You'll always be my first and...

By bruhh_writer

14.1K 472 105

What happen when Abhishek and Navya will be back together again will there love be same as before or everythi... More

Interoduction to cast
Story begains here
Not felling so good 😞
Do i still love her ?
Author note 😅
Hazel left us 🥺
Flashback part 1
Flashback 2
Prt 3
Never let you go
I hate him for everything
Miss those days
We met
Best day of my life ( flashback)
Best day of my life prt2
she still loves me ?
Wedding day
I will never accept you
Happy moments
New cast are here
Cute hubby things
Manjot's wedding
It just bro sis love
Flashback prt 1
Abhay and uncle's fight
He is getting married
Back to present
Wedding day
Outfitsssssss ❤️😂
Fix everything
Flashback pt: 1
End of everthing
We are no more friends abhay
One is happy another one is sad
Baby is here
Worst day
Past present
Behind everything
Ig post

5 years later

293 14 5
By bruhh_writer

Navya pov: 5 years passed like a seconds everything happened so fast it feels like yesterday I met abhay holded mahir for the first time amd now my baby boy turned 6 year old I can't believe he grew up so fast but one still hasn't changed yet it's our relationship I and Abhay are still like that only I still haven't told abhay about all those things and I still don't know why Avinash wants to meet us during Mandy's wedding Dev told me that Avinash want to meet us cuz he needs to tell us something after that he just disappeared somewhere don't know where. Anyways we all are happy in our life Armaan and Aashna got married and Mandy and Monica are expecting twins baby I'm so happy
Mahir: " mumaaa... wow you are looking so pretty pretty"
Navya: " thank you my love" * kissing his cheeks*
Mahir: " ewww mom don't kiss me I hate all this things" * making weird face*
Abhay: " are you guys ready"
Mahir: " yes daddy look I took gift also for babies"
Abhay: " wow that's great baby come on let's go"
( after baby shower ceremony)
Sanjana: " Mandy be ready for all this things"
Mandy: " I'm I don't think handling babies will be hard"
Shubu/Kamzy/ Abhay: " HARDDDD..." * said together*
Shubman: " it's worst then that you don't know and plus it's twins so rip bro"
Aaru: " seriously shubu you used to say that ur enjoying"
Shubman: " yeah... I....mean I used...."
Monica: " I'm really scared"
Navya: " don't worry we are there for you"
Sanjana: " yup we will handle or if we can't the these dumb people will"
Kamzy: " sooo Abhay and Navi when you guys are planning"
Abhay: " what we are not planning anything"
*Mahir coming and sitting next to Dev folding his both arms angrily*
Dev: " buddy are you all right what happen"
Mahir: " I want baby sis or bro"
Abhay: " you what"
Kamzy: " but you are too young to get married and have baby"
Dev: * hitting  on Kamzy's head* silly person he didn't mean to say that"
Mahir: " mum dad look Vansh bhai have lucky and Mandy chachu is going to have two babies even I want little baby" * folding arms and making pout*
Kamzy: " Mahir I'm with you... buddy listen   * whispering in his ear* "I will tell ur mom and dad to give you little baby ok but now you go and play with everyone ok"
Mahir: " ok yo yo I love u r best" * running towards jass"
Abhay: " what did u just said him and seriously Kamzy you were supporting him he is kid but you are not" * in but loud way*
Kamzy: " Abhay what's wrong with huh what is so big deal in that you guys are married then it is normal you're behaving like someone has just forced you guys to get married"
Sanjana: " Kamzy this is not a place to talk all this things are you nut kids are here what if Mahir hears this things clam down"
(Pov continue)
" you're behaving like someone has just forced you guys to get married" this words really hit me hard but this is reality we both were blank I saw Abhay' s face he just ignored me before leaving I said sorry to Kamzy bhai and we all left Mahir is growing up what if he'll will come to know that I'm not his real mom will he accept me after that this things makes me sick

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