Foolishly Completely Falling...

Da larriesfookingloosah

50.7K 1.6K 1.8K

Louis is 1/4 of the infamous boy band One Direction and has had a crush on the Prince of Wales for ages. Prin... Altro

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 20
chapter 21

chapter 19

1.9K 54 48
Da larriesfookingloosah

This time around Harry wasn’t as stupid as before. So when he realized he was closing off again because of the consuming feelings of guilt, he talked. Louis had hit him in the back of his head with a book. “Speak,” he’d demanded. And Harry had sat up on his bed a talked. He told Louis how he felt and it was actually relieving. Louis listened and Harry realized there was nothing to be afraid of. Louis didn’t think less of him and neither did he laugh or say anything to try to take the guilt away. Harry didn’t want him to do that either because he knew if Louis said he’d done nothing wrong they both knew he was lying. Louis just listened and then hugged him tightly and promised things were going to turn out okay.

The following week was hectic at Modest! Management, and also for Harry’s publicity team. After a long, long meeting regarding everything that happened they’d all come to the decision to try to fix things. Harry and Louis had had a whole hour of telling-off and Louis was on really bad terms with them. He wasn’t allowed to write on twitter or any social media sites for that matter, and Harry and Louis weren’t allowed out together if not planned by management. Of course they had said that before but now, Louis had a guard that wasn’t to leave his side unless it was an emergency. And Pete and James had been furious with Harry. After “the little stunt he pulled” by not telling them where he was the whole day back in Australia and not bringing his phone, they were not leaving his side for even a second. Normally, as Harry had noticed before, neither of them liked Modest in particular but now they were co-operating willingly with the security team on Louis’ side.
And the media was in chaos. After the pictures from Sydney of Harry and Louis had come to the public eye, no one knew what to believe. There were the happy tweets and the trending fight, then Louis was partying with some girl, but then a cute picture of them with ice cream on their noses together with a fan showed up. After that there had appeared photos of them from the rest of the last day and a certain picture of them in a restaurant was eagerly discussed. It looked as if they were kissing, but no one could be sure. The only thing that people were sure of was that they were holding hands underneath the table on their thighs, but of course Harry knew that wasn’t that innocent, that was actually Louis palming him and Harry gripping on to his wrist.
The hate for Louis was still massive and Harry hadn’t been able to take it. He had tweeted out,

Harry Styles
About the pictures of Lou, it’s not what you think

He hated that he couldn’t be more specific than that and the responses he got were good in a way but were even worse at the same time. Some people started to believe that the two weren’t actually dating and that Louis had done no wrong, but it fucking sucked at the same time because they were dating and Harry wanted them to believe that. But the tweet confused people more than anything and no one seemed to know what was going on.
Modest took it in their hands to fix the publicity situation. They were trying to make people think that it was their fault that Louis had gone out with a girl. They tried to make it seem like it was them trying to cover up that Louis was gay and dating Prince Harry Styles and like they were forcing Louis to do it and it made them look like the bad guys. It was actually quite gracious of them, but really Harry knew that they were just trying to fix things so they didn’t lose money, but he appreciated it anyway.
So as the week passed on, more and more people became certain that Harry and Louis were in fact dating. “Secret” meetings were staged and when Harry appeared on the Alan Carr show and they showed a picture of Harry sneaking out of Louis’ building he acted like he was surprised. He wasn’t surprised Alan had been told to do this.

“Looky here, Harry!” There was a picture of Harry with just-fucked hair and he looked tired. He had actually fucked, so he didn’t blame people for believing the pictures. “This is you trying to be sneaky and not so much succeeding to get out of Louis’ building without getting seen. Any comments?” He smirked.

“I just slept on his couch,” Harry said. It was embarrassing talking about him sleeping with someone on television! The color of crimson on his cheeks only added up to why people didn’t believe him. The audience laughed.

“Really?” Alan said. “He slept on his couch!” He announced to the audience who laughed even more.

“It’s true!” Harry had actually slept on the couch… with Louis. “Why are you laughing?” That made them laugh even harder. “It’s true!” Their laughing at his poor excuses was a little humiliating and definitely embarrassing, but the laughs made it all so obvious. People knew they were a thing, and they only had fun with the fact that he tried to deny it. It felt like they were accepting and Harry didn’t feel like he was hiding so much anymore.
The thing was, Harry’s fans seemed fine with him dating Louis (and obviously the being gay part), but it was Louis’ fans that worried him. Louis was part of a worldwide famous band and not only his career was on the line. Millions of teenage girls were holding the boys’ future in their hands and it all depended on how they did this. So far everything had gone pretty well, apart from the fact that all this drama lately had given the pair a massive amount of publicity and this all had turned into a much bigger deal than it could’ve been.

“So, young Harold,” Alan said, catching his attention. “You were in Australia with Louis, correct? How was that?”

Horrible. Heartbreaking. Some hours were the worst of my life. “It was lovely.”


“Yes, absolutely.” Before the whole situation had occurred, yeah.

“We’ve all seen the pictures of Louis together with a girl. And then you tweeted about things not being what it seemed?”

Harry shrugged. Nope, he wasn’t talking about this.

“Care to explain?” Alan prompted and the audience leaned in anticipation.

“No comment.” Harry said simply.

“Oh, really?” Harry shrugged again. Alan seemed to get that he wouldn’t get another answer, and dropped the subject. The interview went on.

After the interview Harry was chastised for not talking about Louis more and not answering more questions about Australia. Harry just shrugged it off. His publicist didn’t know the reasons why Louis had left him that one night, so he didn’t really care what she said about that. When Harry was done, he immediately went to his hotel room. He passed the mass of fans outside the hotel, four guards surrounding him. When he finally got up, he flung himself on his bed, exhausted. He had had so much work lately. Interviews and publicity tricks and meetings, and on top of that, his normal job that included charity work and galas and openings. He was so exhausted he wanted to cry. But his phone made sounds, not letting him close his eyes.

“What?” he groaned into the phone, slightly annoyed.

“You could sound a little happier to speak to your lovely sister,” Gemma said over the line.

“What do you want?”

“Just reminding you of the wedding. It’s on Saturday. On Friday’s the rehearsal dinner, which your secret boyfriend is going to be performing at, and Satan will also attend, but I doubt you’ve forgotten that. Anyway, the last fitting will be Thursday morning, that is tomorrow and on Friday the car will pick you up at five.”

“Thank you, lovely sister.” Harry knew all of this already. He’d been dreading it all for weeks. Every painful detail had printed itself stuck in his brain. Luckily Louis would be there, something he hadn’t counted on being something of comfort until weeks ago. It had been almost two months now since they first met and they’d seen each other almost every day. It felt surreal that weeks ago he would have thought he’d be facing all this on Saturday by himself, when now Louis had promised to be by his side.

“Your welcome. Anyways, where’s Louis tonight?”

“Some yacht club party.” He had been texting Harry all night, complaining how boring the party was without him.

“Oh, alright. I was hoping to talk to him, but I’ll call him later then.” Harry suppressed the want to roll his eyes. Harry had introduced the two a while ago and they had immediately hit it off. Gemma was quick enough to come up with replies to Louis’ sassy ways and Louis didn’t fall short at her sarcasm.

“And hey, Mom wanted me to tell you your apartment’s done. The flat is all ready for you to move back in.” Harry smiled. He had missed his flat. This hotel room suite was all right and everything, but no matter how many times his mother decided to get his own flat renovated, it was home after all.

“Thanks, Gems.”

“Once again you’re welcome. I’ve got to run. Bye, hun.” She hung up and Harry closed his eyes, wondering if he should fall asleep or wait for Louis to get home first. Home. Lately that was all that he was thinking about. What it’d be like, sharing a house with Louis. Maybe when they were older and everything had worked out they could get a house together, a nice one outside of town with a big lawn and a garden. He saw before him a little pond and a nice view from the kitchen window. There could be a nice terrace they could stand on, watching the kids run around and play. He couldn’t help it but all he could think about was a miniature Louis with caramel wispy hair and blue eyes. Maybe they could have a girl, with curls and who would giggle in that adorable way just like Louis.
Harry groaned. It was stupid to be thinking like this. He was nineteen and Louis was just a few years older. But if Louis wanted, he could wait. He’d wait forever to have that.
His phone chimed and he reluctantly put away his fantasies.

From: Niall
“Get your ass to the yacht club. We have business. Time to make a move.”

Harry frowned and answered, “What are you talking about?”

The reply came quickly. “I have a plan. Get here.” Underneath was an address. Harry sighed and jumped up from the bed. It was probably for the best doing as Niall said, plus Louis was there so this only meant he’d get to see him sooner. So even though he was tired Harry took a quick look in the mirror, noting that his hair still looked alright from the styling before the interview tonight, and then called for Pete and James. Trying to sneak past them was pretty pointless these days. They followed him suit and a car was pulled up for him. He gave the driver the address Louis had sent him and then they were on their way. It was already late when they’d left and Harry didn’t get to the yacht club until eleven. When the car pulled up there were a lot of people still there, wearing nice dresses and expensive button downs. For his life Harry could not picture Louis having fun at this kind of party, let alone going. There were a few paps outside and Harry just waved when they snapped their cameras. At the door stood a guard but he recognized Harry immediately and let him in followed by his bodyguards. The place was dim, lighting much like a pub. But it was fancier and people rather drank wine than had a pint. The place was expensively decorated with satin on the furniture, and tables and chair were in dark wood. Once again Harry wondered what the hell people like Niall and Louis were doing there.
Harry spotted Zayn at a corner table, sitting back on a sofa. Louis was next to him, listening intently to something he was saying. Zayn caught Harry’s eye and stopped and Louis twisted his head, wondering what had caught his mate’s attention. Seeing Harry, he grinned and waved him over. Harry smirked back and went over, falling down on the chair next to Louis’.

“You made it,” Louis grinned and squeezed his thigh under the table. Zayn greeted him cheerily and waved over someone who worked there.

“Champagne for this guy. On me,” he said and Harry shot him confused smile.

“What have I done to deserve this?”

“Well, Niall has some sort of plan like the mastermind he is, and we won’t have time to celebrate this until after so I figured why not now?”

“Speaking of, where is Niall?” Louis wondered.

“What are we celebrating?” Harry asked just as Niall slumped down on the sofa next to Zayn.

“Guys. We’re going over the plan. Just listen, don’t interrupt or I’ll kill you. First, Harry and Louis, do you trust me?”



“Good. Seeing as the wedding is on Saturday and the rehearsal dinner on Friday, this is the best moment we’ve got. We’re dropping the bomb on Saturday afternoon.”

“Wait, do you mean-“ Harry tried to get out.

“But before we do that we need some attention to it. Not too much but a little. The plan is too let it get overshadowed by the big wedding so it’ll be less of a big deal. But we need to drop something before the big stuff, like a hand grenade before the nuclear bomb, so people will see it coming.” Niall was talking fast and Harry didn’t really catch on.

“Wait, so we’re doing what tonight?” he asked confusedly.

“Have you even spoken to management about this?” Louis asked, concerned.

Niall snorted like that was the stupidest question he’d heard in years. “Louis, shut up. Harry, tonight we are throwing the hand grenade. I tipped some more paps you two are both here.”

“Why would you do that?” Louis groaned.

“People has to see this for it to work. Duh! Cameras aren’t allowed in here so paps outside are necessary.”

“Zayn, what do you think?” Harry asked. If it was someone’s judgment he trusted around this table it was Zayn’s.

“Niall told me most of the plan before and it seems pretty okay. I think Niall knows what he’s doing here,” he said and Niall grinned winningly. “But-“

“So,” Niall interrupted. He hated buts. “Here is what where going to do. Step one, get some attention that we are all here. Not too much, but some. Then we’re going to be all happy and you two will act cute. Step two, I’m going to leave to get the paps attention, to make sure they stick around, but not before planting a little rumor that you two are ‘oh so cute’,” Niall paused to take a breath. “Step three, Zayn will leave with Josh, Andy and Liam who are around here somewhere and they will say some comment about ‘Louis and Harry alone together’. Step four, you two leave together into the car. Don’t do anything like kiss each other because that will have to wait until Saturday. Remember, today is only the grenade.”

“You really want to be in an action movie, don’t you?” Louis asked, shaking his head.

“Yes,” Niall said obviously. Harry was a bit overwhelmed. It was quite a lot. Hadn’t he just lied on television saying they were just friends? It felt like a bit much in one night.

“Are we all clear on this?” Niall asked urgently. Louis paused and glanced over at Harry. He saw the nervousness lingering in them and he let his hands slide in between Louis’.

“Do you want to do this?” Harry asked, looking for any kind of hesitation in Louis’ eyes. This was a big deal for Louis, not Harry. It was Louis’ career that was on the line. But Louis didn’t hesitate when he nodded. It was a nervous nod, but he looked determined.

“Yes.” He squeezed Harry’s hand and a sudden nervous thrill shot through his chest. They were doing this. Suddenly that dream of the house and kids didn’t seem so far off. Okay, maybe that was exaggerative but whatever. Still, if everything went perfectly, Harry could call Louis is boyfriend publicly after Saturday.

“Great!” Niall cheered. He called Liam and Andy and Josh over to the table from where they were standing by the bar. He clasped his hands together. “Let’s set things in motion.” Liam and the others reached the table.

“So it’s all clear?” Liam asked.

“Wait!” Harry held up the hand that wasn’t clasped to Louis’ sweaty palm. “Are you okay with this?” His eyes were on the other three members of the band. This could be it for them too.

“I don’t want to ruin everything for you,” Louis said in a smaller voice.

“You two are the dumbest people alive.” Harry was shocked when he found the words came from no other than Liam. He’d expected them from Zayn and maybe Niall, but not Liam. “I’m not even going to answer that,” Liam shook his head like what they’d said was the biggest load of bullshit he had ever heard. “Now let’s get on with this.”

“Good luck pals,” Josh grinned and slapped Louis on the shoulder. Harry took a deep breath and gave Louis a small smile.

“You ready?” he whispered, the sides of their bodies pressed closely together. His heart was beating fast and when Louis, covered by Andy, gave him a small peck to his jaw, he could have fainted. It was in public, even if nobody saw.

“Right, let’s get to it!” Niall cheered and then it was all set in motion. The waiter came with the bottle of champagne and they all raised their glasses in celebration. Niall insisted they’d have a chat group on some app to update each other on how it was going. They all rolled their eyes but complied and downloaded it anyway. ‘Somehow’ people had realized Prince Harry Styles had arrived to the scene and suddenly a lot more attention was on their group. Harry suspected Niall’s comment to the waiter about “the prince deserving the best of treatment” was a tip off. Word got around fast and maybe they got a little more attention than intended. With constant reminders from Niall through the chat app, Harry tried his best to be cute and adorable with Louis who only rolled his eyes at Harry’s every attempt but nonetheless smiled fondly and even leaned on his shoulder when some people came up to chat. They sipped a lot of champagne, not enough for it to have a serious effect but just enough to get them to loosen up.

“Do you still think this is a good idea?” Harry asked Louis when Niall for the third time asked for more drinks.

Louis faced him and tucked a curl behind his ear, smiling faintly because he knew Harry hated it. “Yes.” His fingertips lingered on his cheek and his other hand rested on Harry that he’d put on Louis’ thigh. “It’s quite a big deal. Isn’t it?”

“It is.”

“I wish it was over already so we could do what we want.” The picture of the house and garden blossomed in Harry’s brain again and he determinedly tucked it away. It was too soon.

“Me too,” Harry murmured back. His phone chirped in his pocket and he rolled his eyes when he read one of Niall’s chat messages.

Niall: I said grenade not bomb!!!!!

Harry rolled his eyes but leaned away from Louis’ touch, sending a pointing look at Niall. Louis snorted but gave some of Harry’s personal space back to him. Harry’s and also the other’s phones chimed again.

Niall: I’m making my move. Step 2 is up.

It was kind of sad how all of the messages were from Niall. Harry decided to be nice and answer him.

Harry: Ay ay captain

Louis snorted.

Andy: Do we really have to use this? We’re sitting at the same table.

Josh: It looks weird that we’re all texting.

Louis: You are using it now.

Andy: Can we stop?

Liam: Niall are you making your move or not?

Niall: I am!

Liam: Staring at the waitress is not making your move.

Niall: I’m choosing my target!

Josh: This is still weird.

Harry: We are all quiet and surrounded by people who are watching us text…

Liam: Niall get up and make your move

Niall: Don’t tell me what to do bitch

Louis: someone’s cranky

There was a pause when nobody wrote, all expecting some sort of outburst from Niall. When a message finally came, it wasn’t from the blonde.

Zayn: You are all dorks.

Harry chuckled and grinned at Zayn. Niall shook his head like he was a disappointed father and they were all his misbehaving kids. But he got up and made his way towards the exit. On his way he stopped by the waitress, telling her something, leaving her gawking. The night continued and Louis went to the bathroom joined by Josh and then Liam and Andy were chatting with some guys who recognized their group. Harry shuffled over to sit by Zayn and grinned.

“Does this plan mean I have your blessing?” he asked cheekily. Zayn laughed and rolled his eyes.

“I guess.”

“So you don’t think I’m in it for the money?”

“I think you’ve got some of your own, man.” Zayn grinned and then turned serious. “Harry I liked you, I really do. I’m glad Louis has got you.” Harry smiled widely. It meant a lot. Even though he knew he was friends with them all, these were Louis’ absolute best mates and having their sort of blessing for their relationship was beyond important to him.

“But,” Zayn said. “Louis is one of my best mates and I love him to pieces. So I hope you realize that if you hurt him there will be a gravestone with your name on it. Hand carved by Niall and polished by Liam and I will put you in that box.”

Harry laughed although he felt a little pale under his skin. Zayn was grinning too but he was serious beneath is smirk and he knew Harry knew that.

“I won’t disappoint you,” Harry promised.

“Good.” Then Zayn laughed. “This is ridiculous I feel like you’re asking me if you can marry him and I’m his threatening older brother.” Harry didn’t laugh but smiled. Zayn had no idea how much Harry wished that was what it true.


Zayn groaned but shuffled up from his seat and gripped Liam’s shoulder, telling him they were up. When Josh was back, the three of them left through the doors. Harry was sat by the table in the corner waiting for Louis to get back when James came up behind him. He had totally forgotten his guards were there.

“What is it you’re doing, Harry?”

“Honestly I don’t really know,” he said, running a hand through his hair.

“Should I even bother warning you about consequences?”

“No,” Harry sighed. Everything felt a little too late for that.

“S’what I thought,” James’ shoulders sagged and shook his head. Then Louis was there and James stepped back into his position again. Louis was grinning and a smile formed on Harry’s lips as well. He was so beautiful. His smile could light up his world within seconds. He was his sunshine and he wanted him forever.

He came to sit by Harry and linked their hands under the table. “Just you and me left, cowboy.”

“One last battle and the war is won,” Harry grinned. “Or something like that.”

“Is that how you see this? A war?” Louis asked, eyes searching his. Harry thought about it as he took Louis’ hand and let his other draw patterns in his palm, eyes fixated on the faint lines.

“Sometimes I do… Sometimes I feel like we’re never going to win, like in Australia. Sometimes I feel powerful and like we could actually do this.” Louis’ other hand found his wrist. “Sometimes I think about what we’re actually going to worry about when this is over…” he paused, a small smile playing on his lips. “Mostly I just want to be with you.” He looked up and was met with big eyes. There was an adoring look on Louis’ face and he shook his head.

“How are you real?” he whispered.

“How could you want me?” Harry replied, shaking his head all the same. Louis’ fingers stroked the tattooed skin on Harry’s wrist.

“I can’t change…”

“Can’t I change that I’m in love with you.”

“I really want to kiss you,” Louis bit his lip. Harry had to remind himself tonight was a night for grenades and not nuclear bombs.

“Then let’s get out of here.” Louis was quick to get up and they pressed through the crowds, every passing pair of eyes locked on them. They left through the doors, followed by James and Pete. Outside were paps but that was the point. Harry stepped towards his car that was pulled up, Louis tightly pressed to his side. Harry let his hand rest on Louis’ hip very visual for the paps and they went mad.

When they got home and were in Harry’s bedroom he couldn’t hold it in anymore. He took Louis and kissed him heavily, crushing his body against his own. The kiss was languid and full of emotion. Harry was sure the next day would be stressful and Niall’s plan would have gone through. He wanted Louis to know he loved him and the only way to get that across appropriately seemed to be by a kiss. He kissed him back slowly, hands in his curls. He hugged him close and whispered lovely nonsense into his ear. Eventually Louis eased Harry out of the kiss and set him on the bed. They undressed and when they were under the sheets Harry wrapped his arms around Louis.

“Are you nervous about the pictures, love?” Harry asked Louis.

“I’m a little scared of what the fans will think. We won’t be official yet but it’s still a big deal. Hand grenade or whatever.” He scoffed at Niall’s words.

“But there are Larry shippers. I promise it will be okay,” Harry kissed his naked shoulder.

“How can you promise that when you were having anxiety about it only a few days ago? I haven’t even unpacked yet.”

“I just have this feeling…” Harry said. That feeling was sun and a blue sky and nice house in the outskirts of town.

“Well feelings aren’t going to cut it, Haz,” Louis said, his tone a little wary. They fell silent, but there was this thing that had been nagging in the back of Harry’s brain ever since Gemma had called.

“You know,” he said, taking a deep breath. This was it. “Now that my flat is renovated again…”


“Maybe you could just like…unpack your stuff there?” His heart beat harshly in his chest. What if he said no?

“What do you mean?” Harry could hear the frown in his voice. “Wouldn’t that be inconvenient?”

“Not if you have your other stuff there too…” Why didn’t he get it? It was about to get awkward if he didn’t realize what he meant.

“But how will that work? I mean-“



“You could have all your stuff there.” Harry held his breath. The seconds ticked by and Harry felt more anxious for every moment that passed.

“Oh,” Louis finally said. Oh? He didn’t say anything else. Eventually Harry had to say something.


“I just… I don’t know what to say.” There was uncertainty in his voice and it sounded slightly torn.

“I want you to move in with me, Louis,” Harry said, spelling it out.


“Louis what are you thinking?” Harry needed to know. This is not the reaction he’d expected. He didn’t even know what he’d expected but not this.

“I-“ he hesitated. “Harry, it’s all just a lot right now. I don’t even know if this is going to work out and it’s all really stressful right now.”

“What do you mean ‘if’? We’re going to be together even if they hate us, Louis.” Harry said. “Right?”

“Of course! I just… Harry. It’s a lot right now.”

“You keep saying that.”

“Let me think about it, okay?”

Harry’s eyebrows scrunched together unhappily. “Okay?” he said, feeling the tone of displeasure threatening to slip out of his mouth.

“After the weekend we’ll see, alright?”

“Sure.” Harry answered flatly. And Louis rolled over, out of his arms and buried his face in the pillow.

“Night, Haz.” Harry just rolled over to the other side, glowering unsatisfied at the ceiling.


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