In love with a MONSTER ~ Buck...

By beanstalkbaddie25

61.6K 1.7K 476

Y/N is the younger sister of the Odinson brothers, and when you go back to earth to help your brothers. You f... More

Chapter 1: 13 hours!
Chapter 2: Here to pick-up
Chapter 3: Filled with Rage
Chapter 4: Life of an Avenger
Chapter 5:The Room
Chapter 6: The man with a Metal arm
Chapter 7: An Old Friend
Chapter 8: Flashback
Chapter 9: Joining the U.S Army
Chapter 10: Sergeant Barnes
Chapter 11: Captain American to the rescue
Chapter 12: The day I lost everything
Chapter 13: Back Home
Chapter 14: Father's love
Chapter 15: Channel your powers
Chapter 16: Father's little girl
Chapter 17: I love you mother
Chapter 18: 70 years
Chapter 19: Back to reality
Chapter 20: Nightmares
Chapter 21: Bucky is alive?
Chapter 22: Mother's Necklace
Chapter 23: "You can't save me!"
Chapter 24: I promise
Chapter 25 - Alternate Plan
Chapter 26: Madripoor
Chapter 27: 32557038
Chapter 28: Sokovian Base
Chapter 30: What about us?
Chapter 31: Brother of the girl
Chapter 32: Leaving
Chapter 33: Here with a friend!
Chapter 34: Downhill
Chapter 35: Hogun!
Chapter 36: Wakanda
Chapter 37: The story of the Power stone
Chapter 38: Memories
Chapter 39: The Carters
Chapter 40: Jesus Christ!
Chapter 41: You're Free
Chapter 42: Welcome Back!
Chapter 43: Calming
Chapter 44: First Date
Chapter 45: I know
Chapter 46: Unwanted Child
Chapter 47: My queen
Chapter 48: Slow and Steady
Chapter 49: Rebecca Elizabeth Barnes
Chapter 50: Loki is...
Chapter 51: Your niece
Chapter 52: Planning, planning, planning
Chapter 53: My butterfly
!Bonus! Explanation Chapter
!Bonus Chapter! Chapter 54: My doll
!!New Story!!

Chapter 29: the siblings

948 29 10
By beanstalkbaddie25

"If you guys are done with your little reunion, it would be really helpful if you could help us fight these people," Tony yelled into the intercom, breaking you and Bucky apart. 

"Bruce, I am on the East side of the building with Bucky, can you come and get him?" You said, trying to find the Quinjet, you took Bucky's hand and ran out of the bridge. 

"No, I will not sit up there while you guys are fighting here. These are very dangerous people," Bucky stopped. You turned around to see him stubbornly standing there, you tried to pull him but he shook your hand off. 

"They will turn you back again, I can't lose you again." You walked closer to him, not wanting to leave him, You looked into his stubborn eyes as tears filled yours. "Please, Bucky! I can't lose you again." You hugged him and looked up at him. "I am sorry, I am really sorry!" Tears rolled down your cheeks as you held Bucky's confused face in your hands. You moved your hands up to his head and held it for a second, knocking him unconscious. You held him before he fell, trying to hold him up. 

"Sam, a little help!" You called as Sam flew over to you, you gave him Bucky to take to the Quinjet as you went back into the building. 

You find the girl from before trying to sneak up on Nat so you push her away from Nat and go to her. You hold her down with your magic as you spoke, "Hey! I don't know why you're with Sharon, but they are really bad people, you guys won't be safe with them." You struggle to keep her down while fighting the other soldiers that are coming towards you. 

"I don't want to fight you, I won't hurt you, I just want you guys to be safe. I just need to know that you won't attack me as soon as I let go. Can you promise me that?" You say a bit of innocence in her eyes, something in her reminded you of yourself. "I promise to keep you safe." You said looking dead in her ice-blue eyes. She stops struggling and nodded. "All right, I will get you to the jet." You turned around to find the other kid. 

"What about my brother, Pietro? Will you help him, I have to find him" She said as she stood up.

"Yeah! I will get him to you in the jet, okay?" You called for someone to come to you to get her to the jet. You looked back at her "Hey! You see the man walking this way with the bow, he will get you to the jet safely all right? I will get your brother and-" before you could complete Pietro came rushing and knocked you down. 

"Pietro! она пытается нам помочь" She said as she held his back, trying to stop him from attacking again.

"Yeah, what she said," you said getting up, holding your stomach, "Ouch, bro. I am trying to help you and you are trying to hurt me?" You looked at the girl and assured her you're were fine. You let Clint take them away, while Pietro kept asking the girl what was going. 

You walked around the cell where they held Thor and Loki, "Doesn't it look familiar!" A voice said walking up behind you. 

"I though we were friends, Sharon. Then you tell me you kept my boyfriend and my brothers hostage." You turn around to see her. "Is that any way to treat a friend?" You smirked, making the veins on her forehead clearly visible. 

"No, but keeping secrets like, I don't know, doing next-level magic tricks, isn't either."

"Touché, so, what now?" You say as you blast her away. "Wow, dude for someone who is at this high position, you really didn't see that coming" You smile as you walk towards.  " I can't believe Steve believed you, he cried for you, he cared about you and you call him your boy toy" She struggles to get up, but you step on her hand making her scream in pain as she stays down. "You don't deserve him" you kick her, then pull her up and let her rest her tired body on your shoulder, and walked away with her. 

You run back towards the noises, "Where is Zemo?" You ask Steve as he walked to get his fallen shield, he looked up to see a beaten-down Sharon and rushed to help her. You pull her to your side "NO!" He looks at you confused. 


"She isn't what you think she is, she was the hydra, well she is the power broker, but yeah." You looked at his confused eyes as they watched her and you. "She is behind all of this." The confusion and worry in his were replaced with anger. He was about to get to her but you stood in the way, "We have to let Tony, and the government takes care of her. Now we just have to focus on Zemo, and Nagel" You said as you placed her down to the side. Steve took a second to calm down "I found the doctor and sent him to the jet, we are still trying to find Zemo, we believe he has escaped." He said taking Sharon "I will get her to the jet, you, Nat, and Tony fine Zemo," He said as he walked away with Sharon. 

"Tony, you have eyes on Zemo?" You called into the intercom. 

"No, but I can see a group of people huddled together under the level you guys are on." 

"What no, I just came from there, there was no one there." You said as you walked towards the door that leads to the stairwell, Nat a considerable distance behind, as you tried to slowly reach the door, 

"No, don't!" Tony yelled. That was the last you heard, you saw a blurred vision of Nat running towards you than black. 

*On the jet*

You were laying across the seats with a blank on you, you looked up to see Bucky sitting with your head on his lap, with his hand gently stroking your hair. You didn't want to wake him, you tried to slowly get up, but the silent groan as you tried to walk woke him. 

"Hey!" He said as he tried to rube the restless off his face. "You're up!" Bucky said getting up. 

"Yeah! Oh my god, I am sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. I know you're probably very tired-" He shut your rumbling with a gentle, sweet kiss. "Okay!" you smiled into his lips. 

"God, you two! Get a room" Sam said walking over to us. 

"We did have the room, Sam. Before you came that is" You rolled your eye. 

"Wow, I see how it is, your ex comes back and you forget your current boyfriend" Sam smirked. You could feel Bucky tense up by the comment. His smile disappeared, and his face tightened up, if you didn't interfere he would punched the shit out of Sam. "No, what, come on Sam, stop messing around." You turned to Bucky "We aren't dating," recurring him, "I would never date Sam. He is like my brother" You turned to Sam and shot him a death stare. As you looked at Sam, Bucky slid his hands around your waist, holding you closer to him, almost like a shield. Something about his grip was different, it wasn't gentle, it just felt different, like he was trying to holding on to his life. It sent chills down your back, his rigid touch even made you jerk a little bit. You hoped he didn't see it, but when you turned around to see him, you saw the disappointment in his eyes. How he has scared you. "Hey! I am sorry, it's just-" You looked into his ocean eyes, "It's been so long since-, and I " You fumbled your words trying not to look into his eye. "I" You looked up to see his face again, "I can't believe I finally have you back," You said as you leaned into him for a hug. He took a second then pulled you in closer. "I got you" He whispered into your ear, sending chills down your back.

"Again, guys! Come one" Sam yelled closing his eyes. "Are you two done, please tell me you're done, I can't bear this anymore!" He said peeking through his hands. "Anyway, I came here to tell you that coke can is calling you" he pointed to you, then looked over at Bucky behind you, "you can come you since you clearly can't leave her side." He sighed and ran out before Bucky got him. 

"I have kids for friends, I swear to god! I need more adult friends" You were about to walk out but Bucky didn't let go of your wrist. 

"Is that what I am, your friend?" He pulled you, leaving no gap between you "Do friends do what we did back then?" He smirked, making your pale cheeks go tomato red in a second. 

"Oh my god, Buck!" You blushed, "Hey! Before I forget, I have something for you" You held up his dog chain. 

"But how did you?" 

"Don't worry about it, I had to get what was going to be mine." You smirked, and turning around "Come on, we have to get to Tony before he becomes moody again." You said walking into the other room where Tony and Bruce were at the control panel, Steve, Sam, and Nat were standing across from Wanda and Pietro, who were sitting next to each other talking in some other language. 

"Excuse moi! I am not moody" Tony said turning around from the control panel. You just smile at him and walk over to Wanda and Pietro, as Bucky walked over to Steve. You sat next to her, "So, why do we have stole aways with us?" Tony asked. 

"Because TONY! They are just teens we don't know how or why they were with them, but being with Sharon and Zemo only means danger so, I though if they are with us we can protect them." You looked over at Steve, who was talking to Bucky, "Steve, they are just kids, we couldn't just leave them there" Steve looked at you then, the sibling then at Tony. "She is right Tony we can't just leave two teens at an abandon Hydra base" Tony tried to counter but when he saw the kids he shut up. "Why were you guys with them anyway?" he asked. 

The girl just looked at her brother then you, you just nodded and spoke, "They, like Sharon, were hurt because of you, somehow. I was able to convince them from ripping you guys into shreds, and now here they are." The girl just looked at, studied your face while you talked."Why is it that everyone that I meet wants you guys to be off with your heads?" You looked around for laughs but no one even smiled, well except for Bucky, he just gave you an I am proud of you smile. You looked back Tony "So, what are you thinking, can they stay?" You pleaded. 

He looked at the kids, then you and Steve "Fine!" He exhaled. "But I will have F.R.I.D.A.Y keep an eye on them 24/7" He added before you could respond. You got up and went up to Tony and pulled him into a bear hug "Thank you! You whispered into his ear. You turned to the siblings, "Come with me!" You motioned them to follow you into the next room. You let the kids settle down as you stood leaning on the table, Bucky standing right behind you. "So, guys. I can't be your voice forever." You said trying to get them to speak, "I have to know a little bit more, if I gonna continue being your voices, right?" The sibling just looked at each other then the girl spoke.

"My name is Wanda, Wanda Maximoff. And this is my brother Pietro. We are from Sokovia." She turned to her angry brother. "We lost our parents when we were young." She took a deep breath, "We were just watching t.v and our building was attacked, by a missile, Stark Industries." She looked up with teary eyes. "Our parent died on the spot, while we just stayed there hiding, with the missile visible." Tears dripped down her blues eyes. "We waited for someone to help us for two whole days, no one came to rescue us, we just waited there with a still alive missile just a few feet from us." 

"I am so sorry, I, I didn't know," You said as you looked down at your feet. 

"No, it's, it's okay. But yeah after that we were taken in by Sharon and Zemo, and they told us about how they were gonna help us get revenge on Strand the avengers. They took us in so we would be safe, but they just experimenting on us, then after he came in" She pointed to Bucky "They worked on him for weeks then, gave us some serum thing, but a few hours ago they gave us another one, which is what gave us these weird powers." 

"Wait what powers?" You asked standing up again. 

"Well, Pietro has super speed, and I don't know what mine is, but I can move things with my mind, and I can read minds." She showed her powers by making the bag that was on the seat next to her raise up and drop. 

"So she has powers, your powers!" Steve said standing at the door. "But how?" He walked in. You just stood there confused as to what was going on, you looked at Bucky who was equally if not more confused. You looked back at Wanda. "How?" You said quietly

"Um, when you were out, the doctor, he took samples of your blood and did something else and then gave us another serum. We are still trying to get used to the power." She said fidgeting around. You could tell Bucky and Steve tensed up by the information. You just looked at them signing them to stay calm. Wanda looked down at her hands, "I am sorry, I don't know what they did to you, I just saw him taking out blood and mess around with it. I am sorry, I didn't stop him" She said as her tears fell on her shaking hand. You rushed to her trying to console her, but Pietro was very quick to not let you touch her. Bucky's hand twitched a little as Pietro slapped your hands away from Wanda. 

"I am sorry," You kneeled down before her, and slowly placed a hand on her shaking hands "I know how it feels like to be there and not help. I want you to know Wanda that, you're okay now, you don't have to feel bad about them anymore. I will get Bruce and Tony to help you guys with the powers, they can really help you." You lifted her chin up, "Only if you guys fully agree to let them help you, even the slightest resistance can make things worst okay?" You got up on your feet. "I will let you guys talk it over. I know you don't trust them, but you trust me right?" You waited for her approval. She looked at her brother then back up at you and nodded "Right, and remember my promise. I will keep you guys safe" You said as you followed Bucky and Steve out the room. 

You guys walked to Nat, who was looking at the mission stats on the table. "Where are Sharon, Nagel and Zemo?" You asked looked at the stats. Nat looked up from the table as a wave of guilt filled her eyes. 

"Y/N, We have Sharon and Nagel in cuffs in the other. We weren't able to get Zemo, after you got blasted we had to get you back. We will get him though, don't get too hung up on it" She said as if she read your mind. You snapped out of it "Yeah! Yeah, no it's okay. My priorities right now are Bucky and the siblings." You turned to see Steve, Bucky, and Sam sitting on the seats laughing about something. Steve and Sam were in tears from laughing, but you were able to tell Bucky's laugh wasn't wholehearted. "Don't worry, he will be back to normal in a few weeks. He just needs time." Nat said from behind you, reassuring you that everything will be fine. You turned to her "Yeah, time" You looked at the table again, "Hey, can I see Sharon and Nagel?" She nodded and took you to them.

Sharon and Nagel were cuffed to the wall as they sat on the floor back to back. "What did you do to me?" You said stepping up to Sharon, who didn't even look up at you. "I said what did you do to me?" You yell. Still no response, not even a single movement. But Nagel on the other end was pretty shaken up, "All right, if you won't talk. I know you will," You turned to Nagel. 


"They wanted me to extract your powers from you and try to put them in the serum," He said as he ducted away. 

"Yeah, that part I got, dibshit, how is why I am here. And how did you give it to the kids already?" You said standing right above him. 

He came out of his turtle shell. "I have worked enough time on the Winter Soldier to speed up the process, for you it only took a few hours." Just the mention of Bucky made your blood boil, you tried to stay calm. "And?" 

"And nothing, I only made enough for 3 bottles of serum."

"Where is the 3rd one?"

"I don't know. I am serious, I went to get it but I was brought here before I could get there." 

You looked over at Sharon who sat there quietly, not responding or reacting to Nagel. "You've been awfully quiet, have any deets for your friend?" You pouted. She just sat there looking away. "All right I have enough with playing good cop," You said as you released her cuffs and clasped her neck in your hand dragging her up against the wall. "Tell me or I leave you up here strangling until we get to the compound," You turned to Nat "Which is how far away Nat?"

"Um, about 5 hours," She said looking at her watch.

"Ohh! 5 hours, this is going to be fun, seeing you cling to the last breath for the next five hours." You said as you tighten the grip around her neck. She struggled, kicking her feet and trying to pull your hands off of her. "Either you speak, or we can this little game of hangman for the 5 hours. It's your choice Sharon" She finally taps out. 

"Fine, fine" She choked as you let go of her. You put her back in the cuffs as you sat to the seat across from them. "I don't know where is it, I had him go, so I could take care of you, but before I had gotten to him." She looked at you "You brought me here. Which means Zemo probably has it"

"Would he have used it or duplicated it by now?" You question them, as they sat in silence again. "Did you guys just wake up today, and chose violence, because I didn't but you're making me"

"No, he can't do anything with it." Nagel spoke, "It will only work if it is injected in a certain process, if not" he looked up to you and Nat. "The person whoever gets inject will have a major seizure, and because your powers are in your blood, your blood will attack them from the inside, causing the person burns on the inside of their body, as their skin melts off." He looked straight at you. "Your blood, it has a mind of its own, and since the powers are mingled with it, it needs a certain procedure."

"What about the siblings, how did you give the serum to them?" You were so curious as to how he had been able to share your powers with others. You had gotten your powers due to a curse cast upon you because you came in contact with one of the infinity stones. But now you were about to share the powers with others?

"Like I said, I performed the procedure on them, and doom they were fine and ready in a few minutes."

"But how did the boy get speed? I can't do that, if I am your main source then how did he get something I don't have?

"Well, like I said your blood, it has a mind of its own, for the girl it gave your powers straight forward, but for the boy, it amplified his strength, making him strong and fast."

You sat there trying to take in what Nagel was saying, then abruptly got up and left the room. Nat following behind you, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, this is good, we have more time to get Zemo. Even if he has the serum, he can't use it, or he won't use it, buying us extra time to get to him. Before he figures out a way." You spoke franticly. 

"Hey, hey, Y/N, you have to calm down, hey look at me, I need to you to stay calm okay. We will get him, we got them, didn't we? We can get it, plus we don't have to worry anymore too much. He can't use the serum and even if he did, it's the last one." She gripped your shoulders tight "You have to first take care of you and Bucky, he is now your main priority remember?" You just nodded as you took deep breaths, trying to calm down. "Now go and spend time with your boyfriend. Come on, go!" She pushed you towards where Steve and Bucky were sitting. Before you actually went to them Sam pulled you aside. "I think they are ready with their answer, they want to talk to you," He said. You looked over at Bucky, who was now looking your way, you looked at him with sorry eyes, as he nodded to you to go to the twins first. You left them and went to the twins who were still sitting where they had been. 

"So, guys. Are you up to completely committing or not?"

"Da, um, sorry yes!" Pietro spoke, you were honestly surprised by his tone.

"Great, I will talk to Tony as soon as we reach, you guys get comfortable in the meantime. Just call me or Sam, or any of us if you need anything okay?" You were so happy they were going to be safe, it was weird because you didn't even know them but, it felt good to know that they were in safe hands. That they were gonna be forgiven for any troubles that caused, that they won't have to carry the guilt anymore. You smiled at them and left them to come out by themselves. As soon as you were out, you went to Steve and Bucky, who was still talking, and laughing about something. 

"How long were you guys apart, to have this much to update to each other?" You said walked into their conversation, and planting yourself in-between the two very muscular super-soldier. You sat with your back leaned against Bucky as you sprung your feet onto Steve. "Come on, Stevie boy work those super-soldier hands of yours." You laughed. 

"Who the hell just saved you from that base, missy?" he said as he took your legs and placed them on his lap.

"Um, actually I did since I was the one to find her." Tony interrupted, of course, the man had to gloat about it.

" Oh yeah, how did you guys find me anyway? I mean I left without telling you guys, plus I switched off and left my phone back." You looked around Bucky to Tony.

"Well, the update, it's actually a tracker, I knew how stubborn you are so I decided to just give you an outfit with a tracker. Think of it as a babysitting device." 

You sprung to your feet, "Huh, you think I am baby? I am offended!" You look over at Bucky who sat there just calmly watching your overdramatic scene. "Bucky, look how he is treating me," You said with puppy dog eyes. 

"Oh come on, doll!" He pulled you onto his lap, putting his arms around you as he pulled you back. "It helped you didn't it, why are still clinging on to it?" You broke away from him and stared at him. 

"Et tu, Brute?" You shook your head, "So I have no one on my side?" Making everyone smile at your dramatic overreaction. 

"I think it's because he considers you as his kid, not just a kid," Nat said from behind the table.

"Awe! Is that true?" You looked at Tony, "Dad?" Which made him just shake his head and turn around. "Am I annoying you dad?"

"Actually as a matter of fact you are, so can you please go back to having PDA with your 100-year-old boyfriend," He said not even turning around. You just giggled as you made your way to Bucky, you pulled him aside to tell him what Nagel told you.

You watched Bucky's eyes as they grew angrier and angrier as you told him what had happened. "And you're fine with all of this?" He questioned, you honestly didn't have an answer for his question. "Why does that matter Buck, what's happened has happened, we have to move on, at least for the twins. I promised to keep them safe, and that's what we have to focus on." You kissed his forehead and headed towards the rest of the team.

она пытается нам помочь - She is trying to help us





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