His Angel

By smeone1234

270K 4.7K 1K

The Italian Mafia Boss Dante Rosolo only wants one thing. Or person. He wants Adonisia Diego. What will he do... More

Falling Deep
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29

Chapter 28

5K 123 17
By smeone1234

 A large sigh left my mouth in defeat. Will he let me? Will he shout? I was stuck in thought...


My eyes slowly open as I feel a soft tap on my shoulder, my eyes travel to Dante's Mom standing as she smiled down at me.

"How are you feeling?" She spoke softly. My eyes scanned the room in a little confusion before they returned back to her face.

"I'm feeling much better after a little rest" I spoke with my groggy voice as I shifted to make space for her to sit down.

"A little? That sleep time was almost 24 hours but I guess you were tired" She answered.

My eyes shifted to the clock right next to my bed to see the time of 7:45 as my eyes then shifted to the balcony to see the dark sky. 

"I guess I was tired" I rubbed my eyes to get the tiredness out.

"I bought you food so you can have some medicine, Dante will be home soon" Savannah turned her back on me as she grabbed the food tray from the coffee table behind her and then put it on my bed.

"It looks delicious but I really don't feel like eating" I honestly spoke as I eyed the mouth watering food in front of me.

"Come on" She sat down next to me and rubbed my arm, "Food will make you feel better, don't you want to start walking comfortably again?" Her smile made me smile back at her.

"I do want to, in fact I was deciding on working again after I feel better" I felt the urge to tell her about me wanting to work as I needed them to know that I had a life before he forced me to marry him.

"Honey.." She paused as my eyes connected to hers. Her face now serious. "In this world, it's dangerous for a woman to work without safety. We have enemies. A lot of them and they can hurt you" She softly but sternly spoke.

My brows furrowed at this comment. I didn't mean anything to them. I was just the wife of the Don and nothing else. I didn't even know how this worked.

"I don't need safety. I can protect myself" I looked at the door infront of me, refusing to look at her.

A chuckle left her mouth, "You'll be needing more than just yourself to protect. It hard to protect yourself as a woman, It's even harder when you are the mafia boss' wife." 

I was about to respond before she interrupted, "Eat before Dante gets here, He ordered me to make sure your fed and given medication before he comes back" She lifted her arm to check the time on her watch. "In about.. 1 hour so if I was you, I would start chewing" Then she walked out.

My face showed even more confusion as I let out a irritated sigh. How am I going to convince? Will Dante even allow me? Ugh..

I stared down at the food as I felt the urge to eat the plate of food in front. 

My hand lifted towards the food to eat but the door opened to my husband who silently closed the door behind him.

My eyes followed his body as he took his blazer off and threw it onto the bed before rolling his sleeves up. My eyes lingered on the arms before connecting back to his eyes which were already staring at mine.

I watched as he walked towards the bed as he sat on the edge without a word said. His hand lifted my tray onto his lap. I watched back in confusion as I watched closely on what he was doing.

His hands lifted to the spoon as he quietly collected the food and held it close to my face as his eyes watched my reaction. I looked at the spoon and then at him. My heart sped in discomfort and confusion.

"What are you d-" I started the conversation quietly."Open your mouth" He nodded at me slightly to listen as the spoon was still held to my mouth."I can feed myself" I answered back.This somehow embarrassed me. This made me feel like I needed him. I didn't like it.

Dante's eyes darkened as he pressured the spoon closer to my mouth

I stared at the spoon and slowly hesitated forward to take the food in my mouth. My eyes connected to his, I chewed the food as he shifted uncomfortably. I chuckled in my head. I have an effect on him.

Dante cleared his throat, "What did you do today Angel?" He asked. His voice now deep that it caught me off guard.

My eyes left his and I looked around the room. My eyes met his again as he held the spoon next to my face again.

"I can't really do much in this state" I waved my hand over my body to make him look at the stitiches. 

"That doesn't answer my question" Dante answers in the most emotionless voice.My eyes hardened at his face as I tried seeing any emotion in him. 

I wanted to argue back but refrained from it."I slept" I answered short. 

"Hmm" He hummed at me before feeding me again. The silence stayed for a little longer until I put my hand out in protest as my body refused to take in any more food. Dante put the food down and lifted towards the medicine. 

"Take it" He handed me the medicine. He stood up and walked to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

I waited for Dante to come out so I could discuss the subject that was stuck in my head since I woke up from fainting in the basement. My fingers nervously wrestled each other as I huffed in and out several times.

Dante stepped out after God knows how long in a pair of joggers which fit him perfectly. My eyes found it difficult to look away at the beautiful body infront. I was finding him more attractive day by day and it had to stop.

Dante glanced at me before getting into the bed besides me as I sat against the head board."How was work today?" I asked to start off the conversation.

He turned around to look at me with a small smile on his face. "Who would have seen the day that Mrs Rosolo would ask her husband how his day went?" He teased. I think he was in a good mood.

I mentally rolled my eyes at him. "I am asking because you looked like you had a tough day today" I answered truthfully.

"Well-" He let out a large sigh, "Today was hectic. I had to organise higher protection and safety for the next few months for my beautiful wife" 

A small smile appeared on his face as he faced the ceiling. Small butterflies were felt in my stomach at the word - wife. It felt different for some reason.

"Did you know I worked as a surgeon?" I asked. I mentioned it but I don't think he knew.

His head turned to me, "Of Course I did Angel, I followed you since you were 18." He spoke.

"Was I protected then?" I asked out of curiosty. If Dante always wanting to marry me then he probably kept me safe by security. 

If yes then why did I never meet or notice them.A chuckle left his mouth in amusement. "Of Course you did. I wasn't going to let random men touch what's mine"

"I wasn't yours then" I repliedHis head fully turned to me, "You were mine since I found you. Mine to marry. Mine to keep." My heart sped in anger. 

Keep your cool. "What will you do if I worked again?" I asked trying to make it sound like a question that I thought of now. 

"I won't give you a chance" He replied as he shrugged his shoulders. I stared at him trying to think of something fast. How do I not get him angry.

"I won't tell anyone about the mafia" I pleaded a little. 

"That's not the reason" He quietly spoke

"What's the reason?"

 "I can provide for you" WHAT? 

"That's not the reason im working" I answered

"I don't care of the reason." There was silence for a moment.

I shifted my body towards him, quietly hissing at the pain in my leg. Dante glanced at my leg for a moment.

"I want to know the reason" I spoke with the most respectful tone I could give Dante.

Dante shrugged. "The reason is simple. For your and my family's safety, you will not leave the house especially to work" His voice monotone.

My eyes widened at his reply. My face softened. I had to get my way.

"Dante" My hand touched his bicep as I made him make eye contact with him. His eyes moved from my hand to my face.

"I don't need safety. I am not apart of the family. Im your wife on contract not by my behaviour. I want to start helping the ones in need. I need to work." My voice low and persuasive.

Dante all of a sudden grabbed both of my arm and pulled me on top of him. My face next to his. My hands on his chest. My leg in pain.

"Ah" I shrieked in pain. Dante's eyes softening for a minute before going back to his normal face.

"You're my wife. If you want to act like it then change your actions. You don't need to work as there are many doctors out there. They don't need you." He finished. His voice all in one tone. One strict tone.

I was silent for a second trying to contain myself.

"You don't need me" I answered back. That's what I believed.

Dante lifted me off as he suddenly got on top of me. His eyes not leaving mine at all. His face soft.

"I never said that I didn't need you. I need you. Every part of you. I want you close to me at all times. I think of you all day. I think of you the second I wake up and the last second till I close my eyes dreaming about us. Us together. Us happy. I'm trying. I'm trying to be nice to you. For your own safety. For all our safety." He whispered quietly. 

My breath hitched. What? I stared at his face in shock. Dante just said that to me. Is it true? He thinks of me?

"W-wh-" Dante smashes his lips on mine before I even have the chance to speak. His kiss now soft but rough at the same time. He fought with my tongue. His hands wrapped around my waist.

I kissed back.







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