Spell-Bound (Genshin x Magi...

By Shiori6180

42.6K 2.1K 213

Her presence was felt the moment she entered the world. Though hidden just as quickly by deep slumber, many s... More

Chapter 1 - Sheer Cold
Chapter 2 - Adalia Alexus
Chapter 3 - Aether the Honorable Mention
Chapter 5 - Nothing and Everything
Chapter 6 - Disrespect
Chapter 7 - Had It Not Been
Chapter 8 - Tainted Snow
Special - Memoir of a Young Girl
Chapter 9 - Of the Past
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4 - Jean: Acting Grandmaster

3.6K 182 12
By Shiori6180

"My, is this the building you work in, Albedo? It is quite impressive."

"I haven't been using the office provided recently, as I was conducting research on the mountain I met you," He shrugs. "So it's been collecting dust."

The knight stationed in front of the headquarters gave the alchemist a salute, with the man only giving a curt nod as acknowledgement. The pair walked in, being greeted with a boring foyer, and questioned the guard nearby.

"Is the Acting Grandmaster still in her office?"

"Yes," A resolute answer came. "She has not stepped a single foot out that door since early morning."

"I see..."

Adalia could tell she'd like the person in charge of the knights. With the fact that the unknown woman had stayed inside all day to work unlike a certain king she'd met, a lot of people could be better than him. At least this one had a sense of responsibility.

As they walked through the door, they were greeted by a desk piled with paper and a blonde woman hunched over a document.

"Master Jean."

Albedo was left unanswered.

"You have a guest."

The woman's head, now known as Jean, shot up to stare at the head alchemist and the newcomer. With bloodshot eyes, she took a moment to stare before standing to greet them.

"Albedo, it's nice to see you out of Dragonspine."

"Yes, you as well."

Jean turned her gaze to the shorter woman. "Apologies for not greeting you first. I am Jean, Acting Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius."

Adalia curtsied, fanning out her dress.

"Adalia Alexus, a pleasure to meet you."

It came as a small shock, to see someone of this era with the old mannerisms of nobles.

"May I ask why you've come here in search of me?"

"Hmm....in the first place, I am what you would call..." She didn't know the exact term. "Albedo, was it traveler or otherworlder? Maybe even foreign existence?"

"Traveler would be simpler."

"Yes, then I am a traveler."

Jean should've guessed it herself, with how Adalia had been carrying a staff around and the way she presented herself, had it not been for the little to no hours of sleep.

"Then, is there anything you need help with? Finding a sibling, tracking someone down, research on world travel?"

Adalia shook her head. "I have no intentions of returning, rather I am here to announce my existence in case that blue haired knight of yours tries something."

"You don't want to go back home?"

"Survival comes first, Lady Jean. Even you would not return to captivity when given freedom."

She raised her leg and shook it gently, the clinking of the shackles drawing the female knight's attention to Adalia's feet. The new traveler had already been pale, but the skin peeking out from underneath the metal looked translucent and raw like a newborn's.

"Now, I should get going. I am certain I remember the way to the gates."


It was after the female had left that Jean began to question Albedo of what he knew.

"Did she mention anything about herself that seems dangerous?"

"No, the only foreign thing she mentioned was something about Magi," He replied. "Though, it was more of a position or title of some sorts rather than a physical threat."

"Anything else noteworthy?"

"She's definitely experienced in armed combat. It was that small camp of treasure hoarders near the base of Dragonspine."

Jean rubbed the space between her eyes.

"So she already fought two of them."

"She actually gave one a concussion and the other a blow to the ribs. Her movements were straightforward, but fast enough where they couldn't react."

Albedo had written this all in the notebook he had on him, casually glancing at the scribbled words and saying the information out loud.

"Otherwise, she didn't utter a word about herself. I didn't even know her name until hours after we were out of Dragonspine."

"She's cautious of the people around her," Jean summarized. "Anything else?"

He thought back to when Adalia mentioned Scheherazade, the one who she expressed clear dislike towards.

"That is all."

It seemed too private for someone else to know without her permission.

Even he had his own secrets after all.

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