Shining Glaciers

By RealCrimR

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Emerse yourself into a whole new world like no other, where peace prospers and evil lurks at every corner you... More

Chapter 0: Extinction
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Glacier!
Chapter 2: Fight or Flight
Chapter 3: Live & Learn
Chapter 4: Everything's Going Down Lodehouse
Chapter 5: Infiltration
Chapter 6: Infiltration Part 2
Chapter 8: A Shooting Star
Chapter 9: River in Dry Land
Chapter 10: Dead of Night
Chapter 11: Mission Impossible
Chapter 12: Chivalry of a Fallen Knight
Chapter 13: Through the Fire & Flames
Chapter 14: Storytime
Chapter 15: The Centra of Attention
Chapter 16: Mission..Somewhat Possible
Chapter 17: The End of All Things

Chapter 7: Odysseus's Words

33 6 0
By RealCrimR

Location: Extinction Warship
Time: Unknown

*We're seen in a room with Nate Virginia who looks beyond livid.*

Nate Virginia: What right does that goddamn freak have to tell me how to do my job..

*Rivers opens the door.*

Nate Virginia: *He holds his crowbar up at Rivers.* What the hell do you want!?

McKenzie Rivers: Easy. I'm not here to berate you like I have in the past.

*Virginia lowers his weapon.*

McKenzie Rivers: Actually..I'm here because I agree with you.

*Virginia's look goes from anger to puzzled as the screen fades.*


Location: Clockwork's Home of the Keeper.

Hollywood California

*A home with a Clock on it's roof is seen and inside is a man. A man wearing a cape and wizard type clothing except for the large hat with a necklace on and someone in a cage, the man stops walking and his nameplate pops up.*

Positively Moore
Various magic at his disposal.

*And the person in the cage is shown.*

Liam Malone
Just an all around asshole.

*Liam is sitting in a chair in a cell.*

Liam Malone: So crazy witch doctor, you going to let me out of this cell?

Positively Moore: Why would I do that? I have no idea if I can even trust you.

Liam Malone: My opinion on you is going to be settled when you let me out of the cage.

Positively Moore: Sure it will-

*A crash is heard outside and all of the sudden Moore's necklace starts to speak*

Keeper, I must inform you that two heat signatures have landed outside, they are life forms.

Positively Moore: I guess we have to check it out.

We, sire? I am but a voice you hear. You may require some assistance as we have no clear understanding of what that is that has landed outside.

Positively Moore: *sigh* Do what you're saying is..

Just let him out of the cage.

Positively Moore: I guess I have no other choice.

*Moore snaps his fingers and the lock on the cage falls off, Liam exits as he has a smile on his face.*

Liam Malone: It's about fucking time, by the way who were you talking too?

Positively Moore: Questions better left unanswered for now, we have to check out that noise.

*Moore opens the front door as Liam has two specialized daggers with him, they come out prepared for the worst but what they see are two trophies of two familiar looking faces.*

Liam Malone: What the hell happened here?

Positively Moore: From the looks of it, two people didn't have a really fun time.

*Moore touches the base of the trophies and a light flashes as two men are on the ground.*


Rick C: Lord almighty, what happened?

Liam Malone: Yo Rick!

Rick C: AH!

*Rick punches Liam in the jaw and he falls to the ground.*

Positively Moore: Heh, nice.

Rick C: Oh hey Liam- MOORE! WHAT'S GOOD- What's with the necklace?

Positively Moore: ... Everything will be explained but quite frankly we all have some explaining to do, mainly myself & Bruno.

*Bruno hasn't said a word as he remembers when was told to him, he stares a blank.*

Liam Malone: *Holding his jaw as he gets up.* Is Bruno alright?

Bruno: I- I just wish I could've done something..

Positively Moore: Bruno, I haven't said this but I know everything that happened and..I'm truly sorry

Bruno: ...How do you know?

*Moore hesitates as everyone looks at him.*

Positively Moore: I guess I have no other way around this, I-

*A missile landed between them all before Moore could explain and they were flung to the streets which makes people start to panic.*

*Three people walk out fr the explosion area while another is floating on a platform, it's Ryan Wells with Bane, Venom & Carnage as he has a smile on his face.*

Ryan Wells: Well isn't this charming? The two insects we bypassed up there along with two new faces and one of them has something we need.

*The four get to their feet as Moore looks at Wells.*

Positively Moore: Oh, you're just more people who want this, I assume?

*Moore points to his necklace.*

Ryan Wells: Smart man, you'd be even smarter of you handed it to us.

Keeper, you are aware of what happens should they obtain me correct?

Positively Moore: Of course I am aware, but to retort to your statement, if I had low intelligence then I would listen to you but you'll have to take this from my cold dead hands.

Rick C: Alright Squidward, you can be on your way now!

Ryan Wells: I implore you not to call me Squidward ever again.

Liam Malone: I guess I've got my money's worth.


*Bruno pulls his bow apart into swords and flies at Wells taking him off his floating platform and the fight for California begins! Rick pulls out his hammer and whacks Bane while Liam squares off with Carnage & Moore gets Venom.*

*Ryan hits the ground hard knocking his helmet off, Bruno attempts to stab him but he moves out of the way and shoves Bruno away!*

Ryan Wells: You've got a lot of guts for someone who was used as a pawn in another person's game!

Bruno: SHUT UP!

*Bruno begins to swing wildly but Wells continues to dodge and it ends by hitting Bruno with a stiff punch that sends him through a tree, meanwhile, Liam & Carnage a throwing back and fourth shots to each other as Carnage begins to start blocking Liam's swipes with the daggers!*

Liam Malone: Please for the love of god just take the stabbing and we will be done! I haven't had to have a work out like this is a long while!

*Liam goes for another stab but Carnage just nails hit with a palm strike to the chest knocking him down, Carnage attempts to hit a leaping foot stomp but Liam rolls out of the way and they continue their battle while Rick get blasted through a building and into a nice looking park!*

Rick C: Damn! That hurt my back you roided freak! Who are you even trying to be? Rob Terry!?

*Bane runs up and attempts to hit Rick with force but Rick blocks the shot with his hammer!*

Rick C: I'll take that as a yes!

Bane: Will you continue to spout arrogance or will you face me?

*Bane attempts another strike but Rick blocks it again with a kick to the gut which makes Bane stop giving Rick time to swing with all his force that cause Bane to go flying into a office lobby.*

Rick C: How's that for a fight?!

*Rick runs forward to continue his fight, meanwhile, Moore & Venom are going at it as Moore have green circles around his hands and Venom looks ready for a tussle.*

Keeper, I fear for the worst of this situation.

Positively Moore: We just have to play our cards right.

And how must I ask are we going to play said cards?

Positively Moore: Follow my lead.

*Venom charges but Moore begins shooting beams at him that do almost nothing but slow him down as he charges!*

Our attacks are doing close to none!

Positively Moore: That's not the point.

I'm not quite able to understand what you're getting at here sire.

*Venom attempts a strike but Moore spawns a teleporter under his feet and blinks out of there, Venom looks around trying to find Moore but in the blink of an eye Moore leaps through a portal and punches Venom in the face! Moore lands on his feet and smiles.*

Positively Moore: Someone was just too slow now were they-

*Venom backhands Moore sending him flying as we pick back up with Bruno & Wells, Bruno is getting up from going through the tree as Ryan walks up to him and simply kicks him in the stomach which rocks Bruno badly.*

Ryan Wells: You're the last one left and you just as weak as your peers. You're worthless, you're nothing but a casualty in war.

*Bruno leaps up and cuts Wells in the face, Ryan takes multiple steps back as Bruno leaps up and dropkicks him into a store! Wells is stuck in the pile of rubble as Bruno runs up and starts repeatedly punching him!*

Bruno: How does it feel, huh!? How does it feel?!!

*In an area close by we see Liam go down, Liam struggles to get up as Carnage sees Ryan in trouble and rushes over, Carnage boots Bruno in the side of the head causing him to get knocked off Wells but he lands on his feet*

Bruno: Oh you wanna go at it?

*Bruno & Carnage start to trade shots as Rick & Bane blast through the office they were in and Liam gets back up, everyone is back at square one and they all collide but Moore & Wells take their collision elsewhere as they both float in the sky throwing everything they can at one another.*

Ryan Wells: This fighting is pointless! Just give us the Eye and you will have no more worries!

Positively Moore: That isn't going to be happening!

*Wells punches Moore in the gut that is amplified with some dark matter, he grabs Moore by the face and sends him crashing through the roof of his sanctuary!*

Keeper, you just took a mass amount of damage.

Positively Moore: Th-Thank you for telling me that..shit..

*Ryan floats down and grabs Moore by the shirt.*

Ryan Wells: Had a enjoyable time with this but now it's time that this ended.

*Ryan grabs at the necklace trying to pry it open while Moore makes his attempts to stop him.*

Ryan Wells: Why must you resist?

Positively Moore: Too..bide time

*As if on que, Carnage's body flies at Ryan knocking him back.*

Ryan Wells: What the hell was that??

*Ryan looks up only to see Rick lunging at him with the Hammer and sends Wells through the wall into the backyard of the Keeper's home.*

Rick C: Ain't letting that happen!

*Rick & Ryan continue their brawl while Moore picks himself up and heads back outside.*

Keeper, you are in no condition to continue, I say we must find a plan B.

Positively Moore: I must defend you and this place, I will not do out a coward.

*Moore gets out there but sees that Liam & Bruno have been overwhelmed!*

Positively Moore: Son of a-

*Venom punches Moore square in the face sending him to the floor, Moore is about to get up but Bane stomps on his face knocking him out, Bane lifts Moore up and hods him as Venom cracks his knuckles.*

Bane: Waste no time Venom, we must get this job done!

*Venom prolongs the moment as he reaches to grab the necklace.*

???: Not so fast!

*Both Venom & Bane look to see where that sound came but Venom just gets nailed in the face by a bunch of plants shaped into a fist!*

Bane: What was that?

*Bane looks back at who did it and it is a short woman with blonde hair and plants literally every where on her clothing.*

Ivory Carrington
Ability to manipulate plants

*Ivory looks on with a smile as Bane throws Moore down and rushes toward them but he gets shot in the shoulder by someone behind Ivory, they have cowboy gear on and a shotgun on hand.*

Shawn Smith
Pin-Point Accuracy
Red Hot Temper

Shawn Smith: I assume we've missed the party?

Ivory Carrington: Nah, I think we got here just in time.

*Rick & Ryan's brawl comes out to the streets where everyone else is, both men clash but they are thrown back as now everyone is back up and having a stare off.*

Ryan Wells: *Looks at his guys.* You guys didn't get the Eye??

*Bane who's behind Venom points to him as Ryan's face goes from anger to enraged, it's a 4 on 6 stare down but a portal opens behind Wells & his men.*

Ryan Wells: *Turns around to see the portal.* Well, I guess that's our call back, it was fun and you may have bested us this time but next won't make it out alive.

*Wells & his men go through the portal beaten & battered, meanwhile, Rick checks on Moore.*

Rick C: Moore! Moore! Are you okay?!

Positively Moore: I am..fine

Rick C: You sure don't seem like it!

Sire, Richard is correct, you do not have to push yourself, we must retreat to a different area as this place is not safe anymore.

Positively Moore: may be right in that assumption

Ivory Carrington: Me & Shawn saw everything over the news and tried to get here as fast as we could!

Shawn S. Smith: If there is anyway that we can help, we're all in for it.

*While everyone talks, Liam looks over at Bruno who looks distraught.*

Liam Malone: Hey man, I know you weren't able to exact whatever you were trying to do on that guy and whole I don't know if we will be able to get that vengeance, we can push forward.

Bruno: All I know is the next time I see him, I'm cutting loose.

Liam Malone: That's the spirit.

*Everyone looks hyped to be on this squad.*

Rick C: I guess this means that we are all in this together?

Everyone: Right!

Positively Moore: If everyone is going to help, you will all need the context to these series of events..which I shall tell you but first, we must make haste elsewhere.

*Moore makes a portal to somewhere and everyone while some hesitant still go through, Moore is the final person to go through as he takes a look back at the house of the Keeper..and after that he heads through the portal as police make their way to the scene of the fight and the portal closes but what they don't see are the tow Extinction Soldiers with the bomb that was seen in the arena way early on...*


Location: Extinction Warship

*Wells & his men exit the portal and are on the ship, where they see Mirage standing at the window looking down at everything with his Scepter sitting at the throne.*

Ryan Wells: My Lord, I can assure you that while everything didn't go according to plan, we-

Lord Mirage: We will get them next act like there is going to be a second chance, for one of you four there won't be a 2nd chance.

Ryan Wells: I can explain everything-

Lord Mirage: Everything was going great, you had them all down, the Keeper was at your feet, you had the fate of this insignificant planet near your fingertips and you lost. Even though I already know the reason of your defeat..

*Mirage turns around and holds out his hand as the scepter swings to him.*

Lord Mirage: Who is responsible for this failure? I told you when I sent you out there, failure is never an go ahead, who is responsible?

Ryan Wells: Bonehead Venom.

*Venom looks at Wells with anger.*

Venom: We will not be thrown under the bus! We were doing our job!


*Venom looks like he's about to punch Ryan but Mirage grabs him by the head and lifts him off the ground, Venom attempts to get out of the hold but to no avail as in a instant a flash of light happens and when it goes away, Wells, Bane & Carnage see Venom in trophy form on the ground as Mirage stands there.*

Lord Mirage: Next time I won't be this nice to you, you're all dismissed.

*They all Wal away as two soldiers take the trophy to the room with the ret of them but another soldier comes rushing in.*

Soldier #1: My Lord! We have a ship inbound!

*Mirage pulls up his hologram that shows ship heading their direction with familiar faces inside it.*

Lord Mirage: Prepare the ship's defense, this will be too easy.

*The scene fades with Mirage staring at the hologram.*


Chapter 7: End.

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