Dance For Me ※ Jikook Fanfict...

By MysticTalia

92K 5.1K 1.2K

"Let me touch you, Jimin. Please. Please let me." No. Hell no. Seven bloody hells, no, no and no. Absolutely... More

Prologue: Light up my world
The dream of perfection
Little Bird
Table Nr.40
Bananamilk and Unicorns
How to have Fun
A Taste of Happiness
After the party is over.
All that I need
The Rainbow and the Raven
Making it Obvious
All of You
The Boy in the Purple Shirt
Don't Go
Coffee And Confessions
The Things You Didn't Do
Conquering Mountains
Thank you
The Boy Who Never Knew
No More Fear
The Cabin
Being Brave
The Swan
Hello Monster
Half-Truths and Lies
Road to Hell
Repetition of the Past
I Promised
Beautiful Prison
Brother's Fates
Beat Him at His Own Game
Little Devil Inside
Black Swan
When the Dust Settles
Missed Chances
Dance With Me
The Trial
Love, Family and Friends


2.1K 109 24
By MysticTalia

Little warning: 

Oh, and also, sorry not sorry. 


There had been countless times he'd spent with his brother and Seong-Min, thinking that he was truly, utterly happy. Where he believed nothing could ever make him feel so joyful and safe.

Now, sitting amongst the other's in front of the bonfire they made, he knew how wrong he was.

They didn't want him to watch and be silent. They wanted him in their middle. To tease, to joke, to get up and dance wildly to the beat of the music and just be himself.
He'd truly been blinded by love and adoration to think he'd been the lucky one sitting on the sidelines and watching the two people he loved have fun.
They never loved him.
If they had, they would have done what the golden group was doing for him. No...not doing for him. Simply did it because they wanted to. They wanted Jimin to laugh and have fun and be happy.

This afternoon had been the most fun he ever had. They'd cooked a small lunch, which almost ended in ended in food fight because Jin insisted or Jungkook to do the cleaning up because apparently, it was a deserved punishment for never cooking for them when he had for Jimin. And boy, did the youngest take that personally...
They played volleyball and badminton, listened to music, went swimming in the little lake and their laughter had been unstoppable. They teased as much as they made up with loving words. They fooled around and joked until Jimin lay on the floor laughing, holding his stomach.
He'd never felt more alive and he finally belonged somewhere. This was where he belonged. Between Namjoon, Tae, Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok and Jungkook always by his side, like he was a satellite and Jimin his earth.

He was lying in his arms now, Jungkook popped up on a lounger and Jimin between his legs, his back lying on his strong chest and his head resting in the place between his shoulder and neck.
The younger was letting his hands run up and down his arms in sweet, comforting strokes while they talked and drank, simply enjoying the peace of the evening. 

He couldn't think of a situation where he'd feel more comfortable, his stomach full from the barbecue they had, lying in Jungkook's arms as they talked softly to the others, none of them surprised anymore about their intimate behavior, simply happy to see them together. 

Maybe it was all of those things combined which made him clear his throat and say: "Guys... there is something I want to tell you."
He felt Jungkook tense beneath him, the strokes on his arms stopping as the others turned their gazes on Jimin. 
"What is it, ChimChim?" Tae asked while chewing on some crackers. 

"It's... about why it was so hard for me to open up to you guys."
"Jimin," Jungkook breathed, sounding worried. "You don't have to."
He turned his head up to him and gifted him a little smile. 
"I know. But I want to." 

Jungkook looked at him for a long time, searching his eyes, but whatever he found there had him nodding.
"Are you sure, Jimin?" Namjoon asked, his voice calm and sympathetic, like he wanted Jimin to understand he really didn't have to. 
But he did. 
It's something he had to do for himself. 
So while Jungkook held him, he let the words tumble free. 
A few tears escaped him, but he found it to be a massive improvement already that he wasn't choking up. 

He finished, the night turning silent safe for the crackling of the fire as the boys tried to sort their emotions. He saw it all. A bit of pity, but that was to be expected. But above that and much more potent: anger, hate, sympathy and understanding. 

In the end it was Tae- sweet, gentle Tae who  broke the silence with a loud curse: "Fuck! I really want to fucking kill them both!" 

And Jimin, his eyes still damp from crying let loose a chuckle and that was definitely prove of improvement. 
"Jungkook said the same thing and I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told him. No one's gonna do anything. They're not worth it. All I want is to forget. To live my life the way I want to and not have their memory stain my happiness. And this right here really makes me happy. Being here with all of you. I told you because... well, because you deserve to know why and I needed to get it out of my system. Perhaps it'll be easier to leave it all behind then." 

It grew quiet again as Jimin's words reached them, their eyes wide and glassy. 
"We love you, ChimChim," Hoseok then spoke into the night, his voice rough with emotions as he stood and walked over. And then the other's got up too and Jimin found himself in a massive group hug until Jungkook mockingly complained about the guys getting to heavy. 

They talked for a while longer and watched the bonfire slowly burn out. And the way everything was still the same even after he had told them- they could never understand how much that healed him, mended some pieces of that once broke heart. More than any comforting words they could have said. Knowing they loved him the same and his past changed nothing but to give them a better understanding of why he had acted so reserved at first meant everything to him. 

"All right. I think we should go home and get some sleep. We've all got school tomorrow," Namjoon announced with a little sigh, setting down his empty beer bottle.  

He felt Jungkook tense yet again as the other's stood up as well.
"Ahmm, Jin? Would it be Okay to-"
"You don't have to ask, JK." the oldest cut him off with a smile like he had expected Jungkook to speak up, then reached into his pocket to pull out the keys which he threw towards the youngest. He caught them as Jin added with another broad smile:
"Just don't be late for school tomorrow. And not a scratch on my car, got it?"

Jungkook chuckled and answered:" Yes, sir!"

Jimin was confused. Was Jungkook going to drive him home ? Or was he planning to take Jimin to his own place so he could stay the night? Little bolts of excitement shot through him a the possibility.

"And JK?" Yoongi spoke with a wicked grin to them both. "Remember to go easy on Jimin? He's got dance practice tomorrow?"

Jungkook gaped for a moment, probably as dumbfounded at Yoongi's obvious insinuation as he was, then broke out in loud laughter, the feeling vibrating through him.
"No promises," he let out and received a little responding chuckle from Yoongi.

Jimin let out a shocked yell, then turned to slap Jungkook's arm hard.
"Shut it, Jungkook!"

Hoseok joined them, already with his jacket and bags as he grinned his wide smile.
"Or maybe we should tell Jimin to go easy on him? You never know what that boy is capable of."

"I'd like to see him try," Jungkook mused and it earned him another slap.
Namjoon put a hand over his mouth but not even that could suppress the snorty laugh.
"I'm sure you would," he then let out with a wink.
Oh God.. Jimin was gonna kill them all!

"Okay, time to leave or I think we'll be attacked by a very feisty, little ChimChim," Tae said through his own laughter, ruffling Jimin's hair as he went passed them.
Jimin crossed his arms and pouted angrily.
He felt the tension in Jungkook's chest and the hands on his arm tightened. The pout slipped off his face. 

Oh...oh shit...he did it again!

He turned his head to meet Jungkook's intense gaze, swallowing as he breathed: "Is this gonna have consequences?"

They younger squeezed a little tighter, pulling him tighter against him and Jimin sucked in a sharp breath at feeling something hard against his lower back. Oh my God, Jungkook really had no restrain! The boys were not even gone! 
"You bet it will," Jungkook only said against his ear and the rough rumble made his blood heat up, breathing getting hard. 

He kept completely still while the other's scrambled to get their stuff, hoping none of them would realized what his blushing cheeks and his elevated breathing meant. 

They turned to them, saying their goodbyes and Jungkook... oh he was going to fucking kill him as he purposely shifted his weight a little while pulling Jimin father up his chest, making that hard, demanding pressure tease him a bit lower, his thoughts getting tangled and his goodbyes turned into incoherent mumbles. 

They didn't seem to notice, shooting him broad, happy and thankfully unknowing smiles as they left, disappearing into the dark until the headlights of Tae's car turned on and the two of them watched the other's pull out of the parking lot and drive away. 

The fire was barely more than a smoldering pile of wood and the night had brought with it the cooler temperatures. But Jimin wasn't cold. Far from it. 

"So, baby. Now that they're gone, where do you want me to start?" 

"S-start?" he stuttered out, laying in his tight embrace and unable to even turn his head to look at him. 
"Well, I got a lot planned for tonight. So you can decide."

"What are my options, then?"

Jungkook chuckled as if surprised by his directness. 
"Well... there is the thing with you getting all hot and angry earlier. Then there is the fact I feel like I need to worship you for being so brave today, not just because of So-Yeong, but telling the boys about your past too. Oh, and yes, then there are the consequences of pouting in front of me yet again. So, where do you want me to start?"

His blood ran hot and cold, his body shivering at his words and their implications and how much he wanted them all. 
And then he found himself grinning as he decided it was time to tease back a little: "Really Jungkook? You're studying three majors but your not able to combine those things into one?"

Jungkook froze- and then burst out in laughter, his rumbling chest vibrating through him. 
"Oh baby... I'm gonna make you wish you wouldn't have said that."

Jimin's smile fell from his face as he swallowed hard. Oh... 

With one arm, Jungkook pulled him tighter against his chest and the other found his way to his face, caressing him there sweetly before dropping lower over the curve of his neck, down to his chest.
"I'll never be able to tell you how incredible it feels that you are so sensitive to my touches," the younger whispered into his ear at the same time he let his hand brush over his already hardened nipples. His breath hitched and his spine arched into the touch, but Jungkook held him tight against him, not allowing him to move. 
"So responsive..." Jungkook sighed and he had the strong inclination he was smiling against his hair while his hand traveled lower, not hesitating as it slipped beneath his shirt. 

His breath turned ragged as his fingers rippled over his abs, making the shirt hitch up when he explored farther up, tickling his ribs and then- 
"Jungkook," he moaned out when those long fingers found his right nipple and put them between his index and thumb, squeezing before gently rubbing it, sending a hot flash of pleasure through him. His head dropped back against his chest at the same time Jungkook lowered his and found his favorite place at his neck and Jimin moaned again at the sweet mixture of Jungkook's kisses and nips at his neck and the other hand still playing with his nipple. And then he heard the dark whisper against his skin: "You wanted prove of my skills at multi-tasking, didn't you? Let me show you how easy it is for me to do three things at the same time." 

Three? but he was only doing two- Oh...

He hadn't even noticed that Jungkook's other hand was no longer pressing him against him but had come to his waist and before Jimin had time to even wonder what he was planning, that hand slipped easily under his pants. And this time, nothing held him back to stop the arch of his back, the tremble shaking his body as a long, hot moan shot out of him. 

His hand felt massive around his erection, but he wasn't moving yet, only held him as Jimin already became undone, wriggling for more. 
"So greedy," Jungkook mumbled out through a grin at his neck. 
And then his vision turned white in pleasure as Jungkook proved just how good he was at multi tasking, biting his neck, pinching his nipple as he scooped low, sliding down on his length. He whimpered, then moaned his name again as Jungkook repeated his actions, playing him like he was his instrument and Jungkook loved the sounds it made as he kept stroking him a little faster, Jimin's breathing turning uneven and rough. His own hands had gripped Jungkook's thigh's which caged him, trying to release some of that tension in him, but with little success. 
"Jungkook please," he begged, not the least bit self-conscious. He was too trapped in pleasure and want, his body a liquid flame, his spine curved and trying to get that hand to move faster, his body working on instinct as his hips moved against the hold on him. 

"What baby? You want me to make you cum like that?"
"Ye.. yes, please." 

Jungkook grazed the skin on his neck with his teeth before licking the spot. Only then did he say: "As you wish. But don't think it'll be all I'm going to do to you today. You're not getting off that easy."

And even if Jimin had wanted to answer something, he couldn't have, his mouth only letting out a throaty moan as Jungkook really did as he asked, picking up his pace as he slid up and down faster, making his body explode with a thousand little jolts of pleasure which build and build. And the need. Oh God.. 
"Faster. Please.. please." he begged, not even aware he was saying it out loud but the demand for it was everywhere. In his mind, his body and even his heart. He needed all of Jungkook. All of this. 

"Yes, Baby," Jungkook growled against his skin, then sucked it hard which made Jimin whimper and press harder against him, straining his neck to give him better access. He was all his. 
And he needed more. 

And Jungkook obliged, gladly so judging by his own moan as he picked up his pace, working Jimin harder to that edge, gripping him tight as he slid along his length. 
He felt the tension starting to overwhelm him, his moans turning rougher and more desperate, his hips thrusting mindlessly against his hand as his nipples were worshipped at the same time. 
"Fuck, those sounds," came Jungkook's rough whisper and then it all became too much.
That large hand, the other still playing with his nipples and the teeth grazing the skin on his neck. 

"Jungkook," he let out, the only warning he was capable of saying because there was nothing else in his mind but his name. He couldn't even remember his own.
"It's Okay, baby. Let go. I wanna hear it." 

And then he did. 
His body tensed, all his sense narrowed down to that hand and oh-

He came hard, a scream of overpowering pleasure ripping out of him as his mind exploded in colors, his body going rigid. He felt himself release into Jungkook's hand while the younger kept stroking him, drawing out his release, making it almost unbearable as his body convulsed with the intensity of his orgasm.  

For a few moments, he could do nothing. Not move, not think, not even breath properly, his breathing sounding more like snaps for air. 
"You okay, Baby?" 

He still lay on Jungkook's hard chest, the boys breathing uneven but nothing compared to his raging one, trying to get a grip over himself again. 
But speech wasn't possible yet, so he only nodded his head with a murmuring agreement. 

Jungkook let out a little chuckle and nuzzled his chin against his neck before drawing away. 
His hand slipped out from his pants and Jimin swallowed in embarrassment when he felt the wetness he dragged over his lower belly. 

"I--Ah.. sorry," he said though his furiously blushing face but Jungkook only chuckled more. 
"Why? I'm not. It's just turning me on more."

"You're incredibly dirty, Jungkook," he managed to say as he finally got some control over his breathing and speech. 
"And you love that." 

He smiled, because yes, he totally loved that about him. As he did so many other things. 
Jungkook sighed, leaning forward and taking him with him to a sitting position. 
"But no matter how hot and amazingly indecent it is, maybe we should get you cleaned up. How lucky we are that there is a massive bathtub in that house." 

The house?
"We're staying here?"
"Why do you think Jin gave me his keys? And besides, I'm not sure we would make it to my house. And while the thought of fucking you in a car is really thrilling, I like to have my space." 

Oh holy spirit, how did he manage to get such a dirty mouthed boyfriend?

Jungkook grinned and then placed a quick kiss on his cheek before getting to his feet. 
Jimin fell back into the lounge chair as Jungkook's body disappeared and he sat there, staring up at the younger towering in front of him with a little smile. 
"Ahh," he spoke with a little frown. "I don't think I can walk yet." 

Jungkook groaned, letting a hand run through his hair as he shook his head with a little tight, smile. 
"God, Jimin, please don't be so damn cute all the time or we wont even make it to the bath." 
He gulped hard as he stared up at him, not sure what to do with his hands and still a little self-conscious about the clear wet spot on his pants. 
Jungkook let loose a quiet laugh and then bend down to him. And even though he literally just gave him an orgasm and said some very filthy things, his breath caught. 
He wondered if there would ever come a day where Jungkook wouldn't leave him breathless. 

"Good thing I already have some practice in carrying you." 
And with that he grabbed his waist and easily pulled him up, throwing an arm under his legs and then picked him up bridal style.

Under normal circumstances he would have complained but truth was, he really didn't think his legs would hold him yet, feeling like pudding. 

So instead of complaining, he wrapped his hands around his neck and let his head fall against his chest, a happy smile on his face as Jungkook carried him inside. 


By the way, I'm super sorry if there are some (probably a lot) of spelling mistakes in my stories. I hope you can overlook it since English is not actually my native language (I'm German). 🙈

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