In love with a MONSTER ~ Buck...

By beanstalkbaddie25

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Y/N is the younger sister of the Odinson brothers, and when you go back to earth to help your brothers. You f... More

Chapter 1: 13 hours!
Chapter 2: Here to pick-up
Chapter 3: Filled with Rage
Chapter 4: Life of an Avenger
Chapter 5:The Room
Chapter 6: The man with a Metal arm
Chapter 7: An Old Friend
Chapter 8: Flashback
Chapter 9: Joining the U.S Army
Chapter 10: Sergeant Barnes
Chapter 11: Captain American to the rescue
Chapter 12: The day I lost everything
Chapter 13: Back Home
Chapter 14: Father's love
Chapter 15: Channel your powers
Chapter 16: Father's little girl
Chapter 17: I love you mother
Chapter 18: 70 years
Chapter 19: Back to reality
Chapter 20: Nightmares
Chapter 21: Bucky is alive?
Chapter 22: Mother's Necklace
Chapter 23: "You can't save me!"
Chapter 24: I promise
Chapter 25 - Alternate Plan
Chapter 26: Madripoor
Chapter 27: 32557038
Chapter 28: Sokovian Base
Chapter 29: the siblings
Chapter 31: Brother of the girl
Chapter 32: Leaving
Chapter 33: Here with a friend!
Chapter 34: Downhill
Chapter 35: Hogun!
Chapter 36: Wakanda
Chapter 37: The story of the Power stone
Chapter 38: Memories
Chapter 39: The Carters
Chapter 40: Jesus Christ!
Chapter 41: You're Free
Chapter 42: Welcome Back!
Chapter 43: Calming
Chapter 44: First Date
Chapter 45: I know
Chapter 46: Unwanted Child
Chapter 47: My queen
Chapter 48: Slow and Steady
Chapter 49: Rebecca Elizabeth Barnes
Chapter 50: Loki is...
Chapter 51: Your niece
Chapter 52: Planning, planning, planning
Chapter 53: My butterfly
!Bonus! Explanation Chapter
!Bonus Chapter! Chapter 54: My doll
!!New Story!!

Chapter 30: What about us?

855 24 11
By beanstalkbaddie25

Even though it has been a couple of weeks since you got back. You spent almost every minute with Bucky, training with him, going on long walks with him, not wanted to leave each others side, wanting to cover all the time you guys missed together. If felt like a dream, every time you talked to him, his touch, his smell, his taste, the way his lips felt on your, how your hand fit perfectly in his, everything felt too really, you were constantly pinching yourself seeing if this was just another sweet dream or was this actually real. You saw how Bucky was going through the same thing you were. Trying to tell if this was all true? If this was real? Had you really found the final piece of the puzzle?

Since the time that Bucky came back, your nightmares reduced, each one being less gruesome, less painful as the one before. You were finally able to sleep happily, with sweet dreams and in the arms of your soulmate. You couldn't say the same about Bucky though. He was constantly getting up, from the memories coming back to him, the faces of everyone he murdered, their voices screaming, begging for his to stop, for him to leave them. Out of all his nightmares, the one that gave him the most trouble was the one with you, memories of how he tried to kill you twice, seeing you lay on the floor lifeless, it broke his heart. He would wake up in the middle of the night, out of breath, he would rush to the bathroom to hide his panic from you, not wanting to wake you up or scare you. He would come back and get in bed again, he would pull you into him holding you close, squeezing your waist with his huge hands, holding your body close to him, breathing in your scent, it helped calm him down. You were worried that he was scared to be himself around you, but you didn't want to push him. You did everything you could to show him that he was allowed to be himself around you. Slowly his nightmares calmed down too, with all the therapy, the walks, the long talks, it really helped him stay calm.

There was still one thing that bothered you, Pietro and Wanda. You noticed the twins being a little distant with the rest of the gang. Not really talking to anyone else except you and Bucky, they were like toddlers not wanting to do to school on the first day, hiding behind their parents, hugging their pants. They were either cooped up in their rooms or just stuck beside you. You tried to get them to socialize with the others but every try was always a bust, they would just sit there not speaking just starting daggers at everyone. 

Everyone was sitting in the living room when you came down with the twins just behind you, you told them to sit with Bucky as you got them something to eat. 

"How are they doing?" Nat asked as she prepared food for everyone. "I tried to talk to them but they just stared at me awkwardly" 

"You should talk to them in Russian, they might feel a little bit more comfortable around you." You said trying to cheer her up. You knew how hard Nat had been trying to get them to talk and engage with the rest of the team.

"Yeah, but they love you and Bucky. I mean they really don't hang out with anyone else, unless they have too, but with you guys they are free. It almost like they are your kids." You turned to Nat with a pale face and shook body. 

"What?" you shake yourself out of it, "No, come on. They are just comfortable with us because of the trainings and therapy sessions." 

"Yeah, and who other than parent will take you to training and therapy sessions?" Nat had a point you did feel responsible for them, even though they really weren't your responsibility. You just never thought of it as being a parent. 

"Y/N? You there?" Nat's voice brought you back. 

"Um, yeah, yep what's up?" 

"Dinner is ready, can you call everyone?" Nat asked setting everything in the kitchen counter. 

"Yeah!" You walked out of the kitchen and into the living room "Guys! Dinner is ready, the first ones to the table get a surprise!" Before you could complete your sentence, Pietro, Sam and Bucky rushed to the table and sat down. "Why is it that I am surrounded by adult children." You chucked and went to the table. Everyone sat down and ate, with the usual banter and noise around. You sat in between Sam and Bucky, huge mistake, which meant you had to hear two grown ass men fight over who is a better Disney princess. You ate in silence just observing everyone. Tony and Bruce explaining to Steve something that he will never understand. Clint not here as he was with his own family. Sam and Bucky still arguing. Nat try again to get along with Wanda and Pietro. 

"Вам, ребята, нравится еда?" Nat said

Pietro and Wanda just looked at her confused. "Какие? Ребята, вы не понимаете, что я сказал?" By that, everyone just stopped talked as looked at the Nat.

"What did she say?" Sam asked completely lost.

Pietro smiled at Nat snd turned to Sam "She said, that she doesn't like your costume, bird-man" Pietro said as he looked at Nat, who wore a huge smile, "Звучит примерно так, правда?" He smiled. Nat gave him a smile and started to have a conversation with them, as everyone joined in.

You loved that they were finally getting along with everyone. You felt your eyes water up as your heart filled with joy, as everything was falling back into place, only thing missing was your real, blood family. You haven't talked to them in months, with only Loki knowing about Bucky, and your brothers trying to keep Odin from taking rash decisions. You missed them so much. You felt Bucky's hand gently rubbing your thigh, calming you down "You okay любовь?" He spoke quietly, as he leaned towards you. "Yeah, It's just, you now, finally seeing them talk to the others and spend time with them." You looked into his calm, ocean eyes."It's got the water works going." You said as you leaned into his shoulder, hiding your teary face from the other. Bucky just hummed and stroked your hair.

After dinner you and Bucky went to his room and just watched the scenery from the bed. You loved doing this with him everyday. Watching the sun set into the trees, as Wanda and Pietro were outside usually training but today they were with Sam and Steve, just running around in the lawn as Tony just yelled at them to not ruin it. You sat next to Bucky with his arms around you and you held them tightly against you. Nat's words just circled your mind as you watched the twins outside. "Y/N, Babe!" Bucky called into your ear, "Are you okay, you seem a little off today, what's wrong?" You just looked into his eyes, seeing the spark you once saw ages ago, his eyes wrinkled up as a confused smiled set on his lips. The man you had once loved was back. You pulled him closer and locked your lips together, you pulled out minutes later to get some air, but then started placing small kisses on his neck and collarbone, "любовь (lyubov'),You have to talk to me you know? You can't just kiss me to keep my mouth shut" he smiled while still letting out tiny groans as your kisses moved down. Before you reached his waist line, he pulled you up, "Why the sudden affection?"

"What I am not allowed to show my boyfriend how much I love him?" You teased him. 

"Oh, honey, be my guest!" He looked into your eyes clearly seeing through you. "But something is bothering you, I can see your trying to push it away. Babe can you please tell me what it is, maybe I can help you" His tone was calm and soothing. 

You sat up and put your arms around him, "I love you, you know that right?" you leaned into his chest, "With all of my heart. I would give up everything, just to be with you" You looked up at Bucky who was confused as to why you were telling him this now. "Um, Nat" You cleared your throat "While setting up the table she said something." You looked out the window seeing everyone enjoy the beautiful weather. "It just had me thinking" You looked up at Bucky as he looked at everyone outside. "What if we never went on those mission?"

"I don't know doll," He placed a soft kiss on your forehead. "Maybe you wouldn't have realized that you loved me?"

"Yeah, but Buck! That's just it" You leaned back into his neck, "I didn't need to be away from you to know that I loved you." You looked up from his neck, "I had this weird feeling the first time we meet, I avoided it, but it grew bigger and bigger ever second I spent with you. Ever second I wasn't with you, my heart broke into pieces, not knowing what you were doing, or where you were gave me panic attacks." You sat up with your hand still on Bucky's dog chain. "I felt broken when you left that day. I wanted to run after you and stop you and tell you how I felt, how you made me feel." You looked up at him "I wanted to stay in your arms, never let you go." A drop of tear escaped your eye, "Seeing you again, at the bar, I just wanted to climb you and not let go, I wanted to scream at you for leaving me, but every time I look at you, I could tell you didn't feel the same things I did." You paused for a second, "I knew you only saw me as a friend" You leaned on his shoulder, not wanting to be far away from him, "At the bar, I tried to resist, when you leaned in, I wanted to move, I wanted to run away, but your eyes, they way they looked at me, how you bit your lip, they just froze me there, I thought I was dreaming, to be kissing you, then I realized you were pretty drunk, I"

"No, I felt it too"


"I didn't know how to tell you, I didn't want to ruin our friendship. You were like my family, I couldn't afford to lose you."

"Wait, what?" You were angry, more than confused.

"I felt it when we first met, I knew what it was, but I always though I wasn't enough for you, you were this beautiful, kind hearted, funny girl and I was just Bucky.

"Bucky. no-"

"I didn't like you being close to Steve because, I didn't want you fall for him, I saw how close you guys were but I hated that he was the one that made you smile, that your smile would disappear when you saw me. I pushed the defensive act away because it hurt me to see you not like me. I knew Steve liked you, and the way you guys were I knew you would get together. How you protected him, how you cared for him. I just couldn't bare to see you guys together." He tried off, with a small smile. 

"The day of the expo when you took my hand and ran into the crowd, I wanted it to last for ever, how your hand fit perfectly with mine. I wanted time to stop" A small tear left your eye, you noticed how his face grew every time he mentioned you, how his face fell when he talked about what happened. "Even when I said bye, I wanted take you face and kiss you, hold you close. But I, when I saw your eyes, they were more focused on Steve, so I thought it would be better if I just left." He moved a piece of hair that covered your face. 

"But when I saw you at the bar, I wanted to just hold you close, but then I realized that you might have been with Steve. But when you said Steve wasn't there." He held you face by your cheeks "I didn't care if you were with him, or married to anyone. I had to tell you how I felt, but seeing you I had no words, I just wanted to kiss you." He looked away trying to hide his tears, 

"Then, you pulled away, and didn't say anything. I thought I did something wrong, I wanted to run away." He looked at you again, "You words might have said no, but eyes, they were glowing, just like mine do when I look at you. I knew you didn't mean what you said" He leaned closer to you, and stopped with your lips barely touching "I knew you liked me like I liked you" He said and before you could answer he swept you away with a passionate kiss, his hands travelled from your face down to your waist, pulling you on to him, not breaking the kiss. 

"Bucky!" you said pulling away from the kiss. 

"Do you think we would have had kids?" You looked at his face, his lusty eyes gone, replaced by confusion. He just stared at you as you laid your head against his chest, looking at everyone outside as he stroked your hair. "I never wanted to go to war, or anything. I just wanted to be with you, start a family, with you" You looked up at him with your chin rested on his chest. 

"Nat" You paused "She said how we treat Wanda and Pietro like our kids" you laid your head against him again "What if I want one of my own?" A tear rolled out your eye, thinking about how you and Bucky would have spent your time together if you didn't loose him. "What if we are too late? What if it's not possible?"

"Hey, doll, hey look at me" He said taking your face into his hands and pulling you up. "Stop worrying about it, come on now, look you have this building full of babies to take care of, do you really want more?" He smiled, trying to get you out of your gloomy mood.

"Annnd, if you really want one, we can make that happen." He smirked as he pulled you into another kiss. "In fact we can make that happen right now" He pulled away and flipped you over, with him on top of you. You covered his mouth as he moved down closer to you,

"No, before we do anything, we have to go back to Asgard, or at least I have to, and I would like for you to come with me" You paused him off you.

"Wait what?"

Вам, ребята, нравится еда - do you guys like the food?

Какие? Ребята, вы не понимаете, что я сказал? - What? Do you guys not understand what I said?

Звучит примерно так, правда? - that sounds about right, right?

любовь - Love





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