Ebony {My Hero Academia}

By EbonyAnimalSpirit

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It started with a single crimson feather One single feather, fallen among a sea of black.... Lost to the flut... More

Chapter 1- Spirit
Chapter 2- Red
Chapter 3- Hours
Chapter 4- Noted
Chapter 5- Choose
Chapter 6- Hero
Chapter 7- Hurt
Chapter 8- New
Chapter 9- Justify
Chapter 10- Calm
Chapter 11- Chance
Chapter 12- Sensei
Chapter 13- Unexpected
Chapter 14- Catch
Chapter 15- Try
Chapter 16- Know
Chapter 17- Promise
Chapter 18- Dark
Chapter 19- Call
Chapter 20- Sincerity
Chapter 21- Hesitate
Chapter 22- Friend
Chapter 23- Tired
Chapter 24- Cautionary
Chapter 25- Want
Chapter 27- Downtime
Chapter 28- Weird
Chapter 29- Stray
Chapter 30- Swept
Chapter 31- Clever

Chapter 26- Like

1.4K 56 37
By EbonyAnimalSpirit

Chapter 26




It looked like tar splattered against the floor... Sticky and warm, and so terribly, utterly, pitch black.

But it didn't smell like tar, or oil, or pitch or anything... It didn't smell... It smelled like rot, decomposition... Death

Death and metal... Decay and blood

Dark, sticky, rotted, black blood

The world was being consumed by an unending ebony wave, contorted, twisted hands and fingers made of shadow reaching out toward her, hungry, cruel.

They were screaming, their voices disjointed, anguished... terrified.

Everything was getting swallowed up, all light, noise, up and down- everything

I'm... S...shit... No... No...!

She felt it tearing at her, wrenching her body apart from all sides, tearing flesh, tendon, bone, muscle and vein- a million hooks pushed into the very essence of her being and pulling violently in all directions... Unwinding her entire being, trying so hard to render her nothing but thin, wispy strips of barely human existence.

They were all screaming still, thousands of them, distorted, anguished, tortured- and her voice, and all the wails, and roars, and screeches within her own soul were just as loud.


I can't... He... He's...!



She jerked up, heart racing painfully in her chest. She meant to jolt upward, but even trying had her shoulder burn bright in pain and she nearly yelped at it- but instead she just cringed. She sucked in several short, shuddering gasps of air, her red eyes glittering in the dim of the room and body immediately tense and on high alert... Panicked.

Her eyes snapped up, a shiver running down her spine as her eyes locked with the roof overhead- the very unfamiliar roof, which did nothing to settle her nerves. Not even when it was just a simple roof and one that was completely empty, and not playing host to the deep, pitch black shadow she was searching for. It wasn't there, it was just the ceiling... But it wasn't her ceiling...?!

Where in the hell-?!

"Woah, woah, Spirit? You okay?"

Something popped into her line of sight, directly above her, and without warning- and she felt her heart race a million miles faster in sheer, unbridled reaction. Her left hand swung up without her consciously telling it to, and all that ran through her mind in that instant was for whatever it was to stay the hell away.


Her palm rammed against the thing directly above her with a terrible clap of skin on skin, and a bit of a muffled cracking in the mix- oh, and a rather startled yelp of surprise from... Someone-?

The figure recoiled a bit, Spirit's hand lowering only a tad and stunned into stillness, while her heart continued to beat madly against her rib-cage. She didn't move after that, the stinging in her hand from hitting whatever it was so hard barely registered in her mind as she stared, and the thing that had popped into her view suddenly pulled back and out of direct sight again... And was followed by a low groan...?


"... O...oww..."

She shifted, forcing her neck to crane back and in the direction the figure pulled toward, red eyes wide and glittering as some fraction of the panic that had hazed over her thoughts crumbled, and she realized almost instantly what she'd hit.


Hawks was sitting there, his hands holding his face and nose with it, and stifling a few more winces of pain, his forehead and the bridge of his nose slightly red from the impact. His shoulders were hunched as he sat back from her a bit, head bent and eyes shut tight against the unpleasant sensation of getting his face smashed into (and rather forcefully at that)- it was enough to make his eyes water, and he held his breath against the stinging pain that was quickly turning into a throb.

Spirit bristled at the sight though, her heart skipping a beat and panic racing anew when she realized what she'd done.

"S-shit...!" She hissed, quickly moving as she rolled over and did her best to sit up and face him- which was harder than it should have been, and a little more than hard given she couldn't use her right arm to push herself up. She staggered a bit halfway through and hissed when it jostled her injured shoulder a little too much, but she kept on until she was upright and facing him- red eyes glittering like mad and very, very ruffled. Hawks was aware of her rather rushed movements right away, his eyes cracking open and his hands adjusting from holding his face reflexively. He meant to reach out and stop her from trying to get up so fast- lest she hurt herself trying. But he faltered as Spirit got all the way up, and blinked, his eyes widening a bit- stunned.

"C-crap, I didn't mean to hit you...!" Spirit hissed quickly once she got up enough, only to falter again when his hands pulled from his face, and Hawks seemed to falter himself- but all she saw was the bit of blood dripping from both of his nostrils. She bristled further at it, her stomach flipping, eyes flashing, and her expression pulling even more than it already was.


"You're bleeding... Tch... S..shit...!" She hissed, her eyes leaving him and darting quickly to and fro, frantically searching for some sort of napkin or- ah!

Something had fallen into her lap in the midst of her getting up, but she'd not noticed it till then- an icepack wrapped in a hand towel (not frozen anymore). She shook the icepack loose and snatched the towel up, leaning in toward Hawks and quickly putting the cloth in his hand and forcing them both up toward his face.

"Here, before you get blood everywhere...!" Spirit ordered sharply as she pushed his hand up a bit more. Hawks blinked at the action and obliged, though rather sluggishly- his fingers curled around the towel and he held it to his nose rather absentmindedly. He gave it little thought, and he never looked at the towel at all, he just kept watching her, still seemingly stunned even while Spirit continued to be all flustered and sort of frantic too.

Tch... Stupid Spirit, stupid...!

"Shit, I'm sorry, I really wasn't intending to hit you..." Spirit apologized quickly and Hawks blinked, the apology breaking him a little from his stunned state, and he shook his head once.

"Oh, no... i-it's fine..." He mumbled quickly, his voice muffled and a bit stuffy sounding- you know, from the blood blocking his nasal-passages. "No real harm... done... just... uhm... are you okay...?" He mumbled breathlessly, his eyes narrowing a tad and still stunned sort of, but more worried now, and Spirit blinked at it. Hawks pointed at her a little uncertainly, his head tilting and swallowing a bit- especially when she seemed confused with the gesture. "... You seemed like you were having a really bad dream... And... Are you... Crying...?" The Winged Hero mumbled softly, and Spirit went rigid.

Cry-? Ah, shiiittt...!

D-damn it...!

Spirit shook her head hotly, her gaze darting away from him and rubbing at her eyes with the back of her arm rather roughly. She didn't feel much moisture on her skin as she did so, but it was enough, and she cursed herself for it, frowning deeply. She huffed, her teeth gritting further and red eyes flashing as she shot him a look.

"I'm not... It was just... It was a dream, it's fine... I'm fine." She told him lowly, and Hawks faltered a bit at the quick reply, and at how clearly her tone said to drop it. Her voice was almost icy, dangerous even... but still he-

"-Are you... Sure...?" He mumbled and Spirit nodded stiffly, her shoulders hunching a tad for the question, but her voice was as steady as could be now, and no less curt than the first time.

"Yes, I'm sure." She muttered lowly, looking away from him with a huff. "I don't wanna talk about it, it was just a dream... Drop it." She grumbled, voicing the previously unspoken order to 'drop it' this time, and Hawks had no choice but to listen. His eyes fell from her for a second because of it, and Spirit glanced back toward him slowly, the edge in her voice and the tenseness in expression fading quickly to none- to be replaced with something pensive, and apprehensive too. She bit the inside of her cheek hard, her posture wilting.

... damn it...

"... Are you okay?" Spirit asked softly, the question earning Hawks' eyes immediately and he paused to see that apprehensive look on her face where he'd rarely seen it ever, and least of this clearly. He'd seen her unsure before of course, but those times were usually so fleeting- not like this... She looks... Guilty almost...?

And she got worked up so fast- whatever bad dream that was notwithstanding, she seems super worked up about what happened...... Like she's really sorry that she hit me, even though she totally didn't mean to...?

It was 100% an accident, but she still looks... So worked up...

His expression softened slightly and his shoulders sagged, his stomach twisting and fluttering all at once.

... oh Spirit...

"... Heh, yeah totally~" Hawks hummed, offering up a small smile that she could only sort of see around the towel he was still pressing under his nose. He waved his other (free) hand a little dismissively and nonchalantly, "It was an accident, so don't sweat it~!" He chirped around the blood and the towel both, and Spirit seemed to frown faintly at the reassurance- and didn't look all that reassured at all, actually. Her eyes dropped from him and into her lap, a heavy sigh escaping her as she leaned back away from him again.

"... I'm sorry, Feathers." She mumbled lowly, and he smiled a bit more.

Heh, she totally threatened to kill me if I ever did something to double-cross her, and she threw me to the ground that same day too without being bothered in the slightest- but now when she hit me without meaning to, she totally feels super bad about it...!

It doesn't make much sense, but it's kinda adorable~

"It's totally cool, Spirit." Hawks hummed, his eyes moving from her briefly to pull the towel from his nose and he sniffed once, smiling a little more. "Ah, the bleeding's already stopped too~! Don't sweat it so much, it's not like this is the first time someone's smacked me in the face, hehe~!" He chuckled, his voice still rather stuffy sounding, but no new drips of blood made an appearance from his nose. He started in on doing his best to get rid of the stain on his face then, while still looking rather amused and carefree. "Though you are the prettiest person who has ever hit me in the face, so that's a plus~!" He smirked and Spirit huffed, her lips pulling downward instantly and her face heating up for the comment- which only irritated her more than she was irritated with herself, and the stupid nightmare.

"Tch, can you not help yourself...?!" She snapped, and Hawks just smiled more.

"Nope~!" He replied all too easily, his eyes gleaming as she looked away from him rather hotly, and he was not at all bothered with the reaction. In fact, he totally intended to spur it.

Her being annoyed with him was a better alternative to her feeling all guilty, yeah~?

"... Tch... You're an idiot..." Spirit muttered lowly, frowning still as she turned her head from him stubbornly, and she reflexively moved to cross her arms over her chest- you know, like she usually would. But she forgot for a moment the sling her arm was in, and moving her shoulder the little bit she did was instantly a mistake. She cringed, gritting her teeth against the prickle of pain that ran down her arm and ended in a throb that was getting steadily heavier, and more persistent. Her left hand reflexively moved up and grabbed onto the injured shoulder, her eyes closing against the discomfort and a small growl escaping the Ebony Hero. Hawks' smile broke a little at the show of discomfort, his expression falling slightly as he watched her hunch a little there, and he gave her a minute or two to get over the initial flare of pain.

"... Your shoulder hurts pretty bad, huh?" He murmured softly once she relaxed a bit, and Spirit huffed at it.

"... It's fine, I can handle it." She replied rather stubbornly, and more stubbornly still- forced herself to stop holding to that arm with her left hand. Hawks stiffened a little as she pulled her hand away though, his face falling to see the smear of dark red left on the sleeve of the shirt.

"Spirit, your hand is bleeding." Hawks mumbled, his words making her jump a little in surprise as her red eyes snapped open to land quickly on said hand. The thin, hairline cuts running across her hand had split open again with her smacking him as she had, a dozen or more little lines welling in red and quickly about to start dripping. Spirit grit her teeth at it, closing her hand reflexively to catch some of the blood before it dropped- though of course doing so stung, and just split the cuts open a little more.

"Tch... Damn it..." She hissed, her eyes darting to her sleeve to see the crimson she'd plastered on the fabric without being aware of doing so.

"Here, lemme see."

Spirit jumped slightly in surprise, her hand suddenly getting wrapped up in a small towel and pulled gently to her left, Hawks directing her with his own two hands that he'd used to catch her so gently in the cloth. He didn't meet her eyes as he did it, they'd fallen to what he was doing as he pulled her hand a bit closer, dabbing at the scarlet welling up with the towel gingerly. Meanwhile, his golden eyes scanned the slices carefully, and he hummed a bit under his breath.

"... These are super thin, huh...? But they're gonna take forever to heal, being on your hand..." He murmured softly, nearly all to himself, and he shook his head a bit. "Hmm, well I've got band-aids and stuff, so gimme a minute to grab a few and we'll fix you up real quick~" He hummed next, smiling again as he wrapped the towel around her hand a bit more securely, before pausing a moment and looking thoughtful. "... Thouuuugh, it might work better to just stick some medi-glue on some of these, ya know~? I think I have some around here somewhere... Lemme go see~" He chirped, already on his feet and heading away to look for whatever he needed. He took the towel he'd used on his nose with him (wait, where'd the one around her hand come from...?), and he took the icepack too- while a few feathers plucked off from his wings and started circling the kitchen, seemingly looking in cabinets and whatever else.

Spirit faltered a little, her eyes darting quickly between the searching feathers and Hawks already moving down the hallway into his room and completely out of sight- not that her losing sight of him and vise versa had him stop talking, mind you.

"Hey, since you're up now, it's probably time to take some of those antibiotics the hospital gave you, yeah?" Hawks called behind him, his voice filtering out of the room and reaching her with ease. "It's already almost noon, ya know~"

Spirit stiffened at the assertion, her eyes darting toward the balcony windows only to realize they were all covered up with curtains, so she couldn't see anything. But she could see sunlight desperately trying to break through around the edges, and she hissed under her breath.

It's already noon...? I can't believe I slept that long-

"Ah, and your shoulder is bothering you, yeah? Would it make a difference if I suggested taking some medicine for the pain?" Hawks kept on, his voice a bit more muffled now (he was probably in his bathroom looking for stuff), Spirit grimaced at the suggestion.

"I'm fine." She shot back curtly, her voice raising enough he would hear her- and there was no response to it for a moment or two (not one she heard anyway).

"... Alright, I won't argue the point Spirit~" Was the response she earned after those two moments, and she huffed at it, and the slightly weary tone of voice Hawks had. But she let it go and ignored him, her eyes beginning to scan the immediate area and around the pillows, cushions, and blanket (? Since when was there a blanket...?), searching for her phone. She found it tucked between the seat cushions and the back one, like it had dropped down when she'd been asleep.

Attempting to turn around and adjust to try and reach it with one arm in a sling, and the other bleeding and wrapped in a towel, was more than a little awkward (and difficult)- but she managed to fish it out. She was just about to try and bring the screen up and check the time when Hawks' voice piped in again, much clearer and almost cheery now- and she jumped for it.

"Heyyyy, I got an idea!" The Winged Hero trilled, poking his head out of his room to glance her way, a smile gracing his lips. "You wanna take a bath, maybe? A nice, warm, relaxing one~!" He suggested with ease, and Spirit stiffened, her eyes narrowing.

"... Excuse me...?" She mumbled flatly, and he smiled more at it.

"The heat'll help with your shoulder being all sore~! And your headache too, if you still have one~?" He elaborated quickly, his head tilting at her and golden eyes gleaming- especially for the suspicious, and somewhat wary stare he received instantly. "Hehe, come on- it's gotta sound at least a little nice, right? Plus my tub's real big, and real comfortable~! And I have a few bath salts and stuff lying around you can mess with, and try out if ya want~! I get lots of soaps and stuff like that in fan-packages and whatever, it might be fun to look through the different smells and types, ya know~?" He added brightly, and Spirit bit down on the inside of her cheek a little, looking entirely unamused.

"Yeah no, not happening." She deadpanned and Hawks just kept smiling, adjusting a little to cross his arms over his chest and lean his shoulder against the doorframe.

"Aww, why not~? It has to be a little tempting- why such a hard no right away~?" Hawks hummed and Spirit frowned at him, and the slightly knowing look on his face just then. "You don't gotta be embarrassed or anything ya know~! Or worry about it being weird- we're friends, yeah? That totally gives you bathtub rights, especially with you being hurt and everything~!" He told her, and she grumbled.

"... I have nothing to change into." She replied lowly, hoping her tone was enough to shut down the topic- but of course not.

"You can borrow some of my clothes~" Hawks murmured right away, and she grit her teeth at it, her cheeks burning slightly for the offer and she cursed herself in her head. "I'm sure I can find something that'll fit you- plus it's probably better that way anyhow, since the shirt you've got on has blood all over it now." He hummed with a nod of his head toward said blood on the shirt. "I would offer to wash your stuff in the meantime, but I don't have a washing machine~" he chuckled and Spirit stared, faltering at the last part.

What does he mean he doesn't have a washing machine...?

In this whole apartment... No washing machine...?

How does he clean his clothes-?!

"Aaand you can just borrow a shirt and not a whole outfit, if that's easier for you~?" The Winged Hero went on, oblivious to the incredulous look that had crossed her face so suddenly. "And when you're all done relaxing for a bit, I'll help ya out with your hand and the bandages and stuff, so don't worry about that either~! You'd be getting cleaned up eventually once you head home anyway yeah~? Doing it here means I can help ya out if ya need, and you won't have to try and do everything yourself... Cause no offense, but you're definitely gonna have a hard time with a few things, given your arm's in that sling, ya know~? Why struggle if I could give you a hand~?" Hawks hummed and she frowned at the words a bit indignantly,

"... Why are you so insistent on 'helping'?" She muttered lowly, and he let out a breath.

"Heh, I know you were feeling pretty gross last night, but don't tell me you forgot what we talked about..?" Hawks murmured, "You know, the thing about us taking care of each other, since we don't take care of ourselves too well? Friends look after each other, yeah?" He hummed and she stiffened.

Of course she remembered all of that, how could she not? Especially so, since-

She stiffened further despite herself, her eyes dropping quickly from the Winged Hero and into her lap.

... Since... Now I know...... We're... Way more alike... Than I...... Than I... Am okay with.

She bit down on the inside of both cheeks rather hard at the thought, grumbling under her breath and her shoulders hunching a bit too.

... and even... realizing that... I still...

... damn it...

... what am I supposed to do with all of that...?

... with him...?

... I don't know... what I should... or... am okay with doing... but...

Hawks paused when she fell quiet so suddenly, the smile on his face fading to nonexistence and golden eyes glinting as he watched her fall into her own head, brooding almost, mulling things over, thinking deeply... she looked unsure again, he could see little hints of it in her expression, and his stomach churned a little at it. She was tense again, really, really quickly, and he bit the inside of his cheek, his arms crossed over his chest tightening faintly.

... Was he pushing too hard, too fast again? Jumping the gun like he had, when he'd tried to bring up telling her his real name? Was his offer going too far? Too far out of what she was comfortable with, and only going to make her pull away from him and this 'friends' thing between them all the more?

He didn't mean to put her off, or upset her again- like he had last night, though even now he wasn't super sure what it was about what he'd said that seemed to hit her so hard. He'd mulled the whole conversation over in his head for an hour or two before he'd nodded off last night, and all his mulling didn't really give him any better clue as to where he might have misstepped (and now he was totally thinking he'd misstepped quite a bit). He was always messing up- he had no clue how to tread lightly around her, no matter how hard he tried. Everything he did, and attempted- she reacted so weirdly to so many things, and he could never guess, nor anticipate, what her move would be.

Man... she's a whirlwind, and I can barely keep up, huh..?

"... Sorry, am I going too fast again...?" Hawks mumbled softly, the words making Spirit jump a little, her red eyes glinting as she glanced his way slowly, and he threw her an apologetic smile. "My bad, Spirit. I didn't mean to, I just kinda get swept up, ya know...?" He murmured, and Spirit blinked, her eyes flicking away from him and biting on the inside of her cheek.

Swept up... right...


... I'm still doing it... what I shouldn't be... hesitating... and because...

She swallowed slightly, her shoulders sinking and letting her head fall back, her red eyes searching the darkness overhead, and watching the blurs of black moving passed overhead lazily, her expression suddenly quite somber.

... have I been letting myself... keep on dealing with all of this... taking Anima on as an Intern, talking with Tsukuyomi... and... and not chasing off Hawks... or Killjoy... because... Some part of me has been...?

She grimaced faintly, her red eyes glittering and a single blur of black passing by overhead again with a soft chirp. She let out a low breath, her eyes dropping closed and her voice barely above a whisper.

"... have I been... lonely...? And never realized it...?"

... Is that really it...?

... I don't know... I... I'm not even sure if I know what that's supposed to feel like...

... It's never bothered me... Being alone... I've always been alone... I've had to be... That's the way life is for me. It just is.

... So is it possible... The reason I've been doing everything I know I shouldn't be doing, is because...?

... After all this time... I've...?

... have I been lonely...?

... Or maybe... Am I just bored...?

... is there a difference...?

... I don't know...

She wished... She wished so badly it wasn't like this. That her life wasn't like this, where all these doubts and suspicions and fears weren't forever lurking over her head. She wished it wasn't so complicated, and that she didn't have to be guarded and careful in everything she said or did... If her life wasn't like it was, then she wouldn't have been so wound up about such a stupid thing.

She shouldn't have to watch everything she said or did, for fear she might give something away she couldn't afford to. She shouldn't have to always be on guard, and always assume the worst before even considering anything else. She shouldn't have to keep everything at arms-length and never give an inch. She should never have had to learn to be so defensive, and quick to react, or judge... She shouldn't immediately grow uneasy at the idea of being 'friends'. She shouldn't have had to worry about him trying to share his name with her. She shouldn't have felt guilty about not being able to give him the same thing back, she shouldn't have been forced into a situation where she never could- not even if she wanted to.

For the first time in a very, very long time, she was really starting to feel it- and understand just how screwed up it all was... She had never given it any thought, not all these years. The first and only time she had ever even considered it, was so long ago- and so soon after she never batted an eye at it at all. It had always been like this, as long as she could really, clearly, remember. This was life for her, this was reality, there had never been any alternative. This was what she had to be, this was what she was taught to be- this was the right way, the safe way, the only way.

... But was it?

She wavered now where she hadn't in nearly 15 years, and the hesitation hit hard. And what small thought came with it, would not fade... That maybe, after so long, and even after being taught this over and over, and believing it... That this was not right.

Her life shouldn't be like this

She should not be living a life where she might have been lonely the whole time, and yet could not see it. Where she didn't see it, because any thoughts, or wants, or needs for anything outside of making sure she was always careful, and always at a safe distance from everyone and everything- nothing outside of that ever meant anything. Ideas and actions that didn't include making sure she wasn't being watched, followed, spied on, or betrayed, and that she wasn't letting herself be too open and too vulnerable- anything not geared toward that way of living, did not have any value or meaning. She did not put stock in anything else, she did not socialize or have a need to, she did not make friends or have a want to- she'd been taught not to care, want, or feel anything about them, or a lack thereof.

But shouldn't she care? Shouldn't she feel something? Shouldn't there be something else...?

There had never been anything else- just keep yourself guarded, keep yourself safe, do not slip up, do not give anything away, do not trust anyone- stay focused on doing nothing but keeping it all locked away, and doing your job right. She put all her time, energy and focus into those two things and she never thought anything of it at all... Not until recently, and more and more quickly she couldn't stop thinking about it.

Shouldn't there be more...? More than constantly hiding, and checking herself...? And just doing nothing else but work, and more work...?

Shouldn't there be more... Than constantly being on edge, and worrying about... What I say, and when I... Do something that... I could avoid, if I just... Stopped?

Stopped being so... Distant, and hiding things, and always being suspicious... And never trusting anyone...?

Shouldn't there be... Some version of all of this... Where it isn't so... Complicated...?

... Shouldn't life not be this... Hard...?


"... I'm not mad Feathers, you don't have to apologize."

Hawks' head snapped around in surprise, wide-eyed and jaw dropping slightly to the utterly soft and calm tenor of the Ebony Hero's voice, and the words.

Spirit seemed aware of the incredulous look on his face, though her eyes were closed and she never actually saw it. She shook her head once, her arms still crossed over her chest and everything about her posture and face, all of it- nothing but soft, calm and tranquil.

"... Really... I understand why you did it, and that you're just trying to be... Helpful... So I'm not mad." Spirit murmured softly.

... for the first time ever... I'm... maybe starting to think that... someone... that Hawks... doesn't have an ulterior motive.

... For the first time maybe I am starting to believe... he's not doing this... to screw me over... that maybe even... he won't screw me over in the future either...

... maybe he really is... just being nice...

Spirit bit the inside of her cheek as she looked up slowly, her eyes trailing toward Hawks and the still rather stunned look on his face.

... really nice, actually... omitting all the teasing and the jokes... he's never been wholeheartedly unkind to me, even when I deserved it... he's never snapped at me for anything, even though I have done my fair share of that toward him...

... I'm not usually so harsh with people... he just... he's different, for some reason... I've been less polite with him than I usually would be with other people...

... but maybe... I've been unfair to you... Feathers...


"... I know it probably just sounds like I'm saying all of that to be nice, or just ignore the whole thing, but... I will never scold you, or get mad at you, or yell, or anything at all- not when I know you aren't trying to be mean. And especially not when you are already aware of what you're doing, and are already punishing yourself when you think you have to." He told her, his head tilting slightly as he let out a small sigh. "... It'd be a different story if I actually thought you were just being malicious on purpose, and only for the sake of being hurtful- I'd say something if that was the case, but it's not. And you're not even oblivious to your behavior either, so I don't need to comment on it, or point it out... You already know... And I know you're trying to work on it, so I'm not gonna berate you for trying." He hummed, "And I will do better about not pressing you, like you said. My lifestyle is pretty fast-paced so I'm sometimes a little too quick for my own good- but I am pretty patient person when I set my mind to it. I promise I will be as patient as you need me to be, okay? However long it takes you to do whatever you want, or need, or wanna try- I will be patient, I swear." He told her steadily, a small, slightly nervous smile making a reappearance on his face. "... I will say sorry in advance though, and probably a hundred times after this, all that being said. I will be patient, and wait as long as you need- I will do my utmost to try and be that for you... Just forgive me my slipping up every once in awhile, like last night, yeah...?"

Spirit stared, swallowing hard and her red eyes gleaming.

This steadiness in him, this seriousness... It was genuine, and honest. She knew that immediately, though her mind could still scarcely fathom it... Least so when she realized that this- this was the same, like after she'd snapped at him about his teaching habits... And when he promised to be there for her, if she was ever in trouble.


"I won't say I'll be very good at it, though, hehe~! I'm kinda like an old dog- it's hard to teach me new tricks~! But for you, I will do my best to change a little, okay~?" He chuckled, and she blinked. "And it's pretty impressive for me to say that, ya know~! I'm not so good at listening to what other people want me to do~! But for you Sunshine, I'll totally try~! And I even think following your lead might do me some good~!"


"Well I can't say for sure nothing will happen- but if it does, don't you sweat it Spirit!" Hawks hummed, his usual bright and cheerful demeanor still there- but it wasn't as carefree this time around. Instead his tone seemed a touch more serious all of a sudden, and Spirit glanced right toward him quickly in surprise. He held her red eyes steadily, smiling slightly and completely more cool now- resolute even- as he gave her a firm nod.

"If anything serious comes up, I'll protect all of you with everything I have." Hawks told her, and she blinked, her eyes widening. "Nothing will hurt you or the Interns on my watch, I promise you." He murmured, and Spirit felt herself stiffen. She slowed up in her walking without meaning to, her eyes fixed on him and quiet, and suddenly unable to break her eyes away from him... and... and how completely earnest he was being.

... where did... this come from...?

... he's never so... not cheery, and all smiles and things... he's being genuinely serious right now... about promising...?

"If you're in trouble, I'll be there- no matter what comes." He promised steadily, she blinked. H nodded at her, smiling coolly and golden eyes shinning.

"I promise, no matter what, I will be there for you whenever you need me, Spirit."

Spirit's eyes flashed, a shiver running up her spine out of nowhere as her heart skipped a beat, his voice almost managing a way to reach her very core, it felt like.


... And both of them two of the reasons she'd even started to consider he might not have some ulterior motive. That maybe he was just being nice... And even eventually two reasons why she'd hesitated, and even done what she'd been taught not to do- to let them be friends.


She was still falling, her hands moving out on either side of her and completely at ease... if a little miffed.

Her attention fixed on something among that flurry of black pieces falling into the air above her, her red eyes glinting and fixed... on something red.

One single feather- vermilion and striking against the black all around her, fluttering among a sea of black pieces of fractured form and reality. One single, large crimson colored feather that stuck out like a drop of blood in snow... ebony colored snow.

Her freefall seemed to slow as she caught sight of it, riveted on it and nothing but it- it's color was... enrapturing. So, so different from what she was used to... from herself, even. Everything in her life was always so, inky, pitch black.

What is that?

"Need a lift?"

Spirit's heart leapt in surprise, her eyes widening in tandem with it as the sudden voice reached her ear- from where she was, you know... falling 17 stories down, currently.


Gravity got halted and so did her falling as something caught her, hands curling under her back and shoulders and her knees as the owner of that voice out of nowhere caught her bridal style in midair. They stopped, hovering in air at about the 10th level or so, and the haze of black that had been engulfing her figure died away as she failed to keep her attention on Shifting. She stiffened on instinct at the sudden contact, her head snapping around as her eyes fell on her 'rescuer', a waft of air rushing up around them in the cool night sky they hovered in so easily.

The lights from the city glinted from his earrings, feathery eyebrows raised as he smirked at her slightly- messy, ash blond hair pushed back and windswept. He had on a black shirt with a wavy silver pattern, a tan jacket, black gloves, lighter pants. There were headphones hung around his neck, she could hear the music playing with how close the two of them were, and his eyes glinted from behind the blue visor he had were distinctive black triangles located near the inner corners of his dark eyes, angled downwards and almost animalistic in a way... a contrast to what was more or less, his human appearance.

Well, mostly human- discounting the very large, bright red wings.

Her eyes darted quickly from him and toward said wings, watching the vermilion feathers ruffle as he beat them up and down to stay afloat, the air shaping and molding underneath him with what had to be ease.

Wings... bright red wings...

He let out a breath that sounded amused, smirking as he caught the way she was staring at said wings- her red eyes darted back toward him upon hearing the breath he let out. He smiled dryly, quirking a brow as her expression fell a little flat. "You good there?" He hummed easily, "Sorry to sweep in like that, but it's a better alternative to falling to your death, yeah?" Spirit blinked, her eyes narrowing as he laughed a bit.

"Anyway~! Figured I'd lend a hand, since you're handling the guys that got away while I was busy with the rest of their crew- Ah~! Pretty impressive by the way, you took four of them out all by yourself, huh? And it's not even been that long~" He went on brightly, Spirit eyes narrowed further at the words. "So, guess this is me, making up for making you cleanup my job. Glad to be of service, but I'll take everything from here, cool~?"


She still didn't get it, she couldn't wrap her head around it all, or even really put full faith in what she was thinking- that he was actually being that honest and sincere, and that he really meant it all... She thought in the moment he was being honest, but she was so tired, and knowing that (and all the other terribly suspicious and wary habits ingrained into her) she was wasn't able to really put stock in what she felt at that moment... Not even when some part of her... Really wanted to...

... To believe him.


Spirit let out a quiet breath, her eyes glinting and stuck to the towel wrapped around her hand, and her posture wilted a little as she swallowed- the memories and thoughts fading, and the present trickling back in slowly.

... I've kind of... gotten swept up too, haven't I...?

... And I wasn't... expecting to be...

Her eyes dropped closed, grumbling a bit under her breath and shaking her head a few times, her stomach feeling like it was in a million knots, and her center just... aching, all around.

Everything aches... my head, my body...

... my soul too...

... hell...

"... It's not... I just... I need time to process all of it, okay...?" Spirit mumbled quietly and at length, her voice barely loud enough for Hawks to hear from his space across the room, and he blinked. "... I told you already... I'm... I'm not the sort of person... who can... let other people... in..." She murmured lowly, shaking her head slightly and her eyes dropping closed. "... I'm sorry Feathers... I know... you're trying to be open... and sincere... and I get it... I... please just be patient, I'm not... I can't just... jump into things like this, like you can... I can't be all genuine, and sincere... a...and open and honest... and personal... I'm not someone who can let people in so easily... I'm not like you..."

Hawks stiffened slightly at the words, his golden eyes flashing and his expression twisting almost instantly.

Like... him...?

His eyes dropped from her, the smile gone now and small hints of unease making a rather unusual appearance in the Winged Hero, his hands tightening around his arms and wings pulling into his back tightly.

He wasn't actually-

"... I'm... Sorry... Please... Just... Be patient..." Spirit mumbled quietly, "... it's... it's a little fast... a little... much... all at once... but... I'm trying to mull through it, okay...?" She murmured softly, and Hawks glanced up again, slowly so, and Spirit still wasn't looking his way. She adjusted slightly, her left hand still wrapped up in the towel moving self-consciously toward her center, and she seemed to force a breath, her red eyes glittering and looking almost... nervous.

... all of it... too fast... too much... too close... and still...

... I... I don't know why...... but I do... want to try...

... because I think... somehow... maybe I...

Spirit bit the inside of her cheek, breaking the thought off before it could fully form- but it was there still, just in the corner of her mind, and she could not touch it. She would not touch it.

Not now... not ever... not...

She forced another breath, shaking herself out a bit and stuffing it all away as best she could.

... not... Not yet.

For now just try... Try and see, and... and hope- the one thing she wanted, the thing she didn't know she wanted until last night, or even why, would... please.

Let me have the one thing

"... the bath, would be kinda nice..." Spirit mumbled softly, her crimson eyes gleaming as she seemed to fidget a little, and Hawks' eyes widened in surprise. Spirit chewed on the inside of her cheeks a bit more, her eyes falling closed and grumbling under her breath, while Hawks just watched, quiet. "... and I would... Appreciate... your help, too... With my hand... And... Everything else..." She mumbled softly, fidgeting a tiny bit more and looking nervous still. Hawks stalled through- cause what...?

D-did she just...?

"... I... I don't need help with everything... And I don't need to be coddled or anything but... a little help... would be fine..." Spirit went on softly, "... You're right... Why struggle so much... If you can just lend a hand...?" She mumbled and Hawks blinked once, twice, and then several times over, while Spirit kept her eyes off him- both out of unease, and maybe even... Stubbornness...?

"... Don't take this as an okay to go ahead and... Fuss over me or anything like that... I'm not helpless, so don't get all excited, alright Bird-Boy...? I'll let you help... But only a little... I don't need help with everything..." She added a bit more lowly, and Hawks' eyes flashed, his lips twitching so faintly at the edges as his heart skipped a beat.

She did it again. He could never guess what she would do or say with absolute, or even near absolute certainty. She always just caught him completely off guard, he could not read her, and yet- it didn't matter if he could or not. He actually sort of loved that she could keep surprising him, and without end. She was the only one who he knew that could- and what she said? What she just agreed to, even if she seemed uneasy about it still?

It was plain that time, even if she didn't say it frankly- it was still clear as a bell, and his heart skipped another beat.

She's trying. Despite her reservations, stubbornness, all those dark and twisty things in her, and her unease... She was trying, like really really trying. And it didn't matter if it was slow, or even just a tiny bit by bit- it was something, and it was more than he could have ever asked outright of her, or anyone at all.

... Spirit...

Hawks smiled a bit brighter, nodding, and almost all to himself because she still hadn't looked his way- but that was okay too.

"Great." He hummed, "And I got it, I won't fuss too much, just a little- promise...!" He chirped, and he sounded quite cheery all of a sudden. Spirit glanced toward him for it, red eyes glittering, and he smiled a bit more than he already was when their gazes matched, his golden eyes gleaming as he gave her a quick, very enthused little nod. "I'll help you out as much or as little as you like- just tell me whatever you need, alright?" He hummed and she paused, a little lost on just how much of a turn that was- he went from looking uneasy at the idea of pushing too fast, to suddenly so... So pleased.

... He looks... So happy...... I don't know... If I've ever seen him... That happy...?

... He looks... Almost as happy as when... I told him I wasn't mad about... The Recovery Girl thing...?

She was nodding before she even knew what she was doing, or even before she and her mind had really stopped reeling, and running sluggishly at the shift in attitude. Hawks smiled still more at the little nod she gave him (if that was possible), nodding again himself as he headed back inside the room he was standing outside of. "Cool, I'll go start the bath, alright? Sit tight, I'll be back in a flash~!" He chirped, grinning still as he turned on his heel and went through the door, his (small and few-feathered at the moment) wings swaying this way and that in a motion sort of reminiscent of a tail wag, and Spirit blinked.

... Why... Would me agreeing... Make him look that happy...?

She stared at where he'd disappeared for a few seconds, still trying to wrap her head around it- before letting out a small breath and her eyes fell into her lap, her expression softening slightly as her eyes flashed.

... I don't get it, but... It's better than... Him being all uneasy and broody...

... I should probably quit being like that too... I don't wanna get all worked up again... So better quit for now...

She shook herself out a bit, hissing a little when doing so jostled her shoulder painfully, but she let it be. She stuffed everything away more than she already had, pushing it down into a deep, dark corner, and with no intention to touch it for the rest of the day at least. She turned her attention to her phone, fumbling slightly with the towel still wrapped around her hand but managing to get the screen to come to life anyway- and she paused at the array of notifications stacked on the lock screen.

The first one was a message from Death Arms, the second something from Killjoy- and then the third was... A text from Sasaki (Okita)...?

Below that little notification was another text from Anima, which made her falter even more- her mind grinding to a halt as she scrolled the list up and her eyes landed on the next one that read;

4 Missed Calls from Sasaki

Spirit went stiff as a board, heart pounding and blood turning to ice as panic and realization hit her in the span of a single second.


She forgot all about all the broody, twisty, uneasy thoughts, feelings, and developments of the last few days and all manner of unknown and uncertainties involving Hawks, and everything in between. She forgot about it all, because instantly her biggest concern was;




She was fumbling instantly, already on her feet and struggling to unlock the phone and pull up the contacts as she headed directly toward the balcony door hidden behind those curtains still keeping the sunshine outside at bay.

"-Is everything alright?" Hawks was quick to backtrack out of his room the minute he heard Spirit snap the rather sharp 'shit' out of nowhere. He fumbled a bit in his movement out of the doorway when he saw her already headed to the balcony, and at how ruffled she looked so suddenly.

"I forgot to call!" Spirit snapped shortly to his question, not deigning to give him a look as she pushed the curtains out of her way enough to grab hold of the door handle (though a bit awkwardly). Hawks stalled completely at the answer, understanding dawning on his face as he quickly understood what had her rushing all of a sudden.

"Oh right, I totally blanked on that too-" he mumbled, but if Spirit ever heard him she didn't seem to care. Hawks got cut off abruptly as she stepped out the door and then shut it behind her with a rather audible snap, causing the Winged Hero to jump a little at how forcefully she closed it. He wilted a bit, halting and staring at the door, a little unsure- cause why was it such a big deal...?

He didn't know and he let out a little sigh at it, his hand rubbing at the back of his neck slolwy. He turned slightly back toward the room, shooting the door a last glance, and letting out one last, heavy, and sort of exasperated breath.

"... Ooookay..."

Spirit gave Hawks little mind, she closed the door, blinking rapidly at the slightly painful glare of the sun now where she'd been in mostly dim since waking up. But even as her eyes struggled to adjust, she just kept trying to get the right number up and hastily set a call through... All while still cursing over and over, mind you.




The call started and she held it up to her ear, fidgeting as she came to a uneasy pause close to the railing lining the edge of the balcony. The ringer chimed once, twice- and then immediately picked up and she grimaced for it.

She picked up right away, she's probably been waiting all morning- fuuuckkk!

"Sasaki I am so sorry, I meant to call Jeriko and ask him to cover my shift this morning..! I didn't intend to leave you at the bar all by yourself, or not show up without saying anything- shit. I am so sorry, I know my shift is way over by now-!" Spirit started quickly without even pausing for breath, or waiting for the girl to say anything from the other end. She started in on her apologies right away, her voice low and rushed, and with no intention to stop- but she got cut off anyway, because Sasaki's voice on the other end broke in loud and clear, and the poor girl sounded so, so panicked.

"S-Spirit I don't care if you missed your shift, are you okay..?!" Sasaki hissed frantically, "What happened last night, the reports and the images- it looked like you got hurt badly, are you alright...?! There's nobody who saw anything of you leaving the hospital anywhere, are you still there...?! Are your injuries that serious...?!" She asked, her voice shaking badly and Spirit faltered a little, red eyes flashing and her stomach flipping a little.

She's freaking out... I guess I can't really blame her, since she knows about me... But... craaaaaap...!

"N-no I'm fine, I left the hospital late last night I'm not still there." Spirit mumbled quickly, wilting a little as she came to a halt, her frantic and fidgety movements ceasing. "I left with Hawks, so I avoided the Media and Press and everything- that's why there was nobody who saw me go. And I am fine, I'm not that badly hurt, I swear- I just dislocated my shoulder, that's the worst of it... I really did intend to call you, and Jeriko, and cover my shift but... I kinda fell asleep before I got to it." Spirit mumbled, "I totally blanked on it, I'm sorry for not calling in or letting anybody know I wouldn't be able to make it this morning... Jeriko's probably not pleased, or the Boss either, huh...?" Spirit mumbled with a heavy sigh.

Sasaki on the other end seemed to pause a moment, maybe trying to compose herself, or process what she heard- Spirit wasn't sure. But it took a heartbeat or two of silence before the young girl replied, and when she did she sounded a little less frantic... Though she sounded worried and nervous still.

"... no, I mean... Jeriko is fine, he didn't stay to cover your shift, I did it myself, so he isn't mad or anything... The Boss is a little annoyed you didn't call in though, but I told him and everyone else that you... had a family emergency to go to, last minute, and that you probably wouldn't be back for a few days... so... ah..." Sasaki mumbled uncertainly, Spirit faltering a bit for the words, red eyes gleaming. "... I... I'm sorry, I didn't really know what else to do... I was afraid you were in the hospital, and I couldn't really explain why you would be to everyone at the Club, n-not without not keeping... y-you know- who you are- a secret like you asked... So... It was just what I came up with...? I'm sorry if I overstepped by coming up with an excuse for you, a-and I'm sorry I called you so many times, I know I shouldn't bother you but... I just... I wanted to make sure you were okay..."

Spirit forced a silent breath, her head bowing slightly and grumbling internally to herself... this really was a mess, and she hated she'd let it become one- but really?

In that moment she hated most how worried Sasaki sounded, and she hated to think that the poor girl had probably been up all morning and day stewing in that concern and fear of the unknown. Especially when Spirit herself could have so easily avoided all of it quite easily by just making on damned phone call.

... Shit... I really messed up by falling asleep... You're a bloody idiot, Spirit

"... it's fine, Sasaki. I get it, I didn't mean to worry you... and I don't mind you came up with that story, but I do apologize for putting you in the position to have to cover for me." Spirit mumbled quietly, her eyes dropping closed and leaning back against the balcony railing. "... I should have made sure to call before falling asleep, that was my bad... but I appreciate you taking care of things for me... I hope you didn't have too hard a time covering the bar by yourself...?"

"O-oh, no..! It was a slow night, it wasn't a problem...! A-and please don't worry about, p-putting me out or anything... I'm happy I could help even a little...!" Sasaki replied quickly, and Spirit just bit the inside of her cheek at it.

"... I'm glad it wasn't too hard, and thank you for handling things, really... but I do still apologize for it, Sasaki." The Ebony Hero murmured quietly, "I should have made sure to call at least, regardless of everything else."

"O-oh, well... y-you're welcome..! A-and I understand, but really, it wasn't a bother..!" Sasaki replied lightly, "Ah, and l-like I said... I told everyone you'd be gone for a few days at least, so Jeriko's gonna cover your shift from tonight onward, s-so please don't worry about anything for now...!" The younger added quickly, before breaking off a moment, and her voice softened a bit on the other end. "And I'm... I'm really glad to hear you're okay, Spirit...!" The girl hummed breathlessly, and Spirit eyes flashed at the sheer relief in the younger's voice. The Ebony Hero's face fell a bit, her posture wilting some more as she leaned a little more heavily back into the railing, and she nodded once, and all to herself.

"Yeah... thank you, for being so understanding, Sasaki." Spirit murmured softly,

"O-Of course...!" She replied quickly, "I totally get it, a-and... I am sorry for calling you so much, a-after I said I wouldn't-" She started,

"It's fine, I understand." Spirit cut her off quietly, "... I'll try and make sure I send you a text or something, if I'm gonna be out- just so you don't... worry so much." Spirit told her and she heard Sasaki suck in a slightly startled breath of air on the other end.

"O-oh you don't have to..."

"No, it's fine... it's better than you being all.. wound up." Spirit mumbled, "I don't want you to be all worried every time I go off in my Hero Work, it's not gonna be good for you to have that hanging over your head in your day-to-day. A quick text to say I'm fine isn't terribly hard..."

... I say that, and yet I failed to do it last night anyway- tch...

Damn it, this is the issue with people knowing you're a Pro Hero... nobody can help getting worked up when they know you get hurt- and Pros get hurt all the time...

And Sasaki is a nervous person already by herself... ugh, her knowing about me being Animal Spirit is probably stressful as all hell on her...

"... I'll do my best to give you a heads up, Sasaki... but please, don't let yourself brood about me too much, will you..?" Spirit sighed, "... I told you things get difficult when people know about Pros in their Hero, and their personal lives... You can't get stuck worrying about me so much. I'm gonna get hurt, I'm gonna miss work without warning, and I can't always guarantee I'll be able to tell you I'm okay, or if I even will be. Pros are always in dangerous situations, that's just part of our lives- I don't want your life getting taken over by worrying about me, alright...? I appreciate the concern, really... but you need to be able to separate knowing about me, and being able to live your life normally, okay?"

There was a few seconds of silence on the other end, before Sasaki's soft voice sounded again, a little uneasy- but she sounded sincere enough, it was just... Not an easy thing for her to do, really.

"Y-yes, I understand... I get what you mean, and what you're saying Spirit... A-and I will try, I promise." Sasaki told her quietly, and Spirit nodded a bit, and again to no one in particular.

"Thank you."

She said goodbye to Sasaki and ended the call, a heavy sigh escaping the Ebony Hero as her hand and the phone with it fell from her ear. Her crimson eyes glittered as she fumbled a bit to tap the screen with the towel still around her hand (and of which was bleeding a little still). She cleared the notifications for the missed calls and pulled up the messages app, her posture wilting a little as she read through them.

The one from Sasaki simply read; 'Are you okay?', and must have come sometime either before her attempts to call, or maybe in between. The one from Death Arms was a reply to her original text saying she was fine (and the one she'd sent so he wouldn't freak out... The exact sort of text she should have sent to Sasaki). His reply was calm, simply saying he understood and that if she needed anything, she shouldn't hesitate to call him up- which was appreciated, but unnecessary.

The one from Killjoy was another reply, after he'd asked if she was okay the night before and she'd simply said she was 'fine'. And in that ever pleasant and cool way of his, Killjoy's reply was level and polite;

'I am glad to hear it, and that you weren't injured too badly. Should you need anything, or perhaps even wish for a relaxing evening out after all the chaos- I would gladly oblige you. I hope the remainder of your night is restful, Spirit.'

She huffed slightly at the words and backed up to look over the last pending message from Anima.


Are you okay Spirit-Sensei?
I saw the news about what happened last night,
and that you'd been taken to the hospital.
I'm sorry for contacting you out of nowhere,
but I just wanted to make sure you were alright...

Spirit sighed again, adjusting slightly to try and make it easier to type on the screen- she managed it, but she had to go slow, and back up several times when she hit the wrong key. It was a bit of a struggle, but eventually she got the words spelled out and hit send.


I'm sorry for contacting you out of nowhere,
but I just wanted to make sure you were alright...

It's not a problem.
I am okay, so please don't worry about me.
Thank you for checking in

She locked the phone and her posture wilted a little further, her head falling back and letting out a sigh that was more like a weary groan.

"... Fucking hell... What a mess..." She muttered, her eyes narrowed slightly against the glare of the sun in the clear blue sky overhead. Her eyes found a flock of pigeons that darted off a nearby building and dropped down into the air, blotting out some of the blue for a moment while she just stood there, silent.

... I can't beleive I forgot to call into work... I hate myself... Especially since Sasaki got left alone, damn it...

... And she got all freaked out... And...... It wasn't just Sasaki that got all worried... Anima did too...

She sighed, her eyes dropping closed and taking in a deep breath, the fresh air dancing over her senses and bringing with it the smells of the city below... People, cars, food, what have you. She cracked an eye open, tilting her head enough to cast a glance over her shoulder and down toward the minuscule blobs of people walking the streets far, far below.

... It's already noon, huh...?

... I can't believe I slept that long either... This whole thing sucks...

She sighed again and abandoned looking down at the street, her eyes dropping closed and shaking her head at herself.

... But I guess... It's a good thing Sasaki came up with that story... I have a few days to come up with a better explanation for... All of it...

She grumbled a bit under her breath for the thought, because at that moment she had no idea what a good explanation would even be, or even where to start... And honestly trying to think about it brought the headache from the night before back to the surface, which she hated.

... Lovely that's starting again...

... And that dream... That didn't help anything... I hate... How... Much it worked me up...... I jumped, damn it... And swung out without thinking... I gave Feathers a bloody nose... Damn it...

... I hate pills...

"... Heyyy, everything good out here, Sunshine...?"

Spirit glanced up slowly, blinking her eyes open and catching sight of Hawks sticking his head out the sliding glass door, smiling faintly. He held up a hand in a bit of a wave as their eyes matched, and she just paused for a second, while he offered up a slightly more bright smile for her.

"You got ahold of whoever you needed to, yeah~? I hope there were no big fires to put out..?" Hawks hummed and she blinked again at the questions, before shaking her head a bit.

"... No huge fires." She mumbled, and he perked a bit at it.

"Ah, great~!" He chirped, pushing the door open the rest of the way so he could step through it instead of just have his head poking out. "So everything's cool, yeah~?" He hummed and she nodded slightly.

"... I suppose so..."

"Awesome, so- the bath's almost filled, do you wanna peruse those soaps, and bath bombs and stuff I was talking about~?" Hawks asked next, easily shifting gears as he came to a stop in front of her, hands on his hips. Spirit quirked a brow at the question while her face fell rather flat, and he noticed it, chuckling. "It might fun to look through them ya know~! Wouldn't it be cool if you find something you might like~? It could make the bath all the better~" he told her lightly and she rolled her eyes a little.

"... You're one of those people that buys soaps, food, and other stuff just for the hell of trying them out, aren't you?" She deadpanned slightly and he chuckled a bit more at it,

"Ah, life's great with a little variety ya know~?" He hummed, and she quirked a brow at it.

Variety? This coming from a guy who could eat yakitori everyday and be totally fine with it-

"-Besides, where's the harm in trying new things~? It keeps life interesting!" Hawks added, all too unaware of her internal commentary. Spirit shook her head faintly and let it be though, waving her hand at him a bit in a gesture for him to move to the side just a tad.

"Hmm, well whatever- I don't really care Feathers, but if you're so insistent on it you can just pick whatever you want." She sighed, stepping forward and passed him, Hawks shifting to the side to let her through and his eyes went wide at the response. "... Just nothing too strong, okay? My nose won't thank you for it..." The Ebony Hero added quietly as she left him behind and went toward the door, and Hawks faltered half a second, before following her quickly and looking much too pleased.

"Gotcha~!" He chirped behind her, "I'll find something nice and light... Mmmm... Ah, I think I know just the one actually~!" He said brightly as they stepped back inside, the Winged Hero closing the door behind them and Spirit cast a glance over her shoulder toward him in question. But he was already moving to take the lead back toward his room, and he never caught her eye as he started forward- so she just shook her head a bit and followed behind him slowly. She intended to sidetrack to grab the bag with her clothes and things she'd set near the front door, but Hawks was a step ahead of her and a red feather darted over and grabbed it instead, the blonde waving a hand over his shoulder at her. "Don't worry, I got it~" he said, Spirit huffing slightly- but again she let it be. So she just followed him all the way into his room and slowed up as he lead her into the bathroom- and she ended up halting in the doorway, stunned to a standstill.

The bathroom was huge, easily twice as big as the bedroom itself (which was not small!), with clean polished tile flooring, a warm color scheme and pristine. There was a massive walk in shower, a whole section split off for what she guessed was the toilet, ample counter space, huge mirrors, a wall of foggable glass windows that overlooked the city, and near that wall of widows was a bath sunken into the floor and level with it, and that was... Well it less a bath and more a fucking hot tub.

... H.. Holy shit...?!

She glanced around quickly, crimson eyes glittering and taking it all in in rapidity- while Hawks just walked in and kept on, looking through the things stacked nearly on the counter, in the drawers- and even peeking in a linen closet before finding what he wanted. And he did all of that unawares of Spirit's eyes darting about, or the way she'd kind of frozen in the doorway.

... My bathroom could fit in here like... 6 times, maybe more...

... I've never seen a bathroom this big in anybody's home, ever...!

Hawks tossed what looked like a bath bomb in the tub full of steaming water, and then busied himself with setting up towels and stuff nearby, before he ever looked back at Spirit. And when he saw her he paused, blinking a few times and head tilting in question.

"Hmm? You good there, Sunshine?" He asked lightly and she jumped a little at the question, her eyes darting toward him and chewing on the inside of her cheek. She cursed herself for how she probably looked like some sort of starstruck idiot, and quickly got rid of the shock that hit her- at least as much as she was able to.

"I'm fine." She responded, and a bit too quickly, causing Hawks to quirk a feathery brow,

"... You sure?" He hummed and she grumbled, looking away from him rather stubbornly.

"I'm sure." She huffed back and he paused half a second, but shrugged a bit and moved on.

"Well, here we are~!" He chirped, changing gears again and gesturing toward the towels, the soaps, etc. "Have at whatever you want, take your time, relax- and don't hesitate to gimme a shout if you need something, yeah~? I'll be just outside, and when you're done I'll help you with your hands and the bandages and stuff, cool~? Take your time though, there's no rush~!" He told her lightly, his gesturing hands stilling a little and pointing at her a bit. "You wanna hand getting that off before I leave ya be~?" He asked with a gesture toward the sling her arm was in, and Spirit paused, looking less than thrilled with the suggestion.

"... Yeah no, I think I can get it." She mumbled and he looked a tad exasperated, but it only lasted half a second and he nodded.

"Alrighty...!" He hummed, "I left you some clothes over there with the towels... Is there anything else you need?" He asked, and Spirit grumbled a bit under her breath.

"... I'm fine Feathers." She told him, her eyes moving from him and around the room slowly. "... Well, I guess... where did you put my bag...?" She asked and he blinked,

"Oh, here." He hummed, one of his feathers and her bag with it moving up from the side and stopping in front of her. She took it up in her hand and away from the feather with a small nod, shifting it to her right hand to hold on to, and digging in it with the other. She frowned a bit when she failed to find what she was looking for though, and Hawks noticed the look, tilting his head curiously, "... Something wrong?" He asked slowly and Spirit shook her head a bit, ceasing with the digging.

"No it's fine, I was just looking for my hair tie." She mumbled, "I guess I lost it somewhere in between... It's not a huge deal." She sighed,

"Oh." Hawks hummed, his head tilting a little more and eyes narrowing in thought. "... Were you planning to put your hair up?" He asked and Spirit shot him a sort of flat stare.

"Obviously." She grumbled and he paused at the reply, before smiling and looking a little amused.

"Heh, you were gonna put your hair up with only one hand?" He rephrased the question a bit and Spirit faltered, stiffening slightly and immediately realizing what he meant. There was no way she would have been able to put her hair up at all, not with hardly being able to move her shoulder, let alone the whole arm- which he was very aware of. But Spirit?

I didn't even think about it, damn it

He had a point, but hell if she liked him pointing it out- and least of all looking as amused as he did. And she certainly didn't like that she'd blanked on it herself.

She frowned, looking away from Hawks a little haughtily and a blush of embarrassment suddenly washing across her cheeks- and she hated that more.

... Stupid Spirit, stupid...... And Stupid Bird-Brain too for pointing it out...tch...

Hawks smiled a little more at the rather disgruntled and slightly flustered reaction, chuckling quietly under his breath and golden eyes gleaming when he saw her flush. He'd said it last night, and he'd say it again- her getting all embarrassed and nervous like that?


"Hehe... Well, no worries~!" He hummed, suddenly starting forward toward her and rounding her a bit. Spirit went rigid at the unexpected movement on the blonde's part, and more so when he stopped directly behind her and his hands came down ever so lightly on her shoulders (and subsequently stopped her from turning to face him).

"W-what the hell are you...?!" She started quickly with a glance over her shoulder that never actually followed through- she only barely saw him shake his head from the very corner of her eye.

"Ah, don't be so tense I'm not gonna hurt you~" He told her lightly, his hands already leaving her shoulders and Spirit froze at the sensation of his fingers suddenly gliding through her hair. She sucked in a quiet breath of air without meaning to, a shiver running down her spine as his fingernails dragged ever so faintly across the back of her neck and over her scalp. His fingers worked their way gently through little knots and tangles here and there, never deterred by them in the slightest, and he simply kept on. He worked away nimbly, and so delicately, pulling the strands back and her bangs from her face- and then began bundling up the auburn locks in both hands. He hummed to himself as he did it, brushing through her hair with his fingers and then coiling all of it into something of a bun, a scarlet feather plucking itself from his wings and easily sliding through the center of the bun, pinning it in place.

Spirit didn't move the whole time he did it, and honestly she didn't really breathe either- she was sort of paralyzed, her mind shuddering to a standstill and heart picking up immediately... And then getting a tad faster with every touch, every graze of his fingers against her scalp, every brush against the back of her neck, and every tiny, fluttering, tingling sensation ignited with the strands being tugged and detangled- all of it.

And all of it had shivers running up and down her spine and through her shoulders without end, and it was difficult not to let herself noticeably shiver or let herself move for it... Hell, it was difficult to keep herself from doing anything- and there was no way to keep the rather heavy flush of red from washing over her cheeks. All she could do was stand there, her muscles locking, face growing redder with every electric-sensation running through her scalp and down into her shoulders, and all of which had her heart racing and pounding now quite loudly in her ears. She could not stop herself, or the reaction- or stop her body from reacting, because... I...it... It-

"... Mmm, there we go- it's not a hair tie but hopefully this'll do for now, yeah?" Hawks hummed, his hands stalling after what seemed like years and pulling back finally- and leaving the vermilion feather pinned through the center of the bun. His hands found his hips and he smiled faintly to himself as he gave his work a quick once over, "I think it actually looks pretty good, if I do say so myself~" he chirped lightly,

Spirit took a rather stiff step or two forward and away from him, turning only barely halfway so she wasn't facing him, but she could see him from the corner of her eye... Though she'd actually have to turn her head to do so, and lift it. However, she kept her head bowed a bit, her shoulders hunched just a tad as she let out what sounded like a very forced breath, the Ebony Hero clearing her throat slightly and nodding just once. Hawks blinked, his head tilting and his smile going away as he tried to catch her eye, or see her face- but she turned it away from him the minute he started to try, and kept it that way.

"... I... I-It's fine... Feathers... Ah... Thanks, b-but... U...uhm..." Spirit stammered lowly, her voice rather hushed and even sort of breathless- and Hawks blinked at it, golden eyes gleaming in wonder. "... Ah... I... I'm good now... So you can... Go... k-kay...?" She nearly whispered that part and Hawks paused,

"... Hmm, you sure...? You're acting kinda weird, are you okay...?" He mumbled reflexively, his head tilting a bit more, but he still didn't catch sight of her face, and Spirit turned her back on him, nodding firmly.

"Tch... I'm fine, Feathers... Just... Go already, okay...?" Spirit mumbled lowly, and he paused for half a second more, before shrugging slightly to himself and nodding.

"Oookay~" He chirped, smiling faintly in amusement, and a little bit in wonder too- but he obliged and turned on his heel, backing up and heading for the door with a wave over his shoulder. "I'll leave you to it then, take your time, have fun- and don't hesitate to call if you need anything Spirit, I will be right outside~!" He hummed brightly, smiling still as he reached the door and shot a fleeting glance back her way over his shoulder- only to falter for half a second when his eyes found her in the mirror before ever finding her back. And the angle of the reflection let him see the Ebony Hero with her head bent slightly, covering her mouth with the back of her hand, shoulders stiff- her cheeks flushed, and her face really red. Nearly as red and scarlet in color as her eyes, and Hawks blinked, his own eyes widening- and weirdly?

His heart skipped a beat at the sight of it, his feathers fluffing up slightly despite himself and a lopsided, almost breathless smile crossing his face- before he looked ahead again quickly, finishing the motion out the door, a single, quiet chuckle escaping him.


Hawks closed the door behind him and was out of sight without Spirit ever saying anything in return to his parting words, or the comment of being 'just outside'. As soon as the door had shut and she was left alone, Spirit sucked in a big breath of air and held it, dropping down onto the balls of her feet and burying her face in her knees, all too aware of how red she was and the heat creeping down from her cheeks and into the rest of her... d... damn it...

... stupid Bird-Brain... he shouldn't just... do things like that without p-permission, or warning...!

Damn it... bloody hell that... i...idiot...!

She buried her face into her knees all the harder, her hands balled into fists and so ready to rub furiously at the back of her neck and her hair just to get rid of the still persistent sensation of it all- but she couldn't. Because doing so would mean mucking up the bun and possibly smacking the vermilion feather holding the auburn strands in place, and hell knows Hawks would be very aware of it if she touched that feather in any way.

So she kept her hands were they were and shoved her face as far into her own legs as was humanly possible, and even against the pain that folding over like that elicited in her shoulder. She cursed herself, her body, and everything else for her reaction a dozen times over. And she cursed Hawks, and his acting without warning, and his hands, and tender, delicate finger-strokes through her- DAMN IT

Spirit grumbled hotly, her eyes opening only slightly and narrowed to slits as she stared down at the bathroom floor between what little space was between her knees, chewing on the insides of her cheeks.

... bloody hell... you're reacting like an idiot Spirit... but damn it...

She swallowed hard, forcing the breath she was holding back out and eyes falling closed again, frowning to herself as a last, final tremor ran down her spine and she bit down harder on her cheeks for it.

Tch... why did him doing that have to feel so nice...?

She shook her head at herself hotly, banishing the thoughts and the last lingering sensations of it from her mind- and instead focusing on getting undressed. She managed it well enough, though a bit awkwardly at times (and with sharp stabs of pain at others), stuffing her dirty shirt in her bag and setting things away, before stepping to the edge of the water and pausing for a moment- before slowly stepping in. She lowered herself into the water, the heat of it initially making her swallow- but quickly she got over it, and moved herself carefully into sitting down, all the while holding her right arm to her chest gingerly, careful not to move her shoulder. Once she was down all the way, it took her a bit to lean back into the side of the tub and really let herself relax... but eventually it did, and she felt her posture wilting with every minute ticking by.

... bloody hell...

Spirit sighed heavily, her body sinking deeper into the steaming water until it was just below her chin, the scent of lemon overtaking her nose along with the scent of moisture. She could feel her muscles unwinding and the tension in her shoulders melting away into the warmth overtaking her in no time at all. And with it, the throbbing in her right shoulder and her head faded to none- though the cuts on her arms and hands stung a little to start, but that faded too.

She leaned her head back against the edge of the tub, hugging herself slightly and stretching her legs out in the ample room provided by the (extremely) big bath, another breath escaping her as her eyes fell halfway closed. She tipped her head up and focused on the roof overhead, though she was less focused on it and more just staring into space- already she felt her mind getting a little empty, the thoughts and feelings swirling in her head getting sucked up by the wafts of steam and being carried away. And with the tension in her body, and her mind getting erased- it brought in a heavy, deep sense of relief and calm that was, quite frankly- sorely needed.

... this feels... amazing...


Hawks sat down cross-legged on the floor just outside the door, his back facing it and hands finding his ankles as he let his eyes fall closed, his head cocked slightly one way and settling into silence, and simply listening. He kept on smiling faintly to himself for a few minutes after first sitting down, until the smile faded and he just remained calm, and almost content- while ever aware.

You know, just in case Spirit did need something- and on the off chance she might actually ask... he didn't expect her to really, even with her having relented to letting him help out. But even if he didn't find it likely, he would still stick close.

He tilted his head back after a few minutes, the faint splash and ripple of water telling him she'd finally gotten in- and he cast the roof a glance, golden eyes gleaming.

... Heh, she got all red-faced huh...?

... Did it make her nervous...? Me doing her hair up...? She is super shy, and modest...

He smiled slightly to himself, shaking his head faintly and letting out a little breath. His shoulders fell, his eyes doing the same and he let his head tilt back down, his wings behind him doing a slightly swaying motion as he hummed to himself under his breath. One of his hands moved from holding on to his ankles, pressing his hand against his lips and just under his nose, hiding the lower half of his face and the smile still gracing his lips.

Whatever the reason was, her getting all nervous and flustered?

So cute~!

Hawks paused a moment, his expression softening slightly behind his hand and eyes opening halfway to look at the floor in front of him.

She was trying, yeah? To let him in, be friendly, open...?

He was happy she was, but... what she'd said earlier?


"... It's not... I just... I need time to process all of it, okay...?" Spirit mumbled quietly and at length, her voice barely loud enough for Hawks to hear from his space across the room, and he blinked. "... I told you already... I'm... I'm not the sort of person... who can... let other people... in..." She murmured lowly, shaking her head slightly and her eyes dropping closed. "... I'm sorry Feathers... I know... you're trying to be open... and sincere... and I get it... I... please just be patient, I'm not... I can't just... jump into things like this, like you can... I can't be all genuine, and sincere... a...and open and honest... and personal... I'm not someone who can let people in so easily... I'm not like you..."

Hawks stiffened slightly at the words, his golden eyes flashing and his expression twisting almost instantly.

Like... him...?


Hawks' smile faded to none, small hints of unease making a rather unusual appearance on his face, his hands tightening around his mouth and ankle both, while his wings pulled into his back tightly, almost shielding himself.

... funny thing, Spirit... I'm not actually any of those things either...... I am not the sort of person, just like you... though I guess maybe... I've gotten good at pretending otherwise, huh...?

He swallowed slightly, his eyes falling closed again and head bending, while his shoulders hunched just a tad.

... Enough that even you can't tell, like you always seem to be able to with me...


"... Feathers."

Hawks jumped slightly, sitting up straight and his head snapping out of his hands from where he'd been leaning over with his elbows on his knees- and still sitting in front of the bathroom door (rather like a puppy waiting for it's owner to come home...). He'd been sitting there in sheer silence the whole 30-40 minutes or so Spirit had been tucked away inside, enjoying the bath, scrubbing off the blood now on her hands again- what have you. It had been mostly quiet inside, and to be honest he'd actually started to doze off without meaning to- and as he expected, Spirit never asked him for anything the whole way through... well, until now apparently.

Hawks glanced over his shoulder toward the door, blinking and instantly at attention to the sound of Spirit's voice from the other side. There was a shadow that moved under the bottom of the door that let him know she was just near it (her voice too), and the Winged Hero started turning slightly, uncrossing his legs and shifting on to his knees.

"Yes Sunshine~?" He called back with ease, which earned a rather audible sigh from her for the ever persistent nickname, but she left it be. And she also decided against commenting on the fact he'd been sitting outside the whole time, as she had been aware of it the whole time. It was annoying, and it was sort of hovering- but again, she let it go. She had other things to worry about just then, and perhaps grudgingly (and after trying to do it herself for the last ten minutes), she'd come to the conclusion that;

"... I need help with tying the shirt..." Spirit's voice filtered through the door lowly, and a bit sourly at that, though only a tad. "... if you don't mind..." She added quietly, and this bit came out like a huff- and Hawks smirked at it.

"Of course~!" He chirped, now on his feet. "Do I have permission to come in~?" He asked, and Spirit huffed again, the shadow under the door moving a bit and going away as she stepped back from it.

"... yes, come in... Bird-Brain..."

Hawks smiled a bit more and slid the door open with ease, stepping across the threshold and glancing ahead to see Spirit standing off to the side of the door a bit, her back turned toward him. She'd pulled on the pair of black sweats she'd had on before (naturally as they weren't dirty and would fit better than whatever he gave her), and paired it with the shirt he'd picked out to let her borrow- a maroon colored one, that had no sleeves and no back to it (ya know, wings) and tied around the neck to keep it up and in place. To which, she was holding the straps that were meant to be tied together with her left hand just behind her neck, keeping the rest of the shirt up herself for now. There was no way she could tie it with just the one hand, given her right arm was held close to her side and that was where it was apt to say- lifting as she would to have tied the shirt was a no-go, as she'd found out while trying to do it herself a bit beforehand.

Spirit cast Hawks a disgruntled look over her shoulder as he stepped in, and a look that looked a tad more annoyed as he gave her the quick once over, his eyes trailing up her person and the bare skin her back quietly- and it made her fidget slightly. Which was stupid, because the shirt was no different than her Hero Costume... but still.

... tch, stupid Bird...

Hawks' eyes moved up all the way as he stepped in her direction, catching Spirit's gaze for half a second, before she looked away from him quickly, huffing. "Hurry up and tie the damn thing." She grumbled lowly, stiffening ever so slightly as he stepped up directly behind her and nodded, his hands reaching up and taking the straps from her gently.

"You got it~" He hummed lightly, his breath washing against the back of her neck and she grit her teeth at it, her eyes dropping closed. He tied the straps together in a neat, tight bow with absolute grace and in no time at all- his golden eyes darting from his hands and to his feather still pinning her hair up, smirking, though he said nothing about it. "There ya go." He told her, stepping back half a step and Spirit nodded stiffly, turning halfway toward him, while Hawks gave her another quick once-over, smiling. "Ah, that actually fits you a lot better than I expected it would~! A little loose still, unsurprisingly- but I hope it's comfortable~?" Hawks murmured and Spirit let out a breath,

"... yeah, it's fine... Thanks, Feathers." She mumbled quietly, Hawks nodded, his eyes darting from her and to the sling on the countertop not far from them.

"Of course~! Do you want help with the sling too~?" The Winged Hero asked, and Spirit kept her eyes down, and nodded once, biting the inside of her cheek.

"... Please..." She mumbled quietly, her voice near a whisper and Hawks smiled at the rather muted reply- like it was hard for her to say yes at all. Or please.

Ah Spirit.

"Can do, but probably ought to clean and deal with those cuts and stuff on your arms and hands first, hmm?" Hawks hummed, Spirit's eyes trailing sideways toward him slowly. Hawks tilted his head back toward the door out, smiling coolly as he caught the glance. "I got everything put together back in the living room, and I made some tea too- so you can take those meds, if you haven't already." He told her and Spirit paused, seemingly hesitant for just a second, before she nodded.

"... Alright..."

Hawks lead the way out ahead of her, migrating them both from the bathroom, how room attached, and down the hallway toward the living room once more. There on the coffee table were bandages, disinfectant, and other such medical supplies- as well as a tray with tea on the top. The things and drink he'd pulled together, as he said... Though she did wonder when he had time to put things together and make tea, with him staying sat outside the bathroom the whole time...?

... He probably used his feathers to do it... Because that makes sense, as opposed to doing it with his hands like a normal person... Ugh

Spirit shook her head at herself and sat down on the couch as directed by the Winged Hero, Hawks taking a seat in front of her on the table and starting in on bandages and whatever else with a small chirp of 'here we go~'.

(And a comment that felt more more his benefit, than hers)

Spirit stayed quiet the whole way through him working, her red eyes following his hands quietly as he wound the bandages around her arms, and carefully applied the medi-glue he'd been looking for earlier. He directed the sticky substance over those thin slices crisscrossing her hands and fingers with cautious tenor, welding the cuts together and hopefully keeping them opening anew for awhile- and again, Spirit stayed quiet through that too, and just watched. When he finished with that, they moved on, Spirit quiet still whilst threading her arm into the sling and letting Hawks fasten the straps around her figure... Well, quiet outside of one or two winces she let slip when some movement or other earned enough pain she couldn't keep herself quiet. And Hawks bit the inside of his cheeks for each one, mumbling a quick apology, but continuing on anyway until he was all done, though he didn't pull his hands back right off.

"... Did the bath help any?" Hawks asked softly, watching her closely as she leaned back from him a bit, his hands hovering slightly. Spirit blinked, red eyes glinting as she looked up at him and she nodded once- a touch of exasperation making an appearance on her face now, especially for the sort of wary look he gave her, and the hovering hands.

"Yeah, it did. It was a good idea, Feathers." She murmured, "Don't look so worked up, it hardly hurts at all... And don't apologize either, Bird-Brain." She grumbled with a dismissive wave of her left hand toward him, sitting back against the couch fully and her eyes dropping closed with a sigh. Hawks blinked at it, before smiling faintly and nodding just once.

"I'm glad it helped." Was all he said in reply, leaning back and retracting his hands at last- before those golden eyes of his darted toward the tea still sitting on the table beside him. He pointed toward it with a sideways glance toward her, "Would you like this now?" He hummed and Spirit cracked one eye open to see to what he was referring, and seemingly brooded on it for half a second, before letting out another sigh and nodding, her hand extending for it.


Hawks handed it off gladly, leaving Spirit be as he focused on cleaning up the rest of everything for a bit. Spirit left him to it, holding the teacup to her chest and under her nose, drinking in the herbal scent for a bit and sipping at it slowly, and intermittently, her focus fading off the Winged Hero for awhile... but not indefinitely of course, Hawks was ever ready with a new line of questions and topics.

"Soooo, you don't have any plans for the rest of the day, do you? Since Hero Work is out of the question for now, and you don't seem in a hurry to go anywhere- I figure no, hmm?" The Winged Hero inquired lightly, standing up straight from picking the last of the supplies up and looking her way. Spirit looked up from gazing into the near empty cup in hand, a brow quirking at him, eyes narrowed.

"... why?" She asked slowly, and he smiled at the rather suspicious look and tone of voice.

"Well I'm just wondering. I don't wanna keep you here if you have somewhere to be." He replied with ease and Spirit's eyes just narrowed further, looking rather unconvinced with the answer.

"... keep me?" Spirit repeated quietly, "Do you intend to do something with me?" She deadpanned and Hawks chuckled,

"Nothing you wouldn't agree to first~!" He assured quickly, "I was just gonna offer you lunch-slash-dinner if you'd like? I could hop off and grab something to-go, and we could have a meal, and maybe watch a movie, before you head home~?" He suggested, "Though if you'd rather head home instead of hanging around a bit longer, I'd be happy to give ya a lift, or call a cab for you~" He added, and Spirit blinked. "It's probably better not to take those antibiotics with an empty stomach, but if you're not up for a full meal, maybe you'll settle for some snacks? I stocked up the last week, so I'm sure I've got something in my pantry that'll catch your eye~" He hummed brightly and Spirit kept quiet, her eyes still narrowed and looking unsure of the suggestion- though now a touch less suspicious, at least.

She didn't want to stay too long, she'd already stayed longer than she'd intended, given she'd slept till noon and then the bath afterwards... But as it was, it wasn't like she had anything else to do. She wasn't set to go to work, and she couldn't go on Patrol either. For the next few days she was utterly and without anything to do, and for the rest of today it was the same. She didn't really want to stick around- or at least, she didn't feel she did... But how was she to know if that's because she really didn't want to, or if it was just that unease of doing something she wasn't used to?

Hell... I still don't know... But...

"... I suppose food wouldn't be a bad idea, and I don't care what it is, you can pick Feathers. But it is my turn to pay." Spirit mumbled lowly and Hawks blinked, smiling faintly and golden eyes gleaming with the relent to the idea.

"Cool, and I'm sure I can think of something- but it's my turn, isn't it?" He replied back with ease, "You paid for mochi when we went out the last time, remember?" He hummed and Spirit shook her head,

"Yeah, but you paid for the meal before that and coffee earlier this week." She grumbled and he just smiled, waving a hand at her in a calming, yet rather dismissive manner that Spirit grit her teeth at.

"I know, but coffee doesn't really count, and it'll be easier for me to pay when I go get the food." He told her lightly, and rather rationally too- which just made her a touch more irritated. Spirit frowned, looking ready to argue with it, but he just smiled and shook his head. "You can pay the next two times if you're really worried about it, but it really isn't a bother Sunshine, I don't mind paying. And besides, I wouldn't make you pay when I'm the one that suggested it anyway~!" He chirped and she had little choice but to leave it be, though she did huff a little haughtily.

"...tch, fine." She grumbled, and Hawks smiled at the less than pleased tone,

"Cool, then I'll put the rest of this away and head out here in a bit." He told her, already headed off from the living room and back toward his room, and bathroom attached. Spirit shot him a disgruntled look as he went, her eyes following his back down the hallway and the little slits in his shirt where his wings went through... Wait a minute.

Spirit blinked, her eyes narrowed and giving the Winged Hero a quick once over the last few feet before he got to the door and turned out of sight- the black shirt with a wavy golden pattern like a ripple, tan cargo pants, and lacking his usual jacket, visor, shoes and the headphones- but he was definitely still wearing his Hero Uniform from last night...?

Hawks turned into the room and broke her line of view, Spirit's eyes stuck to the place he had been for a few seconds, before quickly darting over toward the space on the couch he'd been sitting on when she woke up.

Don't tell me... Did he...?

She bit down hard on the inside of her cheeks, red eyes flashing and casting a quick glance back toward where he went off. She heard his footsteps approaching after a moment or two of chewing on her cheeks pensively, and upon catching him in the doorway again she stopped her chewing a moment.

"Did you sleep on the couch the whole night?" Spirit asked immediately and Hawks faltered halfway through his step into the hallway, surprised with the question, and a little unsure why it came up so suddenly.

"...hmm?" He hummed reflexively,

"You're still in your Hero Uniform, did you not go to actual bed?" She elaborated quickly and he blinked,

"Oh, nah~" He replied lightly, smiling a bit while Spirit bristled slightly. "I totally nodded off without ever thinking about changing or anything- and I was asleep all the way until this afternoon, just like you." He told her, shrugging a bit with a glance back in the room he'd stalled outside of. "Mmmm, I guess I could probably change into something more casual before I go though..." he mused and Spirit grit her teeth.

"Change." She muttered sharply, and Hawks blinked, pausing for a moment and a little lost as to why she seemed so... Annoyed with him all of sudden...?

She must have noticed the sort of questioning look on his face, and she seemed all the more annoyed for it, huffing as she looked away from him rather crossly.

"... Tch, you should have already done that long before now, and you should have slept in your own bed Bird-Brain." Spirit grumbled lowly, biting on the inside of both cheeks and her eyes falling closed. "... Quit fussing over me for a little and take care of yourself, alright? Change, brush your teeth- do normal, everyday personal things and just... Look after you for a bit, and not me, okay?" She huffed, and Hawks failed to reply for a moment or two, his head tilting... Which Spirit somehow seemed to sense him doing, or otherwise the silence got a little too heavy for her- so she frowned, her eyes opening and narrowed to slits as she cast him a wary glance from the side.

"... This is me reminding you to take a break and focus on yourself, Bird-Brain." She muttered quietly and at length, and Hawks perked faintly, golden eyes flashing.


"I figure since we're both bad at taking care of ourselves, and we both do everything we can to look after other people... Maybe we can fill in for each other?" Hawks murmured softly, "So we'd take care of each other, since we don't take care of ourselves too well? Maybe step in to remind one another to take things slower, or take a break when we really need it, but won't let ourselves?" He hummed. "... Honestly, I think we could both use someone to look after us a little... So why not each other?" He hummed, "I think it'll work really well, we make up for each other the things we sort of lack, ya know? And it'll be a great way of easing us more into being friends, too. Friends look after each other, yeah?"


Hawks eyes widened, his heart skipping a beat much like it had earlier when he'd seen her all red faced after doing her hair- but this time the skip came with... Some sort of warmth in his core, almost like his heart swelled, just a little.

He smiled softly, golden eyes glittering and everything about his expression softening too- Spirit blinked, her stubborn frown fading a little despite herself. Because there it was again, he looked happy. Like really happy- and with something so...... Well, simple, yet not so simple, huh...?

Spirit wilted slightly at the thought, her frown disappearing all together and her eyes flashed. Hawks nodded once, his smile brightening a little as he lift a hand to his head in a playful little salute.

"Yes ma'am, will do~!" He hummed, "Thank you for the reminder Sunshine~!" He chirped and Spirit let out a breath, rolling her eyes at the salute, her expression neutral and voice low, but faintly amused all the same.

"... Idiot..."


Hawks had ended up choosing sushi for food, winging it over to a nearby place and ordering off some rolls and a few sodas to-go, and leaving Spirit alone in the quiet and empty of his apartment in the meantime. He wasn't gone very long, but it was long enough Spirit had started to fidget slightly in the silence of the apartment. She didn't move from her spot on the couch, it didn't feel right to go wandering, and it honestly felt awkward to be left alone at all- was he seriously not afraid she wouldn't snoop or something? Isn't that a normal thought to have...?

... Maybe not... Damn it I don't know.

Anyway- she'd stayed sitting, fidgeting for a few minutes, before turning her focus on her phone for a few more, only to have to get off rather quickly when she realized the battery was quite low and she couldn't risk it dying now, and not have it later. So she set the phone down on the table and tried to focus on just about anything else... Which lead to some inane humming and mumbling of song lyrics under her breath for awhile. Ya know- to keep her preoccupied, and to lessen how heavy the quiet was on her ears.

Hell, she'd never thought she'd miss Hawks and his constant chatter- if only to have it fill the uneasy silence just then.

The humming/singing abruptly cut off when the sound of feet lighting down on the balcony caught her instant attention, and not a few heartbeats later the Winged Hero pushed his way back inside with the food in hand and a smile on his face.

"Sushi is here, Sunshine~!" He trilled brightly, dressed in more causal fair after having been fairly well ordered to change earlier- and shrugging his slip-on shoes off at the glass door before continuing in. He didn't waste any time in the kitchen or anything, and instead stepped lightly over a section of the U-couch that had no back to it, gracefully landing back on the floor on the other side (uncaring and unbothered with the rather childish stepping on the cushions... It was his house, Spirit supposed- but still).

"Did you miss me while I was gone~?" Hawks smirked with a glance toward where she was sitting, and Spirit gave him a flat stare in return.

"Yeah, no." She deadpanned instantly and Hawks just chuckled at it, already putting the bag of food on the table and pulling everything out, shifting her phone off to the edge to make room for the food itself.

"Well, that's too bad you didn't miss me- but hopefully you'll like the food, hmm?" He hummed, pulling out the sodas and the chopsticks both. "I got a few different types of rolls, so we can share, cool~?" He murmured and Spirit nodded slightly, her red eyes falling on said food and blinking several times to see the neat little rolls on plastic plates... Like 4-5 different ones actually. Which was kind of a lot, but honestly?

Bloody hell they all look so good

"Yeah that works." Spirit replied lightly, her eyes gleaming as her gaze danced over the rolls, the Ebony Hero shifting to sitting forward on the couch, looking them over still and quite clearly intent. She sniffed tentatively, a wash of different scents and ingredients flooding her senses- all sorts of different fish, rice, vegetables, sauce, what have you- and all of them had her mouth watering.

All of it smelled so good

Hawks smiled faintly, pausing a moment with the chopsticks in his hands, watching Spirit and how much she perked up at something as simple as food.


"You hungry?" He asked and Spirit paused at the question for a moment, her red eyes trailing his way and the all too obvious teasing in his tone.

"... Obviously." She replied evenly after a moment, and with a small shake of her head the smirk on his face, biting the inside of her cheek. "... I am pretty hungry, and this looks good... So thank you for the meal Feathers, really." She murmured softly, and he smiled a bit more.

"You're welcome Sunshine~" Hawks told her lightly, smiling still to himself as he split a pair of wooden chopsticks for her, and then handed them her way. "Here ya go~" he hummed and Spirit took them with her left hand,

"Thank you." She murmured softly, her eyes moving from Hawks and toward the chopsticks, while the Winged Hero split his pair, casting her fingers and hand a curious glance instead of focusing on his own. Spirit was completely unaware of where his attention was though, she'd already tuned in on the food again, easily adjusting the chopsticks from being in the palm of her left hand and instead between her fingers. She wasted little time in picking up the first piece from one of the rolls with ease, biting into it happily and letting out a breath as she did so. Hawks hummed a bit under his breath as he watched it, intrigue flitting over his expression for only half a second, before he turned his attention to his own hands again, and the look was gone.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asked lightly, earning Spirit's eyes again while she chewed. "I've got a few around that I haven't had the chance to see, or I can watch one over again if you like those- what kind of movies do you like? Scary, funny, adventure, magic... romance~?" He hummed with a sort of sly smirk at the end there and Spirit paused, swallowing the last of her mouthful, neutral-faced.

"... I don't know, I don't really watch movies." She replied at length and he blinked, looking a little surprised with it. Spirit narrowed her eyes at the look, tilting her head at him. "You're always running around and working, when do you have time to watch anything?" She countered and he smiled,

"Hmm, well honestly I binged a lot that week I had to take off Hero Work." He replied with a small shrug. "I guess generally I don't have lots of downtime, but I do take a break and watch something every once in awhile, ya know?" He hummed and Spirit just blinked once, her eyes lingering on him for a moment, before she glanced away again, quiet.

"Well, like I said- I don't watch movies. So I don't have any preference Feathers, you can pick something if you would like..." Spirit murmured with a small shake of her head.

... Watching one doesn't sound all that thrilling, but it is probably better than us trying to keep up a conversation right now... I don't really wanna talk so much, we did a lot of that last night and it was... A lot.

So a movie sounds fine... Maybe it'll keep us both distracted..?

... I hope so... I don't get the appeal personally, but it's better to try than possibly get sucked into another unpleasant conversation... Or worse, tense silence.

So, as for the movie-

"... Whatever you pick will be fine Feathers, just maybe steer away from a horror movie, alright?" She added,

I don't need to watch something horror-filled, I have enough of that on my own thank you-

"Mmm, gotcha~! I'll just throw something simple in then, if only for background noise~" Hawks said brightly, oblivious to her internal commentary. Spirit did little but nod and say something sort of resembling an 'okay', but it was barely more a word, than a mumble. She did pause in her eating as Hawks did his thing though, the Winged Hero setting his chopsticks down and diverting his attention to finding a movie and sticking it in the player on the TV. She watched him quietly as he did it, not because she was really all that interested in the movement, or even what he chose to watch- but because she'd already managed to eat 4 pieces of sushi and he hadn't had even a one.

(They were sharing yeah? Plus he paid so she'd best let him get a few in before starting again)

When he was done and the screen flipped on, and the movie started rolling, he moved back to the couch and sat down, twirling his chopsticks in hand once while he cast the screen a glance to make sure it really was going- before looking her way and smiling. "This one's sort of a classic adventure movie- it's a little wonky in some parts, but mostly it's easy to follow." He explained, "It should be interesting enough to keep your attention if you want, but it won't be too annoying if you can't get all that into it." He hummed and Spirit blinked, nodding slightly to the explanation and looking toward the TV.

"Okay." She murmured softly, tuning in for a moment and still waiting for the Winged Hero to start on the food.

And hell, might as well pay attention to the beginning at least right?

So Spirit did just that, quiet as the movie started up. Hawks took a few pieces of sushi as she did, watching her from the corner of his eye every few moments and seeing her still rather fixed on the screen for the most part... Though she did start eating again a little after he did.

"... Have you seen this one, Spirit?" Hawks asked quietly and the Ebony Hero shook her head slightly, her crimson eyes not meeting his as she did so.

"No, like I said... I don't really watch movies or anything. I have heard of it, but I've never watched it." She mumbled back quietly, her eyes falling from the screen long enough to pick up some more sushi in her chopsticks, before she went back to watching again. Hawks blinked, looking a little surprised with the fact she hadn't... This was sort of a common movie...?

(Maybe more common American movie, but still)

... Hmm... I guess she really doesn't watch movies much, huh?

It made him wonder what she usually did outside of Hero World (for about the millionth time) though, and he almost asked- but he stopped himself short of the mark. After all, him suggesting they watch a movie had been an attempt to give her a break from having to navigate more conversations with him, since he was sure she was fairly well full up on them after last night, and all her trying to let him help her then, and today too. He wouldn't push too hard if he could help it... And besides, she actually seemed quite intent on the movie already, so Hawks kept his mouth shut and did the same.

For about half a hour it was just that, both of them eating and watching the screen, silent, and more or less focused on the goings on in the movie... Well, Spirit seemed quite focused- Hawks was glancing her way every so often just to gauge her reactions and whatnot, so he couldn't be 100% focused, but he kept track of what was going on screen as not to get lost. Eventually there was little to no food left and Spirit seemed to have had her fill, her attention darting off the screen briefly to offer to help him clean up- but Hawks shook his head and told her he had it in hand. Spirit didn't argue much on the point, besides huffing slightly and leaning back against the couch all the way, while Hawks diverted from the movie to throw everything away and tidy it up for a few minutes. Spirit went back to watching mostly intently as he did, glancing up here and there as he left, worked, and then sat back down again- and once more there was nothing but silence and simple watching... well, almost silence.

It took that half hour or so of watching for Spirit's quiet to die out, but once it did she never went all the way back to being totally silent. Without warning Hawks saw Spirit's eyes narrow, questioning, or confused, or even faintly exasperated with something the main character was doing, or some rather unrealistic stunt- and she commented on it too.

Small little things like 'what the hell', 'bloody hell', 'why?' or other such incredulous rumblings to herself. Several times more she even started to grumble heated instructions and scolding about what the the characters were doing, or what apparently 'stupid' decisions they made in the heat of the moment of a little scuffle- and the more they went against what she figured they would be better off doing in a fight (perhaps correctly so, given she was a good fighter herself), the more intense her watching got. After awhile she was actually really, really invested in the story and all the action- and Hawks ended up having a much more enjoyable time watching her instead of the movie itself. With all her hisses, annoyed comments, and grumbled orders under her breath- she was acting very much like someone sitting on the sidelines in a sports game- and it was honestly kinda funny, and very much like (and unlike her) all at once.

The Winged Hero smiled to himself, setting his cheek in his hand and his elbow leaning against the top of the couch, turned sideways and toward Spirit rather than the screen, and just watching her quietly. Seeing her get all worked up and annoyed with someone and their 'stupid' behavior was not new for him, though it was new that it was aimed at someone other than himself, or a Villain for once. But mostly it was just amusing, since the object of her ire was a fictional character and could definitely not hear, nor respond to any of her annoyed grumbles and instructions. And it was even more amusing that Spirit, who generally was a rather serious and enigmatic personality for him, was now being completely consumed in something so simple as a movie.

Hawks couldn't say he expected something like that could get her so worked up and interested, ya know? Spirit didn't strike him as the sort to really care for the more trivial, or hobby-related things in life like a movie... and she'd made it clear movies were not something she watched hardly, if ever. So how could he anticipate she would get so into it, and so wholly?

He couldn't, and like so many times before now she did it again- surprised him.

And watching her like that, it was amusing, and interesting... and it was almost endearing too, and he smiled a bit softer for the thought, golden eyes gleaming.

Spirit's mumbles and whatnot hit a peak near the climax of the conflict, and then cut off rather abruptly as it played out. And then she stayed almost unnaturally quiet as it went through, and then the ending sequence got going- before it got to a point where clearly nothing important was gonna happen and the credits would roll soon after. She broke the sudden quiet again as the film started to come to a close, her eyes moving toward the Winged Hero.

"Why didn't they just go home?" She asked flatly and Hawks blinked, his smiling to himself fading as he caught her eyes and the question was posed.

"Go home?" He echoed quietly,

"Yeah, either that or just not gone all the way across the ocean in the first place?" Spirit repeated and his head tilted in question, "I mean if he'd stayed in America it wouldn't have changed how it ended, the Villains would still end up dead. And if they'd just left after figuring out how to find the damn thing, the Villains wouldn't have found it either by following them, yeah?" She pointed out and Hawks paused, "Either way the movie ends with never finding the thing and leaving it where it was, or the Villains finding it anyway and still getting killed, and there being no one to use the Ark for evil since it's sitting on an island in the middle of nowhere. Nothing bad happens to the world as a whole either way, there is no impact on innocent people or whatever... The main dude could have saved himself the trouble and headache of the whole adventure, and everything would still have been fine. He's completely useless to the plot as a whole." She mumbled and Hawks blinked again, once, twice, and then a few times over as his hand moved to his face and he put his chin in his hand, thinking.

"Hmm... Well I guess it wouldn't make a lot of sense for them to have just gone home after finding the real location, since the whole point was to find it, but... you are right." Hawks mused, smiling faintly. "Things would have basically turned out the same if he'd gotten involved or not, huh...? I didn't really think about that the first time I watched it, hehe~" he chuckled, "Well that is kinda a huge plothole- but did you enjoy the movie other than that though~?" He asked and Spirit nodded once.

"Yeah, it was entertaining." She murmured, "Kind of convoluted, and not super realistic all the time- but entertaining." She hummed lightly and he smiled,

"Well I am glad you found it interesting." Hawks told her, "There are like three other movies in this series ya know, we could try and do a marathon if you want~" he pointed out brightly and Spirit let out a breath, her eyes dropping closed as she shook her head once or twice.

"Tempting as that sounds, I think I'm gonna have to pass, at least for now." She replied lightly, "Maybe we can give it a go some other time Feathers, but I'm not looking for a marathon today."

"No worries, I totally get that~" Hawks hummed, his head tilting at her. "I take it that means you plan to head home soon? I'll be sad to see ya go if so~" He told her and Spirit rolled her eyes at it a bit, which he of course noticed, but let it be and kept on. "Really though, it's fun to have you around Sunshine~! It's always nice to share a meal with you, and chat- and watching with you was fun, even with your revealing massive plot-holes... and telling the characters everything they're doing wrong, hehe~" He chuckled and Spirit looked away quickly, looking a tad embarrassed for a moment at the comment and what he was pointing out. It wasn't subtle of course, but it certainly wasn't said in a critical way either- not that Spirit didn't fidget slightly anyway, chewing on the inside of her cheek.

"... sorry, was I talking too much during it...?" Spirit mumbled quietly, "I didn't realize I was saying much at all... I kinda got sucked into it... I guess..." She said, her eyes dancing away from him almost nervously, and Hawks smiled at it.

She's so flustered~!

"Well you were grumbling quite a bit, but don't worry about it Spirit~! It was funny seeing you get so into it~" He told her with a reassuring wave of his hand toward her. "As long as you had a good time, I don't mind~! And honestly I kinda enjoyed all your comments, heh~" He chuckled lightly and Spirit cast him a small sideways glance, looking little convinced with it and the sort of amused tone he had, before letting out a breath and simply leaving it be.

"... if you say so..." She murmured quietly,

"Heh, well anyway Spirit, would you like me to call you a cab~?" Hawks asked, easily switching gears and Spirit looked his way again, shaking her head.

"No, I'll handle that myself." Spirit murmured, her red eyes trailing from him and toward her phone still face down on the coffee table, and of which had been left untouched the whole movie through. She shifted and leaned forward, picking it up and the screen came to life as she did, Spirit biting the inside of her cheek for the very low percentage and the time.

... It's already almost 5pm...

... ugh... time to call Tanaka... I guess I only managed to hold off for a night on the inevitable lecture, huh...?

"... thank you for the offer though, Feathers." Spirit murmured, sitting up again and glancing from the phone. "And thank you for everything else too... the food, the help, and letting me stay over. This was a nice break, and it was better than going home by myself last night... so thanks." She told him softly and Hawks nodded once, his expression softening and the smile he had doing the same.

"My pleasure, Spirit." Hawks replied coolly, "I'll happily do this all again anytime too... though of course I don't want you to get hurt again and that be an excuse to stop by- but come over whenever you like, it's nice having you around, and just hanging out~!" He chirped and Spirit nodded slightly, her red eyes glinting as she looked from him and toward her phone.

"... hmm." She hummed, the little mumble not really so much words, and that was all the reply she gave to the statement, and the offer to let her stop by. She didn't know what to say to it, she didn't know what her answer would be, or even what she wanted it to be just then... and it was wandering dangerously close to all those loaded topics, emotions, and whatever from the day before- she didn't want to touch it, so she didn't. She unlocked her phone and pulled the messaging app up, she and Hawks both falling into silence for a few moments as Spirit typed something in and sent it off- a call for a ride or something, Hawks figured.

He left her to it, sitting patiently in his seat as she tapped the letters and then sent the message off- and still waiting patiently when she paused a few minutes, her eyes fixed to the little bouncing dots that popped up near right away and indicating the other end was typing. After a few heartbeats Hawks saw the incoming message pop up on Spirit's phone, though he didn't try to read it (that's rude), and Spirit's eyes danced over the letters quickly and silently- before she let out a little breath, typed in a small 1-2 word reply, and then locked the phone screen.

Spirit pushed herself up onto her feet, stretching slightly, her left arm raising above her head and pushing herself up onto her toes as she did so and arching her back, a small humm escaping her. Her left shoulder and her back popped a bit in the middle of it, the sensation crawling up and down her spine as she held the position for a few seconds, before dropping down onto her feet again with a sigh. She rubbed the back of her neck lightly for a few seconds, her eyes dropping closed as she stood there- before tilting her head in Hawks' direction.

"My ride will be here in about fifteen minutes or so." Spirit told him quietly, and the Winged Hero nodded once in understanding.

"Gotcha~" He chirped, "You gonna be good on your own for the rest of the day~?" He asked and she nodded,

"Yeah I'll be fine, I'm not helpless." Spirit replied,

And besides, it's not like I'm gonna be totally on my own anyway. Not with-

"I know, still gotta ask though~!" Hawks hummed, pushing himself up onto his own feet with a little stretch and extending of his wings behind him. A few feathers plucked out from the sea of vermilion making up his wings and darted off, "I'll grab your stuff for ya, and walk you down-" he told her lightly and Spirit stiffened faintly,

"-No, that's fine I can go down by myself." She cut in quickly and Hawks blinked, pausing.

"Hmm? You sure...? I really don't mind Spirit." He murmured, but she shook her head again.

"I'm sure Feathers, I'll be fine." Spirit murmured levelly and he paused for half a second, before nodding slowly.

"Alrighty, I won't argue the point then." He hummed with a small shrug, his eyes moving from her and to the feathers that had ferried her bag over with her stuff. He grabbed it and handed it off to Spirit without a word, still smiling slightly, though it had faded a bit when she told him she didn't want to be walked down. He didn't say anything as Spirit moved closer to the door, but once she stepped down into the genkan and started to pull on her shoes, he perked up a bit out of nowhere, his eyes gleaming and the smile strengthening, and Spirit quirked a brow at it.

What the...?

"Oh~! I almost forgot, I totally have something to give you~!" Hawks trilled lightly, already turning on his heel and heading away from Spirit back toward where he'd left his jacket hanging on the back of a chair the night prior. Spirit pulled her last shoe on and straightened up, watching the Winged Hero with narrowed eyes as he stuck his hand in one of the inside pockets of the jacket and started to dig, before finding what he wanted and backtracking toward her with that bright, easy smile of his- though it was a bit more faintly excited than the usual carefree... but why...?

And what the hell does he have to give me...?

"Here ya go~!" Hawks told her brightly as he stopped in front of her again, his hand and the thing he'd fished out of his pocket lifting and moving toward her. Spirit's eyes fixed to his hand, her head tilting to see the black colored plastic of what seemed to be an ID badge, or some sort of card(?).

She was reaching forward to take it without really thinking about it, her head tilting further as her eyes scanned the card face. It had her name (well, Hero Name anyway) stamped on the bottom in silver lettering, and then the logo of an 'H' built up of three vermilion feathers on the top. There was even the image of a paw print above her name where she figured a photo probably should have been, but... wait, this looks like an... access card...?

Her eyes flashed, question and surprise flitting across her face and Hawks just kept smiling, his hands falling on his hips. "I was planning to give it to you yesterday, pending you agreed to come tour my Agency Building when I asked about it. It'll let you into the Building whenever you like." Hawks explained, Spirit's eyes moving off the card and toward him cautiously, wary even, and he noticed it right away. "Now this isn't me trying to get you to sign on or anything, I know you're intent to stay solo, Spirit. And it's totally up to you to use it of course, you don't have to by any means, but I wanted to give it to you anyway~" He hummed, his smile softening a little and Spirit blinked. "This way if you ever wanted to stop by you can. Or if you ever need it, you could have somewhere to crash, or just take a break for awhile, and you won't need anyone to let you in." He told her and Spirit stiffened slightly, her eyes growing a little wider at the words.

She looked down, her eyes falling from the smiling blonde and to the access card in her hand, chewing on the inside of her cheek while something in her core... fluttered, twisted, and warmed all at once. And it was the exact same sensation as what hit her last night, after what he'd said about coming to the hospital because she was his friend and he was worried... and then again, when he held his hand out, and...


"Come on." He urged gently, "I promise I will not drop you, you are perfectly safe with me Sunshine." He murmured, his eyes flashing as his hand moved a tad closer, and Spirit bit the inside of her cheek, hesitant still. Hawks let out a quiet, slightly amused breath at it.

"Hmm... Trust me, will you?" Hawks asked quietly, and Spirit stiffened faintly at the question, her own eyes glinting as she moved her gaze quickly from his and to his hand again.

... Trust you...?

... I don't... trust... anybody...

She grit her teeth, swallowing rather hard and unsure still... but her left hand moved forward slowly, nervously so, and shook ever so faintly as it fell into his outstretched hand gingerly.


Spirit bit the inside of both cheeks hard, her eyes flashing and her grip on the access card grew a bit tighter without her meaning for it too, and her shoulders hunched ever so faintly as well.

... this is... really fast still... really... really close... and almost way too trusting on his part, the Feathery dumbass...

He's not known me that long, he can't just give me this out of the blue- this is access to his Building, security clearance for fuck's sake, and I'm not even a part of his Agency... this is not something people just give out, damn it.

He can't just give this to me... it's... not rational, it's not safe... it...... shit... he can't be that trusting... can he...? Of me...?

Not with having known me for so little... shit, he doesn't even really know me either- so why...?

... fuck, that question again... always why with him... just like last night.


"... Why do you care, Hawks..?"

"... I have only known you for a little over a month... And in that month... We have gone from complete strangers... To 'friends'... But why?" Spirit mumbled lowly. "... Why are so insistent on all of this...? Why do you want to... be able to be there to help...? Why does it matter to you...? Why did you wanna be 'friends' so much anyway...? And why have you been so intent to hang around me, and get to know me...?" She asked lowly, and Hawks blinked several times over, a little lost still and quite frankly- stunned.

"... Why do you even care?" She asked again, her eyes opening this time and shooting him a sideways glance. "Why are you doing this...? Being 'friends', always popping in... Being nice and always... Letting me get away with being terrible to you? Why do you keep... Trying... So hard...?"

His eyes moved up to her again and his expression nothing but quiet, and calm, and gentle.

"Well, its because I like you, Spirit." He answered lightly and she reflexively stiffened at so simple, and so complicated a response all at once. And her heart did something, something like... skipping a beat, or fluttering- and her stomach followed suit... But it wasn't a sick feeling.

... L... Like...?

He... He likes me... Shit...

... That's... What Death Arms... Was asking me... About...

... What I don't know still...

... What... Keeps me wavering... W...when I know... When I'm... Afraid... This might... End badly...

... Damn it...

... I...


... and another thing I can't shake... something about him I like...?

Spirit's eyes dropped closed, biting down on her cheeks harder and holding her breath now- while that weird twisty, uneasy, fluttering, and warm all at once feeling in her core got all the heavier.

... I... wasn't sure last night... but I... I did realize that other thing, huh...?

That one thing


Why did just then... She realize the one thing...? Out of all the many, many things she could not wrap her head around at all...? And one very, impossibly, insanely simple thought...?

The one thing... She felt in her soul she actually wanted...? With everything she had...?

... Fuck ... Of all things... Why that...?

One thought... One want

And one thing, she was so certain she was not likely to get... Not me

Not with my life

... But even still... I don't know... Why...

... B...but...

...what I want...?

... I don't want this... Us... To end badly...


... shit... and now...?

Spirit swallowed hard, hoping it would settle the churning in her soul and her eyes opened halfway, sticking on the card and glittering like mad.

Something else clicked right then, just like it had with that one thought. It was another realization, and this time it was an answer to that question that had hounded her for near on a week now, and been the leading cause behind her days-long headache.

What was just one thing about Hawks that was the reason she kept hesitating? One single thing, and one thing important enough that it outweighed all the doubts, and the feelings that doing any of this was dangerous? One thing about him, that made it so she couldn't manage to bring herself to walk away, even with the fear that it might end terribly in the end?

... it doesn't make sense, but... I don't think it's just one specific thing.

Her eyes moved up from the card and back toward Hawks slowly, the blonde smiling still, still so cheery, and bright, and at ease- even with him literally giving her something that could be used to harm him, if it were to be put in the wrong hands. He gave it to her without looking wary at all, or even hesitant, so some part of him must have trusted she wouldn't do anything bad, even with him knowing literally nothing about her.

She didn't understand how he could do that, she didn't get it, and she wouldn't have done the same if the situation were reversed- but still, he did... He gave her that card, and that offer for some place to go if ever she needed. And in doing so, he handed her more than just the card.

He gave her the card along with some small show of his trust in her too- and Spirit's heart twisted, and fluttered all at the same time for it, and she had to swallow hard.

... fucking hell...

"And I know you said you're not the sort of person who can let other people in, and I get it, really... And I know this is all really fast for you, and unfamiliar- but I know you're trying your best, and I appreciate it."

... Have I been trying, without realizing I have...? I'm not really sure, but... right now...?

I think... I'm gonna do something I have never dared try... but with you Feathers... I just keep doing that, huh...?

All things I know I shouldn't do... things that I have been doing, all my life, without knowing that maybe I shouldn't be living this way... or don't want to be living the way I have.

Fuck... I might regret this... but... Whatever is out there, or is listening, or whatever else... Please don't let me regret this.

Please... whatever this is with us..... please don't let it end badly.

Spirit let out a low breath, her eyes flashing as she pulled the card in closer to herself, slowly adjusting to hold it with her right hand and arm in the sling. She held to it tightly, pressing it against her chest a bit as her red eyes moved slowly up from it and toward Hawks again, her expression utterly unreadable now and Hawks blinked at it, immediately alert to the shift in mood. Spirit held her (now free) left hand toward him, crimson eyes glinting and her head moved in a small, almost imperceptible nod that seemed more to herself than to him.

"Give me your phone." She told him quietly, and Hawks faltered slightly.

"... my... phone...?" He echoed uncertainly and Spirit nodded again, and a bit more firmly this time.

"Yes, so I can put my mobile number in it." She murmured softly and Hawks stiffened in surprise, his eyes widening and his feathers fluffing up a bit too in complete and utter shock, and even faint bits of exhilaration.

Her... Her phone number...?! N-no way...!

He couldn't believe it, he couldn't fathom it- but he didn't dare wonder on it either, he was already digging in his pants pocket (perhaps a bit too fast-paced), fingers fumbling for his phone and a much too breathless and delighted grin on his face.

"O-oh! Totally, here ya go..!" He chirped, unlocking the phone, and handing it over to her (still, a little too quickly in his movements), and Spirit took it from him quietly, her eyes flashing at how excited he seemed... what a child.

She let out a silent sigh at it and let her eyes fall on the screen as she started typing in a contact for herself, while Hawks watched her do it, intent, and now almost bursting with barely muffled happiness and elation with so simple a thing.

Well... simple, and not so simple, huh? Geez.... Just like the question- what do I like about Hawks?

... It doesn't make sense still... but there isn't just one specific thing about him I like... I don't know how, or if it's even possible, but...

She finished typing it in and sent off a one word message to herself so she'd have his number too, before handing the phone back to the Winged Hero- who looked all the more pleased as he took it back, nodding eagerly.

"Thank you so very much for the number, Sunshine~! I won't bug you too much, or call you all the time, or anything like that, I swear~!" He chirped, "Buuuut, if you wanna text or call me, don't hesitate okay~? Bug me as much as you like~!" He added brightly, and a bit eagerly too, though only just- and Spirit let out a breath, rolling her eyes slightly.

He's a child, and he acts like an idiot... and gets way too happy and excited over things, but... maybe...?

Even with all the dumb behavior, and him annoying me, and the bringing up things I don't wanna think about... and even us being more alike than I care for... and all the rest of the doubts and fears...

.... It is possible that... I just like him...?

.... Is it that I don't like just one part of Hawks, but instead for some crazy reason I still don't get... I like all of him...? Just a little...?

Spirit's gaze softened despite herself, the ghost of a small, almost imperceptible, and sort of somber smile pulling at her expression for just half a second. And Hawks?

He just kept smiling, and looking so happy, and she let out a silent breath for it.

... Shit...


Hello hello! It's been awhile huh?

I am so sorry for the delay, and I am a lil more sorry since this chapter is pretty domestic/not super exciting- but I do hope all you lovely readers enjoyed it anyway!

And yay for more character/relationship development? XD

Anyhoo, thank you all so very much for sticking with me! I appreciate every single one of you so much! ;w;

Please Vote and Comment if you can! Thank you!


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y/n the daughter of pro hero hawks and pro hero rose. in a tragic accident they both died. they died eachothers arms in a villain attack. leaving y...
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โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค ๐Š๐๐Ž๐– ๐๐Ž ๐„๐•๐ˆ๐‹ โ”โ” โI have the power to control those I consider to be of lesser rank than myself; be thankful I don't feel like using it...
227K 7.6K 29
Can even damaged wings take flight again? This fanfiction is a Dabi x reader story and includes some events that occur in the My Hero Academia anime...
2.6K 20 30
dabi and hawks were just friends. were. but somethings happened between them. mortal enemies fall in love, tragically.