Wraith (Kabane x Male Reader)

By Oliver812

14.5K 841 138

After rescuing Shiki's family, The Kemonoists recieved word of a so called 'haunted house' near a village at... More

Dead Quiet
Burnt House
Gilded Diary
Strange Doll
Teaser Art
Misty Memories
Unsavoury Dinner
Flames of Hatred
The Wraith Appears

Knife and Doll

1.2K 71 12
By Oliver812

Inugami's POV

I walked in the bedroom, soon followed by Kabane along with Shiki and Akira. The bedroom looked oddly normal. Just like that room outside. Flicking on the lights so we can see, the center of the room was a short table with a sofa next to it. A large queen-sized bed up against a wall. Two wardrobes on either ends of the room, a window with a chair looking out to it, and two more doors.

One of the doors led to a small strangely clean bathroom and the other seemed to be blocked by something on the other side.

Inugami "alright. Just like before, spread out and see what you can find."

But this time, no one moved.

Inugami "what's wrong?"

Akira "u-umm... i don't feel good..."

Shiki "yeah. Same here."

Inugami "what abot you Kabane?"

Kabane "im okay."

Inugami "alright. You search the wardrobes and the bed, you two can sit down over there and wait this one out. I'll check the bathroom and the rest of the stuff here."

All of them did as i asked. Shiki and Akira sat on the sofa. In truth, i know what they're talking about. The room outside already made me feel unwell but this bedroom... my hair stood on end, i feel cold and alone even though these guys are with me. I feel fear at the edges of my mind and a darkness dancing on my imagination making me think of things that only serve to feed my fear more.

And i doubt im the only one, Kabane may act all quiet and calm but i know even he feels like all he wants to do is run out of this house. Because if i knew that this house wasn't haunted, then i would have ran home already.

But it is...

Shiki and I went to grab that statue's arm. Although he wasn't looking at it, i saw a glimpse of the house from that distance as the fog opened for a split second.

I saw someone... something... looking out the window at us...

Now is just a matter of confirming it.

Checking the bathroom, most of it seems normal. A toilet, a bathtub and shower, a sink, cleaning supplies, a small cabinet and towel racks. I say 'most' as there is one thing that stands out. Inside the cabinet was a small pocket knife. A used pocket knife. Dried blood cover the edges of the blade and given it's placement, i doubt this is used for anything mundane.

Kabane "Inugami-san! I found something."

Kabane suddenly called out to me. I walked out the bathroom, hiding the small blade in my pocket as to not panic them and see what Kabane found.

In his hand was a small wooden doll clothed with torn fabric. Then i remembered, that was the same doll from the painting.

Kabane "i found it on the bed. It was covered by the blanket."

Inugami "good job Kabane. Now come on, i think it's time we get out of here. We'll come back tomorrow and finish this investigation."

Akira "yaay!"

Shiki "finally! Let's get out of here!"

I let all three of them out the room first and looked back into it. In the window i saw a small reflection of something for a brief seccond before it dissapeared again.

Sorry for bothering you...

I closed the door and immediately heard it lock itself after i let go of the handle.

We overstayed our welcome. Best not draw it out much further.

We made our way out the house and into the front porch. All of us seemed to finally breath out the air that we've been holding in for who knows how long.

Unfortunatelt, our slight relief was cut short as we saw a figure within the mist coming towards the house.

Akira gasped as he was pulled by Kabane behind me and i readied my gun. Aiming towards the figure as it got closer... and closer... and closer.

??? "Hello?"

The figure walked past the gates and out into view. It was a man holding a shovel and wearing a dirty dark gray coat along with a hat.

??? "Don't shoot!"

The man dropped his shovel and brought both his hands up to the air.

I let down my gun but still kept it out just in case.

Inugami "who are you?"

??? "I-im the caretaker here. I tend to the grounds and the garden? Well - what's left of it at least."

I put my gun back into it's holder.

Inugami "im Inugami. Master detective and these three are my helpers. We're the kemonoists."

Caretaker "Oh i see..."

Inugami "actually, you mind if i ask a few questions?"

Caretaker "go on. I'll answer what i can..."

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