Reasons Why I Love You [Xavmi...

נכתב על ידי EekTheSnitch

544 16 16

Xavmi fan fiction from the Filipino BL web series and movie, Hello Stranger. If you haven't watched the serie... עוד

After Party
You Are My Yesterdays, Today, and All of My Tomorrows
I'm Muffin Without You

Waking Up With You On My Mind (mature)

145 4 6
נכתב על ידי EekTheSnitch

A/N: This turned out way more mature/sexual than I initially planned. Not sure why my mind went that way, but it did. You've been warned. Sorry, not sorry! Enjoy!


Mico started to wake up as he felt light shining on his face from the window. He felt a little confused because he was a lot lower than the top bunk he usually slept in. Mico blinked a few times to wake himself up and realized that he was lying on his side and was surrounded by warmth from behind. There was an arm wrapped around his torso, and his head was lying on a muscular arm. Memories started coming back from last night. Mico remembered his expression of love for Xavier, them becoming an official couple, the discussion on the beach, the making-out sessions, and the piggyback ride back to the hotel room. Mico then remembered that he and Xavier had decided to sleep in the same bed last night.

He turned slowly around to not wake Xavier up and so he could look at his new boyfriend. Mico stared at Xavier's face. Xavier looked so peaceful as he slept. Xavier snored lightly and looked at peace. Mico giggled to himself. He thought that Xavier looked adorable. Xavier was handsome, but Mico never really got the chance to look at Xavier's face this close before. He reached his hand out and ran a finger slowly and lightly along Xavier's eyebrows, down his cute nose, and then outlined Xavier's lips.

Xavier was a heavy sleeper. It was hard for him to wake up unless a loud alarm or someone shook him awake. Xavier continued to sleep while Mico was lightly touching his face. Mico was surprised that he was not getting any response from Xavier.

Mico considered what to do. They had to wake up soon because they needed to check out and start driving home. Mico enjoyed the kissing they did last night and wanted to do more. He stared at Xavier's face and impulsively decided he wanted to start his day with some kisses. Mico laid light kisses along Xavier's jaw up towards his ear. He then nibbled on Xavier's earlobe to try to wake Xavier up.

Xavier was dreaming that he and Mico were back at the beach, but instead of returning to the hotel room, they started making out on the sand. Xavier dreamt that Mico was making moves on him. Mico was kissing him along his jaw and had started nibbling on his ear lobe. Xavier's ears were sensitive, and he could feel his shorts tightening.

Mico used his tongue to lick along Xavier's ear as Mico's warm hand was on his bare chest. Mico nibbled on Xavier's earlobe again, and Xavier let out a moan.

"Xavier...," Mico whispered in Xavier's ear to try to wake him up as he started kissing along Xavier's jaw again.

"Xavier...," Mico whispered again to try to wake him up right before using his tongue to map the outline of Xavier's lips. Xavier's lips parted, and Mico put his mouth over Xavier's. Mico stuck his tongue in Xavier's mouth and was happily surprised to find that Xavier was starting to kiss him back.

Xavier was enjoying his dream so much. Mico kept calling his name, and Xavier wanted to go along with whatever Mico was doing, including the kiss he was currently participating in.

"Xavier...," Mico said in between kisses. Mico noticed that Xavier was still not waking although he was responding to his kisses. Mico decided to try something else to see if it would wake Xavier up. Mico moved on top of Xavier, so he straddled Xavier's waist.

"Xavier...," Mico said a little louder as he leaned over to be chest to chest with Xavier. Mico was a little more than turned on by the kissing and being so close to Xavier. Mico had not realized that their erections accidentally brushed against each other as he laid on top of him. Xavier's eyes popped open, and his hands went to grab Mico's hips.

"Xavier!" Mico moaned as he shifted, and their erections rubbed against each other again. Xavier, finally awake and turned on completely, looked up to find Mico's face above his. Mico's body, enjoying the sensory overload, seemed to move on its own will against Xavier. Mico's rational mind was having a hard time catching up.

"Mico!" Xavier moaned as he realized that his dream of Mico was not a dream.

"Wait Mico! Wait!" Xavier said as he held onto Mico's hips to keep him from moving. Mico looked down at Xavier. Xavier looked up to see that Mico's eyes were closed. Mico slowly opened his eyes, half-shut in pleasure and as if he was in a haze. Xavier swallowed. Xavier thought that the look Mico gave him was sexy as hell.

"Are you sure?" Xavier asked, being uncertain if Mico was ready for them to be more intimate. Last night, he was unsure if Mico was okay with kissing, and now Mico was rubbing against him.

Mico observed how concerned Xavier was about not wanting to push Mico more than he was comfortable. Mico was touched by how thoughtful Xavier was being. Mico asked himself what he wanted. Mico had wanted to be with Xavier for months. He ached for Xavier. Mico was absolutely sure he wanted to be closer to Xavier at that moment. The sensation of his body against Xavier's felt so good, and he did not want to stop. Mico made a decision, nodded in confirmation, and closed his eyes.

"Come here!" Xavier demanded as he brought his hand up to Mico's neck to pull him down and slam their lips together. Mico continued to rub his erection along Xavier's as they devoured each other like there was no tomorrow. Xavier brought his hips up to meet Mico's erection with his own, intensifying their arousal. The sensation started to build and build until it became too much.

"I'm going to...," Mico said as Xavier took a break from Mico's lips to kiss along his neck.

"Me too...," Xavier said as Mico moaned into his mouth and increased his rubbing until his body could not handle the pressure anymore. Mico then let out a loud moan and came in his shorts. Xavier, who was watching Mico as he came, felt his release also. Mico toppled on top of Xavier and their kisses slowed down as they came down from their high.

"Wow...," Mico said. Mico had never experienced anything like that before. He now understood what it felt like to be intimate with another person. It was like a whole other level that he would not mind experiencing again.

"Wow is right!" Xavier responded, his breaths starting to slow down. Xavier was pleasantly surprised. Xavier had experience with girls, but this was the first time his orgasm was that intense. Xavier brought Mico's face down for one more peck on his lips.

"We better get cleaned up," Xavier suggested as he and Mico's foreheads touched. Mico nodded his head.

"Okay," Mico said. He climbed off of Xavier and felt uncomfortable in his wet shorts.

"You can go ahead and take a shower first, Mico," Xavier suggested.

"Thanks!" Mico said as he grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. He cleaned himself up and then got into the shower.


Xavier, who was feeling uncomfortable in his wet boxers, slowly sat up in his bed. He exhaled and smiled to himself. Xavier could not believe Mico initiated their make-out session and that they actually got each other off. Xavier smiled to himself and thought that maybe being with a guy, especially Mico, was not as hard as he thought. Xavier grabbed some clothes for himself and put them on the bedside table. He texted Crystal to check if she was still good with riding with their friends, and she confirmed that she was. She then texted back.

Crystal: So, how was your first night with
your boyfriend?

Xavier could hear Crystal's teasing in his head and shook his head.

Xavier: It was fine. We talked on the
beach and then went to bed.

Crystal: Really? That is all you did? 😜😜😜

Crystal was definitely teasing him now. She sometimes knew him better than he knew himself.

Xavier: Shut up! I am going to take a
shower and get dressed.

Xavier could not believe that his ex-girlfriend was now teasing him about his new boyfriend. Xavier thought about how things turned out the way they did. He was relieved and happy that he still had Crystal as his friend and Mico back in his life. Xavier would not have pursued Mico again without Crystal's encouragement and approval. He really did owe her.


While in the shower, Mico thought about what just happened in bed with Xavier. The feeling of being so close to Xavier and being able to make Xavier feel just as good as he felt was overwhelming. Being able to touch him, look at him, and be with him was another thing altogether. Mico had plenty of daydreams about what it would be like with Xavier, and he was not disappointed. Honestly, he was looking forward to learning and exploring things more with Xavier. Mico finished his shower, dried himself, got dressed, brushed his teeth.

Mico opened the door and looked out to see Xavier sitting on his bed looking through his phone.

"Your turn, Xavier!" Mico said cheerfully. Mico watched Xavier stand up with his clothes, wince, and slowly walk towards the bathroom. As Xavier walked by him, Mico stopped him, and Xavier looked at him questioningly. Mico pecked Xavier on the side of his mouth and gave him a bright smile.

"Good Morning, Xavier!" Mico greeted him and then turned to put his stuff away. He started grabbing stuff around their room and packing things up. Xavier watched him for a second, and a small smile formed on his face as he thought that he could get used to being greeted by Mico every morning. Xavier went into the bathroom and started his shower.


Xavier allowed the hot water to flow down his body. Images of Mico's face during their make-out session came flooding back into his mind. He could not believe how aroused he was from watching Mico experience pleasure. Xavier started to get turned on while thinking about it now. Xavier had to shake his head to stop his thoughts from wandering to what they did on his bed, or else they would never get to leave. Xavier soaped up his body and rinsed off. He figured he would have plenty of time to explore things with Mico when Mico stays over.

Xavier still could not believe that Mico agreed to stay with him. It made him so happy. Although his parents thought he was independent, he did sometimes feel lonely. It was easier when he had to go to class or basketball practice because he got out of the house. It was a lot harder when he got home and had to cook for himself or find something to do to pass the time. Crystal sometimes came over, but she was involved with school and other activities. Crystal had a social life outside of Xavier, and so sometimes that left him alone and sad.

When the pandemic hit, he was definitely in a funk. He could not leave his home, and nobody came over. Crystal would call him, but she was busy dealing with school and being with her family. Because he had to work on the project with Mico, he spent a lot of time talking to him. After a while, they did not talk about just the project. They ended up talking about other stuff. They also started just hanging out and spending time with each other to talk, watch movies, or play games. It was fun, and Xavier enjoyed it. He had relied on Mico being there. Being alone felt like he could not breathe, but Mico coming into his life was a breath of fresh air.

Xavier finished drying off, got dressed, brushed his teeth, and finished his morning ritual. He grabbed all of his stuff and put it into his toiletry bag that he left on the sink. Xavier then checked the bathroom to make sure that he and Mico did not leave anything behind in there.


While Xavier was showering, Mico made the beds and packed up the rest of his stuff. Since they did some organizing the night before, Mico did not have much to pack and was done in no time. He grabbed his phone and texted the young padawan.

Mico: Hey guys! I am going to catch
a ride with Xavier home. I will call
you guys later when I get home.

JunJun: Awe, how cute!

Kookai: Oh, how sweet! Mico is getting a ride
with his new boyfriend! 👨🏼❤️💋👨🏼

Seph: Drive safe! Enjoy yourself!!

Mico smiled at their teasing and support. He really did appreciate his friends for being there for him and helping him last night.

Mico: Thank you for your help
last night! I could not have
pulled it off without you!

JunJun: That's what friends are for!

Kookai: No problem. It was so
romantic! Glad it worked

Seph: Anytime! We are here for u!

Mico texted goodbye to his friends and then looked around at Xavier's stuff. He was about to grab one of Xavier's shirts to fold it when Xavier came out of the bathroom. He handed Mico his shampoo.

"You left this in the shower," Xavier informed Mico. Xavier then started packing his luggage.

"Do you need any help?" Mico asked. Mico watched as Xavier partially folded his clothes and put them in his luggage.

"I am good, Mico. Thanks!" Xavier said as he grabbed the rest of his stuff and packed it. Mico double-checked the bathroom, his bed, and around the room. He noticed Xavier's cell phone cord plugged into the wall. He unplugged it and brought it over to Xavier.

"You forgot your cord," Mico informed Xavier as he handed it over to him. Xavier smiled and pecked Mico's cheek before packing it in his backpack.

"Thanks, babe!" Xavier proclaimed. Mico was taken aback.

"Babe?" Mico asked after hearing the term of endearment. He was surprised, but he liked it. Xavier grabbed for Mico and brought his arms around Mico's waist.

"Are you okay with me calling you babe? I am sorry if you did not like that," Xavier asked.

"I am actually fine with it. I have just never had anyone call me that before," Mico admitted.

"You can call me something also if that will make you feel better," Xavier suggested as he laid a quick kiss on Mico's forehead.

"No, I like saying your name. Xavier...," Mico said, pronouncing each syllable of Xavier's name slowly.

Xavier pulled him closer and leaned forward to whisper in Mico's ear, "I like it when you say my name, too."

Xavier then started nibbling behind Mico's ear. Mico suddenly was hit with heat forming in his body. Mico knew they had to check out, and they would definitely not be able to if they continued.

"Xavier...," Mico called out.

"Mmm...," Xavier hummed as he kissed along Mico's ear and onto his neck. Mico had to stop this before they went any further. He pushed at Xavier's chest so they could look at each other.

"Xavier, we got to go...," Mico reminded Xavier. Xavier looked at Mico and realized that they really did need to go. He backed away from Mico and released him from his arms. Xavier pouted. Mico could not deal with that face. He grabbed Xavier's face with his hands and looked into his eyes.

"Later, I promise," Mico told Xavier before giving him a slow, loving kiss on the lips.

Mico leaned back and looked at Xavier to see if he was okay, and Xavier gave him a reassuring smile.

"Okay. Ready?" Xavier asked. Mico nodded.


Xavier helped Mico with his luggage, and they locked up their room. They headed straight over to the reservation desk, turned in their keys, and checked out. They went out to the parking lot when Mico heard his name being called.

"Mico!" yelled Jun Jun, Kookai, and Seph. Mico turned to see his friends waving at him. He waved back as he got to Xavier's car.

"I will be right back," he told Xavier, and Xavier nodded as he started putting the luggage in his trunk.

Mico walked up to his friends, and they greeted him.

"Hey, Mico! You guys all packed up?" Seph asked.

"Yeah, we just checked out, and we are heading home," Mico answered. Kookai leaned into Mico, and Jun Jun and Seph followed suit.

"So, how was your night with Xavier?" Kookai whispered, trying to get the details from Mico.

"It was good. We went to the beach and talked, then headed back to our room," Mico reported.

"That is it?" Kookai asked. She was hoping for something juicier and made a face at Mico. Jun Jun saw Kookai's face and laughed.

"Kookai, leave him alone. If he wanted to tell us details, he would have," Seph pointed out. Kookai lifted her eyebrows at Mico, encouraging him to share information.

"Okay, okay! He found out about my leg, and he insisted that I ride piggyback to our room," Mico informed his friends.

"Awe, how sweet!" Kookai declared. Having had enough of the interrogation, Mico was ready to get going.

"Alright guys, I am heading out. I will talk to you later! Do not forget your questions for the online quiz night!" Mico said as he waved goodbye to his friends and walked back to Xavier's car.


While Xavier was putting the luggage in his car, Crystal, Arvin, and James walked towards him on the way to Arvin's car. Xavier was greeted by his friends.

"Xavier, what's up?" Arvin said. Xavier gave him a nod and then his usual handshake.

"Hi Crystal! James!" Xavier greeted his friends.

"Crystal, are you sure you are okay riding with James and Arvin?" Xavier asked.

"I am sure. Do not worry. Enjoy your time with Mico. You guys have a lot to catch up on," Crystal said.

"Thank you so much. Call you later?" Xavier asked. Crystal smiled at him and nodded.

"See you later, Xavier!" Crystal said, waving goodbye.

"Lates, bro!" James said as he followed Crystal.

"Hey, do not forget we got virtual practice tomorrow! See you online!" Arvin said before he patted Xavier on his shoulder and walked to his car. Xavier closed the trunk as Mico got back to the car.

"Ready?" Xavier asked.

"Ready!" Mico answered. Xavier walked Mico over to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for him.

"Thanks, Xavier!" Mico said as he jumped into the passenger seat, and Xavier closed the door. Xavier walked around to his side of the car and jumped in. They put their belts on and Xavier started the car. Xavier put his hands on the steering wheel before looking at Mico.

"Thank you, Mico!" Xavier said to his boyfriend with a smile. Mico looked back at Xavier with a confused expression.

"For what?" Mico asked.

"For giving us a chance again, for loving me, for being you. I love you, Mico!" Xavier said sincerely before leaning towards Mico for a kiss. Mico met Xavier halfway so their lips could connect.

"I love you, too, Xavier!" Mico responded happily as he leaned back, ready for their drive.

"Let's Go!" Xavier said before he pulled out of the Paniticamp parking lot and started their drive back home.

PUB 3278 5/28/2021

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