Narutoxblackgirl reader

By xnarum_ix

56.1K 1.8K 610

✨I do not own characters nor pictures✨ You and naruto are best friends what happens when he leave the village... More

Stubborn Nobu
Wash day
Yasushi Sasaki
Yasushi Sasaki pt2
New comrade
Run away bride
Hinata rescue mission
Touching one's heart
Tailed beast dream
Festival Time
Our last chapter
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
⚠️New Book⚠️


1.6K 60 5
By xnarum_ix

Y/N POV. (Month later)
On days like this i wish i did have parents. Ones that wake me up with a Happy Birthday. Ones that'll buy me a little cake and i get to blow the candles out. Ones who just simply show me love the type of love a loving parent shows to its child.

I got out of bed,did my regular morning routine you know. "Hmm should i style my braids differently today." I say to myself looking in the mirror. I chose to put my braids in 2 low ponytails and with 2 front pieces on each side hanging out. There we go.

I reported to Tsunade's office because i was called for a mission. I usually like going on missions but its my birthday. This time i had a mission in- "what  Tsunade i have to deliver this to where?!" I says

"Its just a little home thats outer the leaf village, you need to give the lady this note." Tsunade says sitting in her chair.

"But cant you send genin or something." I groan.

"No, now if you do this now you will more than likely be back before sundown." Tsunade says.

"Well, okay" i say exiting the room.

Tsunade's POV.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Shizune says holding Tonton in her arms.

"Yes, trust in Naruto this is his plan." Tsunade says.

As i began leaving the village what mainly crossed  my mind is did Naruto forget my birthday? Hm if i move faster maybe i can get there quicker, i thought. I start picking up my speed moving from tree to tree.

Naruto POV.
"Okay Sakura are you ready to help me make the cake?" I say

"Mhm." Sakura says

"Well lets do this, its going to be the best birthday
Y/N could ever ask for!" I exclaim with my thumb up.

"Come on Naruto stop joking around we have to make this special for her."

Time skip. Y/N POV.
"So is this the place?" I say to my self. I knock on the door, there was no answer.

"Im out here darling." An elderly woman voice says.

The woman opened up a the gate "come on in." She says.

I walked in to see she had been gardening. She had beautiful flowers in the ground.

"Oh um, this was the letter the hokage told me to give you." I say

"Thank you darling, would you like to come in for tea." She says.

" Sorry i should really get going." I say

"It wont take long some nice tea for all your troubles in coming here." The woman says.

Well i couldnt turn her down now "well sure." I follow her inside and sit down as she makes it.

Little time skip.
"It looks about done." She says walking my tea to me.

"Thank you." I say

"You know you are a gorgeous young women." The woman says i guess trying to make conversation.

"I try my best." I say jokingly.

"You must certainly have a boyfriend do you." She says.

I almost choked on my tea from her straight forward question out of no where. "No, i dont have a boyfriend or nothing like that." I say honestly.

"Oh my, well there must be someone i can tell." The woman says sipping her tea.

"Wellll." I say making my voice higher each letter. "There is this one guy... we're best friends, and he got back not to long ago from a little journey with his sensei. And i kinda starting to get feelings for him, but not regular feelings i think i love him. But then again i could just be trippin and im too 'young' to be in love anyways." I say

"Your never to young for love dear. I fell in love at 15,     we'd been friends since we were born. I always had a little crush in him. But he was one of those oblivious boys, he also always managed to get in trouble. But one day before i could tell him he died. I always replay that day in my head." She says

Not sure what to really say im not to good at comforting people. "Im sorry for your loss." I say

"Oh no need to worry he died a long time ago, i just wish i told him sooner." She says then smile.

It went silent for a while, and i realized it was time for me to start heading back. "Well, i think its time for me to leave." I say standing up.

"Your right, i still have to finish my garden anyway." She tries to get up but looks as if she was struggling.

"Do you need help." I say offering.

"I got it, you know i used to be a ninja but old age  caught up with me."   She says getting up and laughing. She walks me back through the gate. "I hope to see you soon." She says

"Same here." I smile. "Wait whats your name?" I say

"Shigemi." She smiles. "How about you darling."

"The name's Y/N" i say

Time skip.
As i walked into the village gates the men standing near the gates greet me, and i of course greet them back.

"There ya go Y/N" Pervy sage says coming up to me.

"You were looking for me." I say.

"Oh you did something new with your hair, i like it." He says "oh and come Naruto and Sakura are in trouble." He says

"Where" i say turning on my sharingan.

"This way." As we ran through the village all i could think about is getting there in time. Pervy sage then went into some type of restaurant.

"Pervy sage, i thought we were gonna go help Naruto and Sakura why are we in a restaurant?" I say looking at him confused and deactivating my sharingan.

"Turn your head kid." He laughs

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouts and jump out.

I look in shock everyone was here even Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro. Also all my friends from the leaf. I didn't think anyone even remembered.

"Are you surprised Y/N?" Naruto says putting his arm around me.

"Very." I say still shocked.

"Well come on." Naruto says leading me to the table.

I sat down and everyone started wishing me happy birthday.

"Congratulations Y/N, i remember when you were just a genin!" Gai sensei says with tears coming down.

"Gai sensei stop crying on her!" Tenten says

We sat around the table having a great time.

Time skip.
"Time for gifts." Naruto says

"You guys didnt have to get me anything." I say

"We had to" Ino says.

"Yea you've been a great friend to all of us." Says Choji.

"Its only right we did, you and Naruto showed me the light and thanks to you two i am out the darkness, so this is my way of repaying you." Gaara's cold yet warming voice says.

"Oh and kid i got you one of the secret, still under construction make out series." Pervy sage says handing me the book.

I took in the sight of everyone being here. "I truly thank you guys so much" i say

"Are you ready for the cake, its special and home made by me and Sakura." Naruto says sitting it down in front of me.

"It actually doesnt look bad." I say.

"Just put the candles in." Naruto says in a jokingly defensive tone to my statement.

I put in the candles, as they all sing happy birthday i smile mainly because i dont know what to do when so many eyes are looking at me and it low key makes me nervous.

"Make a wish" Sakura says.

I wish to-

Naruto POV. (Time skip.)
I like seeing Y/N happy it makes me happy as well. But she sure did take her precious time making a wish, i wonder what she wished for.

When me and her finally got to my house i had just remembered that i forgot to give her my gift.

"Y/N" i say

"Wassup?" she says sitting down on the bed.

"I forgot to give you your gift." I say reaching in my pocket. When i got it and opened it, it revealed the bracelet i got her and myself. One bracelet has her initial and the other has mine.

She looked in awe. "And when you put them close enough to each other they come together like this." I says showing a demonstration.

"Naruto they're beautiful." She says

I say beside her and got her arm and put the one with my initial on her and she put her initial on me. "This way whenever we're alone and not together we'll have the bracelets to remind us we'll always be together." I say smiling.

"Naruto, i cant thank you enough." I say hugging him. I hate crying in front of people, but Naruto isn't just 'people' so i let it all out.

"No need to cry." Naruto says in a way to comfort and has his arms wrapped around me.

After a couple of more minutes of me crying it was about time to go to bed. I have things at Naruto's place so i did my regular night routine then put on my bonnet getting ready for bed.

Me and Naruto laid in the bed facing each other with comfortable silence til' i broke it.
"I think I'm going go take my braids out tomorrow." I say.

"Can i help." Naruto says with excitement.

"Do you still remember how to do it?" I say

"Of course." Naruto says confidently.

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