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By zeMag-e

150K 3.6K 3.6K

It's been 12 years. 12 years since Fiammetta and Ardito were separated from their family. Alessandro Rossi di... More

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5K 171 126
By zeMag-e

3rd Person POV

-The Next Day-

Dito woke up feeling refreshed. He was worried about his twin as she hadn't called in 2 days. He shook off his worries to get ready for the day.

Today he'd be starting some rich brats' prep school. He wasn't looking forward to with but moving around and starting different schools in your life would do that to you.

He did his business in the bathroom and got dressed.


(A/N: If y'all know people who dress like this, don't leave me out. Send them my way. I find this style so hot. Ok, bye.)


He walked downstairs to find the family already there either eating, drinking coffee, or just looking like a straight-up zombie corpse.

He grumbled a small morning before getting him a cup of coffee.

"We'll be leaving in ten." Xavier annoyingly announced.

"Have you heard from Fiammetta?" Alessandro asked Dito

"No," Dito said.

"Is she alright? I knew I shouldn't have let her leave without protection. What was I even thinking? She's just a girl." Alessandro rambled

"Don't worry Dad. I sent some guards after her. They're looking after her discreetly though I haven't heard from them in 2 days, I'm sure I'll hear from them soon." Luke said cutting off his dad's ramble.

'Knowing Fia, she probably already killed them.' Dito thought with a smile before a dreading thought turned it into a frown.

"Let's get this shit show on the road. If you're not out in 30 secs I'm leaving your ass." Xavier yelled.


The drive to school was filled with Xander belting out lyrics to You Belong With Me and Love Story by T-Swift

They got to school and as cliche, as it sounds, students stopped to stare. Already knowing who it was, girls pulled down their suffocating tube tops, and booty short skirts leaving their asses hanging out.

Dito rolled his eyes at their antics. Xavier smirked and Xander let out an exasperated sigh.

They got out of the car in synch and proceeded to walk inside the school. People were curious as to who the new hottie with the Rossi twins was. It didn't stop them from flirting though.

The twins walked Dito to the office to get his schedule...


*Fast forward to lunch*

The populars were, Royale, The Rossi Twins, Racheal, Zoey (Racheal's girlfriend. Popular by association), Ivi (Xander's girlfriend. Popular by association), Aiden (Ro's 2nd), Dave (Ro's 3rd), Jaylen (Xavier's guy -best friend), Enz(Xander's guy- best friend) sat at their table which was obviously in the middle of the cafeteria.

People couldn't help but stare. Could you blame them though? Those were the two most powerful families. People wished to be their boyfriends and girlfriends and as conceited as it sounds, you'd be lucky to get them to look at you, not to mention talk to you.

"Dito, have you heard from Fi?" Racheal asked

"Nope. She hasn't called. I'm sure she's fine though." Dito answered

Just then, they heard a commotion coming from outside. The door was subtly open and in came the devil incarnate and the little demon.

"Motherfuckers just can't take no as an answer," Fia said annoyed not aware of the eyes on her.

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear," Royale said with an amused look.

"You should've let me punch the one that touched your butt," Eli said with a huff.

"You mean dislocate his jaw like you did the other guy? That would've been comedy." Fia said shaking her head finally realizing everyone was looking at them.

"Well, this isn't awkward at all..." Eli said

Everyone was enthralled with her beauty. She had her tattoos out. They were littered on her back, arms, and chest. Many gasps from seeing not one, not two, but three including Dito celebrities at their school.


(A/N: Let's just pretend for a second that females dressing this way isn't at all considered distracting by dumb assholes...yeah? Good!)


Fia looked around the room till her eyes landed on a pair of blue eyes already looking back at her.

Royale got up and walked to meet her. Everyone followed his movement as Royale has never spared any female a glance.

They'd all try but he wouldn't even look at them. They'd all leave with tears rolling down their faces.

One girl had gotten him to look at her but it wasn't out of choice. She talked badly about his Fire. It didn't sit well with him. He wouldn't dare lay hands on a female but Racheal didn't think twice busting her lip.

"Hey, buddy," Royale said to his son.

"Πως ήταν?" Royale said looking at his son.

Translation - Greek:

So, how was it?

Flashback - 2 days ago with Fia

TW - Gore, Torture

"Francois, how many times did I have to tell you I'd never marry you or your son? Nonetheless, sign an alliance with." Fia said looking at the man furiously shaking tied up.

"D-de-devil, I-I'm so s-so-sorry. Pl-please h-have m-mercy." Francois said tears rolling down his face.

'We haven't even started yet. We just tied him up. How is he the French Mafia Leader?' Fia thought

"Mercy? Never heard of it. How many times did we warn you never to steal our shipments, or ask for an alliance of any type?" Fia teasing asked.


"Baby, what do you think? Should we let him go?" Fia asked looking at her blood-crazed son.

"No mama. Let's teach him a lesson. I go first." Eli said with an evil smirk

"Aww, but I wanted to go first." Fia fake pouted looking at her son.

"On second thought demon, you go first," Fia said now looking at Francois who was visibly shaking at the thought of what THE Devil was going to do to him.

From the stories he's heard, it wasn't going to be pretty.

Eli walked to the assortment of knives and girlishly squealed. This part always made him happy. 

Picking out the weapon. 

Each being sharper than the next.

"We're going to start with something easy. Since you're very hard of hearing, I think you wouldn't be needing your ears anymore." Eli said eerily walking towards his prey.

"N-no p-please. P-please. AHHHHH!" Francois screamed as Eli in one swipe cut his right and left ear clean off.

"Next, I think your hmm....hands. You obviously can't keep them to yourself." Eli said before grabbing the chainsaw.

"Hold him down." He ordered the guards who had to watch the atrocious scene. They did it without a second thought.

Eli slowly dived the saw starting from his shoulder blade and going down. Successfully slicing it in half.

"AHHHHH! YOU'RE FUCKING EVIL. ALL OF YOU!!!!" Francois screamed in pain still crying.

"Ah, so you still have a mouth to talk. I think I want to skin your lips. Maybe the tears will act as an acid in the wounds." Eli said pretending to think.

Fia stood there with an amused smirk and a proud look looking at his son.

"Yeah! Let's skin it." Eli said jumping for joy.

"No, Please NO! I'm sorry."

Eli got the tiniest but sharpest knife and began his work on his face which was hard because Francois kept moving and his yells were not doing it for him.

"A fucking masterpiece. Don't you think Mama?" Eli said looking at Fia with a wide grin

"Oh yes, baby. That's perfect. My turn." Fia said getting giddy.

"I'm going to cut you limb by limb then surprise your members. If you haven't already guessed, you're going to die. Any last wish?" Fia asked examining her tools.

"FUCK YOU BITCH." He yelled cringing in pain.

"You wish huh? Too bad you won't have a dick or be alive too." Fia said before letting out a maniacal laugh

Fia squatted in front of him, opening his zipper. He was a fair size for an asshole. Still wasn't it for Fia.

Fia carefully made a small slice on the tip of his...penis.

(A/N: I'm sitting next to my dad and he keeps glancing at my screen. If I move he's gonna think something is up. So instead of 'dick' let's just go with 'penis'. It sounds more...educational.

Edit: He read this...I was grounded for a week!)

Francois started thrashing still in ropes. Fia looked up at her guards "What the fuck are you still standing there for? Hold him down!" she yelled.

Fia slowly sliced it off enjoying the noise he was making. She took it off and carefully placed it on a plate.

Francois was starting to lose consciousness, Fia saw this and ordered the guards to inject him with some Epinephrine which would cause him to be in a state of Adredeline keeping him somewhat alive.

"I'm hungry, are you hungry?" Fia asked her son who nodded, then she asked Francois who let out a weak Go fuck yourself.

"I'll take that as a yes," Fia said cutting his penis into tiny pieces.

She straddled Francois roughly grabbing his jaw and shoving the penis pieces down his throat.

"Somebody get me some Mcdonald's or something." She yelled to no one and someone.

After she was done shoving his penis down his throat, she got some bleach and poured it on his once penis.

"AHHHH, MOMMY...." Francois cried out in pain.

(A/N: For the sake of my youngling readers, I'm gonna stop here. My dad also asked to read it so I have to do some quick deleting.

Edit: He actually forced me to read it and thought I was lying and purposely taking out stuff which I was...so he read it himself.)


Flashback Over

"Ήταν καταπληκτικό μπαμπά. Η μαμά με άφησε να κόψω το κεφάλι του." Eli said in a daze

Translation - Greek:

It was amazing Dad. Mama let me cut his head off.

"Really Fire?" Royale amusingly asked.

"He wanted to and he asked with puppy dog eyes. I just couldn't resist." Fia said

"You're spoiling him," Royale said teasingly.

"Puh-lease mister. Like you didn't get him a 9×19mm Parabellum gun for his birthday." Fia said in a low voice making sure no one heard.

"Whatever." Royale knew he wouldn't win.

Royale swung a hand across Fia's shoulders leading her to their table.

Eyes followed them as they walk with ease. People couldn't help but be jealous of the couple. Some knew Royale was waiting on his Fire as it wasn't a secret that he was in a relationship but others simply didn't want to believe it.

Pathetic really...


I had to delete half of this because when my dad read he said it was too 'vulgar' and too 'violent' because of the gore. I had to delete half of that scene. *sigh* I worked hard on it too. I had so many ideas. Maybe next I'll make sure daddy dearest isn't around.

Thoughts on this chapter?


1892 words


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