cherry | f. weasley

By ssweasleyy

126K 2.3K 455

fred weasley x f oc + "What? Did I hurt you, love?" He looked at her while she shook her head, her mouth slig... More

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.


6.6K 121 15
By ssweasleyy

tw: mention of an ed

"HERE YOU GO, LOVE." Fred handed her a nice warm, buttery bag of popcorn and she thanked him. She sat in between Fred and Cedric at the game. They had the top seats so they could see everything clearly.

They had run into Lucius Malfoy earlier, thank god Maddie's father wasn't there to scold her. She would probably be hearing from him in a letter soon and would probably not want to go home for christmas.

A bang of fireworks sounded around the stadium and they all looked up to find a wooden leprechaun made out of fireworks as everyone screamed 'Ireland'. The team flew around the stadium, on their brooms as Fred and George fan-girled.

The Bulgarians then flew into the firework, destroying it, and flew into the other team, breaking them apart. A guy did a handstand on his broom as everyone cheered.

"Who's that?" Ginny asked and Fred scoffed.

"That sis, is the best seeker in the world." He said it like she should've known it already. The crowd started yelling 'Krum' as a portion of the stadium turned into a picture of Krum in the sky.

"Krum!" The twins yelled, practically in Maddie's ear causing her to wince and cover them.

"What's wrong, love? You don't like my screams?" Maddie looked at him with her mouth open and eyes wide. There was no doubt her cheeks weren't red, and her mind was definitely not thinking of him in bed. Fred's face turned into a large grin at her reaction, while she tried to hide her embarrassment.

The Minister of Magic started explaining the game and welcomed everyone before sending the golden snitch out onto the field.

Cedric and Maddie talked some of the evening, just making small conversation. He had asked her about her summer, which she explained was pretty uneventful, and he had explained his as lots of parties with his fathers friends.

After the game ended, everyone said their goodbyes and started to make their way back to their tent. Cedric and Maddie shared a hug to which Maddie blushed and Fred stared at from afar.


"Krum! Krum! Krum!" The twins danced around the tent as Maddie sat on her bed trying to read a book, in peace. It wasn't going very well.

"Oh, could you two stop, I'm trying to beat Hermione!" She exclaimed and Fred stared at her.

"Stop being a losey potato head and come dance with us." Fred held his hand out for her and she put my book down before grabbing it. He pulled her towards him and they danced around to the music.

Mr. Weasley heard some screams and explosions outside, as did Maddie. The rest of them didn't seem to notice, so when Ron started speaking and distracted the twins, she went over to Mr. Weasley.

They peeked outside the tent and saw fire everywhere and people running trying to get to safety. Some tents were burning as the fire came down on them. He pushed me back into the tent and ran to the twins telling them to stop.

Madelyn started rubbing her arms anxiously, she didn't like these kinds of things. Whenever something happened at Hogwarts, she would get this strange feeling and she hated it. She felt weird like something was watching her.

"We've gotta get out of here. Now!" Mr. Weasley pushed them out of the tent and she saw the image she saw previously. "Get back to the Portkey, everybody, and stick together!"

She looked around frantically for anyone, Fred or Harry or Hermione, but everyone was running their own separate ways. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and she looked around as if somebody was watching me.

"Maddie!" She heard somebody scream her name but couldn't focus on it. She looked up at the sky and it felt like She was in a trance and couldn't get out. She saw people in robes with black pointy hats and spears with fire at the end walking towards her.

"Where's the girl! He wants the girl!" She heard one of them yell and they all split off into different sections looking for the girl, she assumed. She couldn't move, she couldn't speak. She felt someone grab her hand and pull her with them, but she couldn't register who it was. She caught a glimpse of a red streak before she blacked out.


"Maddie! Maddie!" She gasped as she woke up to someone hovering over her, shaking her awake. She looked up to find Fred's arms on her shoulders along with everybody else hovering over her.

"Alright, alright. Let's give her some space." Arthur said and everyone backed awak as Fred helped her sit up. Her hands reached for her head, to try and mend the pounding sensation. Arthur handed her a bottle of water which she gladly took, drinking most of it in one gulp.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You blacked out when we were running. The death eaters attacked." Fred explained. She nodded but tensed when she wondered if her father had something to do with it. She wasn't blind, she knew Lucius was a death eater, it would only make sense if thats why they had so many people over.

"We have to go back and get Harry." Hermione showed her concern for her friend as she tried to get everyone to hurry and get back to Harry. Fred and Arthur helped Maddie get back on her feet. She brushed off her jeans and checked her neck to make sure her necklace was still there. She let out a sigh of relief once she felt the gold metal on her hand.

Ron, Hermione, and Madelyn started making their way back to the burned down camp. It was lighter out, and you could only see a few sparks still lit. Smoke was all over the sky and Madelyn had to squint to see through it. She spotted Harry between some tents and they all ran to him. She immediately wrapped her arms around him.

"Thought we lost you, mate." Ron said. Madelyn pulled away and Harry looked at her concerned. He knew some things about her father, she confided in him. He wasn't angry at her when she told him she suspected her father was a death eater, he didn't believe she could ever be like him.

"Are you alright?" He asked her and she nodded. She looked around until her eyes came in contact with the sky. A green skull with a snake wrapping around it took up a portion of the sky. Harry gasped and held his scar.

"Stupefy!" Some people that worked at the ministry started shouting at the teens and yelling out spells causing them to duck down as fast as they could.

"Stop! That's my son!" Arthur ran in between them and came over to the four, helping them up. Barty started accusing Harry of a crime as Arthur started arguing with them. Madelyn looked up to the sky and shuddered as the hair on her neck came up again. She looked around, that feeling back again, like something was watching her.

"Maddie!" Hermione brought her back and grabbed her arm, signaling they were leaving. She took one last look at the mark before Hermione pulled her towards the group.


"Anything from the trolley?" The plump lady rolled the trolley towards their compartment. Maddie was sitting across from Hermione, looking out the window at the grass field on their way to Hogwarts. She was still a bit shaken up from what happened the other night.

"This is horrible." Hermione held out the paper in disgust as she read the news. "How can the Ministry not know who conjured it?" Hermione kept asking questions about why they didn't believe it, but Maddie wasn't really paying attention.

"You alright, Maddie?" Harry asked. She turned to him and smiled, giving him a nod. Truth was - she wasn't okay, not really. She hadn't eaten in a few days, the thought of eating made her want to vomit, and her father is probably a death eater behind the attack. She couldn't wait to be in her dorm surrounded by books and away from reality.

A smile crept on her face as she spotted the castle in the distance. It was still the same as it always had been, dark and mysterious, but somehow it always managed to have her smiling. Harry looked from beside her and they neared the place they both called home.

When they were outside the castle, everyone ran to the edge to find six pegasi carrying a carriage towards the castle.

"Glad to be back?" She looked up behind her to see Fred standing over her and nodded eagerly. "Wonder what this year is gonna be like."

"Who are they?" She asked. She seemed to be the only person that was confused which caused Fred to let out a chuckle.

"They're from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. They're here for the Triwizard tournament." He explained and she mentaly slapped herself in the head. Her father had told her about them loads of times, she should've known. "They're from Durmstrang." She peered out into the water as a pirate ship emerged out of the water.

"C'mon." Hermione grabbed her arm excitedly and pulled her towards the groups of students that were heading in. She sat down in between Harry and Hermione with Ron and the twins on the other side of them.

"Now that we're all sorted and seated, I would like to make an announcement. Professor Dumbledore was interrupted by the doors to the great hall opening as a running Filch ran through. He looked like he was doing high-knees or something. Maddie looked over to Fred and they burst out laughing along with a few other students at the way he was running.

He whispered something in Dumbledore's ear before leaving again. He began speaking again and the students turned back around to look at him. He started explaining the tournament and she looked over at the Hufflepuff table to find Cedric already looking at her. Cedric smiled and laughed with his friends as she blushed and turned back around.

The doors opened once again to reveal a group of girls in matching blue dresses with matching blue hats on. They started walking and stopped, turning to the side towards a table and sighing. The boys went crazy, wisseling and cat-calling the girls. Hermione and Maddie rolled their eyes as the boys continued to praise the girls.

Most of the boys stood up, including Fred and George, when they stopped near the front. Claps erupted around the room along with a few more wissels from boys around the room. Hermione and Maddie looked at each other with disgust before laughing at the guys mezmorized faces.

The doors opened again to reveal the boys from Durmstrange. They walked in all proud and strong, slamming their sticks onto the ground as they walked. It was the girls' turn to fawn over the guys, well, except Madelyn who was deep in a game of 'sticks' with Fred. They dropped their sticks and started running to the front, doing acrobatic tricks.

"Blimey it's him." Ron started speaking to which Fred and George turned his way. "It's Viktor Krum."

Fred and George exchanged a look before their faces lit up at Krum actually being int he same room as them.

Dumbledore said a few more things about the tournament, along with introducing the new DADA teacher - Mad-Eye Moody, or Alastair Moody.

Dumbledore started the feast and a hundred beautiful foods appeared on the table. Maddie grabbed a few things, a piece of ham and some vegetables. She was glad that everyone was invested in their own meals and that they didn't think about how little she was eating compared to everyone else.

After dinner was done and Dumbledore explained more about the task, everyone headed back to their common rooms. Hermione and Madelyn decided to head to the library before they had to be in bed to get some more books.

Hermione and Madelyn walked down the dimly lit corridors. It was a few hours after dinner and the girls hadn't realized how late they had stayed in the library. They could already hear the loud music from the common rooms as they neared the steps.

"They could've casted the muffliato charm." Hermione shook her head, disappointed at the twins who put the party together. Every year, the twins would set up a party in the common room. Most of the younger students went to bed while the older ones hung out at the party. They had booze and played games, danced with music pulsing through their ears.

Maddie laughed and shook her head before muttering the password. "Flibbertigibbet." The fat lady let them in and they were immediately surrounded by the smells of booze and cologne. Students were dancing, drinking and talking as the lights overhead were changing colors.

The twins really out did themselves this year, She thought to herself.

"Finally. Mads, 'Mione, come grab a drink." Fred noticed them and motioned for them to come over to him. Hermione offered to take the books up to the drom, which Maddie greatly appreciated. "Here you are, love."

"Not too strong, just how you like it." George smiled at the girl before heading over to where a group had formed with Harry and Ron.


"Can you imagine what it'd be like to have a fake ass?" Madelyn stated calmly as she stared at the floor with the rim of her cup in between her lips. The boys sitting around her stopped what they were doing and immediately stared at the girl.

"What?" Ron asked. He sat on the couch with Hermione and Harry as the twins and Maddie sat on the floor around the table.

"Maddie, you're drunk." Harry stated the obvious as he rolled the dice on the table.

"No, but like, muggles do that." She looked up at them all to see them shaking their heads and laughing. "They do!"

"Okay." George said, amused by her getting angry.

"But what would it be like?" She asked and they all shrugged their shoulders. She sighed before falling back on Fred and laying her head in his lap. He took her cup out of her hands and placed it on the table so it wouldn't spill. He started running his hands through her hair as the rest of them continued the game.

A few minutes later, Fred looked down at the girl to find her peacefully sleeping in his arms. He smiled and brushed a few strands of hair out of her face. Everyone started to get up from the couch and head to bed, George deciding to help Fred carry Maddie up to her room. Fred grabbed her under the arms and George grabbed her legs and they hauled her upstairs.

"No, George you go up."

"What? Me, I'm not going backwards, you go." Fred sighed and turned them around so he was facing backwards as they made their way up the stairs. George accidentally slipped and banged her ass up against the wall. Fred cursed at him and told him to be more careful.

They finally made it to her room and slowly opened her door to find Hermione and Ginny already asleep. They carried her over to the bed and gently placed her on it, Fred slipping off her boots and pulled the covers over her. He made sure she looked comfortable before turning off her light and leaving with George.

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