Au: Ended the connection

By Fanmadestory123

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In this timeline, somemon is trying to connect the time line together, but this is where it end. Somemon have... More

Part 2

Part 1

720 10 3
By Fanmadestory123

In the morning.
Trace: Look like it's just our building.
Black: Yeah, I'm surprised you can stay up?
Trace; What can I say? I have been doing this many times.
Black; oh... But you need sleep.
Trace; I'm almost done, then I will.
Black: Alright. Hm? Oh hey...
Pearl: Hey...
Black: ... I show you where the kitchen is.
Pearl: Okay...
Trace: ...

In the kitchen.
Pearl: Wow.
Black: ... Sorry, you and your family got involved.
Pearl; Black...
Black: I'll promise it to be all over, and your family will be safe.
Pearl: Black...
Blaze: Pearl you up.
Pearl: Mom.
Brian: Come here black.
Pearl: Dad wait-
Black: It is okay. *Follow Brian*

Brian: Why, is this happening?
Black: I'm not sure.
Brian: What do you mean, this should not happen?
Black: ... Speed bring the bomb to the tower and it got destroyed, but there was another one that non of us know about.
Brian: ... Why are you allow-
Black: I wasn't, I was not strong enough. Speed was allowed.
Brian: Why him?
Black: They want strong mon, and since speed was the champion, he was allowed.
Brian: ... So we just stay here?
Black: Yes. We making weapons, armor to protect you all.
Brian: Are you even scared?
Black: I am.
Brian; ...
Bolt; Brian, take it easy.
Brian: ... Fine.
Bolt: Black...
Black: It okay, you don't want t talk to me, but right now, i need to help trace.
Bolt: ... Alight.
Black left.
Brian: Bolt, why are you so calm?
Bolt: I'm not... I'm worried...
Brian: ... Let's help them.
Bolt: Agreed.

Sunshine: Will daddy be okay?
Trace; Just tired.
Lazuli: He could have sleep.
Trace: Speed wanted this to be over.
Crystal: Speed...
Flare: Hey.
Black: Trace, how the weapon?
Trace; Almost done.
Black: Good. Any clue where the nest is?
Trace: All I know is in the underground.
Black: I see... Is there any way to make that bomb again?
Trace; There is but...
Black: but what?
Trace; The energy orb is in speed armor, but he loses it.
Black: ... Then what the plan?
Trace: I don't know.
Lazuli: Armor? But we just saw it on vacation?
Trace; No the first, but since I can't track it down, it impossible to find it.
Leaf: (Armor...)
Mollie: *Cary speed* I'll take him to bed.
Trace: Yeah, go ahead. *Yawn*
Crystal: Go sleep trace.
Tace; No I'll be-
Crystal: Now!
Trace; Y-yes!

Later a few days have passed the adult got the info knowing what had happened before.
Trace: It not working!
Speed: We need more.
Black: How there no more left.
Trace: Speed, you need to remember where your old armor is.
Speed; It in the forest but far away.
Lazuli: Armor... I-is the color yellow?
Speed: ... Yes? How did you know that?
Black: How did you?
Lazuli: ... leafy and I find it, it in our cave.
Speed: Cave... Where?
Lazuli; Terra town, but outside of it. You can even see Snow mountain.
Speed; Got it.
Sunshine: Don't go!
Speed; it is okay.
Trace: Here take this.
Speed; No need.
Lazuli: I'm coming. It is fest to show you.
Speed; No you-
Lazuli: Speed, listed! I'm going! You know I'm strong.
Speed; ... Fine. Take the weapon you going to need it.
Bolt: I'm coming.
Speed: No, I know you older than me sir. But it best if you stay and learn about the device.
Brian: ... He's right.
Bolt; I know.
Mollie; Please be careful.
Speed; I will.
Leaf: Sis, please.
Lazuli: it is alright leafy.
Leaf: ... Okay.
Crystal; Speed, we know you are fine. But lazuli. She-
Speed; I won't let her get hurt. You know that.
Crystal: I know.
Rin: ...
Blaze: ... Trace is there anything we can do?
Trace: ... No, all we need to make sure we have good defease and enough food.
Flare: Leaf, let's see our new garden doing.
Leaf; Right.
Lazuli: Keep them safe.
Trace; I know.
Black: You two be safe.
Speed: I know that.
Lazuli: Come on we can't waste time.
Speed; Alright.

In the path.
Speed: Lazuli, are we almost here?
Lazuli; Yes just a few more-
Then they see fire
Lazuli: Somemon is danger.
Speed; Let's help them first.
Lazuli; Wait, that where the cave is!
Speed; Alright, let's go!
Lazuli: Right!

Once they arrived they were in shock they didn't even move.
????: There are so many!
???? 2: My clone is not enough!
????: Lookout!
Speed: *Snap out of it* Move! *Used thunderbolt*
Mimicker 1 die
Speed: I don't know why you look like my sister and brother, but come with us.
Crystal(?): What?!
Speed(?): H-how are you-
Lazuli: Dodge! *Fire the gun*
Mimicker 2 die.
Sunshine(?): W-what going on.
Crystal clone 2: We must follow this speed alike.
Lazuli: It is there.
Speed; Right. *Want on and grab the orb* I got it, let's move!
Leaf(?): W-why are there two sis?!
Lazuli(?): Yeah!
Lazuli: No time to explain. Speed there more!
Trace(?): We trap!
Speed: Hold this.
Trace(?): Huh?
Speed: Grrrr ahhhhhh! *Transform*
Crystal clone 4: What?!
Speed(?): W-what is that?!
Speed fire psybeam, at all the Mimicker.
Sunshine(?): W-what happened to other daddy?!
Speed(?): I-i, don't know.
Lazuli: Come on!

Trace; What?
Black; What's wrong?
Trace: The CTTV, is showing... us?
Black: What?!
Brian: Come again?
Mollie: H-how!
Speed: Trace, we got some mon, and here.
Trace; Thanks.
Pearl: H-how is there a me?
Note- B for broken heart
Pearl(B): That I wanted to know too.
Lazuli(B): How is there a copy of us?
Black: ... What happened before you got here?
Silvia(B): Will... a porter come out of nowhere and suck us in.
Black: Speed, do you think it is the same as us?
Speed; Maybe.
Crystal(B): What do you mean the same?
Black: You see, speed, lazuli sunshine and I want to go to another place. They are the same as us, but different.
Trace(B): I knew it! Au does, excited.
Flare(B): And what are those things that attack us?
Speed: Mimicker, they are dangers.
Flare(B): Dangers then berserk?
Speed: Yes. I guess you know about berserk?
Flare(B): Yup.
Sunshine(B): W-what will we do?
Trace: Stay here, it's much safer.
Silvia: Yup!
Gai: Now we have two champions! We are even more safer than before.
Brian: Agreed.
Frank: But, what is there room?
Trace: If we share-
Beep beep.
Trace: Hold on. *Click on button*
Robert; Hello!
Trace: Dad!
Robert: Thank goodness, you alright, are your friends alright?
Trace; Yes, and do you remember how speed, black, lazuli and sunshine go to another universe?
Robert: Yes?
Trace; Will it happen again, but it is the whole group plus me.
Robert: I see. Are you alright? Do you need any Robots?
Trace: No need.
Robert: Alright. I'll call you soon, I need to build more defense.
Trace: Alright, good luck dad.
Robert: You too.
Trace(B); Wow... is there a way we can help.
Trace; Can you build?
Trace(B): Of course.
Bolt: Is it a good idea, to know who there are? Like what they like or something like that?
Rin: Bolt is right.
Crystal(B): Sure.
Pearl(B): It will be a good ideal.
Axel(B): I'm axel, and my best friend is sunshine!
Axel: Me too!
Pearl(B): Um... I'm pearl and...
Speed: How about who trains or does something big?
Flare(B): Oh like this. *Left eye turn red* Am I right?
Speed; Yes!
Flare; Solar?
Flare(B): No? I'm flare- wait is your name is solar?
Flare: No, it will um... hold on. *Left eye turn red*
Solar: I am. I'm from a different universe and I'm helping them.
Flare(B): Oh.
Crystal(B): Did something happen?
Solar: Mind... is gone.
Crysta(B): I'm so sorry. *Hug Solar*
Solar: thank... *Hug back*
Crystal(B): will, I'm crystal, and i can do clones.
Crystal; Clones!
Crystal(B): Yes? Can't you do that too?
Crystal: No.
Crystal(B): Really? Didn't you train?
Crystal: No.
Crystal(B): Have a job?
Crystal: No...
Crystal(B): ... Take care of speed?
Crystal: What do you mean by that?
Crystal(B): Speed was depressed?
Crystal and flare; What!
Black: Why?
Crystal(B): You know why! *Angry*
Black: No i don't-
Flare(B): Don't act like you don't know! *Angry*
Black: *Shock and confuse* ...
Sunshine: W-why big sis crystal and big brother yelling at big brother black?
Speed: Yeah? What happened?
Crystal(B): You... wait, who is your girlfriend?
Speed; Lazuli?
Crystal(B): I mean first.
Speed; ... lazuli.
Lazuli: Don't forget we are different. But is your speed okay?
Lazuli(B): Yes, I'm doing my best to help speed.
Sunshine(B): Mommy is the best!
Silvia: Why is speed depending
Crystal(B) death stare silvia.
Silvia: *Scared* (W-why is crystal looking like that)
Silvia(B); ...
Speed: Okay, I need some detail, I'm a bit lost.
Frank: Agreed.
Gai: It wields, crystal and flare won't say that or crystal do that?
Brian: Why are you two angry? Did something happen?
Blaze: What did black do?
Rin: It's so unreal.
Bolt: agreed.
Crystal(B): ... is there a room for speed, and the kids go? They can't hear this and I don't want to speed remember this again.
Lazuli: Follow me.
Lazuli(B): Let's go you 4, speed come on.
Speed(B): Alright and crystal please be a bit nice.
Crystal(B): I'll try.
Black: ... (What happened to him...)
Silvia: ... Hey other me, why did your crystal look at me that way? What did you do?
Crystal(B): If you just wait, you would know stupid.
Speed: crystal, what- i mean why?
Crystal: Y-yeah? Are you two friends?
Crystal(B): ... Pffff hahahaha.
Everymon except (B): ...
Speed: Crystal... Didn't others tell me to be a bit nice?
Crystal(B): S-sorry, but it was too funny.
Leaf(B): Crystal hates silvia and black, same for flare.
Flare: I-i do?
Flare(B): You bet.
Speed: Just tell us what happened please.
Crystal explained what had happened from the beginning and are in shock. The adults can't believe it, mostly to be frank and gai. Then when Crystal keeps telling them more, they understand why.
Black: *Angry* You made them break up! What the hall wrong with you! Speed did everything and you just repay him with pain! *Dark aura* I'm going to kill you! *Made a Scythe*
Black(B): *Scared*(H-how did he do that!)
Speed; Whoa! Black, come them man.
Pearl: *Hug black* Black, no please.
Black: ... You are lucky. *Death look*
Speed: *Sigh* Let's all calm down. Trace.
Trace: I'm working.
Speed: Alright, just take a break.
Lazuli: That means you go top speed.
Pearl: Same for you black.
Speed and black; Okay.

Little later the adult plus gai are talking to each other and are in shock at what they have heard.
Crystal(B): ... those things. Mimicker? Do you need help fighting them?
Speed; Yes, but I'm not letting you join.
Crystal(B): Why?
Crystal: He doesn't want us to get hurt.
Crystal(B): Make sense, but trust me. Flare and I can destroy them.
Speed; Even with a berserk and clone, this is serious.
Crystal(B): Oh I know, but do you know about flares and I almost killed a mon?
Speed; W-what.
Flare(B): He deserves it.
Leaf(B): I have to agree.
Leaf; W-why?
Leaf(B): Because he hates speed and wants speed to die.
Speed: Shade?
Leaf(B): Yes, w-wait did he-
Speed: No, but I'm surprised... yeah i agreed he deserve it.
Crystal and flare: ....  What did he do?
Crystal(B): Almost kill speed. (I can't tell them)
Pearl(B): We were surprised when we found out.
Black: How long was it?
Crystal(B): Few months now.
Lazuli: I should get sunshine.
Pearl: Can you get an axel?
Lazuli; Yeah.
Speed: ... I still can't believe it.
Flare(B): Why are you friends with him?
Flare: Will.. big bro is friends with black, and he help us.
Crystal: Yeah. It's like we have another brother.
Crystal(B) and flare(B): Oh hell no.
Mollie; Crystal flare! Even though I'm not your mom. I'm still your mom, you can't just say that.
Crystal(B): Sorry, but you must understand.
Flare(B): We don't want big bro to suffer.
Crystal: I agreed with them.
Flare; Yeah...
Pearl: black?
Black: I need time to think.
Pearl: yeah... you almost lost control.
Trace: again.
Trace(B): again?
Trace; Yeah, it happened before, when speed was hurt and black bratley hurt that mon.
Trace(B): Wow. When did this happen?
Trace; When black join our team.
Trace(B): Wait, black a rescuer?
Trace: Yes. He's strong, and speed was the one who wanted black to join.
Trace(B): Didn't black find out about his fake name?
Trace: Yes, but he forgives speed.
Tarce(B): Wow.
Trace: How is the robot going?
Trace(B): Good, soon the energy will be in. Let's make a self robot.
Trace; ... Why didn't I think of that... but who? Speed already have one.
Black: Me.
Trace: You sure?
Speed; It hurts.
Black: I'm sure.
Trace: Alright, but get ready.
Black: I know.
Brian: Hey do you have a training area? And if yes, can you show us?
Black: yeah, if I remember right... follow me.
Rin: Are you going to train too?
Bolt: Yes.
Crystal(B): We need a better way to talk, since we the same.
Trace: How about nickname.
Crystal(B): Hmm...
Trace(B): It be good ideal.
Crystal(B): Alright.
Leaf(B):*Hug flare(B)* I call flare sunny!
Flare(B): *Blush* ...
Flare: That was fest.
Solar: Agreed.
Leaf: Yeah.

In another room.
Lazuli: Hey.
Lazuli(B): Oh hi again.
Lazuli: The talk is over, I'm getting mind sunshine and axel.
Sunshine: What happeend?
Lazuli: Sorry, but this you must never know.
Sunshine: Oh... okay.
Axel: Why did Big sis crystal angry?
Lazuli: Axel, that mean you too.
Axel: Oh okay...

Coming soon

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