๐“œ๐”‚ ๐“”๐“ต๐“ฎ๐“ถ๐“ฎ๐“ท๐“ฝ (BNHA x a...

By kokogirl321

342 13 109

Jasmine kayoko wasn't your average happy going teenage girl. At a young age, she faced a bloody traumatizing... More

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38 2 76
By kokogirl321

Life in the orphanage wasn't pleasant for young jasmine. With Jasmine, only happiness killed right in front here. The only thing she had of them was the futon blanket they gave to her on her birthday. Jasmine then started her new life in the orphanage.

"Okay everyone we have a new person joining us" a lady caregiver announced to all the kids who lived in the orphanage who was waiting for Jasmine's arrival. "would you like to introduce yourself" the caregiver hinted looking at Jasmine.

"... "

"Okay I guess your not a talkative one, Her name is Jasmine kayoko please try and treat her well" She introduced to the kids.

"Hi, my name is Sakura let's become friends" A girl with long pink hair tied into pigtails walked up to Jasmine and happily introduced.

"..." Jasmine stayed silent adverting her gaze to the ground trying to avoid eye contact as he gripped her futon blanket.

"Sakura kayoko had a rough day let's give her some space okay," the caregiver told Sakura to try and give Jasmine some space.

"Oh okay. " Sakura Mumbled backing up to give Jasmine some space.

"Come on Kayoko lemme show you your room" The caregiver stated looking down at Jasmine before making her way to Jasmine room

Jasmine quietly followed the care keeper with her bag only carrying on few clothes and her futon blanket in hand

"It looks like another weirdo is joining us," A girl said as they left the room.

"I know right she looked like a ghost" a boy next to her laughed.

Sakura wanted to say something but she just turns her head and kept to herself.


"Good morning Jasmine" My mom greeted me as I came down the stairs ready to go to school.

"Oh hey mom are you about to leave for work"

"In a minute, I wanted to ask you how was your first day of school and work was but you were passed out on your desk" She answered back as he gave Miya her food

"Oh I was researching something on my computer I must have passed out without realizing it" I replied sitting down and starting to eat breakfast

... Hey Jasmine" My mom called out in a quiet tone with her back turned to me

"Yeah? " I hesitantly answered

"Are you into cat cosplay or something?" she asked turning to face me

"What?" I raised a brow surprised at her question.

"Am not trying to judge or anything it's just I didn't think you were into that stuff"  she jabbered waving her arms trying not to judge me if I did.

"Am not" Jasmine answered with food in her mouth "Why do ask"

Well Yesterday when I got home I saw on your computer how to behave like a Neko cat"

"Oh that, that's for my job" I answered unbothered by the search still eating my breakfast.

"Your job?!" I thought you were working as a cafe worker" she blurted out shock by my place of work

"Well apparently it's a character cafe where we have different roles we address the customer, I was just cursed with the role of a Neko cat, so I was just researching so I can play a better act"

"Oh well how bout school how did it go" She eagerly asked changing the subject

"It was okay" I answered in a monotone tone kneeling to pet Miya.

"Tell me about it I wanna hear all the details" she grins sitting down by the table

I then told her about her day at school except leaving the part with the in counter between her and Bakugo

"Did you make any friends?" She happily asked.

"I guess you can so, there this girl name Ochaco Uraraka she said we were friends" I implied placing my dishes in the sink

"You made a friend!" she yelled immediately getting out of her seat and ran to me and began shaking me "am so happy you finally made a friend!"

"Stoop sshhaaakkkinngg meeeee" I declared

"Hehe sorry, my bad" she stopped shaking me letting me go.

"Okay, Well I have to go or I'll be late for school," I told her walking to the door to put my shoes on.

"Okay I think I'll be late from work again today so don't wait for me for dinner" she added

"Okay well am off now" I grabbed my bag "bye Miya I slightly smiled petting my feline friend.

"Have a good day at school" my mom waved. I waved back heading out the door.

I stood at my bus stop which soonly arrived I got to on the bus which to my luck was crowded with no seat available the bus door closed behind me then I stood at an available spot I sighed and pop my earbuds in my ear clicking a random song on my mp3 player

       ♫ What is Jasmine listening to today ♫


(Of the bus on the way to school)

"Get your fresh donuts here fresh out the fryer we have glazed, frosted, sprinkle, filled, long Johns and minis, get them fresh and ready." a street vendor announced to attract customers.

I walked past the donut stand continuing my way to school.


"I would like one long John donut filled with extra strawberry jelly" I ordered with my wallet in hand

" that will be 548.19 yen ($5)" the vendor disclosed

I had him my money and grabbed my donut which was in a white paper bag which covered a little less than half of the donut.

"I know I had breakfast but I couldn't help myself"

Well now I was on my way to school

(in school)

From what I remember English class is first I began to ponder as I enter the school building still munching on my donut. Look like the hallways are crowded, I guess people still need help with where to go now I gotta squish my way through. How annoying" I sighed.

With that, I gripping my donut with my mouth and began squishing through the crowd. I was successfully able to reach the second floor where class 1-A is but to my luck it was also crowded.

"You gotta be kidding me" I deadpan.

With the donut still in my mouth, I squished my way through the crowd that's when someone behind me shoves me trying to move around immediately I front faced into someone back in front of me.


That's when I realized the jelly from the donut began spilling out. It went on my mouth and more on my uniform jacket and a little on my white shirt. I dropped my donut from my mouth as I backed up from the person in front of me. I then looked at my half-eaten donut feeling a sadness of waste of food.

"What a waste"

" Watch where you're going next time-... Did you spill that jelly on my jacket?" a two hair colored guy of red and white turn his head around to face me but stopped his sentence as he saw me staring at my donut on the floor with jelly around my mouth and some on my uniform.

I looked up from my donut to him and looked at the back of his jacket to see a big stain of jelly in it  "it looks like it" I simply inform not bothered by the situation.

He began taking off his jacket and looked at the stain  

"It's going to the trash now" he quietly talked to himself but I was still able to hear.

"That's a waste to throw it away" I added

"... Well I have no choice I can't get rid of the stain" he answered in a monotone tone as he looked at me then at his jacket.

"Just give it here, I could get rid of it I have a way to get rid of stains" I declare also in a monotone tone opening my palm open

"What do you want in return" he quired as he looked at me

"Nothing I just hate seeing things go to waste like my donut" I grabbed my donut off the floor and tossed it into the nearby trashcan. "Just give it here I'll give it to you by tomorrow" I walked to him and grabbed his jacket and placed it on my arm and began walking off to class before pausing and turning back to him

"Actually if you really want to pay me back how about buy me another donut" I suggested

"A donut?"

"Yeah or any food in general I don't mind but you don't have to" I added

"... You have some jelly around your mouth" He pointed out in a monotone tone.

"Oh right let me go and clean myself up" I quietly talked to herself changing direction to the bathroom.

Now that I think about it I think I've seen that guy before but where

I was able to clean myself clean the jelly off my mouth but it wasn't the same for my uniform. I took off my grey jacket but there was still a little red stain on my white shirt.

I guess I shouldn't have gotten extra jam I sighed maybe that's what I get for trying to eat two breakfasts. Wait I didn't ask him what class he's in now am going to have to look over the school for him.

I walk back to class and saw the human with two different hair colored of red and white which resemble a candy cane sitting in the back of the class.

He's in our class?! I seriously need to be more observant

It looks like he noticed my presence, he gave me a short glance before looking back to whatever he was looking at.

"Oi! Move out the way you low life extra!" Bakugo commanded in a harsh voice behind me

"Why are you yelling at 8 in the morning," I asked him with a deadpan look

"Because I can!" he yelled shoving me and walks to his seat"

"How annoying"

with my stained shirt and me and human candy cane jacket hanged on my arm and my bag on the other, I walked to my seat which was next to bakugo.

"What the hell do you think you're doing" Bakugou demanded

"Sitting in my seat, what do you think" I snapped back hanging the jackets on the back of my seat and my bag on the side of my desk.

"Well move seats now!"

"No thanks" I simply reply back sitting in my seat

"I SAID MOVE!!" He rose from his desk and slammed his hand on my desk by now he got everyone's attention in class.

"If you have a problem with me sitting here then you can move your damn self." I looked up to him simpling replying with a hint of annoyance

"If you want one of you can take my seat" Midoriya got out of his seat and nervously suggested trying to break the conflict.



We both answered glancing at Midoriya before glaring back at each other

"Okay then" Midoriya stuttered shuffling back to his seat

Bakugo immediately pulled me out of my seat by my collar.

"Move before I move you myself" he threatened

"Then move me" I coldly responded.

"Cmon bakugo this isn't manly at all" A spiky red-headed guy placed his hand on his shoulder

"Shut up and mind your business!" bakugo yelp making him remove his hand from bakugo

"Do you want to fight or something because every word that comes out your mouth pisses me off!" Bakugo declared turning his direction back to me

"If you want to fight then let's fight because you're also starting to piss me off" I frowned my brows with a small tiny Violet flame began to form in my hand

"EVERYONE IN THEIR SEAT NOW!!!" a loud wave of noise instructed almost busting my eardrums. Bakugo immediately let go of my collar and placed his hands on his ears, I stumbled back with my flame disappearing as I also placed my hand in my ears.

The sudden voice came from our English teacher president Mic.

"Everyone in their seat class has begun" he spoke in a way quieter voice than before "and if I see you two fighting again I might just have to give you detention."

"Tsk" bakugo cursed walking aggressively back to his seat I just simply sat down like nothing happened and class began fixing my collar to how it was before.



It was finally lunchtime, the lunchroom was also crowded.

What's with it being always crowded

I grabbed my tray making sure I grabbed one of everything and surprisingly it was pretty cheap. With my full heavy tray, I looked around for at least an empty seat. Before I could I heard my name.

"Jasmine over here!"

I turn my head to the familiar voice calling my name and it was Ochaco sitting with Midoriya and Iida. I went over to the table and sat next to Midoriya they immediately looked over my tray of food.

"Wow, Jasmine you really have a big appetite" Ochaco nervous smiled.

"Yeah, it will be a waste not to eat all the food here that's available to eat especially when it's this cheap" I simply explain taking my chopsticks and breaking them apart.

"Are you really going to be able to eat all that" Ochaco asked

"Yeah" I nodded not really seeing the big issue

"Is eating a lot of food part of your quirk" Midoriya quired pulled out his notebook if it was

"I won't really say so, my quirk drains my energy when I use it for a certain amount so I immediately get exhausted to the point of collapsing so I regained my energy by sleeping but eating could to but I just mostly eat for enjoyment." I simply replied grabbing a bowl of rice about to eat.

"Interesting" Midoriya mumbled writing in his journal like he found a new discovery.

"It's not good to eat this much food you must have a healthy and balanced meal!" Iida firmly insisted chopping the air with his hand.

"No thanks, food is food whether healthy or not big or small."

With that, I took a bite of rice

It's so good

I immediately began scruffing down my food I couldn't control myself.

Are they gourmet cooks back there

I didn't notice how Ochaco Iida and Midoriya and a few others around me were staring at me in shock.

"Jasmine slow down you might choke!" Iida declare


5 minutes later and I finished my whole feast.

"Sorry, it looks like I lost control" I simply apologize in a monotone tone placing my chopsticks on my tray.

Midoriya and Ochaco were still trying to process what happened when Iida began lecturing me on how unsafe that was.

"I'm going to get a second plate" I interrupted his lecture getting up with my tray.



As time went on it was finally our last class hero basic training we all sat in our seats waiting for a teacher to arrive bakugo still pissed about me having to sit next to him but I could care less

"I AM HERE..."

is that

"COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO"  all might announced busting through the door definitely like a hero. Everyone began talking with each other excited to see all might.

"So he really is a teacher. I've always been a fan of all might I really admire his heroism and how he is the symbol of peace protecting everyone he can, kind of the same hero I want to be" while pondering I didn't realize I was smiling.

"Tsk Are you really excited about him?" bakugo sucked his teeth.

My smile dropped and looked at bakugo "so what if I am don't be mad because no one is excited when you walk through the room"

A big tick mark appeared on this forehead.

"Welcome to the most important class of UA high here you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight in the name of good. All might announced to the class "Let's get to it! Today will begin fight training!

I guess I should have excepted this from UA

"One of the keys of being a hero isssss looking good, this was the design on your quirk regression form, put on your costume and meet me at ground beta!" all might instruct when a bunch of suitcases with numbers came out the walls.

Yes Sir!


After sometime later we appeared by the gates of the training arena. Ground beta was modeled like a city for us to train for if they were any villain incidents in the city

(What we rocking with)

I changed into my costume glad to be out of my stained shirt My costume... Well, I kinda liked my costume it almost covers me which I liked except it was skin tight and a little bit too tight...around the wrong places. I wore a simple short purplish-black bodysuit with the element symbol of air, water, earth, and fire across down my chest with arm-length gloves and thigh-high socks. I made the fabric to be flexible so I could move around. I also made a key important make the fabric fireproof my fire was hotter than normal fire the temperature being around 1400°C (2552°F). Being so why I don't use my fire quirk a whole lot so I wanted to make sure my hero costume could withstand the heat before turning to ash. I also had a belt made of water balls around my waist, I also had two bracelets made of water one on each wrist, and two anklets made of water one on each ankle. I made this part of my costume because out of all my elements water was limited to me I need some source of water to be able to use the waterside of my quirk so I added them in case I didn't have water resources and really needed water.


"Okay mom am off," I told my mom putting on my shoes in front of the door

Where you going off to" she asked as she slid out of the kitchen.

"Am going to turn in my quirk regression form" I answered showing her the envelope.

"You already designed your costume, oo let me see" she beamed walking towards me

"Do I have to" I slightly pouted as I dropped my shoulder.

"Of course young lady" she smiled "now cmon give it here" opening her palm in front of me

I sighed and placed the envelope in her palm she opened it and began to examine it

"Not bad but it soo bland don't you wanna add some banash to it to make it really pop" she happily suggested

"No, "  I deadpan

"C, mon don't you wanna stand out sparkle from the crowd that they can't keep their eyes off you"

"That sounds like a nightmare I rather blend in the crowd"

She sighs placing the paperback in the envelope "it was worth a try I already knew you were going to say no you were never that type of person to try to stand out" she then gave me back the envelope. "Anyway can you buy eggs on your way back"

"Sure I answered"

"And just eggs to don't bye almost the whole snack aisle like last time okay?" she smiled with a dark aura around her as she squeezed my hand where she gave me the money.

"Yeah... I won't " I nervously smiled

                           FLASHBACK OVER

Looking around my classmates I could tell my costume was clearly simpler.

"Awesome costume Jasmine I love it," Ochaco compliment walking towards me.

"Oh really thanks I like yours to it's really unique"

"It not that unique it just a little something I came up with" Ochaco slightly blushed rubbing the back of her hair looking away

"Those Icons on your costume what does it mean?" Ochaco quired

"Its icons of my quirk that I made up" I simply replied

"Your quirk? I thought it was just air controlling or something, what exactly is your quirk" Ochaco asked in curiosity

"My quirk is a 4 in 1- is that Midoriya?" I tilted my head to see behind Ochaco to get a better view of Midoriya.

"Where" she hummed turning around

"Hey Deku!" She waved running towards him while I quietly walked after her.

"I love your costume not too flashy it's kinda simple. like Jasmine's" Midoriya immediately blushed through his costume as he stared at both of our costumes

"I wish I was more detailed with my costume I didn't expect it to be skin-tight" I crossed my arms and sighed

"Yeah same here it's not really my style guess we have something in common" ochaco nervously laughed rubbing the back of her hair.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed human candy cane from earlier where I bumped into him and spilled my jelly-filled donut on this blazer it still kinda hurt I wasted a good donut and money. He had on his costume and was staring into space his costume was all white with half of it covered in ice. He caught me staring as he looked in my direction.

I didn't break eye contact with him we both stared at each other, I tried to break eye contact but I couldn't like a pause between us but it didn't last long as I finally broke eye contact and faced ochaco and Midoriya again "why was I staring at him for so long it's like my eyes couldn't move, weird"

All might started talking about the intrusion for today

"Now that you're ready it's time for combat training!"

"Sir! this is the fake city from our entrance exam does this mean we be conducting urban battles again," Iida asked as he raised his hand.

So this is where everyone else did their entrance exam

"Not quite am going to move you guys two steps ahead I will spilt you guys into a team of two of good guys and bad guys" All might clarified

"Isn't this a little but advance?" a green-haired girl that kinda looks like a frog asked as she tilted her head

"The best training is what you get on the battlefield but this time you can't just punch a robot. This time you facing actual people"

"Sir will you be the one deciding who wins," I think a girl name Yaoyorozu asked

"How much can we hurt them" bakugo joins in

"Will we be kicked out like with mr. Aizawa" Ochaco also added

"How will we be split up"

"Isn't this cape sparkling"

"I wasn't finished talking" All might grunted then pulls out a notebook which was really small compared to his big hands and began reading from it.

"Must be his script

"The situation is the villains has hidden a missile somewhere in their hideout the Hero's must foul out their plan the hero must either capture the weapon or capture both the villains likewise the villains will win if they can protect their weapon or capture the hero. Time-limited so will choose teams by lots, since there is an odd number one team is going to have three people" All might explain to the class

"Isn't there a better way" Iida suggested

"Think about heroes have to team up with pros all the time so that's why we're seeing it here and since it's so random is not always an even amount of people" Midoriya reassured him

"Ah, I see sorry for my rudeness" Iida bowed in apology

"No sweat let's start making teams!"

We began being put into a team the team I was, was team B with a person named shoji and of course, candy can man whose name is Todoroki.

why do I keep encountering him today at least I finally know his name and can stop calling him candy can man.

In our team, we were the heroes and battling against team I the villains. One was invisible and the other had a tail the invisible is going to be a problem since I can't see them.

The first team going up was team A the heroes Ochaco and Midoriya and they were going against team D the villains Bakugo and Iida

"... What a strange coincidence"


We all began to make our way to the basement to watch the fight on my way I passed Ochaco

"Good luck with your fight Jasmine!" she cheered smiling at me.

"But am not fighting now you are" I quired

"Yeah but I still wanna wish you luck you're next anyway"

"Oh well good luck to you too Ochaco" I wished her luck

"I will just watch me okay" she smiled flexing her muscle before heading off to Midoriya.

I paused a bit before heading to the basement.

"A surprising attack what type of man pulls a cheap crap like that."  The same spiky redhead kid who tried to stop me and bakugo fight from earlier stated from bakugo trying to sneak attack Midoriya his name was Kirishima

" I would have done the same thing too I thought as I deadpan

"But it didn't work though he dodges it" A pink skin girl name mina commented "Look there he goes"

On the screen, bakugo runs straight to Midoriya yelling something probably threatening at him as bakugo was about to attack Midoriya grabs bakugo by his arm and flung him over his back

Even I was shocked I wasn't expecting that

Idk if you guys could tell but jasmine is definitely a food acholic lol also did y'all catch her little catchphrase she keeps saying.
Hope you enjoy this chap(●ε●)ゝᶜⁱᵃᵒ

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