Dance For Me ※ Jikook Fanfict...

Por MysticTalia

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"Let me touch you, Jimin. Please. Please let me." No. Hell no. Seven bloody hells, no, no and no. Absolutely... Más

Prologue: Light up my world
The dream of perfection
Little Bird
Table Nr.40
Bananamilk and Unicorns
How to have Fun
A Taste of Happiness
After the party is over.
All that I need
The Rainbow and the Raven
Making it Obvious
All of You
The Boy in the Purple Shirt
Don't Go
Coffee And Confessions
The Things You Didn't Do
Conquering Mountains
Thank you
The Boy Who Never Knew
No More Fear
The Cabin
Being Brave
The Swan
Hello Monster
Road to Hell
Repetition of the Past
I Promised
Beautiful Prison
Brother's Fates
Beat Him at His Own Game
Little Devil Inside
Black Swan
When the Dust Settles
Missed Chances
Dance With Me
The Trial
Love, Family and Friends

Half-Truths and Lies

1.4K 93 20
Por MysticTalia

You'll know why... 

And if you have no idea what I might be referring to, let this guy do his usual thing: 


He felt like screaming. 

He felt like hitting something, preferably the boy he once loved and now sat amongst his friends- his family. Something he had worked hard for, finally getting over the fear he had put there. Laughing with the people who had managed to mend the heart he had broken. 

And Seong-Min was good. No, he was absolutely perfect. Funny, witty, kind and loving, making them laugh and smile and compliment him. He kept on talking about their past, and the worst of all was that most of it wasn't even a lie. All those happy, funny memories they shared, he recalled them all and Seong-Min told them as if they had been nothing but good friends.

And there was absolutely nothing he could do but sit there and listen, force himself to smile and nod while he felt disgusted. 
"So, Jungkook told me you were planning about where to go for Chuseok?"

They all nodded and Jin said:" Yeah, but we can't decide. We've been discussing this all evening." 

Seong-Min grinned and took some of the papers, inspecting the pictures of beautiful places. 
"Those are some pretty cool places. But do you think you'll still get a hotel? I think most people have already booked?"
Namjoon sighed and nodded his head. "Yeah, that could be a problem. We're a bit late with planning." 

"Well," Seong-Min let out, an uncertain expression flashing over his face. His heart sank. He was never uncertain. "Look, I don't wanna come off as super invasive, but I happen to have a vacation house near the sea. I was planning to go there with my girlfriend, but we were still looking for some people to join us... so, just in case you need something, you're happy to come as well."

Shit. No, this couldn't be happening. 
They had to refuse...they had to. But he didn't see what they hoped. Everyone seemed to love the idea. 
"Ahh, you sure? We don't wanna impose."
"Impose?" Seong-Min said with a grin to Namjoon who had spoken. "I'm offering."
"But isn't Chuseok supposed to be a family holiday? You should spend it with your parents." 
He hadn't meant to speak, but the words were out of his mouth before he could stop it. He just had to do something to avoid this. But all hope left him as Seong-Min's expression turned somber and sad, swallowing hard as he shot Jimin a grieving expression. 
"Right... don't know yet. It- it happened a few months after you'd left."
Jimin stared. He wouldn't-

"They died in a car crash. "
The table went completely silent, the sadness and shock heavy in the air while Jimin burned with rage. How dare he? Make up such a lie to get their sympathy. But he knew his friends- knew that they were kind and selfless and what Seong-Min had said would ensure them agreeing. 

He couldn't do anything but put on a sympathetic expression as well and say what everyone expected from him.
"I'm so sorry, Hyun-Sik. I had no idea. They were lovely people." 
Lie. His parents were massive assholes. Classic snobs who cared about nothing but money and reputation. 

Seong-Min, portraying the perfect picture of a grieving son, smiled sadly and nodded. 
"Thank, Jimmy. I appreciate that." Then he cleared his throat, pretending to sort his emotions before he spoke again. "Sorry, didn't want to make this such a sad topic. I just wanted to let you know I would really like company. Nothing better than a house full of laughing people on a family Holiday, trust me. But no pressure. You don't have to come. Like I said, it's only an offer in case you can't find a hotel."

Another moment of silence and of all people, it had to be Jungkook to agree. 
"Actually, I think we would all love to go to the sea. And Jimin would have some time to catch up with you. Wouldn't you like that?"
It couldn't get worse. But he was too deep in it. No going back now. He had to play along or risk Jungkook trying to kill Seong-Min and having to deal with the consequences. 
"Yeah, that would be great." 

Jungkook smiled, unaware of the panic and utter despair taking a hold of his heart. 
"Awesome,"  Seong-Min let out, nodding happily. "What a freaky coincidence, can you believe it? I literally just stopped here because I was hungry. Who'd knew I'd meet Jimin again and all of you? And now this- wow. This is awesome!" 

Coincidence his ass! This was planned. For how long, Jimin had no idea, but he knew he was hopelessly trapped. It wasn't fair. None of it. What had he done to deserve this? Just because he'd finally been happy? 

They all continued to happily chat about his place, what they could do and who would bring what as Jimin fell deeper and deeper into a hole, listening to their growing excitement. Not even Jungkook's hug helped. 

He couldn't sit there one moment longer and watch this monster wriggle his way into their hearts. 
"I- I should go and start cleaning up," he said, maybe a little too quickly, slipping out of Jungkook's embrace and rising to his feet. 
"But it's an hour till your shift ends, ChimChim," Tae pouted. And if even Tae's pout could not lift his spirits, he knew he was in some deep shit. 
Still, he forced a smile on his face. 
"Yeah, I know, but there is stuff left over from yesterday and I have to plan the order for next week as well. You go on planning. I will love it either way." 
He would hate it, no matter what fun they planned. 

The lies just piled up and by the way Seong-Min smiled up at him, he knew it wasn't over. Was far from over. 
"Okay, yell if you need some help, okay?" Hoseok only shouted and already fell back into the preparations. 

Jungkook frowned slightly as he eyed Jimin carefully so he did the only thing he could to prevent the younger to grow suspicious. He leaned down and kissed him before forcing himself to walk away slowly, leaving them with the monster at their table. 


"You sure you're okay, baby?" Jungkook asked as he drove them to school. 
He wasn't. He hadn't been able to find a second of sleep, Seong-Min's face keeping him wide awake. The way he had waved and said goodbye, hugged him and then lowly whispered into his ear: "Better not do anything stupid, little Jimmy or Jungkook's gonna pay for it," and then left. 

Not even the make up he had lend from Misses Yang was able to hide the dark shadow under his eyes or the puffiness from crying. All it had achieved was to make the older woman very, very suspicious. 

"I'm fine, Jungkook. Just couldn't sleep well."
"Is it because of Hyun-Sik?"
Everything inside him froze as he schooled his features into surprise. "Why would you think that?"
Jungkook's jaw ticked as he kept his eyes on the road, driving with one hand while holding Jimin's with the other. 

"I don't know. Just... maybe it was a bit too much to accept his offer yesterday. I wasn't thinking about it, but- maybe him appearing out of nowhere is calling up memories of the past. About Seong-Min and your bother?"
Oh Jesus... he could never know. Never know the one he had laughed and shook hands with yesterday had been Seong-Min himself. Not when even mentioning their names had Jungkook looking so murderous. 

"No, no that's not it. I was surprised about seeing him yesterday, but I'm really happy I get to catch up with him. Hyun-Sik was one of my only friends in school."
"You never mentioned him before."
"Just because I didn't like thinking back and I never thought I'd see him again. But he's really all right." 
He was a piece of shit, the lie burning his throat. 

"Well Okay then. Just tell me if it makes you uncomfortable and I cancel. One word and we don't have to go, understood?"
He swallowed a thick clog of emotions. He didn't deserve Jungkook. He was too good. Too kind and loving and Jimin was a lying piece of shit, no matter his reasons. 

"Thanks. But I'm really Okay."

It got worse. So much worse over the next week. He tried to keep up the smile and happiness as Chuseok drew closer. But his nights were haunted by nightmares and when he awoke, he realized he was still in it. 
Jungkook grew concerned, asking him what was bothering him constantly but Jimin always found an excuse. Always made up another lie. He pretended to be busy with dance practice and even when there was little to do at the diner, he came up with work, giving them only short answers like: "I have to do inventory." "I need to clean the toilets," or even: "Saya asked me to help in the kitchen." which was such a risky, blatant lie. All the cook had to do was set one step outside and they'd have known he was lying. Thankfully he hadn't.

The other's started asking him too, noticing the dark rings under his eyes and the smile that wouldn't reach his eyes. Namjoon was the hardest to convince. He was too observant. 

On Wednesday, he said he had to visit Misses Yang and lend her some company because the old lady felt left out. Such a lie again. She was more than a little surprise to find Jimin on her door with Jjajangmyeon in his hand and for the first half hour, he had regretted it beyond words, because she was even more keen than Namjoon and knew him better, drilling dangerous questions into him, before she noticed his hopelessness and changed the subject. Those had been the only two hours he manage to forget for a little. Just for a while, he was just the old Jimin again, having dinner with this ridiculous old lady who could always make him smile. 

Not for long. He'd lain in bed wide awake all evening, wondering what Seong-Min was planning. How far he was going to take this and Jimin had cried into his pillow, because in no scenario he pictured in his head would this end well. He was going to loose Jungkook. He was going to loose his friends. Because he would do anything his Ex-Boyfriend told him to to protect them. And Seong-Min would take this to the very end, that he knew. 


"We're not going." 
"What?" Jimin let out, turning to Jungkook who sat on his little, rusty bed after he'd driven him home from work. 
"I said," the young boy ground out through gritted teeth. "We're not going with the others, not until you tell me what the hell is going on with you." 
Jimin let out a panicked little breath. He should have expected this. Jungkook had been too quiet during the drive, his face stony and his jaw set as he kept his eyes on the road, barely having said three words to him. 

"I- I don't know what you're talking about, I'm-"
Jungkook jumped from the bed, his face red and hands balled into fists as he glowered at Jimin, the vein on his neck standing out prominently.
"Don't tell me you're fine, Jimin. I know you're not. You're lying! And I'm not leaving this house until you tell me what the fuck is going on!" 

Panic flooded him. Was he going to loose him already? Because he couldn't tell him the truth and he couldn't not go with them to the beach-house, because Seong-Min was sure to reveal everything then, making true on his threat and Jungkook would pay for it. And what made it all the more cruel was the fact that Seong-Min was using Jungkook's love for him to blackmail him, knowing it worked because Jimin would do anything for the boy he loved in return. 

"You're really not going to tell me?" Jungkook asked in a dangerously low voice when Jimin had been lost for words, not sure how to make it out of this situation and kept quiet. 

"I'm telling you, Jungkook. There is nothing going on." 
Jungkook snorted, sounding not the least bit convinced. 
"You're really going to make me do this?"

His blood froze. Was he talking about breaking up with him? No... please no. 

Jungkook stared at him, the dim light of the room throwing his face into shadows, making him appear wholly dark and forbidden- and angry. Jungkook was mad. 

"Okay then," he whispered into the dark and jumped into action. 
"Jungkook what are you-" his sentence ended in a surprised gasp as Jungkook had crossed the space between them and grabbed his waist hard, turning him and then pushed him against the wall, the façade crumbling a little from the force, his breath getting knocked out of him. 
Jungkook's tall body was behind him, pressing him harder against the cold surface, his breath however, hot and growling against his ear. 

"I'm going to make you tell me the only way I know how. Talking isn't working. So I'm going to fuck you so hard you wont even remember your own name, and then you're going to tell me."

"Jungkook," he said, and good Lord in fucking heaven, how did it already come out sounding like a moan? 
"Stop it," he managed to mumbled out. 
"Stop it? You really want me to stop, Jimin?" The taller snapped angrily as the hand on his hips pushed him back and against his growing erection. A gasp escaped him as one hand reached around his stomach and didn't hesitate, not for a second before slipping them beneath his pants. And as he slid down his length with a tight, demanding grip, he reached the other hand around his stomach too, up his chest to his neck where squeezed and pulled him closer against the hardness of his body. His gasp ended in a choke as Jungkook strained his neck up while working him harder, shattering his mind. Blowing away the fears, the hopelessness of his situation and all and every memory of Seong-Min. There was only this. Only Jungkook. 

"Tell me again how you want me to stop, baby." 

He couldn't. He'd forgotten every reason why he should stop Jungkook, nothing but a strangled moan escaping his lips. 

And as if the sound shattered his control, Jungkook trembled behind him, sliding his hand down his length, then used his thumb to put pressure on the tip of his dick, making his body curve, the pleasure shooting through him. 
And then Jungkook moved, ripping him away from the wall with a snarl as he pulled his pants down at the same time. He was turned again and met his expression, his mouth turning dry. He still looked mad. Angry and consumed by lust, his eyes blazing darkly as he not so gently pulled Jimin's shirt over his head, then shoved him with a hand to his chest. 
Jimin stumbled back and landed on the bed, not even having realized Jungkook had put him there. Jungkook reached behind him to pull his own shirt over his head. 

A moment of clarity fell over him, Jungkook's touch no longer rendering him completely unable of thought. 
"Look," he croaked out. "I know you're mad. But really, there is nothing going on." 
Jungkook shot him such a dark look, his mouth snapped shut as the younger threw his shirt to the ground angrily. 
"Shut the fuck up, Jimin. I don't wanna hear any more lies. You will tell me the truth."
And there was not an ounce of uncertainty in his voice. Jimin shuddered. He should stop him. He knew he could if he would be able to keep a clear head and tell him to stop. But that was something that was impossible as he watched Jungkook reach into his pocket and pull out the little tube, throwing it on the bed next to him, his eyes still on Jimin. 
"Turn on your stomach." 

The demand slithered over his naked body, dark and sinful, raising the hair on his arms as he gaped at Jungkook. 
But the younger only kept staring him down, the muscles on his chest twitching like he was holding himself back from doing it himself. 

"Turn. Around," He growled demandingly and Jimin swallowed. He shouldn't. There were a thousand reasons he shouldn't. And yet he did, unable to resist the command- the heated eyes on him. Jungkook didn't even wait before he had completely turned as he felt the mattress shift and grown. 
He grabbed Jimin's hips hard, pushing them up, then kicked his legs apart with his knees and with a rough hand to his shoulder blades, his chest and face got pressed down into the sheets. 

Oh mighty heavens, angry Jungkook was unholy and dominant and Jimin love it- moaned into the sheets only because of the way Jungkook put him in position. 

"Now, let's see about how you're gonna keep lying to me," he growled, the hands leaving his body only for a few seconds, before landing his ass cheeks, spreading them and- 

Jimin whimpered, so loud it could be considered a cry, his hands grabbing the sheets beneath him hard as his world exploded in pleasure at the first wet lick against his butthole. 
His mind could not catch up with what Jungkook was doing. He could only feel it- the wet swirls of his tongue, the slight pressure in, Jungkook grabbing his ass so hard it hurt, but only added to the pleasure as he spread him. He felt the tickling of his long black hair on his ass as he buried his head deeper, sucking and licking him like he liked to do against his neck, but the feeling even more intense there.
"Jungkook, please," he moaned out, not sure what he was begging for. This felt amazing. He wanted him to keep doing it, even as he needed more. Closer. He wanted him inside him and be so completely one with him.

The wet pressure disappeared and he wanted to let out a displeased sound, but then groaned instead as Jungkook slapped him- hard and angry, before kissing the same place on his rear, causing a moan to follow.

"Tell me. Tell me what's bothering you and I give you what you want, baby," he breathed into his skin. Tell him...


The shout had only been in his head but his body went rigid, the memory of Seong-Min zapping through him. 

"It's nothing. I just-" 
Jungkook didn't let him finish, snarling angrily before his world spun and he found himself on his back again, the taller covering his body with his own, wrapping his hand around Jimin's throat once more as he hovered just above him, their lips almost touching. 
"Jimin. Tell me. Please." 
And this was worse. Not only his anger, but his desperation. The plea in his eyes to know what was wrong with him. It wasn't fair to do this to him. To make him worry and drive him this insane. 

But he couldn't tell him. 

And Jungkook saw that in his eyes, his decision to keep quiet and his gaze darkened.
"Fine," he growled, grabbing for the tube he'd thrown on the bed and skillfully plopping it open with one hand while he forced Jimin to keep looking at him. Jimin's breathing turned ragged, his lips parted as he was trapped by Jungkook's gaze, a mixture of anger, worry, love and all-consuming want. 
"You remember what you asked of me, Jimin?" he breathed onto his lips while the back of his hand grazed his ankle, slowly making it's way up his leg. 
"You asked me not to let you go."
He grabbed his thigh and pushed it up and to the side, while holding his eyes, like he wanted to see every expression on his face as Jimin realized what he was planning. 

"You asked me to stop you if you ever tried to run away."

He shifted his hips to the other side which meant his leg were spread, exposing him, making him shiver beneath Jungkook's hold, his thoughts mess of want and need. 

"You told me to stay, even when you were scared. And I know you, Jimin. I know something scares you, even though you're not telling me."

This boy- the love and understanding and the willingness to do anything for him. Would it ever not make his heart ache with how much he loved him?

"So I will stay. And I will not let you run." 
His hand slipped beneath his legs, drawing circles against his inner thigh, his fingers slick and sending his heart into over-drive, his body a living flame under his torturing touched as he kept that grip around his neck, making him look at him. 
"And I'm going to prove to you. Every day, I'll prove that I will never stop trying. Never let you go. Never stop loving you."
And then he slid in a finger, slow but deep. Jimin sucked in a sharp, overwhelmed breath at the pleasure while Jungkook released a shuddering one right into his parted lips. 
He did it again, drawing out and pushing in again, catching Jimin's moan with his lips but not kissing him yet, only staring down at him. 

When he pushed in again, a second finger followed, spreading him more. 
They had done a lot of intimate things, but this was nothing compared to it, Jungkook drinking in every reaction his movements caused like he lived off of them, sliding in and out of him, the only other sound besides their heavy breathing. 

"Tell me you understand, Jimin. Tell me that you know I will never stop loving you. That you don't have to be scared." 

Jimin nodded, his focus too distracted by those sinful, unholy fingers inside him. 

"No, tell me. Say it," Jungkook growled and Jimin moaned as he did something utterly pleasurable with his fingers inside him. 
"Yes. Yes I understand," he shouted out and his fingers slid out, only to be replaced by something larger, more demanding. 

Jungkook moaned roughly as he pushed into him, his body trembling, like it was an act of incredible restrain to do so slowly. And then even that restrain broke as he seethed himself inside him with a deep thrust, moaning Jimin's name against his lips. 

The pressure on his neck disappeared and Jungkook used both hands to grab his thighs, pushing them up even as he kept his face close, not letting go of his eyes as he thrust again, making use of Jimin's years of stretching to raise his legs up to his head. And when he moved again, it felt even deeper, Jimin's moans turning rougher, more incontrollable as the younger picked up the pace, his hips pounding into him and yes- Jungkook never made promises he didn't keep. He forgot his own name. He forgot everything as he buried his hands in Jungkook's hair, pulling him down to his lips and kissed him as Jungkook shuddered and moaned into his mouth, his thrust turning wild and frantic as was Jimin's breathing. Oh Gods, nothing would ever make him feel like that. Nothing and no one.

"I love you," Jungkook mumbled in incoherent words over and over again and the tension in Jimin broke, his body vibrating as the force of his release shattered through him. Jungkook thrust one more time, deep and long and came with Jimin's name on his lips, his eyes closed and body shaking as he lost himself to the pleasure. So beautiful. Jungkook was so utterly, breathtakingly beautiful that he couldn't help himself but to reach out and gently tug a strand of black hair behind his ear so he might admire his face more. 

Jungkook's eyes flew open, his breathing still hard and heavy and as they stared at each other, he knew it was more than 'I love you's' that passed between their eyes. This was something words were unable to describe and something that could never be spoken, only experienced. Something rare and special. 
And he felt a flicker of hope rise in him. Because how could even a monster like Seong-Min destroy something like this? And damn him if he wasn't going to fight for it. 
No matter what it would cost him!


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