Tango Dancing With The Devil

By WillowDovespear

343 11 10

A girl who can resist the temptations of the Devil? Impossible, right? Wrong! Meet Rhea. Brave. Headstrong... More

Tango Dancing with The Devil
The Devil

New Teacher

42 2 1
By WillowDovespear

So back to reality, huh? Right now I'm sitting in school.

I prop my head on my hand. Maths is so boring. All I can hear is Mr Mack drone on and on about numbers and letters. Something about watermelons...and algae... I feel my mind drifting off.

A warm hand touches my shoulder and I get a shock like lightning had just struck me. I sit up very straight, eyes wide open breathing heavily, heart beating like the pistols in an engine of a race car going at top speed.

"Relax. It's only me." A familiar voice whispers.

I see him in my peripheral vision. Phew. It's only the Devil. No big deal. Hah I sound so arrogant but really I'm not that bothered by him being there. I mean sure, I've been tempted to do certain things but I never really got around to doing them. I kid you not. He somehow doesn't seem to have much of an effect on me where my own volition is concerned. Though I do enjoy the entertaining challenges he sets me.

I have not mentioned that the Devil can become visible and the opposite? Same goes for his voice. Yes we're still playing this stupid game. I haven't quit yet because I like the challenges.

"Hey, I challenge you to stand through your next class."

Next class? No worries. Art-boring but easy. It's just Mr Underwood I have a problem with. He's too strict.

After like a billion years, the bell for next period rings.

I grab my things and head down to the art room.

Just what is the Devil planning? I wonder. Usually it's always just little things like him tempting me to do something like kick the jerkass who sits in front of me's chair or flirting with some random guy he'll pick out and pulling a prank or two here or there on occassion. (They still haven't found out who set off a stink bomb in the boys changerooms before gym last week or whoever let the cat into the teachers' offices the week before.

What? Did you think I was a good girl? I refuse to be a slave to the rules and a victim of this oppressive tedious boring brainwashing they call "education" so I don't abide by their rules much but I didn't say I wasn't a good girl. I can be a teacher's pet if I wanted to, anyone could, but I don't see th point nor have I any motive to do so.

Most of the time I don't do my homework and I barely if ever, pay attention in class. Nothing really catches my attention in school.

The door is unlock so the class lets itself in. Where's Mr Underwoo-nevermind. A sub walks through the-hey wait a minute!!

The Devil?! What is he thinking?!!! Walking in like that?!

He's our sub? Damnit! He could have atleast worn a less tighter shirt! His muscles are showing and everyone-including the boys are staring. WHAT is wrong with him?

Hmmm. He's probably just testing me. I've got to keep my composure.

I take a deep breath to calm ny heart rate.

"Good morning class. I'm Mr Devon and I'm your new Art teacher," he says in that delicious tone of voice that is like ear candy to me.

What?! New Art teacher?! Not, substitute? Huh? What's he playing at?

"Your old Art teacher had to leave due to a brain injury and has asked me to take over."

Brain injury huh? I'll bet he was the reason for it. Then he looks at me with twinkling {maroon?} eyes.

"Roll call. Settle down all of you."

"Bryce Ericson."


"Rhea Farrel."

"Here." The way he said my name was was different from when he said the names of the other kids. Really, what is he trying to achieve? It actually sent a shiver down my spine and made my arm and neck hairs stand up.

Keep calm Rhea. Just keep calm.

"Okay class. For today I want you to illustrate whatever you're thinking of at the moment. No rushing now. Just relax and let your mind spill onto the paper. You all know where the supplies are."

I wait for everyone to clear out of the storage room before going in to grab some paper and other art things. Whilst I'm tiptoeing and reaching for the paper, two thick arms snake around my waist.

I turn my head around and find myself within the Devil's arms.

"Nice choice of name, Mr Dev-il."

"Thank you, Rhea Annelise Farrel."

There's that tone again. Man, if this keeps up, I'll be reduced to a puddle in no time.

"Why am I not surprised you know my middle name?"

He ignores my question and turns me around still holding me in his arms.

"Let me teach you the rules of Love."

He puts my hands above my head and pins them there.

I scoff. This is a new one. What? Does he believe that I'm in love with him or something? A very heavy scent of smoke clouds my nostrils so thickly that barely breathe.

I look into his serious maroon eyes. He looks so hot and I can feel the heat radiating of his body. Oh and let me tell you that the thing inside his pants is B.I.G. I can see it through his abnormally tight jeans.

"You're teaching moi about the rules of love?" I say trying not to let my voice get shaky, at least my sarcasm is intact.

Ignores me again.

"One. No having sex unless you are totally and completely in absolute Love and you have no regrets left.

Two. No dressing up in provocative clothing, unless you want to be raped.

Three. No seeing anyone else whilst being in love.

Four. No falling for anyone twice your age. Or criminals. Or animals.


Six. And strictly NO, falling in love with the Devil."

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