lot of bruising.  A few pedestrians brought you in. And the doctors think you have amnesia”.


Memory loss. I don’t remember anything.  I don't know anything about my life. Oh damn. This can’t be good. I look away from my mother awkwardly and turn to address the doctor standing to my left.

“Uh-huh”.  I ask him, his name tag says Dr. Lenny. “Doc, is it true? I will never get my memory back?”

“Actually, that's not the case. If you're around familiar environment and you talk to people who've known you for a long time, you can regain your memory. Sometimes, though this is very rare, a shock or a small accident can also help you regain your memory. In any case your amnesia looks short term.” He replies.

“When the driver rammed into the bike you were driving, you were thrown off due to the impact of the collision. You hit your head on the divider and sustained some pretty nasty cuts. But, thankfully, before you could bleed to death, like your mother a few pedestrians brought you over to the hospital”. The doctor informs  me.

“Ah, I see.”

Although, I really did not. Sure, he’d dumbed down the doctor lingo for me, but I still couldn’t comprehend much. What did that have to do with my memory?  Guess I’d just have to do a bit of research later.

“When can I go home then?” I ask him.

“Well, we're keeping you under observation today. But if everything's fine, then you will be discharged by tomorrow afternoon” he replies and then he promptly turns and leaves the room.

I turned to the lady who called herself my mother. “Uh, Mom”, the word sounded funny coming from my mouth. “Where's my dad? Is he out or in the cafeteria or something?”

She looked at me as tears fill her eyes again. “James”, she answers, “Your father died when you were two. He had cancer. It was in the last stage when it was detected. He couldn't make it.” A tear rolls down her cheek and she wipes it away.

I can’t say I’m shocked. I can’t feel bad that I don’t have a father because I really don’t remember anything. Not even my family.

But, I still feel a bit sad. It isn’t everyday you learn that your father’s dead you see. I leaned over and hugged her, “Don't worry Ma; I’m sure he's in a better place now. And, well, I’m here for you.” I say the only thing I can think of to console her.

“I was so scared when I heard you were in an accident. I thought I was going to lose you also forever” she says in a choked up voice.

‘I'm here ma, and I'm not going anywhere” I assure her.

“I know. Just being silly.” She sniffled.  “Now, you must be hungry. Let me go and get you something from the cafeteria downstairs”. She got up and went to the door. She turned as though she just remembered something, “Oh and visiting hours have just begun. Our neighbors Mr. and Mrs. D'Souza might come over to visit you. They helped me a lot yesterday. I'll be back soon.” she said and left.

I don’t know my name or my family.

Oh Lord, I’m like a child all over again, having to be taught everything. I lay back down wondering why tomorrow couldn't come any faster. I was already bored to death here and it had only been ten minutes since mom left. I didn't know if I had a phone or not. This entire place smelled funny. I don't like hospitals, I decided. That's something I know about myself, I thought.

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

I tell them to come in and a girl and boy around my age enter my room.



Author’s Note – Hey again. A new edited chapter. Much better written. Any mistakes will be edited by my editor - @TheRookiee.

Dedicated to Huffy, because I caught her subtle hints. xP Love you, you amazing Potterhead. And, picture to the side is Keith D’Silva – One of Kiara’s best friends, who used to live in her building.

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Thanks. You’re awesome. J

Love and Cheers,

Liz xoxo.

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