"You're Alone Kokichi, And Yo...

By fuzziibunnii

296K 7.2K 26.4K

NONE OF THE ART IN THIS BOOK IS MINE (Sneak Peak) My eyes couldn't comprehend what I was seeing. My... friend... More

Explanation Of AU
Prologue 1
Prologue 2
Prologue 3
Prologue 4
Prologue 5
Chapter 1 - The Hospital
Chapter 2 - Shuichi's Mistake
Chapter 3 - My Old Uniform..
Chapter 4 - The Cafeteria Fight
Chapter 5 - Why Couldn't It Be Real?
Chapter 6 - Back To School
Chapter 7 - Playing On Train Tracks
Chapter 8 - Insomnia
Chapter 9 - Woods
Chapter 10 - Sorry, Saihara
Chapter 11 - Keep it a Secret
Chapter 12 - The Flower On His Desk
Chapter 13 - Promises Are Always Broken
Chapter 14 - Built Up Anger
Chapter 15 - Interrupted By a Knock
Chapter 16 - Ice Cream
Chapter 17 - Apologizing
Chapter 18 - The Key
Chapter 19 - Unorganized Belongings?
Chapter 21 - I'll Help You
Chapter 22 - Burn Marks
Chapter 23 - 'Crime' Scene
Chapter 24 - Pity Party
Chapter 25 - Forgiveness
Chapter 26 - Blood Stain
Chapter 27 - Who's Kokichi?
Chapter 28 - You Aren't Alone Kokichi
rlly quick update

Chapter 20 - The Gun

6.9K 163 599
By fuzziibunnii

(Quick A/N: this chapter has a lot of POV switches, its not that big of a deal but just make sure you pay attention to them so you don't get mixed up with who's POV it is)

Shuichi's POV

As I struggled to sleep, my eyes remained stuck open, thinking and worrying about Kokichi. My mind kept telling me to check on him. It was almost so much to the point where a headache was starting to form.

The dorms were soundproof, just ike the ones in the killing game, so I wouldn't be able to hear if he was crying or screaming or something like that.

I turned over onto my left side and shut my eyes, wrestling with my own body to sleep. Eventually I just gave up and decided to stay on my phone until I dozed off.

In the morning, I jumped awake to the sound of my alarm blaring in my face. I rushed to turn it off, exhausted. I got dressed and grabbed a piece of toast for breakfast before leaving.

When I opened the front door, I immediately hurried to Kokichi's dorm, making sure he didn't hurt or do anything to himself overnight.

Kokichi's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, slightly struggling to do so since they were almost glued closed from me crying for more than half of the night.

I shot up, checking the time before realizing I would be late if I didn't hurry up. As I got dressed and skipped breakfast, I realized I felt more suicidal than I usually did every morning, gaining a new idea.

There's a gun shop not too far from here.. what if I stole a gun and killed myself with it? Its quicker and easier.

If I successfully steal it, I won't commit suicide today, probably either in a week or two. I know I told myself I would do it on my birthday, but why wait until then? It feels dumb to do that.

And if I really was going to get this gun and take my own life with it, I would probably have to take that key back from Shuichi. I wouldn't want him to find my body like that..

My train of thought was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. I quickly ran to the door, turning the knob in a swift motion. When I realized the person who knocked was Shuichi, butterflies rushed through my stomach at just the sight of him.

He opened his mouth and began speaking. "Hey Koki! How did you sleep last night?" he asked, a warm, friendly grin was presented on his face.

"Oh, I slept.. well!" I lied, forcing a smile onto my lips. Shuichi beamed, though I wondered why he asked that since I never told him I had any trouble with sleeping.

"By the way Shumai, do you still have that key I gave you?" Shuichi nodded, one of his eyebrows were now furrowed with uncertainty. I spoke again.

"Can I have it back?" after I said that, Shuichi jumped back slightly with surprise, obviously taken aback by the question. It took a few seconds before he refused my request.

I pouted with annoyance. I did assume that answer would occur, but I didn't want it to. I asked again, this time trying to sound more pleading.

"Pleaaaase Saihara-Chan?" I dragged out the word please, accidentally making Shuichi flustered by that action. But he kept his composure and kept responding with no.

I was irritated at this point, just wanting to get the key back. So I made up an excuse for why I needed it. "Come on Shumai, I lost my other one and last night the lady at the counter said there were no more!"

I mentally laughed, knowing that statement couldn't be any more incorrect. Shuichi sighed and pulled the key out of his pocket. I cheerfully held out my hand as a way of asking for it.

He placed it on my palm, though still looking uncertain of this action. I fake giggled and said, "Thank youuuu!~" in a sing song voice. In response Shuichi's face took a shade light pink, blushing.

"J-just take it" He stated, noticeably flustered. It took me a second before I realized I was laughing. Shuichi blushed even more and covered his face with his hands before adding, "W-we should just get to class already"

I agreed with him before we started walking down the halls to get to our first class. Sorry Shuichi.. but I don't wanna traumatize you..

Shuichi's POV

Happy at the thought of Kokichi getting rest (since his diary said he struggled with insomnia), I smiled before Kokichi asked me something that threw me off guard. "By the way Shumai, do you still have that key I gave you?"

I paused at this question, wondering what he could need it back for. I nodded anyway, still confused. Kokichi then asked if he could have it back.

I slightly jumped back, now I was even more puzzled, why does he want it? Whatever the reason is, it probably isn't good. I shook my head, refusing.

He asked again. "Pleaaaase Saihara-Chan?" I was starting to get flustered since I do get embarrassed easily, but I kept myself mostly calm and said no again.

He gave a reason for why he needed it this time. "Come on Shumai, I lost my other one and last night the lady at the counter said there were no more!" I sighed, I guess i couldn't argue with that.

Hesitating, I pulled the key out of my back pocket and placed it in the palm of Kokichi's hand that he had stuck out. I immediately regretted it. He childishly giggled and dragged out a thank you which made me slightly blush.

I stuttered out the words, "J-just take it". In result, Kokichi started to laugh even more which embarrassed me, making my face turn even more red. "W-we should just get to class already" I said, just desperately wanting to stop embarrassing myself.

Kokichi nodded in agreement and we both started walking to our class, but for some reason he seemed like something was on his mind.. maybe I'll look into it later.

Kokichi's POV

Later after school, I strolled down the sidewalk, keeping an eye out for the gun shop. I eventually found it after a while of walking.

I entered the store and fidgeted with the safety pins in my front pocket that I usually used to lockpick things. The worker was attending to another customer, so while he wasn't looking, I snuck behind the counter, slipping the tip of the safety pin into the cabinet's lock.

Once I got the lock open, I reached my hand into the shelf and grabbed the nearest pistol and a few bullets. Right after successfully doing that, I snuck out of the store, making sure no one saw me.

Damn idiots, didn't even have any cameras or sensor security. But then I realized I was the idiot. Because I didn't even bring a bag to carry the gun with me.

I tucked the unloaded gun into my arms  and started to run to the dorms, not wanting to be seen with a weapon while on open streets.

When I arrived at the dorm building, I decided to go in through the back door and use the stairs to avoid being seen by anyone.

mini time skip

After I finally got to the floor, I stopped for a while to catch my breath from going up so many stairs. Once I regained it, I didn't even care about hiding the gun since I was so exhausted.

As I walked, I muttered to myself. "They kept telling me to shoot myself..." thinking of all the death threats I got and how much they affected me even though I tried so hard for them not to.

I reached my dorm and swung the door before slamming it closed when I got in. I went to my bedroom and put the gun, along with the bullets, in one of my drawers that was in my desk.

I felt so exhausted to the point where even my insomnia couldn't stop me from sleeping. As soon as I layed down and shut my eyes I had fallen asleep, not knowing Shuichi had seen me carry the gun in..

Shuichi's POV

As I watched Kokichi from my door, looking through a small crack, I noticed he was carrying something... something a bit shiny.

I panicked, he could be carrying a blade, a knife, or anything like that. I opened up the door a little more so I could see better. And what I saw was... a gun...

I had also heard him mutter something under his breath. I couldn't hear most of it except for the words 'shoot myself'.

I panicked and questions began racing through my mind. I wanted to go grab the gun from him but I was frozen in place with fear.

I watched him enter his dorm as if he wasn't carrying a pistol out in the open where everyone could see. I sat there, my breathes deep and heavy with anxiety.

What if he kills himself? I felt tears well up in my eyes at the thought of his last suicide attempt, the way his body was lifelessly laying there, limp.

I felt another wave of sadness flow through my body. I choked back a small sob and finally closed the crack in the doorway before turning around and rushing to my room, trying to distract myself.

I just won't say or do anything about it until tomorrow... then the day after tomorrow I can pretend to be sick like last time and then steal the gun from him. I thought to myself. It seemed like a decent plan and I suppose it could work.

the next day; during lunch

I glanced over to Kokichi as he laughed at his own joke. I nervously spoke up, feeling my left leg bounce with anxiety. "Kokichi?" almost instantly he stopped laughing, a light shade of pink appeared on his cheeks when we accidentally made direct eye contact.

He tilted his head sideways as a way of asking what I wanted to say. "Do you have a.. uhm.." I hesitated before getting the last word out. "a gun?"

Kokichi blanched, his face turning pale with alarm at the question. But before I could say anything about his reaction, he quickly forced himself to calm down and responded with, "no?" adding a hint of confusion in his voice.

I stared at him, debating whether or not I should call him out about the gun. I decided not to and replied with a simple "ok".

After 5 minutes minutes of chatting and eating, I could see Kokichi wince in pain as his skin became even paler than before (if that was even possible). It was most likely from malnutrition since he didn't eat much at all.

Slightly worried for the smaller male's health, I nudged a sushi over to Kokichi. Kokichi glanced over at it and looked down, what looked to be guilt clouded his eyes.

(Quick) Kokichi POV

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Shuichi nudge a sushi over to me. I looked down, feeling guilty at the fact that I wouldn't be able to eat it. I picked it up anyway, trying to make Shuichi happy.

Back to Shuichi's POV

Kokichi hesitantly placed the food in his mouth. I could see him struggling as he tried to hide his gagging. I felt a bit bad for forcing him to eat like this, but he wouldn't eat anything else.

time skip to after school

Later at about 9pm, I dialed Kokichi's number and called him. Fortunately he had picked up. "Hey Kokichi, I think I might stay home again tomorrow. I feel sick again." I stated, hoping he would fall for it.

Luckily he did, I silently celebrated in my mind. "aww man, ok! Bye Saihara-Chan!" He whined before hanging up.

I had only told him I was going to stay home because I was planning to steal the gun from Kokichi to make sure he didn't hurt himself with it.

wait... I gave the key back to him.. I thought to myself, slightly panicking before remembering I could just get another key from the lady at the main office. I exited my dorm and started making my way to the lobby.

Kokichi's POV

After I hung up, I questioned Shuichi being 'sick' again. Last time he stayed home and I came back my stuff was rearranged as if someone had went through it.

I continued pondering this until I remembered I had taken the key back from him. I took a deep breathe and calmed myself down, forgetting the fact that Shuichi asked me if I had a gun earlier.

I had decided to take a nap so I could fall asleep earlier than I usually do. I was unsuccessful and ended up stayed up for more than half of the night.

Shuichi's POV

After making sure Kokichi had fully left, I took out the key I obtained from the office yesterday. I used the key to get into the dorm and checked the bathroom, assuming the gun would be with everything else in the box.

But it wasn't, I slightly panicked and quickly checked wherever it could be, including Kokichi's bedroom, I found it there in a drawer, seeing the diary again but being too nervous to read it since the stuff I read last time left mr feeling sick to my stomach.

I took the gun and the bullets and went back to my dorm, hiding it in a safe that I kept in my closet. I sat down, feeling relieved that I had taken the gun from Kokichi and that he would be ok and unharmed.

Kokichi's POV

When I got back from school, I immediately check to make sure my gun was still there, and it wasn't. stealing my stuff now? well two can play that game. I thought to myself, annoyed.

Out of spite, I planned to go through Shuichi's room by getting suspended for a day and being forced to stay at my dorm, that way I didn't have to make up an excuse.

The next day while Shuichi and I were walking in the halls, I yelled, "Watch this Shuichi!" and pulled the nearest fire alarm, making it go off. I covered my ears in pain, slightly startled but trying to ignore it.

I felt tears well up in my eyes from the overwhelming noise but I played it off as laughing too hard. I grabbed Shuichi's hand and pulled him out of the building.

Out of the corner of my eye I had seen Shuichi blushing at how I was holding his hand and giggled at it, finding it sort of cute that he was flustered from just holding hands.

It was fun, running from the school like that. The scene kept replaying in my mind like a movie. Soon enough the principal had arrived and suspended me.

After school

"So you got suspended for a day?" Shuichi asked over the phone, I laugh and responded with, "Yeah but it's fine, I didn't wanna go tomorrow anyway" Shuichi sighed.

I could hear his voice slightly tremble when he spoke again. "Alright, well I gotta work on my homework now, so bye!" I said bye too and hung up, thinking about where Shuichi could have hidden the gun.

Shuichi's POV

But I actually wasnt working on my homework, I was studying kokichi again. And I stayed studying him until it was about 12am and I my body forced my mind to go to bed.

In the morning when I woke up, my first thought was about Kokichi. my stomach churned with worry but I went to school anyway, forgetting to bring my school computer because I was stressed so much.

Kokichi's POV (so many pov switches im so sorry-)

After I stalked Shuichi and made sure he got to school safe, I went to his dorm and unlocked it with the key he gave me since I still had his. Once I got in I began searching desperately for the gun, looking around everywhere.

Eventually after a while of looking, I found a notebook, I assumed it was just his detective journal, so I opened it up. I thought I wouldn't find much but instead I ended up finding a bunch of notes about my behavior and how I acted. Shuichi was.... studying me..

Does this mean he actually does care? Tears threatened to fall down my cheeks, and I let them. I thought shuichi didn't care about me, but I guess I was wrong. So he really wasn't faking his affection towards me.

I continued to cry for a while, quiet sobs escaping my throat as my tears fell onto the desk below me. I stayed like that for about 3 minutes before I heard the door open and I heard Shuichi's voice.


2923 words! Wow this took quite a while to write- and I think its the longest chapter I've ever written. Also sorry for all of the pov switches, I wanted to make sure no one's actions in this chapter were misunderstood in any way. I'll make sure to get the next chapter out as soon as I can!

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