The Other Side Of The Lens

By kjocelyn81

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"That was weird, but I can't stop my heart beating ten times faster than it should be. Laying down on the bed... More

The Other Side Of The Lens
01. The Infamous Trio
02. Hall Passes On The First Day
03. Alison And Alejandro Sitting In A Tree
04. Officially Meeting Mateo
05. Unknown Number
06. Let's Hangout This Weekend
07. He's Outside
08. Good Luck
09. Conversations At The Diner
10. A Thousand Thoughts
11. Brotherly Love
12. Roller Coaster Of Emotions
13. Unexpected Visits
14. Stay
15. I Need You
16. Sweetheart
17. Butterflies
18. Alone
19. I Missed You
20. Apologies
21. My Person
22. Officially Official
23. Meeting The Parents
24. Thanksgiving With The Hernandez's
25. Catching Up
26. Spend The Night?
27. Jealousy
28. Time To Talk
29. Photoshoot
30. The "L" Word
31. Advice
32. Gifts Of Love
33. Reuben's Car
34. New Year, New Argument?
35. Morning Talks
37. Marisela
38. Girls Trip...Plus Boys
39. Safe
40. When In New York
41. Can't Wait
42. Always
43. Permission
44. Drunk Mateo, Fun Mateo
45. Lovely Night
46. New Beginnings
Bonus Chapter: Oh Baby!

36. Parties And Pillows

3.5K 98 6
By kjocelyn81

"Mija I was thinking..." Mom stops what she's doing and looks at me. I look up from my cereal bow and raise a brow at her. She has a sly smile on her lips which means she wants to do something I won't like.

"What do you wanna do now?"

"Okay just hear me out first," she walks towards me and takes a seat on the stool beside me. "What if we throw you a graduation party!" She exclaims.

"Mommmm," I groaned. "Don't you think it's too early to start planning for that. We graduate in May, it's barely the middle of January."

She moves my hair behind my shoulder and rubs my back. "No, it's the perfect time Veronica. I was thinking we should have in the backyard, set up those cute lights that look like lanterns, and have a little photo booth!" She claps her hands and I just look at her with raised brows.

"I didn't even agree,"

"I knew you would say no. Soooo I invited someone to come over to help me convince you. They're about to get here in a few seconds." She looks down at her apple watches and smiles.


I'm cut off by the front door opening and closing.

"I'M HEREEEE!" Alison yells out as she makes her way into the kitchen. Her sunglasses are on her head holding her curls back. She's holding a drink carrier with three iced coffees in her left hand and car keys in the other.

Alison is always teaming up with my Mom on everything. During freshman year, Mom wanted to do a little girls trip for us and I had said no at first because there was still school. But of course, Ali wanted to do it so they ended up convincing me and I honestly regret saying no at first. It was so fun. Alison's Mom even went and after that we do a girls trip every year.

"I should've known you told Alison," I stand up with my cereal bowl and place it in the sink.

"Well suck it up Vero. Now here I brought you guys some coffee," she walks up to me and gives me my coffee and does the same to Mom.

"You got your car fixed?" Her car has been broken since the summer and she barely took it to the shop. Mateo fixed it up for her and gave her a discount. I just don't know why she took forever to get it fixed.

"Yessss. Your boyfriend is a miracle worker. Okay now stop trying to change the subject, We're throwing you this party." She takes a seat next to Mom and sips her coffee. "I was thinking there should be a tent with tables inside. Oh! Have you made a guest list? That helps a lot." Mom nods her head immediately with a huge smile on her face.

"Don't start planning I didn't even say if I wanted a party," If I was a social butterfly I wouldn't mind. But I dislike being the center of attention so this whole party thing is a no for me.

"Oh come on Vero," Alison leaned her elbows on the counter and placed her face between her hands. "It's our last year, what if I end up going to California, we aren't gonna see each other that often. Might as well have a party to remember how it is here."

Mmm she has a point. I walk around the kitchen thinking if I should agree to the party or not. I mean it would make great memories. Family members I haven't seen in a while could come. Our little group can take pictures showing that we graduated and we made it.

"Okay." I stop pacing and look at my Mom and Alison.

"Okay?" They both speak at the same time.

"Yes, but you have to let me make some decisions about the decorations and food," I raise up my pointer finger and they both nod their heads.

"Yay! You finally agreed to something," Mom stands up from her seat and envelops me in a hug once she reaches me. "I promise this will be the best graduation party ever." Both of her hands grab my face and she kisses my forehead.

"Okay girls I will be in my room planning some stuff now that we have a party! I'll see you later for

lunch," she walks away and heads to her room.

I turn to face Alison and see that she has a smirk on her face. "Oh shut up don't say anything," I rolled my eyes and she began to laugh. "Well now we have a graduation party."

"Yup," she takes a sip from her coffee. "So what are we gonna do today? Or were you gonna go out with Mateo?" I shake my head and she nods.

"No he was gonna be working with his Dad today. Mmmm well there's nothing to do. Let's go to my room." She stands up and walks behind me as I walk to the staircase.

We make it to my room and she puts her coffee on my nightstand and jumps on the bed. I grab the remote to the TV and scan through the shows.

"You know I told Mateo about going to the school the other day."

She looks at me with wide eyes. "And what did he say?"

"Well he was upset when I told him. He was just saying how he didn't wanna go to school and that he wouldn't know what I would do behind his back, and-"

"HE DID NOT!" She gasps and yells out.

"Shhhh let me finish. But then the next day we went to the diner and talked about it. He said he would be supportive. But you can tell he doesn't want me to go since he's not going to school till next year," I grab the small pillow that sits on my bed and toss it into the air. "I don't know Ali. I wanna go but after seeing how he reacted I'm not so sure anymore."

"Well don't change your mind just because he doesn't want you to go. If you wanna go, then go, you shouldn't base your decisions off of him."

That's true.

"Yeah you're right. But I don't even know what I want to do. I don't wanna go without having a plan. Maybe taking a year will help me find out what I really wanna do. Not just for Mateo." I stop tossing the pillow and set it on my lap.

"I would say, take a year. I know I'm the one showing you the schools, but it's best if you're for sure ready. To me you seem like you want to wait a year but to you it may seem like you want to go right away. I'm only telling you what I would do in your position but it's up to you girl." She looks at me and smiles.

She cleared up everything for me. I was too caught up with all the information that I made myself think I actually wanted to go. I'm not ready, I mean I am but not ready to go without a plan.

"Thank you Ali. Thank you for everything, I seriously don't know what I'm gonna do when you leave." I grab her hand and squeeze it.

"STOP YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY!" She exclaims and throws a pillow at me. I laugh at her action and squeeze her hand again.

"I'm serious. You're the bestest friend I could've ever asked for." I say.

"You're my best friend Veronica. No one else."

I smile at her and secretly grab the pillow on my lap. When I have a firm grip on it, I whack her with it and take her by surprise.


I laugh and stand up. She grabs the pillow nearest to her and throws it at me. Just as if we were little kids, we throw pillows at each other like it's our first sleepover.

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