She's my little girl (Jeff th...

By Laineyloulougirl12

60.5K 1.4K 603

Y/n's a 7 year old girl that lives with her abusive farther and she wants a better life like the other kids b... More

My life
I saw a child in that house
I need to save her
The new home
Meeting the male's in the mansion
Meeting the females in the mansion
Dinner time
Bedtime with jeff
A new day
Why would you hurt me?
Playing with my new friends
Playing with my new friends part 2
New story?
Why is sally bullying me?
Clockswork is scaring me
A day out with Jeff
New profile
Getting introuble by jeff
The day out with the girls
So you know about her Liu?

Pulling pranks with Jeff

844 26 7
By Laineyloulougirl12

Me and Jeff were going to have a fun day today because we were going to pull some pranks on a few of the boys and girls "you ready?" Jeff asked me "yeah! This is going to be funny!" I said.

B.E.N's Prank
We had a great idea for B.E.N's prank and we was gonna give him a scare. Jeff found a creepy mask in the forest and he thought it would be the best one for him. We got ready for the prank to start and I was waiting in B.E.N's room for him and Jeff was in his closet with the mask on. After a while B.E.N had walked into his room and saw me "Oh y/n,what you doing in here?" He asked me "I'm waiting for you so we can play!" I said "okay sure,we can play. What you got in mind?" He asked me while crouching down to my size.

Jeff had opened the closet and he was creeping up on B.E.N "I'm not sure,maybe scaredy-cat?" I said "scaredy-cat? What is that?" B.E.N asked "it's a game were you scare people and whoever gets scared is a scaredy-cat" I said "oh okay d'you wanna go first?" He asked "okay" I said.

Jeff was behind B.E.N and I smiled to let him know that he should scare him now. I was gonna pretend to scare B.E.N but Jeff scared him first "GAAA!" Jeff yelled "AHHH!" B.E.N screamed "WHAT THE FUCK?!" B.E.N said turning around to see Jeff laughing his head of and I was to "Jeff?! What the hell?!" He said "your a scaredy-cat!" Jeff said pointing at him "Shut up!" B.E.N said getting up from the floor and leaving the room leaving me and Jeff laughing.

Toby's Prank
Me and Jeff knew what Toby was worried about,he's worried about me getting hurt so we decided to make a fake big cut on my arm "is this a bit to much for him?" I asked "nah,he'll be alright if he gets a bit to much worried we'll stop okay?" Jeff said "okay". After he finished drawing the cut in my arm I went to Toby's room and sat down in front of the door and I started to make a fake cry.

Toby opened the door and he saw me on the floor "y-y/n? What's wr-wrong?" He asked picking me up "I-I hurt my arm" I said pretending to cry "what? Where? Let-let me see!" He said. I showed him my arm and he did a tiny scream "oh no! Oh no! Don-Don't worry y/n! I'll g-g-get help!" He said.

Before Toby got out of his room Jeff stopped him "Toby? What's going on?" He asked "J-Jeff! I-I-It's y/n! Her arm!" Toby said showing Jeff my arm "oh Toby,no need to worry" Jeff said "wha-what do y-you mean?" Toby said.

Jeff whipped the fake cut of my arm and Toby was mad at Jeff "D-Dang It J-J-Jeff!" He said "I-I was worried s-sick! Y-you kn-know how much I w-worry o-over y/n!" Toby said "sorry,we were just trying to pull a little prank" Jeff said sounding guilty for what he'd done "sorry Toby" I said hugging him "I-it's okay y-y/n,I'm j-just worried a-about you" Toby said stroking my hair.

Jane's Prank
After we said sorry about Toby's prank Jeff said that he had two more pranks to do with me "our first one is Jane" Jeff whispered to me and I giggled. We decided that we were gonna do a water prank. We was gonna put a bucket of water on Jane's door and when she walks in she'll get all wet. Jeff got the bucket ready and we hid down the hallway for her.

When we saw Jane we got a little closer and when she opened her door all we heard was a splash and "AHHHH!" Jane's scream. Me and a Jeff walked up to her and she was soaked "hey Jane,you look lovely today" Jeff teased as he was picking me up cause he knew that she was about to start chasing us "JEFF! I HATE YOU!" she screamed. Jeff started to run with me in his arms and Jane was starting to run after him and I was laughing away.

Slender's Prank
After the whole Jane getting wet thing we was about to stop but then Jeff reminded me about the last prank "who is it?" I asked "it is going to be....Slender!" Jeff said " but we'll get in trouble if we do give slendy a prank" I said "don't worry he won't know who did this prank" Jeff said "why? What are we doing?" I asked "we're gonna give him a bomb surprise" Jeff said. That thought scared me cause I thought it was an actual bomb.

"But we'll all die if we do that!" I said "oh no silly,not a real bomb. It a flower bomb" Jeff said "you mean the white stuff or the plant?" I asked making Jeff chuckle for some reason (you probably know why :3).

"The white stuff" Jeff said still laughing "oh...are we gonna drop it on him?" I asked and Jeff nodded. I was excited for this because this was gonna be funny to me.

We set everything up outside slender's office and we waited for him to come outside. It was taking a while for slender to come out so Jeff knocked on his door "slender quick! Come! We need you!" Jeff called out. Slender opened the door and we thought he was gonna get flower on but instead he caught the bag.

Me and Jeff looked at each other with 'oh no' faces "is this your's?" Slender asked with the bag in his hand "u-um....yeah?" Jeff said "so your trying to pull a prank on me Hm?" Slender said sounding mad "n-no...well...yes" Jeff sighed "both of you?" "Yes" I said.

Slender was angry at us and was telling us off "look slender,this is all on me okay?" Jeff said taking the blame "what?" Slender said "I decided to pull the prank not y/n". "Well,Jeff I will have to punish you. You do know that right?" Slender said "yeah,sorry" he said "it's okay now take y/n to your room and stay there".

We both went to our rooms and we stayed there talking about the pranks "I mean,today was fun" I said "yeah it was" Jeff said.

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