Rock 'n' Roll Suicide | Roger...

By capybarasbestfriend

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"No! Don't you understand? He is not the guy for you. He is bad for you. He is like a drug. Like a suicide!"... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
All Tomorrow's Parties (Pt.1)
All Tomorrow's Parties (Pt.2)
All Tomorrow's Parties (Pt.3)
Johnny B. Goode Tonight
A Hard Day's Night
Walking All Day
Walk This Way
All The Young Dudes
Paint it, Black.
The Cuts that Always Bleed
Only Love Can Hurt Like This
West Coast
If I Ain't got you

Chapter 6

177 8 1
By capybarasbestfriend

Roger's POV

"Brian, darling, for fuck's sake, please stop correcting every mistake," Freddie said turning to a very pissed Brian. We were playing for two and a half hours by now and Brian was claiming non-stop that something on the beat seemed to not fit in. Of course, we were all used to Brian's corrections since we first started the band. "I am very tired of that and you don't want me tired." He continued as he sat cross-legged at a chair. Brian sat down at another chair, carefully placing his precious red special at a stand. Deaky sat at the couch with his funny expression. We exchanged glances and we had to hold ourselves to not crack up laughing at the whole situation.

"I am just saying guys, the beat doesn't stand right." Brian carried on with his corrections. Brian was a perfectionist, you could clearly see that. We were currently at his place which was clean as fuck. I had grown used to it through the years but it still seemed so odd how a guy could keep his house so clean.

"Brian, my dear, nothing stands right after nearly three hours of practice. We should take a break before you and Roger start playing fight in here. And someone give this man some cheese." Freddie said pointing at Deaky. I started laughing at his remark as Deaky chuckled and Brian seemed to relax. So no more rehearsing for today, which I was grateful for because I was this close to throwing my drumsticks at Brian. We were usually rehearsing at Brian's place because he had both piano and a drum kit. It was a good place, big and with great acoustic. 

"Alright then. End of practice. I am going to bring something to drink and we can order some food." Brian relaxed, stood up, and moved towards the kitchen to grab the drinks. Deaky stood up too. We all looked at him not seeing a reason why he was going with Brian.

"What? All of you are unable to make the perfect cheese toast. Brian has an astrophysics PhD and cannot put a slice of cheese right between two slices of bread. Jesus Crist, a man can't eat his sandwich in here." He said as he turned and went into the kitchen. The three of us cracked up laughing. Deaky is honestly the best person. An angel he is. Brian shook his head and followed Deaky. 

Freddie stretched his neck to see if they had gotten into the kitchen and then turned to me with The Freddie Smirk on his face. I arched my eyebrows waiting for him to tell me what he had to. He looked at me with the same expression. 

"Fred, we are not playing the 'Staring Contest of Freddie the Winner' are we?" I asked. Some days ago he would look intensely at us and then he would yell 'I won, I won' even though we didn't even know we played. In the middle of the song, he would yell 'I won, I won'. 

"No, no. I mean of course, I would win, but I was just going to ask... What is going on between you and Amy?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows. I hadn't had seen Amy for five days or so. I mean, I had, but not like talking to her much or anything. Just two words before she left or something like that. And I miss her like a crazy man. I miss her laugh, her smile, her witty comments. I miss her. And though there is nothing between us I would do anything to be. NO. When did I become that cheeky git? I know... The moment we cracked up laughing at the backstage, and then when I carried her home, and tucked her in and- A smile had formed on my lips at the reminiscing of that perfect night, and Freddie, of course, noticed. "OOO MY STARS! ROGER TAYLOR!" He said dramatically.

"What?! Nothing is happening between us. I mean... She... She is so... I can't even describe her. She is amazing." I said not even realizing the words that came out of my mouth. But it was the truth. Though it shouldn't be for numerous reasons, it is. Freddie was looking at me with wide eyes. "Don't stare at me like that. You freak me out. Besides, nothing happened and probably won't." 

"What?!!! Why?!" Freddie demanded the smile falling from his lips. 

"Why? Really, Freddie? I have many, many reasons why she won't want to and why I shouldn't want to." I answered. The only thing I was thinking of the past few days was her. From every possible aspect. Her actually being friends with me, her hanging out with me, her laughing with me, her singing with me, her cuddling with me, her under me- No. This has to stop this instant.

"Roger! Wake up! I get it that you are love strucked but you know I have to solve that little issue that is going on inside your head. First of all, I am amazed you were thinking." Freddie started saying. I rolled my eyes poking out my tongue at him. "Second, you like to create your own problems so I am sure that not even one of your very solid reasons are actually solid. And third. I think you and my dearie would have really cute babies. Not mine but still pretty. Of course, I truly hope they'll get her brains."

"First of all, I am passing your comment referring to my brains. Second, my reasons are very solid." I argued. Freddie arched his eyebrows and motioned for me to continue talking. I sighed and brought all the reasons at the front of my mind. "Okay to start, he is Brian's little sister. Just imagine if things went off between us how Brian would react, or to begin with, how Brian would react if we told him that we are dating or we are together or whatever. Then, I am a whole lot seven years older than her. And plus, what if I hurt her huh? What if I do something and screw everything up and then she is heartbroken and hates me? The last thing I would want to do is to see her hurt. And the best part at the end. There is no way she likes me back. You should have seen her when she couldn't remember if we had sex or whatever the night at the pub."

Freddie furrowed his eyebrows, thinking. Freddie is the one you can always go, when you are in need of any kind of advice. As he thought all the thoughts about her made their own little parade into my mind. It was a bit strange but somehow my mind had perfectly memorized even the smallest detail of her beautiful face or the way she talks and acts in general, even those little things that someone wouldn't notice. God! Why couldn't I have her?!

"Look," Freddie finally spoke. Alright, here we go Freddie is sharing his precious lights. "I see the problem with Brian, but please, Brian is the kindest soul. He would probably have some reaction at the beginning but eventually, come to his right mind. And even if he won't accept it at first I, Freddie Mercury, sign it that he will. Amy is his weakness, more than himself he loves her. There is no way he will become an obstacle to her happiness. Now. Seven years are practically nothing, darling. I mean if you think you won't be able to meet her demands, If you know what I mean...-"

"Her d- Oh. OH! Freddie, ferfucksake! No! I-!No! I am more than capable to meet any demands she might have. I am not a grandpa or anything. I am young but she is younger. For god's sake." I cut him off smacking my head with my hand. This guy. This guy. Freddie held his hands up in surrender as I stopped my monologue and looked at him expectantly. 

"Alright, alright. Then. There is no way she won't fancy you even a bit Rog. You may be an asshole who gets on my nerves every chance he gets and who ruins my beauty sleep, but you are a pretty boy." He continued. I rolled my eyes at his comments but took everything he said in.

"I don't know Fred... I, for sure, won't be doing anything any time soon. She will freak out." I said. Freddie started laughing at that as a confused expression made its way upon my face.

"Oh my darling, oh my darling! If you think that Amy, will freak out because you will ask her out or anything you are so very wrong my dear. So very wrong. She is more of a man than you are, to be honest." He said. I looked at him with narrowed eyes and before I could come up with something to say, the front door opened and the characteristic rosy smell of Amy filled the room. I quickly turned around, both Freddie and I, probably looking like we were guilty or something, if I judge from the expression on her face. 

She looked so pretty. She was wearing a pair of black, baggy, ripped jeans and a David Bowie shirt from his album 'The Rise and Fall of the Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.' Her hair was not straighten but in a pretty mess, some slight waves falling over her shoulders, her sunglasses on her eyes, much to my dismay as they were blocking the view from me. In her hands, she was holding some bags and a backpack was dropped over her one shoulder. She kicked closed the door, tossing her keys at the entrance furniture. She put the bags she was holding at a chair next to the door and moved in with the characteristic grin on her face.

"Hello there!" She greeted happily getting in, her Doc. Martens echoing at the parke. I continued staring at her in awe, unable to take my eyes off of her. Freddie had already stood up and after greeting her he embraced her in a huge hug. How I want to have her in my arms. After a bit he freed her and her ye fell on me. "Hey." She greeted.

"Hello," I replied with a cheeky smile. Freddie gave me a slight push and I snapped out of my dreamily gaze. "H-How are you doing?" I asked then and I could practically feel Freddie rolling his eyes. 

"Charming. You?" She asked me a small smirk on her lips, probably forming at the stumbling on my own words. I am such an idiot!

"I am great. Thanks." I answered. It very much sounded like I wanted her to leave me be, which I surely didn't.  

"Glad to know that. Where's Bri?" She said then looking around trying to spot her brother. She still hadn't gotten off her sunglasses which made her seem only cooler than she already did. 

"Kitchen. With John. A-" Freddie started saying but soon the both of them were out. Brian was holding a tray with some tea and Deaky was eating his sandwich, very pleased with himself. 

"How were classes?" Brian asked as he put down the tray and went and gave Amy a kiss on her cheek. Deaky gave her a hug before she could reply to Brian's question. 

"Good. You won't believe what happened today." She answered as she starting untying her laces after a motherly look from Brian. She got them off and toss them to a corner, much to Brian's dismay who went and put them where they were supposed to be. 

"What happened?" Brian replied interested to what his sister had to say. I must confess that Brian always hears even the smallest thing someone has to say. Even the most insignificant. And I think that's great of him.

"When we got there in the morning, Joel was not there but some exotic type of beat plants were. And as we got in and sat at our usual seats waiting for Joel, Henry started sneezing like a maniac. Poor guy, you should have seen his face. Probably worse than when he ate those mushrooms. So then Joel got in and we spent five hours in there with the Killer Pants, that's what I named them. And Henry became really sick and all but he was overall fine." She started saying as she moved around the living room following Brian as he tidied the place and everything we had gotten out. Brian quickly turned around when he heard Henry got sick, with a worried expression on his face.

"Wait. Where is Henry, is he alright?" He asked worriedly. From what I had understood Henry was something like his younger brother.

"Yes, yes he is fine. At his home sleeping. Turns out he had an allergy to the plants and had that allergic shock while we were in class and Joel didn't know what to do and he was freaking out and Henry, well Henry was Henry, he was obviously screaming like a girl. And then I thought of calling you but apparently, Henry wasn't screaming because he was in pain but because he saw a rat. A rat! At the Uni! And I freaked out because you know how slimy and awful creatures rats are. And then Joel was like 'Oh alright, it's just a rat guys calm down.' And oh my god! The filthy creature went somewhere and we don't know where. I cannot stand the idea that this devilish thing will be wandering around our class like it fucking owns the place." She continued. Brian laughed at her rat comments, same with the other three of us. "And then, we were walking at the grounds and- You remember the brunette Caden was shugging?"

"The lesbian?" Brian asked turning around to face her at his questions.

"Yes, her. She was crying and some other girls were with her and as we passed we overheard their convo. You'll never guess why she was crying!" She said. As she talked I was observing her, she was using wide hand gestures which only made her seem all the cutest. 

"Why?" Brian asked invested. Truth is, that both four of us were kind of invested.

"She is pregnant!" She exclaimed. Brian's eyes widened and his mouth dropped. It was obvious that he knew all the gossip of the University because of Amy. 

"Really?! Wait! Is it Caden's?" He asked then.

"I don't know! They didn't say! Anyways that's it." She said as she came and sat beside me on the couch. I had to keep myself from cheering when I felt her sinking on the cushions beside me. Brian sat in an armchair opposite the couch Amy and I were sitting on. "How did your day go?" She asked then.

"Brian almost earned his self a cracked head. He wouldn't stop complaining about the beat." Deaky answered. Freddie nodded eagerly at his comment as Brian rolled his eyes.

"Oh c'mon... You are turning into Freddie with your overdramatiness." Brian replied with a small grin as the rest of us laughed. I turned and watched Amy as she laughed. I had missed this sight. She was so beautiful. Freddie pretended to get offended throwing dramatically his hand over his heart and burying himself at the pillows of the couch he was sitting on. Amy beside me folded her legs to her chest looking so cute that an urge to hug her and kiss her washed over me.

We continued messing around a bit, having a great time. I discovered that Amy's favorite tea flavor is the black cherry flavor and she liked it very, very hot. Not that I am a creep or something but Brian mentioned it when he went to make her some. But the best part was, feeling her next to me, her voice coming first to me than to anyone else . As we laughed she would accidentally brush her hand against mine or something making my stomach to take ten backflips. 

"Oi, Ames, you got anything to do tonight?" Freddie asked her at a point. Please say no, please say no, please say no.

"No. Some homework but nothing arranged." She answered. YES! That meant that Freddie would invite her with us tonight and I would get to be with her. Perfect.

"No Deagle's today?" Brian asked. I hope not. 

"Nah... Erin has some weird shit at uni that she can absolutely not miss, her words, Brand and Jacob are flying for Paris for a program with uni tonight and they are packing right now, and Henry is dying." She casually replied bending over her backpack grabbing some thick books. She is beautiful, she has humor, she is clever, she has everything someone would look for. Though those tomes seemed scarily large.

"Jacob and Brandon are going to Paris?" Brian asked confused.

"Come on Hazza, told you two days ago." She answered. Brian thought for a bit and then arched his eyebrows at her.

"No. Two days ago you told me that Brandon is kidnapping Jacob to make him see that he deserves to date him." Brian said. 

"Same thing Harold." She said turning to her book making us laugh. I glanced over at her. The way her hair were falling like curtain as she scribbled something down, the way her eyebrows scrunched up a bit as she thought. So beautiful. 

"So you are coming with us tonight. And I don't take no for an answer." reddie announced clapping his hands.

"I wouldn't say no, my dear, anyways." She replied making my heart melt at the way she said 'my dear' . So I would have one more night with her and I was looking forward to it.

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