The President is In Love

By RadiantDoe

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Suppasit Jongcheveevat is the 8th President of the Republic of Thailand. His innovative approaches garner a l... More

CHAPTER 1: Serving the Nation
CHAPTER 2: Running His Campaign
CHAPTER 4: Slipping Through His Fingers
CHAPTER 5: To See You Once Again
CHAPTER 6: The Rise of Shenlong
CHAPTER 7: Hazard to The President
CHAPTER 8: Dirty Politics
CHAPTER 9: How (Not) to Defy Gravity
Chapter 10: Where Is the President?
Chapter 11: Fading
CHAPTER 12: The Colors in a Promise
CHAPTER 13: The Man Beside the President
CHAPTER 14: Being Suppasit Jongcheveevat
CHAPTER 15: Making The World Listen
CHAPTER 16: Braving the Odds Together
Author's Note

CHAPTER 3: The Kingmaker's Mistake?

876 63 2
By RadiantDoe

The polls were coming in, many in the young Governor's favor. Excitement filled the room; the energy was upbeat despite most staff being up since 4am. Mew started to feel the strain of the day take its toll. He rubbed his temples and scanned the room for a quite corner where he could lie down. There was none. It seemed like every nook and cranny in the big room was occupied -by the poll-trackers, caterers, legal team, finance team, security, campaign members, his friends and family. Despite the commotion in the room Mew knew that one person was missing. The man who'd made his campaign a formidable one - one for the books. He had not seen Gulf since a little after lunch. Knowing the young man, he'd probably found a haven -quiet and far from everyone. He chuckled, sneaking out himself.

"It's pretty intense in there" Mild said as Mew came out heaving a sigh of relief.

"Tell me about it! I need a shut-eye before the final results come in" Mew looked at Mild, his eyes pleading for help.

"Second floor, right wing, 3rddoor" Mild gave directions like he'd been expecting this.

"Umm...It's like you were waiting for me to ask?" Mew teased his long-time friend and bodyguard.

"As if! I hid someone in there already. A quiet occupant. You won't know they're there"

"Who?" Mew's instinct said it was probably Gulf but he needed to confirm this.

Mild snickered "Gulf came out earlier he looked drained. It's quiet in the right wing, so I opened one room and hid him there to get some rest. I hope you don't mind. The kid works too hard...I couldn't help myself"

"No, you- you did the right thing. He was up till 2am yesterday and when we all commenced at 4am he was here working. I was worried about him; glad he's getting some rest."

The room was quiet when he walked in. What were you expecting Suppasit? He poked fun at himself for the weird excitement he felt at the thought of being alone with Gulf. He really needs to get over this. Whatever this is. He could end up sabotaging one of the best partnerships he's ever had.

"You're here to get some rest too?"

That tiny, sleepy voice coming from the bed coupled with the flushed face, sleep-swollen lips and glossy brown eyes staring at him were Mew's final straw. Ever since that fateful night dip, Mew had kept his distance. He hadn't trusted himself to be alone with the man, seeing as he was one second from snapping where Gulf was concerned. Gulf had eyed him suspiciously each time he, uncharacteristically, chose to stay away from him. Others had picked up on it too, even inquiring if they'd fought.

"Did you two have a fight?" He'd heard Jeed ask Gulf

"Not that I'm aware of. In any case I'm simply a campaign manager trying to do my job" Gulf flippantly responded before getting back to work.

Gulf didn't want to wallow over the reason Mew was distancing himself. It was probably for the best, but it still made him feel slighted. He, in turn, chose to ignore the Governor, focusing on his work while keeping to himself up until now.

Mew's feet of their own accord propelled him towards Gulf. He sat beside him on the bed and caressed his tousled hair like one would a beloved child.

"Are you well rested?" his voice was but a whisper

"Mhmm...but not as much as I would like to be" Gulf purred and stretched, his movements sensual.

The action, never lost to Mew, had him feeling very athirst.

"You should take a week off starting tomorrow and unwind" Mew offered. His eyes were soft, tenderly caressing the young Kanawut's beautiful face. Confused, Gulf turned a scrunched-up face to Mew and quickly turned away, shy to be in such close proximity to him.

"I- I'll be okay..." then he quickly turned back to Mew, Bambi eyes wide "is everyone getting the week off?"

Mew pinched his nose fondly "Is everyone here?" Mew mocked with a high-pitched voice. "Just you."

"Then I'll pass. I don't want special favors" his cheeky smile did nothing to calm Mew's raging desires.

"You've earned them"

The raspy voice coupled with the look Mew gave him, left no doubt in Gulf's mind that he was once again in treacherous territory.

"How?" No.

Gulf knew better than to open Pandora's box. Why did he entertain this conversation, encourage it? He needed an out fast. Fast before this interlude becomes the very undoing of all the good work they've built together.


"Never mind! Never mind...I don't want to know" Gulf waved his arms, getting up from the bed trying to create some distance between himself and the soon-to-be President of the Republic of Thailand. Regardless of what the polls say, to Gulf, Mew was a winner. The most deserving of the position.

Before he could make a clean escape however, he was grabbed by the waist and thrust against Mew's muscular chest. His hold on Gulf tightened as the young lad tried to wiggle out of his ironclad embrace.

"What is it that you don't want to know?" the deep baritone against his ear sent shivers down Gulf's spine.

"Please...let me go" Gulf's soft whisper belied his plea.

"I just want you to know how you earned that week off over everyone else, is that so wrong?" Mew's questioned would have warranted a serious answer from Gulf until he nibbled Gulf's ear playfully. Teasing him. Seducing him.


"Uh-huh, uh-huh. You had it right the first time" Mew chuckled, trying to bring Gulf to look at him. His head remained bowed focusing on Mew's fascinating chest. He didn't want to be so timid around him, but he couldn't help it. The governor made him feel shy. Especially when they were alone. Gulf felt like an open book.

"Come on, look at me. Gulf look at me" Mew coaxed even as Gulf shook his head and evaded the hand that kept trying to lift his face up.

When Mew finally kissed Gulf's forehead, it earned the reaction he wanted. Gulf's head shot up at lightening speed.

"Hey!" he exclaimed bringing up his hand to rub at his forehead where Mew had planted a kiss.

"Can I tell you now?" Mew's eyes bore deep into his, transfixing him to the spot. He nodded. His big eyes drawing Mew in more than he'd ever care to let the world know. He was drowning in Gulf.

"I've been staring at you for a while now and it's getting frustrating..." 


Gulf did not want to have this conversation with the Governor. It was taboo.

"I don't want to talk about this. Please, I don't want to hear it."

"As long as you know it exists..." Mew didn't press further. 

He yanked Gulf to the bed with him and cuddling him, drifted off to sleep. Gulf's heart thumped hard in his chest, what do I make of this? What relationship do I really have with the 8th President of the Republic of Thailand? As the lines became more blurred with every interaction with the presidential hopeful, Gulf found himself drowning in confusion.

Mew wasn't president yet, there was a high probability that he might win but his leading opponent Governor Pakorn was almost as good and popular. It was anyone's win at this point and that worried Gulf to no end. As his mind pondered over things before finally succumbing to the allure of dreamland, unbeknownst to Gulf and Mew history was being made. The world watched in awe as a young, visionary bachelor was inducted as the 8th President of the Republic of Thailand, over his opponents -great family men, in a country with strong familial values. Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat was officially in the lead by a great margin in the presidential elections with a mere hour and 2 provinces left to close poll.

As Gulf backed up onto Mew's hot rod and ground his derriere against him in his sleep, Mew hissed and opened his eyes. The man in his arms was sound asleep but his body was begging an awakening. Mew had given up trying to hold back, he could blame it on sleep-deprivation if anything. He, in turn, ground his hips against Gulf's sweet ass groaning at the sweet sensation coursing through him. He begun dry humping Gulf as the latter moaned in his sleep, pushing back for more. 

Mew knew better than to take advantage of a sleeping Gulf, but he'd been without for so long and the tension from the day just added to his desire to have the lad. His fingers expertly undid the first, few buttons of the dress shirt Gulf wore then his mouth was all over Gulf's neck and collarbone -sucking, kissing, licking. He tasted good, his scent intoxicatingly alluring, making Mew want more. Gulf moaned with every touch, moving towards it, seeking more of it. Mew found it hard to convince himself that it was wrong when Gulf seemed to want it just as much as he did. His hand was well on its way to the lad's crotch when there was a faint knock on the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Mew quickly moved away from Gulf, throwing the covers over him before rushing into the bathroom to tend to his boner. Whoever was at the door, probably Mild, would have to wake Gulf up. He felt guilty over what he'd done to the one person who'd trusted him and believed in him especially on the one important day of their lives.

"You're a real piece of scum Suppasit" he chastised himself in the mirror "'ll be a blessing if you don't win. If you can't protect your own staff how could you possibly protect the nation?"

He was still having this derogatory monologue with himself when a sleepy Gulf opened the door and nearly jumped out of his skin.


Mew rushed to his side, holding him tight while the shock subsided. "I didn't mean to startle you" Mew apologized.

"I'm the one who needs to apologize for just storming in here. I wasn't expecting you to be here with the news and all..."

"What news?" Mew tensed up and Gulf realized he hadn't heard yet.

With a big smile on his face, Gulf pushed in and shut the door "Well, I might be the first person to bump into the 8th President of the Republic of Thailand, His Excellency Suppasit Jongcheveevat and in a bathroom at that... Congratulations Mew!"

Mew couldn't believe what he'd heard. He had won the elections. He, Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat was now the Honorable President of the Republic of Thailand. The news was made even more special because it was delivered by Gulf Kanawut Traipipattanpong. The very object of his affection, in a closed bathroom with just the two of them. The medium was indeed the message.

"Gulf...thank you! Oh my God, thank you!" Mew was overwhelmed and Gulf couldn't feel more proud looking at him.

"You are the real deal. I saw it, the team saw it and evidently the people too." Gulf stated smiling.

Gulf's smile was genuine, full of adoration and pride. And it was directed at him. Mew cupped Gulf's face in his hands, thumbs slowly caressing his cheeks before capturing Gulf's lips in an all-consuming kiss full of want and gratitude. And promises

Promises to do better by him. 

Gulf experienced a moment of hesitation before everything faded into the background as their lips met. Mew's breath fanning his face made it impossible to think as the hunger radiating from him aggressively assaulted Gulf's senses. His heart fluttered intensely as a sound erupted from the back of Mew's throat, half growl, half moan. In a shocking twist of fate, Gulf responded - kissing Mew back. His lips parted drawing Mew into a vortex of sinful delight that defied gravity. Mew had not expected it thus with that little encouragement he deepened the kiss, pushing Gulf against the wall and pinning him there with his body as he ravished him.

Mew's tongue plundered into the depth of his mouth scorching everything in its wake, leaving a molten sweetness that Gulf found irresistible. Making him want more. Knotting his fists in Mew's shirt Gulf pulled him closer as he pressed against him, sealing the space between them as his arms wrapped snuggly around Mew's neck. He'd been waiting for this; they'd been dancing around this for months. 

The thrill of being in Gulf's arms was nothing like Mew had expected. The fervent sensations oscillating through his body mocked his conscious that new he was undeserving of this moment. He wanted to be, though. Each breath he took was filled with Gulf's rousing scent, the smell of spring rain. Of life, springing forth in joy.

Mew parted to look at Gulf as he felt him gasp for air, his face marred with worry. In that moment, the realization that Mild was probably outside somewhere looking for Mew also hit Gulf. The team was waiting to congratulate him, Gulf didn't want to be inconsiderate.

"You need to go..." he uttered, pushing Mew away. 

Mew's face registered confusion and hurt, as he stared at Gulf trying to gauge his current frame of mind.

"Mild was looking for you, the team is waiting" he said in explanation. 

Mew nodded in understanding his eyes, longingly, lingered on Gulf, as he made a grab for the door.

"You need to freshen up and make sure you're presentable. The photos from this moment are going to last for...generations" Gulf reminded him. Mew smiled "You're right. You know more about this life than I do."

Gulf's face froze but thankfully Mew did not notice as he turned to check on his appearance in the mirror. Gulf remained glued to the wall, watching Mew prepare himself to address his people for the first time as the President-elect. The moment brought back so many memories of a time like this many years ago. A reminiscent smile graced Gulf's face as he stood lost in memories. It warmed Mew's heart to see Gulf smile, he wanted Gulf in the pictures. Beside him.

"I'll be waiting for you. don't want you to miss my first speech as President-elect" Mew's eyes met Gulf's in a meaningful moment before he headed out to the waiting party.

"I'll be down soon."


As Gulf made his way down the stairs, he could hear the buzz of excitement and cheers as everyone congratulated each other on this historical win. He paused outside the big mahogany door for a while. Silently beside P'Mild. He needed to prepare his mind for what's to come, in particular how he'd act around the President- President, a faint smile adorned his lips as the thought crossed his mind. 

Mew was indeed President of the Republic of Thailand. They were going to make history together. Gulf then thought of the other history they'd made earlier. He needed to nip their budding relationship immediately, this kind of history was never meant to come to life, it was meant to stay buried. For now, he needed to figure out how to act around the President after that searing kiss they'd shared. Later, he'd look for an opportunity to address it with Mew and put an end to this matter, hopefully by tonight. There was no use delaying an obvious ticking bomb.

"Governor Suppasit, are you ready for your big speech?" He heard someone call out from inside.

"Uh, yes... just a few more Gulf will be here soon" he heard Mew reply.

P'Mild who'd been standing silently beside Gulf turned to him. That was his cue, times up! Gulf thought. Taking a deep breath Gulf opened the door and walked in.

The chatter and pats assaulted him almost immediately as everyone congratulated him on leading one of the best orchestrated campaigns in history. Gulf waied and returned the compliments as he made his way to the working area assigned to Mew10s. As he approached, he could see Mew as well as his mother with the team.

"Gulfie," Mama Jongcheveevat turned to him a radiant smile on her face, she reached out a hand for him to take drawing Gulf in for a hug. "Did you get a good rest?" she whispered.

Gulf smiled shyly nodding his head "Krub pom"

"I made you some Pad Kra Pao, you can have it whenever, it's in the kitchen."

Gulf loved pad kra pao and hadn't had it in a while. This was definitely music to his ears, especially if it was homemade. Yes please! He couldn't help the excited hug he gave mama J.

"Khob khun maak krub pom" his tone unable to hide his excitement.

"Mmhm, Mae have you replaced me?" Gulf heard Mew whine close by.

"You and Jom are all grown, Gulfie's a baby" Mama J supplied almost cooing at the cute lad in her arms, her eyes sparkling with adoration.

The team laughed, "Same mama J, same". 

They grabbed the chance to gush over the lad since Gulf was very adorable but wouldn't let them even comment on it. Often than not, it took the team immense effort not to coo at him. He was their colleague, campaign lead and as such they had to extend the same respect across the board. It was just so hard when everything he did was so adorable even when he was being assertive.

"Mama J, could you please pinch his cheeks for us? He's so adorable but wouldn't let us do it" Eye said jutting her lip out in a pout. Gulf gave her a glare which only served to make the ladies giggle.

"Na? Na, na, na..." the ladies all chimed as mama J gave in and softly pinched his cheek.

As a pouty Gulf whined at mama J much to the delight of the team, Mew felt his heart slam against his chest. Why was Gulf so cute? Unaware that Gulf had been purposely avoiding his eyes or any contact with him, Mew snugged him tightly and fondly ruffled his hair.

The group laughed as Gulf turned to glare at Mew before quickly averting his eyes.

"No one can resist you Gulf, you're just so cute" P'Goy teased.

"Too cute for his own good" P'Jennie added.

"Gulf's here now, so get ready for your speech" mama J told Mew giving him a small push towards the little podium that had been set up for him.

"Gulf...Gulf," Mew called out. "Gulf do you want to come with me?"

"No, I'll stay here" Gulf responded fleetingly meeting his eyes.

Mew could feel that something was off. He could also be overthinking it since he was having a hard time shaking off their kiss. Was Gulf upset? But he'd kissed him back. With a quick, backward glance, Mew took to the podium to give his speech as President-elect. Throughout the speech his eyes had repeatedly connected with the tall figure standing right in the back. Gulf's eyes had offered encouragement and the few times he'd smiled at him, Mew had felt revitalized. The anxiety that he'd felt earlier, dissipating into thin air. As the speech came to an end, Mew made a note to seek Gulf out to apologize for his momentary lapse of judgement while he was napping. He wanted a clean start with the lad. As well, he was hoping to clarify the nature of their relationship. If all went well, today would mark a new beginning for Mew in more ways than one.


"We've got everyone?" the photographer inquired as family, friends and teams took turns taking photos with the new President. Many of those present had known the young President from his Governor days. The win tonight had marked a significant milestone in their journey with a visionary man. The photos were treasured memorabilia.

"Gulf?" Mew called as he asked the photographer to wait. Gulf hadn't been keen on taking photos, with this win the next phase was looming in the horizon. He was engrossed in a discussion with the legal team, consulting them on the next steps as he planned ahead. When Mew received no response, he gestured for the photographer to follow him.

"This moment wouldn't be complete without the man who made it all possible -the kingmaker!" Mew told the photographer who chuckled.

"Excuse me folks" He waied to the legal team as he spun Gulf around to face the photographer.

"Perfect!" The photographer yelled.

"I'll be hanging on to this" Mew softly said as he moved away, leaving Gulf to stare after him.

Everyone trickled out to rest, it had been a long, tiring day. Some Mew10s opted for the long drive home having spent the whole week at the acreage , away from family, for the final showdown. Gulf didn't have that luxury, he was spent. Dragging his tired feet, he approached P'Mild.

"P'Mild can I still use that room on the second floor?" sounding ready to collapse.

"Nong, what about your room?" The humor in Mild's voice was unmistakable.

"I couldn't make it to the 3rd floor Phi. I was actually going to crawl on the sofa and sleep after everyone left but the legal team requested to speak to the President privately." Gulf mewled pointing to the room he'd just come out of; his eyes droopy.

Mild chuckled. This kid was very cute. Narak. As cute as he was hardworking. As far as he knew the right wing was unoccupied as was that room in particular.

"I'll help Nong up then okay?" He said as he helped Gulf to the second-floor landing.

"You're the President's bodyguard P'Mild, is it wise to leave your post and your charge?" Gulf chortled. "I can manage from here, thank you Phi" Gulf waied P'Mild once they got to the landing and slowly dragged himself the rest of the way.

Mild watched him, a fond smile on his lips. There was something about this young man, Gulf, that screamed noble. He was polite, always chivalrous while exuding humility, yet he would be firm -standing by his word and seeing it through. He reminded Mild of a young Prince, only that Gulf's background check had revealed nothing of the sort. He must have had a good upbringing.

When Mew finally parted ways with the legal team, it was not without a raving headache. He would have preferred to have waited and handled the legal matters another day but due to his family's social status it was wise to begin the conflict-of-interest declarations right away. The legal processes always took longer and could be messy at times. The house was eerily quiet as he dismissed Mild to go rest. He was drained and after quick consideration decided that he'd  sleep in the room on the second floor. Gulf's scent would be a great consolation since he missed the lad.

Taking his coat off and flipping on the lights, Mew felt his heart miss a beat in fear as he saw a mop of dark hair in bed. A growl followed by muffled whimpers preceded the rise of a grumpy Gulf with a bedhead and pouty, sleep-swollen lips. The glare he levelled on Mew, would have further frightened him had he not missed the boy so much.

"This room is taken" Gulf snarled.

"I can see that" Mew said trying to keep a straight face. More than anything he wanted to hold the lad and 'rock' him to sleep while smothering him with kisses. "Can we share?" he asked tactfully.

"No" Gulf's muffled reply drifted in the quiet room as he collapsed back onto the bed, pulling the covers over his head.

Mew chuckled as he stripped down, turning the lights off before plopping down on the empty side of the bed.

When Gulf felt he mattress dip from Mew's weight, he tried to calm himself and go back to sleep. As it stood luck wasn't on his side, since Mew had other plans.

"Can I say something before you sleep?" Mew's voice seemed hesitant.

Gulf laid still and hoped that Mew would assume he was asleep and leave him alone.

"Gulf, please... I did something despicable and I owe you an apology"

Well that surely got Gulf's attention. As dread closed in on him almost to the point of suffocation, Gulf sat up and stared ahead. He didn't trust himself to look at Mew. 

The Governor...President regrets kissing me...he thinks it's despicable. Though it wasn't right, I wouldn't go as far as calling it despicable. 

These thoughts swirled inside Gulf's head making him feel more dejected than he'd expected. Despite wanting to nip this budding relationship, hearing Mew call their frolics despicable made Gulf feel rejected. Cheap. Dirty.

Mew turned to look at Gulf but the lad simply stared ahead. Great! We're off to a great start, he mocked himself. He couldn't read Gulf's expression and didn't know if now was the best time to bring this up. It was too late to back out, he might as well continue the samba.

"Earlier while we were sleeping...I did something to you..." Mew begun. 

What? Gulf's mind was whirling as he listened to the President.

As Mew narrated in detail the cascade of events, it all felt surreal. It had to be. Gulf felt like his mind was tricking him into a horrifying nightmare that involved the perfect man he'd helped make President.

"I didn't mean to do this to you Gulf...I still don't understand how I let myself lose control like that..." Mew was saying. 

Gulf was now coming to the realization, that all this hadn't been a figment of his imagination. He hadn't dreamt it all, it had really happened. The President had taken advantage of him. The broken trust, the shame, anger, both at Mew and himself for making such a man President, manifested itself in big fat tears. Gulf realize he was crying until Mew tried to wipe his tears.

"DON'T touch me you bastard" Gulf growled, his body quivering from anger. 

He scooched further away from Mew, avoiding him like the plague. Mew knew he was in the wrong, he was wrong. He deserved Gulf's wrath for what he'd done. Nevertheless, nothing had prepared him for the pure loathing in Gulf's eyes as he distanced himself from him. He felt crashed, in a momentary lapse of judgement he'd lost something precious. A treasure. He was losing an ally, a friend, colleague and most importantly a piece of his heart.

"Get out of my bed" Gulf's malicious growl cut through Mew's thoughts. 

As he grabbed a pillow, his eyes met Gulf's and he flinched. Making quick work of settling on the couch, Mew dimmed the lights not wanting to see the look on Gulf's face. A look that was as accusatory as it was damning. A look that pegged him a monster.

Gulf felt ashamed, hugging his pillow tight he held back the flow of tears that silently left his eyes. His mind kept replaying the "dream" he'd thought he'd had. He wondered if he'd moaned or said anything during their little escapade. The dream had seemed so vivid, that Gulf had been thankful when Mild had shaken him awake. Now he was trying to come to grasps with the news that it hadn't been a dream. The president had dry humped him and he had responded...not against it but for it

Gulf scooted further away from Mew, suddenly wishing he'd just gone home like the rest. Sleep now a distant dream, Gulf plotted his escape. He didn't trust himself not to harm the new President especially now that he couldn't trust Mew. The betrayal stung and Gulf felt more tears born of frustration roll down his cheeks. He needed to distance himself from Mew. 

Mew was partially to blame for what happened, but the other half was his. He needed to analyze his role in this incident. They'd been dancing around this fire for months; it was only a matter of time before one of them got burnt. He was still angry with Mew though, he should have exercised better judgement, control, what if someone had walked in on him? Mew had jeopardized his position even before taking office and Gulf couldn't help the disappointment creeping in as he questioned himself for the first time ever if he'd put the right man in the position.

By the time the sun rays caressed his face, stirring Mew awake, Gulf was long gone. He hadn't been able to sleep so once he could hear Mew's even breathing, he'd packed up and left. The note left behind told Mew volumes of Gulf's frame of mind.

I'll take the week off. I hope you can work on self-control as this role is not for the faint of heart.


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