Star Wars: A Resistance Story...

By MagiCardinal

725 48 0

Did you think it was over? Nope, not at all! The fight above Exegol led to the victory of the Resistance. But... More

Chapter 1: Baby, Conspiracy and Droid.
Chapter 2: Let's Put Things Right.
Chapter 3: Back On Coruscant.
Chapter 4: The Night Buzzard.
Chapter 5: Return of an Old Acquaintance.
Chapter 6: Let's Start the Troubles.
Chapter 7: Arrival on Coruscant.
Chapter 9: Unexpected Revelations.
Chapter 10: Korriban.
Chapter 11: The Valley of the Dark Lords.
Chapter 12: Get Ready.
Chapter 13: New Destination and New Problems.
Chapter 14: Lothal.
Chapter 15: Return of an Old Friend.
Chapter 16: A Birth Under Attack.
Chapter 17: Ben Dameron.
Chapter 18: Coruscant.
Chapter 19: The Galactic Senate.
Chapter 20: Crimson Dawn vs. Nightsister.
Chapter 21: Aboard the Night Buzzard.
Chapter 22: Children of Freedom.
Chapter 23: Celebration.

Chapter 8: Departure for Korriban.

22 2 0
By MagiCardinal

Quickly after Finn's leaving, the group settled around the table and Rose faced them.

"Alright... So I understood we didn't have much time left so I'm not gonna chatter around. Since Poe's message, Finn and I made a lot of researches. We have spent I don't know how many time here..."

Suddenly noticing that the young woman was about to chatter around once again, Rey cleared her throat.

"Erm... Rose? Can we move on please?"

"Oh yes, sorry. So it seems that several tombs on Korriban are hiding secrets. Either Holocrons, or weapons, all kind of secrets actually. We first thought it would be complicated."

Rey and Ly'ra shared a worried glance, but the young Resistant kept on:

"This is when Finn had found a kind of grimoire... A book in which we found all kind of clues and hints to find what we need."

Poe frowned and leaned forward slightly on his seat.

"What do you mean clues and hints?"

Rose sighed, looking seriously annoyed. Then, she grabbed behind her a thick leathered book that she placed onto the table. A loud thud escaping it as it fell onto the glass.


"Yep... It was hidden in a corner of the Library. In the Archives actually. Obviously, it was not the kind of book allowed to everyone by the Jedi..."

Rey leaned forward and grabbed the book. Dust flew everywhere as she opened it, and everyone started coughing. The young woman frowned as she was reading it quickly, her interest growing.

"Oh my..."


Poe, Ly'ra and Hux suddenly looked uneasy, as Rose was laughing quietly. As for Rey, she was still very focused on her reading.

"These are riddles. It seems there's one for each artefact looked for."

And for the first time since their arrival, Cane scratched his neck before asking:

"And how can we know which one is for us?"

They all dreaded the question actually. Read all the book and answer all the riddles would take them months. And they didn't have that time. But the young woman didn't answer. An idea had just popped in her mind and she looked up at Ly'ra with a smile.

"I think I know. It is time to meditate a bit."

Poe and Hux frowned at the same time as Ly'ra let appear a small amused smile. As for Cane, he let out an annoyed sigh.


Rey looked up at the rest of the group as she stood up.

"Alright so... Just step away a bit, so that your thoughts don't interfere with our own."

Then, she took the book and placed it on the ground. She sat down and gestured for the two other Jedis to join her. Cane settled on her right while Ly'ra (with the help of her husband) was facing them. The pilot, Rose and Hux stepped away, watching attently to what was about to happen. Rey glanced at Cane with a smile.

"Just breathe deeply and stay focused okay? You can do it."

The Zabrak nodded slowly, obviously not happy about the young woman's idea. Noticing her friend's eyes, Ly'ra leaned in slightly.

"Hey... The more we are to do the exercise, the easier it is."

After a wink, the mum-to-be closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, quickly imitated by Cane and Rey.

After a long moment, things were still very still and Hux was losing his patience. A long sigh escaped his lips and he started pacing when Poe rolled his eyes, calling him out.

"Hey! Can't you just stop moving for a while? They need calm to focus!"

"I'm sorry, but I really don't believe in all this bullshit! It's only pretending and you'll see that nothing... Will... Happen..."

Suddenly intrigued by the change of tone of the former General, Dameron frowned and turned around quickly. Rey, Ly'ra and Cane were all in suspension few feet above the ground. They all looked perfectly calm and Poe was even wondering if they knew they were actually flying!

"Fucking shit..."

The two men had their eyes fixed on the three Jedis, stunned. As for Rose, she let out an amused smile and crossed her arms on her chest, noticing their behavior.

"I really don't understand. Poe, you've seen Ly'ra and Rey using their powers I don't know how many times. As for you Hux, I'm sure Snoke and Kylo Ren show you their own... So how does this is surprising?"

Vexed, none of them answered. But the young woman let out a soft laugh and turned her eyes on the book before pointing it quickly.

"Oh my... Look!"

The pages were turning on their own. There was no wind or air flow in the room. Nothing. But what none of them couldn't see was the presence of several former Jedi Masters, opening the book on the right page. After few seconds, the book stopped moving and slowly, the three Jedis came back on the ground.

"Just pretending right?"

Poe stepped forward and placed a hand on his wife's back.

"Are you okay?"

The young woman opened slowly her eyes, took a second to come back into her world before nodding softly.

"Very well... And we did it!"

Rey grabbed the book and stood up, frowning. She walked back to the table, her eyes fixed on the papers. Cane followed her and Ly'ra accepted Poe's help to stand up.

"Oh I really need to give birth now, I can't even stand alone anymore! So?"

Dameron hid an amused smile before turning towards the Jedi in the same time as his wife. Rey sighed, looking up at her friends.

"I don't understand this language..."


3PO, completely silent until now (a thing strange enough to be noted), suddenly jumped on his feet when he heard the pilot's question.

"Oh no! Not Sith again! I do not speak it anymore! I have erased this language from my program! It is over! Do not ask me again!"

As Poe was glaring at him, Cane shook his head with a smile.

"No, it's not Sith. It's Dathomirian!"

Rose, Rey, Hux, 3PO and Poe all turned their heads on Ly'ra who glanced at them, surprised.

"Hey, I'm only half Dathomirian, okay? I don't even speak the language!"

The Zabrak shook his head, laughing.

"I'm also Dathomirian. And I speak my native tongue."

He then took the book and frowned slightly, reading the riddle in silence. After few seconds, he looked up at the rest of the group.

"Alright so it gives more or less this:

- On Moraband, the Ancestral Cradle,

In the Valley of the Sleeping Kings,

The Way to Mortis and the Worlds, you will find.

You will need to understand the words of the Gods,

To bring back the one you have lost..."

A long and cold silent followed. Then, a metallic voice announced:

"I don't know for you, but I really do not want to go on vacations in this place!"

The group looked at 3PO who ended up looking down. Ly'ra couldn't hold back an amused smile as Hux groaned:

"But he's right on a point. It's gibberish! And I thought we were supposed to go on Korriban?"

"We do."

Armitage and Poe turned their eyes on Ly'ra who sat down on the table, a hand on her tummy. After having taken a deep breath, she started giving her explanations as Rose, Rey and Cane settled around her.

"On Moraband, the Ancestral Cradle... Moraband is another name for Korriban. If I'm not wrong, it was the name given by the natives to the planet. "In the Valley of the Sleeping Kings" must be a reference to the Valley of the Dark Lords. The tombs of the most famous Sith Lords are buried under Huge statues. That's where we must go..."

A new silence followed her words and Poe stepped forward with an arched brow.

"Tell me a thing... How do you know all this?"

Ly'ra smiled softly before looking away a moment. She then turned back her green eyes on her husband.

"Let's say I had a good mentor who gave me homeworks... I had to know both sides of the Force knowing the two branches of my family. And Ben supposedly brought me there to train me. No one knew we actually were on Dathomir. So he gave me a lot of readings about Korriban. Among other things..."

Hux looked away as the couple kissed, before asking:

"And for the rest of the riddle?"

Rey took on her to answer.

"I think it's not about Korriban. The next part is giving clues on what to do once we'll have the Holocron with the coordinates."

After a glance to his wife, Poe turned back towards the groupe, taking a deep breath.

"Alright, we know where to go, so we'll leave as quickly as possible. Rey, I think Chewie has arrived now, go warn him, it'll be best if he comes with us. Cane, go to prepare the Falcon with R2 and BB8. Rose, I think you can keep 3PO and DO with you, unless you wanna come with us?"

The golden droid raised his hands in the air, shaking his head as quickly as he could.

"Oh Dear Lord no! I will be more useful here at the Senate with Miss Rose!"

Dameron tried to hide an amused smile and nodded before turning to his wife.

"No chance for you to stay as well?"

Ly'ra arched a brow, looking seriously insulted.

"That's what I thought... Very well so you, me and Hux we'll join Rey and Chewie and we leave."

The former General looked up, frowning.

"Wait a second... I thought you wanted me to go with you on Coruscant, not to be part of this suicidal idea!"

The pilot sighed and as everyone was moving and leaving the room, he held back Hux by his arm.

"You're coming because it's obviously the kind of places where we'll have troubles. And I won't be able to keep an eye on Ly'ra all the time. I need to know that someone will be there to protect her when I won't be able to. And even if I can't stand you and that just hearing your name make me want to rip my ears off, I know you'll look after her whatever happen. So, you're coming."

Without waiting for his answer, Poe stepped out of the Library and joined the rest of the group outside. Hux arrived a moment later silently. The two men found Ly'ra talking with Rose. As planned, Rey also joined them with Chewie and Cane was finishing loading the Corellian Cargo with the droids.

"Alright guys and girls, let's go!"

Rose took quickly the mum-to-be in her arms before stepping away with 3PO and DO, heading to the Senate. The rest of the group was stepping aboard the Falcon, that took off only few seconds later.

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