The Light That Blinds {Grisha...

By celestlian

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It's been a year since the events of the grisha trilogy. After joining the Dregs under the name of Wylan Star... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 2

10 0 0
By celestlian

Alina, Inej and Jesper spent a week on the ship together - laughing, talking, and all around just having fun. Jesper wrote two letters to his parents while he was on the ship. Unlike him, Inej had decided not to write a letter to her parents - she wanted to surprise them. Alina didn't judge her. After all, the former sun summoner herself preferred to wear boots so she could kick down doors. She liked to make dramatic entrances.

After 7 days, the trio docked at Ravka. As soon as she stepped down from the ship, Inej began to run, Jesper and Alina running after her.

Alina knew Inej was ecstatic to be back where she belonged. She watched Inej sprint- through the markets, and finally to a meadow filled with flowers.

Alina saw Inej fall to her knees. Slowly, she and Jesper leant down beside her. Inej had tears in her eyes.

"This...this is it. This is the place where I used to spend my childhood. Maybe..."

Alina looked, and saw some people, Suli no doubt, laughing and talking. There were two people in the group who were a man and a woman. They moved like Suli acrobats, and as if sensing something, they turned in the direction of Alina, Inej and Jesper. They froze.

Alina's breath hitched.

"Inej," she whispered in the girl's ear. "Stand."

Alina and Jesper helped her up. Inej stumbled, and Alina braced her against her.


"Your steps will always lead you home," Alina said, remembering Ana Kuya's words.

You will always be one of us. Zoya had said that once, gifting a kefta which Alina had cried into. Alina knew that no matter where Inej went, her parents would always be ready to welcome her into their arms.

"Mama! Papa!"

Inej took off, running at full speed towards her parents.

Alina and Jesper ran after her, managing to get to the group. Inej was hugging her parents, and Alina smiled. She was glad Inej got back what had been cruelly ripped away from her.

Inej turned to Alina and Jesper. "These are my friends," she said. "This is Jesper and Wylan."

"Jesper and Wylan! Lovely to meet you. Come, come!"

Alina wanted to cry when Inej's mother pulled her in for a hug. She hadn't had someone hug her like this for a very long time.

"Where are your parents?" Inej's father asked.

"In Novyi Zem," Jesper replied.

"I don't have any," Alina said quietly. "I'm an orphan."

Inej's mother touched her face. "I am sorry," she said. "It must be hard."

Alina blinked, surprised at her emotional reaction. She laughed and wiped away her tears.

"I have my own family. A found one."

"I am glad."

That night, Alina and Jesper spent time with Inej's parents, eating lots of food and having a good lie-in into the next day. It was early afternoon when Alina got ready to go to the palace.

"Inej, will you stay here?" Alina asked.

Inej shook her head. "I'm coming with you." She put a bag on her shoulder. "I want to see more of Ravka." She turned to her parents, touching their faces. "I'll come back," she said. "I promise."

After the three had hugged Inej's parents, they set off. Alina, Inej and Jesper hired one of the carriages available. They paid a wad of cash, and with a grin, the person sped off, leaving Inej's family for the gigantic structure of the Little Palace.

Alina closed her eyes as she leant back in the carriage. She hadn't meant to fall asleep, but she did. Two hours later, Jesper was shaking her shoulder.

"Wylan. Wylan. We're here."

"I'm Alina," she murmured.

"You're what?" Jesper asked.

Alina's head snapped up, realising what she'd just said. Oh Saints, oh Saints oh Saints oh SAINTS.

"I'm tired."

"I heard something about a lemur...anyway," Jesper said as he helped Alina out the carriage, "we have them in Novyi Zem. I can show you a picture of them. The baby ones are really cute."

"Such a gentleman," Inej said as Jesper helped her down. Jesper smiled.

"As always," he teased, and Inej laughed. Both Alina and Inej knew it was true.

Once they made it past the gates, the trio walked into the Palace. Inej beamed. Jesper looked around.


"Big, isn't it?" said Alina.

Tamar leant against the wall, cleaning a knife. Alina beamed and rushed over to her.


"Wylan! How are you? Are these your friends?"

"Yes! This is Inej and Jesper."

"Ah, someone who's skilled with knives," Tamar responded.

Alina saw Inej blush at the compliment.

"Are those yours?" Tamar asked Jesper, nodding to his guns.

"Yes," he beamed. "They're my babies."

"They look amazing. Novyi Zem has talented people, no doubt."

Alina nodded. "They do. Now -" she clapped her hands and Tamar raised an eyebrow - "Where should we go?"

"The Queen wants to meet with you."

"Already?" Alina asked, putting a hand on her hip. "I...okay."

"She'll be fine. It's you, after all."

Tamar winked and walked off. Alina wished she hadn't said that.

Alina began to walk in the direction of the throne room. The two Crows followed.

"What did she mean by that?" Jesper asked.

"'It's you, after all'?" echoed Inej.

"The Queen likes me, since I'm able to make maps and therefore able to help plan out travels," Alina explained.

"Nothing more, then?" Inej asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Jesper snorted. Alina smiled.

"Nothing more."

When they got to the throne room, Alina saw David and Genya talking. She smiled wider. She missed them desperately. Maybe when she got back, Alina could talk to them, crack jokes with Genya and talk science with David. She had learnt some stuff from the other Wylan, after all. She wanted to talk to them more.

"Wylan Starev."

Alina looked up. She heard the Crows gasp, but didn't focus on them. Instead, she focused on the ruler of Ravka, dressed in blue, her eyes fixed on Alina's face.


Alina kneeled. Beside her, she saw Inej and Jesper copy her actions. Zoya walked towards them.


"Yes, Your Majesty."

Alina was surprised to hear Inej and Jesper utter the same words as they stood up with her.

"Our mapmaker. How is it, in Kerch?"

"Oh, good! I'm...baking."

Jesper snorted. Inej lightly elbowed him.

Zoya raised an eyebrow. "Baking? I thought you were making maps. That is your occupation, is it not?"

Alina cringed. She saw Jesper and Inej look at each other.

"I am! Baking is just a hobby. I-I was just...not really paying attention to..." she trailed off as

Zoya pursed her lips. "...your question," Alina finished. Zoya nodded.

"Hmm. Well, in any case, get settled in, Wylan. You too," Zoya said, nodding to Inej and Jesper. Then, she beckoned Alina forward with her finger away from the two Crows, and they talked.

"Afterwards, please report to your superior. I've no doubt she wants to see the progress you've made."

Alina placed her hands behind her back. "Yes, Your Majesty."

"You are dismissed."

Alina could see Zoya trying not to smile as she walked off with Inej and Jesper. Alina sighed happily.

It's good to be back.

When the trio had unpacked their things, Alina took the opportunity to retire to her room and untie her hair from her scarf. Her white locks fell to her waist, and Alina sighed, shaking out her hair. She changed into fresh clothes and showered, then dried her hair with a device provided by David's genius. After that, she tied her hair back into a ponytail, then tied her scarf round the hairdo, making a bow at the top.

Alina curled up on the windowsill, tea in hand, staring out at the window overlooking the lush gardens of The Little Palace. She missed the orphanage. After this mission was over, she'd go back. She'd meet Mal again, and look after all those kids. It was a quiet life. It was the life she wanted.

Alina wasn't sure why she volunteered to do this mission in the first place. Maybe it was because she wanted to see more of the world for a bit, or maybe she wanted to do something wild. She didn't know, but she was glad she did it. She wasn't sure what would've happened if Jesper and Inej hadn't had their indentures paid off so soon. She couldn't imagine anything good coming out of it - well, except maybe Kaz changing. But she doubted that he'd change his ways towards Jesper, and that made Alina all the more glad that she took on this mission.

After an hour of relaxation, Alina got up from her seat and stretched. She tied her hair into a bun, covered it with the scarf, and walked out into the corridor.

She saw Inej and Jesper talking to David and Genya, and smiled. She was glad her friends were getting along.

Alina jogged up to them.

"Hello," she said.

"Hey Wylan. I like your headwrap," Genya said.


The scarf used was navy blue. Alina liked it a lot. She'd been thinking of wearing a headwrap in the future, around the orphanage. She still wasn't sure, though.

"So," Alina said, clasping her hands whilst looking at Inej and Jesper. "Shall we go meet my friend?"

"Absolutely," Jesper beamed. Inej smiled, and Alina smiled back.

"You'll love her," Alina said as she walked. "She's the best person EVER. And she's beautiful too."

Inej grinned. "I can't wait to meet her."

"Neither can I," Jesper said. "She sounds lovely."

Alina skipped to the room, then knocked on the door, placing her hands behind her back.

Leoni Hilli opened the door, smiling widely.

"Wylan!" She beamed. She hugged her, and Alina hugged back. When Leoni broke the hug, she bounced up and down.

"Are these your friends? They're lovely!"

Leoni stopped when she looked at Jesper, wide-eyed. "Jes, is that you?"


Jesper swept Leoni into a hug, lifting her off her feet. Leoni laughed, hugging back. When Jesper set her down, Leoni was beaming, and Jesper was grinning widely.

"You know each other?" Inej asked, surprised. Alina was surprised too. She didn't know that Jesper had connections outside of his parents - but then again, she realised, she really should've thought of this.

"Yeah! Jes and I are childhood friends!" Leoni said. She then stepped forward and took Inej's hands in hers. "I like the friends you make, Jes. Come in, come in!"

The three stepped into Leoni's room. It was bright with colour, and it was only when Alina saw her room that she realised she'd missed Leoni desperately. She was ecstatic to see her commander again.

"What's your name?" Leoni asked.

"Inej. And you're Leoni," the knife wielder beamed.

"Yes, I am."

Leoni invited everyone to sit down on her bed, which was extremely kind of her. Then, she got down to business.

"I'm Wylan's friend. We met each other after I started training at the Palace. As you know, Sankta Alina, bless her, disbanded the First and Second armies after the war. So instead of military service, we now just practice our powers and hone them for daily use. Classrooms and feasts galore. Of course, Novyi Zem is much better! No persecution. Zowa schools. We're revered."

"Absolutely," Inej said. "I'd like to go to Novyi Zem sometime. It'd be good to see more of the world."

The four talked some more, just chatting and getting to know each other. Then, Leoni got to her feet, gracefully shooing them out.

"I need to get changed! There's a banquet tonight."

Jesper laughed. "She's wonderful, isn't she?"

"She is," Inej beamed. Then, her eyes widened. "Did she say there's going to be a banquet tonight?"

Alina nodded. "It's in remembrance of Zoya winning the war. A celebration, basically."

"Oh good, I can't wait for food."

Alina laughed. She departed from the two Crows, then closed her door, locked it, and began to get changed.

She couldn't wait to see what Ravka had in store.

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