Ruthless (Eric x OC) Divergen...

By Stephaniao_o

239K 4.8K 341

"Please, Grace let me explain. I-",he starts. But i interrupt him. "Theres nothing to explain Eric. You've ha... More

Chapter 1 -Dispair
Long time no see.
Chapter 3 - Memories
Confrontation I
Chapter 5 - Explanations
Getting worse
Dont leave
The Plan
Back in black
No weakness anymore
Confrontation II
Whatever happens?
Paralysis (5 days)
Getting physical (4 days)
(3 days) Pain
Truth (2 days)
(1 day) Oh no!
The Attack
The lake
Authors note!!!
I decided on you!
Learning to breath
Old society
Bad Blood
Important Author's Note!!!!!
Last Authors note!!!

3 weeks after

8.4K 167 12
By Stephaniao_o


3 weeks later


Grace POV:

The cold wind blows in my face making me close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Ah, so fresh.

The past 3 weeks have been passing quickly. Everyone was trying their hardest in training and sometimes, when we were staying up late to train the intiates, i felt slightly bad for them. We were really pushing beyond their limits, but thats what we have to do in order to take down my mother.

My mother.

I tense at the thought of her.

I remember all the times she would help me with my studying. Until i turned 12 she would come to my sisters and I's room at night and we would read a book filled with tales from before the war. She was a loving mother to me thats why it was so hard for me to believe that she created an entire army of superwarriors to kill innocent people.

I saw them when i was 14 for the first time. I had forgotten my bag in the labours downstairs and when i got back to get it i saw them. I saw them killing. And i saw my mother watching and typing something as if there wasnt anything wrong. That night i discovered that those people were divergents. That night i started to fear my mother. I never told Eric because he is suspicious and wouldn't let me home ever again.

I couldnt help but wonder, if it was the loss of Sophie and me that makes her act like this.

It hurt me to think of it like that.

My sweet caring mother, gone mad because of her children.

I take a deep breath.

What would she do when she knew?

Knew about Sophie?

That she was gone, forever.

Flashback: (3rd person)

The monitor on Sophies bed goes crazy. Doctors come rushing in and untangle her from her tubes. Stan, the head doctor, shouts orders while massaging the sick girls heart. Nurses and assistants weasel in and out of the room. Stan wipes sweat from his forhead. 'Come on Sophie you can do this. Fight.' , he murmurs and injects some adrenaline. Her heart rate jolts and then silence. Stan continues massaging her heart. 'Come on. Come on.' , he mutters. But theres no sign of life anymore. He sighs and looks at the watch on his wrist.
'Time of death, 4:36 p.m . Nurse, could you please prepare the body so we can move it to the morgue downstairs.' , head doctor instructs and the nurses get to work at once. Sergeant Miller bursts into the room panting heavily. 'Ah, Miller thanks for coming. I need you to get Grace as fast as you can tell her its about her sister.' , he says and with one look at the body Miller storms out of the room.

-10 minutes later-

Grace practicly runs all the way from the training hall to the medical section, followed by Miller and Eric. He insisted on coming with her because he needed more band aid, there were so many injuries during training again its insane. As If they were training glass figures and not humans. He also wanted to know what happend to Graces sister.

When they got to the medical section they were greeted by a troubled looking Stan and a medical cart being pushed down the hall into the elevator.
'What happend Stan?' , Grace asked. When he didnt answer she shouted again : 'Stan! What the hell happend?!' The doctor cringes and looks at her with sad eyes.
Grace looks at him and realisation hits her.
'N-no...' , she chokes out.
'Im so sorry Grace i did everything i could' , he says and places his hand on her shoulder.
Suddenly with a loud scream she lunges herself towards him attempting to choke him but is pulled back by Eric who holds her hands down. 'ERIC LET ME GO! LET ME GO SO I CAN KILL THIS MOTHERFUCKER!!' ,she screams and tries to wiggle out of his grasp.
'Grace, you need to calm yourself. Before you do something you'll regret.' , Miller says in a calm tone stepping between her and the now scared Stan.
'NO, NO, no i cant i cant i cant.' , she whimpers and sinks to her knees leaning back onto Erics chest.
He puts his arms around her patting her hair, trying to calm her down. He has never seen her like that and it broke his heart to see her like this. He felt selfish for enjoying her body being in his arms in this situation. But in this momenthe realized how much he had missed her. How much he had missed his best friend. And now here she was, sobbing and crying in his arms. And he didnt know how to help her.
'It hurts, it hurts, please make it stop, please.' , she winces.
'Grace its going to be okay, do you hear me? Its going to be okay. Im here, im here, its okay.' , Eric shooed into her hair. Stan came back out of his office. They didn't even hear him leave. He had some syringe in his hand injecting it into her arm. 'The fuck are you doing doc?' , Eric hissed. Stan put the empty shot away and sighed as Grace slowly fell asleep in Erics arms. 'I injected her something to calm her down for awhile so she can at least sleep a little. She'll need it.' , he said and left the two alone.
Eric sighed and picked the girl up and carried her into his room, lying her onto his bed and putting the covers on top of her. He looked at her sleeping face for a long time and his hands ended up softly caressing her tear stained cheeks.
'Its going to be okay, i swear it.' , he wispers and leaves the room, returning to training without the bandaids.

Flashback (end)

Its been a week since then.

I raise my head from the grass and look around. The bushes and trees are swaying in the wind and the little river not 20 feet away makes calming noises.

One week since my sister died. And one week since i last set a foot into the hideout.

I left the hideout and put Miller in charge of my intiates. I felt weak. I felt broken and alone. The soft chatting of the people became so loud i could barely stay a second in the cafeteria. Four and Max have been giving me sympathetic looks and i couldnt stand that, so i ran, ran until my feet couldn't carry me anymore. And i landed here, in a forest, surrounded by the soft singing of birds away from this hideout away from these walls that were threatening to crush me. I forced myself to drink water from the little river everyday for this whole week so i wouldnt die of thirst.

Im lying in the grass breathing in the soft scent of the flowers. Sophie loved flowers. Daisies as i recall. I pick a Daisy from the grass and squeeze my hand around it.

"I miss you.", i wisper and close my eyes.

3 days passed until the pain in my chest and the constant tears in my eyes turned into emptiness.

I didnt feel anything. I couldn't.

Because if i did... I wouldnt survive it.

I blink. Once, twice. Then i stand up and start walking back to the hideout.

Its time i get back. Its time to prepare for war. Against my mother.

I furrow my brows. This sounds horrible.

But it has to be done. The faction system must fall.

I turn my earphone on. A crackling sound can be heard from the other side.

"Felix, let me in.", i say.

"What the hell man its been one fucking week man are you crazy?", he says and i cant help but laugh at that. The ground before lifts slowly making a path for me to enter. "Maybe a little, but its nice to hear your obnoxious voice too, dickhead.", i answer smirking. "Yeah yeah fuck you too. Dont make me close the gate again.", is the only response i get and i enter through the gate and head for the cafeteria, away from the calming silence of the forest, into loud cafeteria noises.

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