Learning to love you again

By wannasuckmydick

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sequel to loving you More

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1.5K 86 253
By wannasuckmydick

Onika pov:

"Move let me see !" melvin said rushing down here. He gasped looking down at her then put his face in his hands. 

Bey was laying on the bed naked passed out. her body and her face was bruised and she had a dark ring around her throat like she had been choked.

The sheet had a long blood stain leading from her private all the way down to the end of the bed and drips of blood was on the floor. 

As I looked closer on her body I seen small stains of white stuff. Realizing what it was I gagged and pulled back not wanting to see anymore.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him" I heard melvin growl lowly. "I gonna fucking kill toya" I heard keri grit on the other side of me.

I'm killing both them bitches. And they family.

"Wait outside" I said looking back at all the boys. I don't feel comfortable with them seeing her naked and like this.

They all nodded before making their way back up stairs and out of the basement.

I looked back over to her then sighed feeling tears fill my eyes and my chest tightened up.

Look at my baby man. My little crybaby smart mouthed princess... I can't believe they are sick enough to do this to her.

"Melvin give me your hoodie please" I said fighting my tears. "ok" he said then took it off handing it to me.

I walked up the side of the bed getting closer to her then I gently put it on her body.

When I started to pick her up she winced then whined making me freeze my actions. I started back and she started whimpering.

"n-no p-pease" she said lowly in her baby voice waking up. My heart broke more now knowing she was little when this happen to her.

"it's bubba baby i'm not gonna hurt you" I said lowly to her. When she heard it was me she clung on to me wrapping her legs around my waist.

"h-hurt" she whimpered lowly in my ear. "I know stinky, just go back to sleep baby I got you" I said in her ear while rubbing her back. 

I looked around seeing they was watching us "Come on" I said walking towards the stairs. 

"And somebody grab my fucking gun" I mumbled walking up the stairs then walking out. "Is she ok ?" melly asked looking at me sadly. 

I looked down then sighed "Everybody go to the cars" I said looking up. They nodded giving me sympathetic looks before walking away.

"Melvin pass me my gun" I said seeing he had it. He handed it to me and I walked around to the front where all the girls was.

They nosey ass was already watching what was going on making me roll my eyes. "Oh my god is that beyonce" I heard one of the girls say gasping.

"If any of y'all bitches speak on this you'll be dead before your next birthday" I said pointing the gun at them causing them to gasp and some of them duck.

"But my birthday's tomorrow" one of the girls said. "Then you betta be extra quiet" I gritted before shooting the wall right by her head.

She screamed then started crying falling to the floor while all the girls ran over to check on her. "dramatic ass" I mumbled before walking out of the club. 

"Keri" I called out catching her attention. "Yea ?" she said turning to me. "Take her to the Hospital then when y'all leave go to the airport and it's a plane there waiting on y'all" I said handing her bey.

"Where are you going ?" she asked me. "I need to do something" I said before going to the car getting in.

----- -----

"Are you sure this the address" I asked kevin over the phone. "Yes i'm sure, he should be in there"

"Alright" I hung up the phone then looked over at the masked up boys. "Go" was all I said and they broke down the door going into the house.

I went in going upstairs to check the room. I held my gun out as I looked around through the dark hallway with Cole, Melly, and Melvin behind me.

I opened one of the door looking inside seeing it was empty. "Split" I said to  save time.

They all went to different doors checking them and  checked the last door. When I walked in some bitch was on her knees in front of the edge of the bed giving shawn head.

"fuck" I heard him groan out lowly before he dropped him head.

"Party over" I spoke before shooting shawn in the arm. I know these bitches had to hear me open the door so they was just ignoring me.

I don't like getting ignored.

"AHH SHIT" he yelled out holding his arm then looked up at me. I know he knew it was me by the fact I was wearing a hot pink mask.

His eyes went wide while he started to shake his head. The boys rushed in the room looking around with their guns up.

"Get him. Kill her" I said in a bland tone before walking out letting them handle their business. 

I heard the girl scream and soon gunshots was fired causing a smile to appear on my face. I went outside to the car I was told toya was in and opened the trunk.

Looking inside I seen her with her hands and feet tied up and tape on her mouth. She looked up at me begging for mercy with her eyes causing me to smirk.

"Don't worry you won't be suffering alone" I said still smirking. "Ya see" I started getting close to her face,

"I don't take people hurting my baby to well" I said gently rubbing her cheek. She looking at my hand nervously making my smirk grow.

"You wanna know why ?" I asked with a smile. "mm mm" she hummed from behind the tape shaking her head.

My smile dropped turning into a face of anger then I slapped her so hard you could hear the smack from down the street.

"Yes the fuck you do" I gritted harshly. She whimpered with tears in her eyes looking at me in fear "Now i'm gonna tell you" I said with my smile re appearing on my face.

"When I met beyonce I thought she was odd..but something drew me to her, actually her innocence did" I started about to spill my love story to this bitch just do I could hurt her at the end.

"As I got to know her more I learned that her dad abused her... Seeing the bruises on her body hurt my heart cause I was already slightly in love with her.. so you could only imagine how I felt now seeing her like that"

"I took her out that situation and fell completely in love with her.. on a different type of level love"

"I didn't want nobody having her attention but me, why ? Cause my heart was attached to her.. she was like a band-aid to all my unhealed wounds" she listened to everything I said with caution.

Smart girl, she knows she isn't safe.

"See beyonce cared about me. Something I didn't think others did, even in her baby space she tried to care and protect me" I spoke with my tone getting darker thinking of what they did to her.

I pulled out my pocket knife before lightly chuckling. "And you bitches thought it would be ok to hurt MY baby" I said chuckling again.

"My baby out of all people" I spoke in a disbelief tone. "it's three things I don't play about. My kids, my family, and my fucking wife" I said growling the wife part. 

"You of all people should've known that was stupid" I gritted lowly sticking the knife in right above her vagina.

"MMFH" she screamed behind the tape with tears starting to pour from her eyes. "You and shawn are fucking dying" I spoke darkly.

"He raped her" I gritted sticking the knife deeper. "I'm gonna make sure y'all feel all her fucking pain" I spoke aggressively shoving it all the way in.

She cried out loudly and I giggled before yanking the knife out. I wiped the blood off the knife on her cheek while smiling.

"Make room for your partner" I spoked before putting the knife back in the wound ignoring her muffled screams then closing the trunk and walked back to my car.

I seen the boys walk out with a limp shawn in their hands before they went to the trunk toya was in putting him in.

"Y'all ready ?" I asked as my car filled back up. "Yea" wayne said nodding "Alright, let's go home" I said starting the car.

------- ------

Next day:

I pulled up to beyonce house then got out grabbing the McDonald bag and the paint of Butter pecan ice cream on the way.

I seen solo and keri car here letting me know they was here but when I walked into the house I was met with a surprise seeing Jeep and a little boy in the living room.

"Ummm... Who invited you ?" I asked looking at her. I thought they left her ass. "Keri and kelly did" she said rolling her eyes.

"And you brought  a fucking child" I said pointing at the little boy that just looked up at me confused.

"I can't help the fact that I have a son barbie" she said flatly. "Man where you staying ?" I asked cause it's too many damn kids to be tryna add on and shit.

"With kelly" she said "Oh, good" I said giving her a soft smile. As long as I don't have to deal with her ass.

"Welp bye, peace out lil man" I said to her and her son before making my way towards the stairs but stopped in my tracks when I seen doggy laying on the floor.

"Aye doggy what you doing ?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow. He looked up at me like he was waiting for orders.

"Let's go help mommy, gone up there" I said pointing up the stairs. He hopped up quickly wagging his tail then zoomed up the stairs.

I walked up them behind him then seen him waiting for me at the door. I smiled at him before opening the door allowing him to run in. 

"Didn't I kick yo ass out !!" I heard solo say angrily making me chuckle. I fully walked in seeing keri, kelly, and solo all laying in the bed with bey while she watched tv.

"Oh look who's here baby" keri said catching beys attention. She looked over at me then gave me a weak smile while tears formed in her eyes. 

"She's been asking for you all day" solo said standing up. "We're gonna let y'all have some privacy" kelly spoke.

She walked closer to me the said "Her little self switches ages a lot when she's going through something, she's six right now but be careful cause she can quickly go to being two" she told me  before they all walked out leaving me, bey, and doggy.

"Get up there" I said to doggy while closing the door. He hopped on the bed then went over to bey allowing her to cuddle into him.

"I got you some nuggets and cream stink" I said walking over to her. 

She looked up at me with pain filled eyes and by the way her lip quivered I know she's on the verge of breaking down.

I put the food down on the night stand then looked back at her "C'mere baby" I said opening my arms.

She sat up embracing me in a tight hug while I rubbed her back. She sobbed into my chest holding my hoodie tightly.

"H-H-He h-h-urt m-mee" she sobbed out squeezing tighter. I felt tears brim my eyes "I know baby" I said with my voice slightly cracking.

"He won't do it anymore I promise" I said kissing her head. Her sobs got louder and her grip on my hoodie got tighter.

"B baby you gotta calm down" I said to her lowly hearing her breathing pick up. I pulled back looking at her face.

She was still crying trying to calm down. "I'm not gonna let him get away with hurting you ok stink, bubba's gonna hurt him like he hurt you" I said wiping her tears.

Her big innocent eyes stared at me with a mixture of hurt and confusion in them.

"w-why he m-mean to me" she asked lowly. "Cause he's a bad person" I said gently rubbing her cheek.

Her lips started to quiver again as she looked away from me. "What's wrong baby ?" I asked gently grabbing her chin.

She flinched back causing me to quickly move my hand not wanting to trigger her. "y-you n-o there" she said looking back to me.

"t-t-toya said I s-see you" she said with her eyes watering again. I looked into them feeling both guilt and anger built inside of me.

"Toya lied to you bey" I said softly. "As soon as I got there I took you, I wouldn't let nothing happen to you".

Baby bey pov:

I looked up at bubba feeling the tears I had built up fall. "y-you no help" I whispered lowly thinking back.


"N-NO !" I screamed crying trying to kick him off of me. "Shut up" he growled ripping my sleeping pants off.

I sobbed loudly trying to fight him off but it didn't work he was stronger than me and really scaring me.

I just want bubba.

"p-pease" I cried but he ignored me sliding into me anyways. I screamed out in pain as I felt my walls stretch out.

"NOO" I screamed crying while he pumped in and out me groaning. 

I cried in pain while he continued then he started roughly pounding into me making the pain worsen and my screams increase in volume.

"PEASE W-WANNA G-GO HOME" I screamed trying to push him. He groaned before sending a hard slap to my face.

"owwwww" I cried. He's acting like daddy and he's hurting me. I don't wanna be here I want bubba. I really want bubba.

She said she'll always help me maybe if I scream for her she'll come.

"B-BUBBA" I screamed  hoping she would run in and help me but she never came.

"B-BU-BUBBA 'ELP P-PEASE" I sobbed while he slammed into me me feeling myself become younger.

"She's not coming baby.. you're all mine" shawn whispered in my ear and I felt his hands move on my clit.

"n-nooo" I sobbed out trying to push him. "SHUT UP" He screamed before slamming into me over and over again.

"AHHHHHH !!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs feeling blood start to leak out of me. 

Please help me bubba.

End of flashback

"Beyonce I-I wasn't there baby I couldn't help" she said causing me to look at her. "n-needed h-help" I said lowly.

I was older now so I could talk better but I still didn't know how to put it in full sentences.

She looked down at me and I noticed her lip slightly quiver before she bit down on it. "i'm sorry" she whispered lowly.

"I won't let that happen no more" she said pulling me back into her for a hug. Feeling my chest tighten up and my lip quiver I wrapped my arms around her waist stuffing my face into her chest while I cried.

I cried and cried none stop sobbing into her hoodie. I cried my heart out freeing my emotions that I had bottled up since it happened.

She let me get it all out while rubbing my back and rocking me.

After a while I wore myself out from crying so I just had my head laying on her chest hiccuping while staring at the wall. 

I don't want her to go again. Everytime she leaves me or I leave her something bad happens I just wanna say with her.

I felt bubba soft hand start to rub my cheek causing me to look up at her. She gave me a soft smile before pecking my head.

I smiled feeling myself become younger something I have no control over.

"bubba night night" I said lowly feeling my head pounding. "You don't wanna eat baby ?" she asked me.

I looked over at the food then shook my head. "Ok let me go put it up" she said trying to back away from me.

I tightened my grip around her then whimpered shaking my head. "I'll be right back stink" she said.

I looked up at her with teary eyes then whispered "no go". She nodded her head before putting it on mine "ok baby I won't" she said looking into my eyes.

"pwomise" I said "I promise" she said before pulling back.

"Scoot over boo" she said and I did scooting doggy with me. She got in the bed then pulled me on top of her.

"I missed you baby bey" she said poking my bottom lip. I felt myself smile and blush.

I haven't seen bubba in a long time. The last time I seen her was before she went to jail and I really missed her. 

"miss yew bubba" I said stuffing my face into her neck shyly. "Don't hide cute" she said then started to tickle my sides making me burst into a fit of laughter.

"B-Bu-ubba t-topp" I said laughing. "But I missed hearing my baby bey laugh" she said continuing to tickle me.

"B-Bubbaaa" I whined before laughing due to her still tickling me "Ok ok i'll stop" she said smiling down at me.

"B baby ?" "Hmm" I hummed looking at her. "You know bubba loves you right" she said running her hand through my hair.

"Yes" I said smiling. "Good as long as you know that" she smiled.

"Can I have a kiss ?" she asked me puckering her lips. I froze up thinking about what the bad man did to my mouth then quickly shook my head.

"Why not ?" she asked with her face dropping. "n-no" I said lowly feeling my eyes start to water from memories flashing.

"It's ok baby" she said rubbing up and down my arm calming me some. "We don't have to kiss or do anything until you're ready" she said before kissing my cheek.

"Come on let's go night night" she said pulling the cover over us. I cuddled more into her bringing my thumb into my mouth and reaching my other hand up to rub her cheek.

"I love you stinky" she said while gently patting my back helping me fall asleep faster.

"love yew bubba" I said before fully closing my eyes. Just as I was about to fall into a deep sleep I heard her say something lowly

"I'm sorry I didn't protect you"


Sorry for the wait..

Nahh not really I did it on purpose

Anyway how was y'all day ?

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