"Rock-a-Bye" (BOOK1). Not a p...

By ValForget

949 42 5

VERY MATURE CONTENT 18+ (TRIGGER WARNING!!). Little Lizzie was just five year's old when her mom passed away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 11

27 2 0
By ValForget

"Lizzie, sweetheart, are you ready?". "Come on, were going to be late".

                                LIZZIE'S POV

It's my first day back to school and I am nervous as hell. I haven't seen anyone since before my black out happened at the dance.

I stand looking in the mirror at a petrified scared little girl peering back at me through the mirror.

"Ok!!, time for one of my magic pep talks".

I take a deep breath, in and out a few times and will myself to move.

"You can do this, Lizzie". "Just ignore the whisper's and stares". "They don't matter".

The door creek's open, making me jump.

"Sorry, Sweetheart". "I didn't mean to startle you"... "Are you ready to go?".

"I think so, but im so nervous". "What if they make fun of me again?".

"I will be there to protect you, Sweetheart". "And, Sam will be there". "And you have, Jimmy now that will watch your back". "You'll be ok, Sweetheart".

Levi gives me a hug enveloping me in his strong arm's and I bury my face in his chest soaking in his masculine scent of pine forest. After a few moment's I pull away slightly.

"I think I'm ready". "Let's get this day over with".

"Come on, Sweetheart". "I've got you".

We grab our stuff and head to the truck and then head in the direction of the school.

"We have to make a pit stop to pick up, Sam and, Jimmy first". "Then we can head to school".

"Ok, I just want to get this day over with as quick as possible".

We finally get to school and park the truck in our usual spot, heading inside.

As we walk to our lockers there are a few stares and snickers from kid's pointing as I hear one student whisper.

(Random student) "Oh look, it's the 'Freak'".

Levi just pull's me in closer to hi chest in a protective manor and continue walking.

"Just ignore them, Sweetheart". "They don't matter". "They don't know the truth like I do".

We grab our book's and head to each class throughout the morning, finally the lunch bell rings and, Levi and I go sit outside on the lawn for another picnic lunch, because I just can't face the kid's in the cafeteria.

                                      LEVI'S POV

"Hey, you ok?". "You haven't said a word in like ten minutes".

Lizzie takes a deep breath and sighs, the fog clearing from her eye's.

"Yeah, I'm ok". "I just wish people would stop staring at me". "I feel like im the main attraction of an amusement park ride or freak show".

"It will get better, Sweetheart". "The kid's will soon forget and move on to something else".

Lizzie grab's for my hand and scoots in between my leg's, leaning against my chest.

"I hope so, because I don't know how much of this I can take before I'll crack again". "I don't want that to happen again, Levi".

"It won't get that bad". "I promise, Sweetheart". "I will protect you".

Just then we hear foot steps come up behind us and I feel, Lizzie freeze in my arms.

"It's ok, Sweetheart". "It's just, Sam and, Jimmy".

"Did I hear something about protection?". "Were you guys talking about, sex?".

"Ewwww!!". "No, Jimmy". "Levi was talking about protecting me from the other kid's".

"Aww, damn!". "And here I was all ready to talk about, sex".

"Babe, cut it out!". "You are embarrassing poor, Lizzie". "I know that you love sex, trust me, I know". "But you don't have to tell the hole damn world".

"Sorry, Babe". "I'll leave it for us and the bedroom".

Jimmy, winks at, Sam and, Lizzie shakes her head as she smiles at both of them.

"You two are perfect for each other!".

The lunch bell rings and we head back inside to class.

                                    LIZZIE'S POV

English class, the one class that I don't have with, Levi or, Sam. The one class I dread every single day because my anxiety level's go through the roof.

Who's going to make fun of me today?. What new ammunition will they have to gossip about today?. Will I be able to handle it or crumble again?. I get pulled from my thought's by the teacher asking me to answer a question.

"Lizzie, do you know the answer?".

"Oh, what?". "Uh!"... "Sorry Mr. Cole". "I wasn't paying attention".

"Well I suggest then that you do, pay attention"... "Miss. Mathew's".

"Yes, Sir". "Sorry, Mr. Cole".

A few of the kid's snicker and laugh at me, whispering as I slump in my chair.

'Now they have something else to tease me about'.

I can begin to feel my anxiety level's getting higher and higher, and just when I feel like I can't take it any longer, a hand lightly touches my arm. I know that touch. That's, Levi's touch. I look up and there he is, my safe place.

"Are you ok, Sweetheart?".

I try and quickly struggle to my feet but end up stumbling, I grab onto him in a huge bear hug, not saying a single word.

"Wow wow, Lizzie!". "What happened?".

"I just missed you, this is to much for me to handle by myself". "The kid's harass me". "They make fun of me, tease me". "Call me names". "And all when you aren't around because im to afraid to stand up for myself and risk getting beat up again".

"Dammit, Lizzie!". "This shit has to stop". "Don't they realize the stress they are causing you".

"It's fine, Levi". "Don't worry about it". "I'm used to it".

"You shouldn't have to be used to it". "They should know better, they are practically adults at this point".

"I don't want to make it worse, Levi". "And by you confronting them, will only make thing's worse".

"But, Lizzie!".

"Levi, please". "Just drop it, im fine".

"Fine!". "I'll drop it for now, but if it continues I have to say something".

I nuzzle back into, Levi's arm's and my anxiety instantly vanishes.

"Shall we go home, Sweetheart?".

"Yes!". "Please!". "Get me out of here".

"Can you walk?".

I try to take a few steps and stumble. Levi, catches me and scoops me in his strong arm's and carries me to the truck. I kiss, Levi's neck and whisper in his ear.

"I love you, Levi".

"I love you too, Sweetheart". "I will alway's protect you".

                     YOUNG LIZZIE (Age 6)


"Daddy, please stop". "I'll behave, I promise". "I won't be a bad girl anymore". "Please don't hurt me".

My, Daddy chases me around the house, trying to catch me so he can punish me again. What he does though is far worse than any punishment id be willing to take if it meant he wasn't hurting me in his grown up way's.

He said that because he didn't have, Mommy to help him anymore, that he was forcing me to grow up and become a Big girl as he called it.

He said all, Daddies touched their daughter's, I honestly thought it was normal. he's even made me wet down there a few times. At first I thought I peed my panties but, Daddy said that it's not pee, that I have special sweet candy in my pee pee like, Daddy does in his and that he knows how to get it from me because my, Daddy sure likes to lick at my pee pee when it gets wet.


I cower, hiding again in my closet. terrified my, Daddy will find me. The nob jiggles on my door and it swings open.

"Ok, you want this done the hard way!!"..... "All the more fun for me". "Now get on that bed, Runt".

My, Daddy pull's me from the closet by my ankles as I look up at my him whimpering with pleading eye's and whisper.

"Please, Daddy!!". "I'll be a good girl".

"To late for that, now MARCH, Runt".

I climb up onto my bed and lay flat, waiting.

"Aren't you forgetting something, Runt?".

I look at my, Daddy confused as to what he is referring to.

"My shirt!!".

I reach up pulling my, Daddies shirt up and over his head. It's a big task for me, but I eventually manage and it fall's to the floor.

"Don't forget the pant too, Runt!".

I hesitantly reach for my, Daddies belt and unlatch it and pull untill it hits the floor. Then with trembling fingers I undo the button and zipper on his trousers and they fall to the floor.

"Stand up!!". "Come with me, Runt".

"Where are we going, Daddy??".

"Shut up, no talking". "Just do as your told, Runt".

I stand up and wait for my, Daddy to tell me what he wants me to do next.

"My room, NOW!!".

I scurry down the hall to my, Daddies bedroom as he follows close behind. I start to get on the bed but he stops me, giving me new orders to obey.

"NOT THERE, RUNT!!, Bathroom!...NOW!!.

I do as im told and head to the bathroom. He has the shower running already so I know that this will take awhile.

"STRIP!!". "NOW!!". "RUNT!!".

"I don't want to have tub time, Daddy". "I'm not dirty".

"But you will be". "NOW STRIP, DAMMIT!!".

I take my Jammie's off that I had already put on for bed time. He stands there watching my every move. As he begins to get hard, his hand travel's to his bulge as he tries to adjust himself. When I am done, I step in the shower and wait for my, Daddy to tell me what I have to do next.

"Face the wall, leg's spread wide apart". "hand's above your head on the shower tile, and stick your butt out!!". "Don't make me ask twice, Runt!!".

I follow my, Daddies instructions doing everything he asked. I begin to shake with nerves, or maybe it was just because I was naked and cold. But I stand there, facing the wall waiting for what comes next.

I didn't hear my, Daddy finish undressing this time because he was so quiet. suddenly I feel the heat of his body behind me as he steps in the shower pressing against my back and pushed out butt. He's so hard already that when he start's to move his hips, his shaft slides between my butt cheeks making it go even harder.

My, Daddy begins to moan as he picks up the pace. then I feel it, his hard shaft entering my bum....

                                   LIZZIE'S POV


"LIZZIE!!". "Wake up, Sweetheart!!".

Levi, shakes me awake and I bury myself into his chest as far as I can possibly get.

"It was just a dream, Sweetheart". "You're ok".

"I-I fell asleep?". "But I don't remember".

"Right after I scooped you up in my arms at school".

"Oh, what time is it?".

"Nearly nine in the evening, Babe". "You must of been tired".

"I don't even remember coming home".

"It's ok, Sweetheart". "You needed the rest".

                                         LEVI'S POV



I pause, trying to choose my world carefully.

"What is it, Levi?".

"It's just, the dream's you are having".

I feel, Lizzie, tense up before she speaks.

"W-what about my dreams?".

"Don't you think you should talk to someone?". "To help you figure out how to deal with them".

"I don't want to talk about it, Levi". "I'm fine!!".


"Levi, just stop!". "I don't want to talk about it".

Lizzie, pushes away from me and get's out of the bed and goes to the couch.

"Lizzie!?". "Please, Sweetheart". "You have to do something, you can keep putting yourself through this".

Lizzie, looks up at me tears in her eye's. I sit next to her, grabbing her hand in mine stroking it lightly.

"What is it, Sweetheart?".

Lizzie hesitates for a moment.

"I-I'm scared".

"Of what, Sweetheart?".

"Reliving it all!!". "In my dreams I only have glimpses of what I went through with my father growing up". "If I go and talk to someone they will make me relive it all". "I don't know if I can do that, Levi".

"What if I come with you?". "Would that help make you feel better?".

Her eye's shoot open wide at my suggestion.

"NO!!". "I don't want you to know what he did to me". "I don't want to loose you because of what he did to me". "Please don't leave me, Levi".

Lizzie begins to panic and I wrap her in my arms holding her tight to my chest and just whisper in her ear.

"You won't lose me, Sweetheart". "I promise!".

She grips onto me tighter and we just sit there. Finally she let's go looking in my eye's.

"You promise I won't lose you?".

"I promise, Sweetheart". "I'm not going anywhere that you aren't". "I love you, Sweetheart".

"I love you too, Levi..... Ok!".


"I will try talking to someone".

"Are you sure, Sweetheart?".

"Yes!". "I need to do this for myself"... "And for us!". "And I might not want you in the sessions, but will you still take me?".

She looks down to her hands, fidgeting with them as she waits for my answer. I lift a finger under her chin and raise her gaze to mine.

"Of course I will take you, Sweetheart". "And I will wait for you to take you home too".

'Thank you, Levi". "I couldn't do this without you".

I pull, Lizzie into my bare chest and she snuggles into me once again listening to my heartbeat.

"Rest now, Sweetheart". "Tomorrow is a new day".

                               AUTHOR NOTE

Well, Levi finally talked, Lizzie into finally going to get some help with her nightmares. Will she follow through or will her anxiety get the better of her and will she back out feeling like she let, Levi down for not following through. Keep reading to find out what happens next. Please remember to comment and vote if you like my stories. I appreciate your continued support and patience. Love you all. 💕

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