[DISCONTINUED] Reincarnated:...

By BowBeforeAnimeBi-

140K 6.6K 3.5K

A young boy is seen crossing the street when suddenly the infamous truck-sama strikes again! Sike! you though... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16.5
Sorry (Because I am so Indecisive)
I bet y'all are tired of this
This is not a Chapter ❤️

Chapter 13

3.8K 230 73
By BowBeforeAnimeBi-

3rd Person POV

A maid opens the door to the Azuree Manor. "Apologies Young Lady Puissante. But neither my master nor mistress are available at the moment." Says the maid as Viola only looks at her indifferently. "There seems to be a misunderstanding. I am here to see Young Lord James." Says Viola as the maid only looks at the girl with slight pity. "I am afraid he is also not available at the moment." Says the maid.

"I see." Says Viola plainly. "Jaune, take me to Lady Azuree." Says Viola indifferently as the butler accompanying her bows, "As you wish Young Miss." He says as he opens the doors to the manor. The maid who had opened the door steps back in shock as the butler makes way for Viola. "W-wait! Stop! You are trespassing on the Azuree Manor!" She yells as the other maids and butlers turn toward Viola and a few guards begin to surround her. "*Sigh* what a nuisance." Says Viola as she swiftly rushes underneath the guards' weapons and runs up the stairs of the manor, Jaune takes advantage of the guards' shock and steps in front of the stairs ready to hold off the guards for as long as he can for his young miss to reach Lady Azuree.

The guards snap out of their shock and rush to stop the young lady. Jaune can only hold them back for a few seconds. Fortunately, Viola has already reached the top of the staircase despite her impractical dress and is rushing towards Lady Azuree's office as quickly as she can.

The moment she reaches the office, she rushes inside while closing the door on the guards' faces.

Lady Azuree looks at the girl, startled, while Viola sighs and composes herself as the guards enter the office and surround Viola pointing their weapons at her. "I apologize for such a rude entry Lady Azuree. But I must speak with you." Says Viola calmly as Lady Isabelle looks at her shocked. 'This girl, she is nothing like her mother...' Thinks Lady Isabelle as she composes herself. "You are not welcome here Miss Puissante, I am afraid you must leave." Says Lady Isabelle with resentment in her eyes at what said girl put her son through.

"I am afraid that is not possible Lady Azuree. I have come to see James, and no one will stop me... Not even you." Says Viola seriously as Lady Isabelle glares at her. 'This brat! She may not act like Victoria but her attitude is a spitting image of that stubborn viper.' Thinks Isabelle as she nods towards the guards. The guards begin to close in on Viola.

"Please." Says Viola in an uncharacteristically pleading voice. This catches Lady Azuree's attention. "Please, just listen to what I have to say, Duchess Azuree." Says Viola as she bows to Lady Isabelle.

Lady Isabelle looks at the girl shocked. 'If I have learned anything from the years I have spent with Victoria, it is that her pride may be unrivaled, but she would use any tactic in her arsenal to get her way. However... If Viola is truly like her mother, she has no reason to be here in person... Especially not for such petty revenge...' Thinks Lady Isabelle.

Lady Isabelle raises her hand to stop the guards from closing in on Viola. "What must you say that is so urgent?" Asks Isabelle with a cold gaze. "I am aware that you must be furious at my mother and I for what happened during the announcement. However..." Says Viola as she raises her head to meet Lady Azuree's gaze.

"I... I am... worried." Says Viola, her eyes showing pain and concern. "James has not been seen since the announcement, and I am worried. He is a dear friend to me, no matter what may have happened before. So I beg of you Duchess Azuree, please allow me to talk to him." Says Viola as she bows her head once more.

Lady Isabelle looks at the girl stunned, 'James is vulnerable right now. Letting this little devil's spawn see him would be incredibly foolish. And I would never allow for any harm to befall my precious son. Yet...'




"I will allow it." Says Lady Isabelle, incredibly dejectedly. At this Viola raises her head in shock and a bit of hope. Lady Isabelle seeing her gaze can only sigh. "I have not been able to talk to him, he has locked himself in his room and refuses to open the door or even say a word to anyone. I too am worried. I doubt he would answer to you, but there is a chance he might... you two have always been close... or so I thought... I do not know anymore." Says Lady Azuree as she mumbles the last part in pained sorrow.

"But know this." Says Lady Azuree with a chilling glare that could bring anyone to their knees. "If you dare to so much as upset my beloved son. You will Not leave this manor in one piece and you will face the consequences of so much as showing yourself before me. Do you understand Viola?" Says Lady Azuree in a chillingly dangerous voice that Viola had never even thought possible to belong to the Duchess. 

"Y-Yes Lady Azuree." Says Viola, her hand trembling as she hides it a bit and tries to hold a brave front the best she can. "Alright then, Daisy, escort Miss Viola to James' room." Says Lady Azuree, her dark aura now disappearing in the blink of an eye, much to Viola's relief. "Right away Lady Azuree." Says the maid, escorting Viola to James's room.

'It seems that I have encountered a new person to be weary of. Thankfully my mother is a bit scarier than her, so I didn't crumble under her gaze. Otherwise things might have taken a turn for the worse.' Thinks Viola with a small shiver of fear as she walks towards James' room.

James' POV

'It's been some time... Since that incident.' Thinks James hugging his pillow close underneath the covers on his bed, having just woken up from passing out due to lack of sleep, his thoughts not leaving him alone for long enough for him to have some peace of mind to sleep otherwise. 

'They must know by now... No. They all know at this point, right? ... Yes, everyone knows... Viola surely told them... I humiliated her after all ... Even if Viola didn't say anything, surely Victoria made sure it got out... They were both extremely vengeful in the game after all...' Thinks James bitterly as he begins to tear up, the memories of his past life reminding him of what is sure to come.

'I'll get executed ... I wouldn't put it past nobles of this era to behead me for such a thing ... my family will fall to ruin. My kind mother will hate me. My "friends" will hate me. I guess things will be much worse for me now than they were in my past life...' Thinks James somberly as he hugs his pillow tighter.

'Even if I'm not killed.

I will be banished.

Even if my status as heir to the duke of the west somehow allows me to live.

My future from now on will be absolute hell.

I will be alone again.'

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* 

3rd Person POV

The light knock on the door catches James' attention for a split second since no one has visited him for a long time now, but he doesn't want to talk to anyone so he ignores it and continues to dread his future... Until...

"J-James? Are you alright?" Asks a meek voice. No one would have guessed who the holder of such a frail voice was, except that James knew. He knew well who the voice belonged to, but he didn't want to see her, he didn't want to speak to her, he didn't even want to hear her name.


"What am I even saying... Of course you are not alright... But... *Sigh*" Viola sounds surprisingly... human. This girl he feared so deeply and even cursed her out in his head out of frustration. She sounded so... human. No petty façade, no arrogant aura, no ulterior motives... at least he hoped so...

"James. I... *Sigh*... You... UGH!" James now hears a loud thud on his door which startles him making him jump out of his covers. 'Did she just... punch my door?' He thinks now giving Viola's odd behavior his full attention.

"OK, I am done with this. Formal language is a nuisance and honestly, I have no idea what to say to you right now... I have no idea how I can possibly try to comfort you, I have never had to deal with this before, I have not even met someone like you James." Says Viola bluntly in a frustrated voice as James only looks down in shame.

"However!" Yells Viola, effectively startling James once more. "You are the second person that I have ever met in my life, that is willing to accept me for who I am. And you are my very first true friend." At this James perks up from staring at the ground and looks at his door surprised.

"I do not know if you even consider me your friend. I do not even think we are close enough to be considered friends in general... Even so, I consider you my friend. And I would never want to hurt you. I do not wish to lose you..." Says Viola bitterly.

"I... I do not care who you like... I do not care what you like, I do not care about any of that... you are a wonderful person, and... A-and... I just want to be friends... I want to know you better... I want to be here for you... I... I want... to trust you... And... If you wish to... I would like for you to trust me." Says Viola as her voice cracks at the end.

Immediately after Viola finishes speaking James' door bursts open, causing Viola who had been leaning her head on the door, after having slammed it there in frustration, to fall forward due to the door opening. However, she soon began to fall back as James tackled her into a hug.

Viola is left stunned on the floor as James bawls his eyes out on her shoulder. His tears staining her dress a bit as he sobs bitterly, hugging her tightly, seeking any form of comfort from her, any reassurance to put his fears at ease, even if just for now. This goes on for a few seconds, until Viola snaps out of her shock and hesitantly places her hand on his back, rubbing comforting circles, trying her best to comfort him in his time of need.

"Y-you *sniff* really m-mean what you said... r-right? *sniff*" Asks James in a hopeful yet hesitant voice. Viola pulls away from the hug and stares at him, seeing the tears pouring down his face, his eyes all red and puffy, his nose runny and his breath hitching from all the crying he's been doing lately. Viola takes a deep breath. "I meant every word." She says as she stares straight into James' eyes with seriousness and genuine sincerity.

'She... doesn't seem to be lying... but...'

"Do *sob* Do others know?" Asks James as he looks to the floor anxiously. Viola looks at him puzzled. "D-did you tell anyone... that I... I don't like girls?" Asks James hesitantly. Viola's eyes widen in shock. "Of course not! That is not information for me to tell regardless! That is for you to decide James." Says Viola with an upset look, a pout making it's way to her features and her eyebrows furrowing in distaste from the outrageous accusation. James has a small smile after hearing this but frowns slightly at the thought of telling others.

"I-I... I don't want to tell anyone... they'll just judge me and hate me... they might even execute me... or banish me, or bring my family to ruin or-" Says James as his anxiety grows more and more. "James." Says Viola firmly as she places a hand on his shoulder. James gasps, being snapped out of his rant, and looks up at her with anxious eyes. "None of that will happen. I will not allow it." Says Viola with a serious look as James continues to stare at her in surprise.

"I... I am sure you are already aware." Starts Viola hesitantly with a wavering voice, she sighs and regains her confident tone once more. "But, my mother has a vast amount of influence in high class society! And needless to say, as her daughter... so do I." Says Viola cockily with a sly smirk in attempts to lighten the mood a bit. At this James looks at her shocked. "W-wait, you don't mean-" Begins James but is interrupted by Viola. "I will protect you James, you are my friend after all. I will make sure that at the very least in high society, you are protected! ... You won't have to stand on your own..." Says Viola with a proud smirk that morphs into a gentle smile at the end. James looks up at her with sparkly and teary eyes, filled with warmth after hearing Viola's words.

"Violaaaaa!!!" He yells as he tackles her in another hug. "Ack! J-James! Please do not do that so suddenly!" Says Viola as she tries to keep herself and James from falling back to the floor.

James laughs happily as he looks up at Viola with a cheerful smile. Seeing this Viola blushes a bit and smirks. Viola then suddenly starts to tickle James as the two children begin to playfully tease and mess around to clear the formerly somber atmosphere.

'I am no longer alone'

Time Skip

James saw Viola out after she insisted on him leaving his gloomy and messy room. All of the maids and butlers stared at him as the young master they had been worrying so much about walked in the halls as if he hadn't been locked in his room for weeks. James, feeling self-conscious because of their stares only lowered his gaze and stiffly walked close to Viola as he held the hem of her sleeve like a young child.

"Lesson One." James heard as he looked up at Viola who continued looking ahead confidently. "Keep your head up and shoulders back." She said as she stopped walking, causing James to bump into her, and she turned to James, lifting his chin and straightening his back.

At this James looks at her puzzled. "*Sigh* you may have the basics of etiquette down. However, you are far from looking like the heir to an Earl, much less a Duke... And although I will do my absolute best to protect you. Your reputation also depends on your behavior. I will stand by you. Not for you." Says Viola with a serious gaze as she lightly scolds James while he looks down in embarrassment.

"What did I say just now?" Asks Viola as James looks up at her questioningly. "*Sigh* Your posture James." She says with a tinge of annoyance as she lifts his chin up and straightens his back once more. James only blushes in embarrassment. "From now on I will not only protect you from the merciless social life of a noble, but I will also teach you how to hold your own." Says Viola as James looks at her surprised. "I will protect you to the best of my abilities. However, as the first born son of the Duke of the West you will face  countless hardships, not only petty rumors and gossip, but also assassination attempts, and much more." Says Viola seriously as James looks at her nervously, suddenly stricken with a different kind of fear.

"I'll do it." Says James as Viola looks at him curiously. "I'll learn to carry my own weight... So please teach me Viola." Says James determinedly. Viola smiles at him and nods.

"Lesson Two, walk gracefully." Says Viola as she fixes James' posture once more and shows him how to walk. "Firm steps, swift movements, and a confident demeanor. There is a difference between stiff and firm, remember that. Your goal is to exude power, let everyone around you know, that you could destroy them where they stand with a simple look." Says Viola with a growing smirk as James looks at her with a deadpan stare. She chuckles nervously, "Or... so I have been told."

James takes a deep breath as he walks confidently down the hall, firm steps hitting the pristine carpet as his face holds an blank poker-faced look with an aura of power and status.

 Viola stares at him with a calculative look slowly turning into a slight glare. "D-did I do it right?" Asks James as he now stands in front of Viola who holds a small glare at the floor. James seeing this thinks he messed up and grows nervous.

'Damn these noble children and their natural born talents.' Thinks Viola as she curses at how long it took for her to be able to "walk like a lady".

"Needs work." Says Viola with a blank poker face as she turns around to continue walking to the entrance of the manor.

"Ah! wait!" Says James as he speed walks after her while trying to also walk as Viola taught him.

Time Skip

As Viola walks up to the entrance of her manor, a serious and calculative look comes over her features. 'If I am truly to protect James, I will need to learn as much as possible... from the only person who could undermine any rumor or standard... the one person that can lie through her teeth without a second thought and no one would ever suspect a thing... the witch that could destroy a noble family on a whim by sheer rumors alone...' Thinks Viola with slight fear in her eyes.

'I suppose I must surrender to your every whim for the time being... Mother.' Thinks Viola cautiously with a tinge of bitterness.

'And to think I used to be eager for her teachings and approval... I wonder if I truly am in the wrong here...' Thinks Viola with uncertainty tugging at her conscience.

While she walks by her father's office on her way to her mother's office, she hears clear arguing from the inside. "Ah right... I forgot about the mess I left behind... Things have gotten more complicated than intended. I let my emotions get the better of me... *Sigh* Mother must teach me how to plot better, all these mistakes in my plans are giving me a headache." Thinks Viola as she dejectedly knocks on her father's office awaiting to enter the hurricane she herself unleashed upon her family.

At the same time in the Azuree Manor

["I am here. I will always be here for you."]

 James walks to his mother's office nervously as he remembers the times she has tried to talk to him through his bedroom door. 'Mom... I pushed you away even though you support me... Ugh why am I like this?' Thinks James as he reaches his mother's office.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in" Lady Isabelle says. James slowly enters the office as Lady Isabelle looks up at the person who just entered.

"What do y-" She cuts herself off as she sees her son standing before her. She looks at him shocked as James nervously fidgets under her gaze. She stands up immediately and firmly walks up to him. James, already being nervous only grows more anxious.

She hugs him. Lady Azuree hugs her son tightly as she begins to tear up. James, being shocked at first, eases into the hug and slowly hugs her back. "I-I was so worried." Says Lady Azuree as a soft sob interrupts her. James only looks down, now realizing how much his mom worried over him. 'I put everyone through a lot...' He thinks as he remembers Viola's pained look, and the shocked yet relieved look of his maid Anne when she saw him walking down the halls. 

"I'm sorry." Says James as Isabelle pulls away from the hug. "No no no, James. You don't have to apologize for anything! I-I am sorry! For the arranged marriage, for not even asking you about it. I just thought... I'm sorry! I wish I could have done more for you I-" Lady Azuree is cut off by James hugging her tightly.

"You've done more than enough mom... Thank you." Says James as Lady Azuree hugs James close.

'That's right... I was never alone... Not even before all this... Right?  Kaa-san.' 

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