Chapter 1

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Alina looked out at the sea. It was near sunrise, and she could see the sun about to come up over the horizon. Inej stood beside her in silence. Here, at this time, in this moment, it was peaceful.

Since she came to Kerch, Alina never thought Ketterdam could be such a thing. There was constant death and destruction, with people stealing and hurting and taking and never giving.

Sometimes Alina felt like giving up and just casting off her headwrap to show her friends who she really was. It was so exhausting sometimes, seeing someone clean off the blood off their knife or punching someone with brass knuckles. It was exhausting, too, to hear Kaz's voice, rasping and gravel-like, talking about another mission or another map to make. Other times, it was him talking about how he'd broken someone's bones again. Alina didn't know how the others did it. But then again, they had identities they needed to keep up, too.

Everyone had their alias. The Wraith. The Sharpshooter. The Heartrender. The Demolitions Expert. Dirtyhands.

The Mapmaker.

After a gruelling five hours, the Crows had emerged victorious with the Smeet emerald in hand. Alina had nearly cried with relief when they'd come back. She'd asked if everyone was alright, and then gave everyone food and drink. Kaz initially refused, but she'd glared at him until he picked up the cup and drank, then ate the hutspot she'd cooked.

Making Kaz Brekker put nutrients in his body was, according to Alina, an achievement in itself.

"We did it," Inej beamed. "And it's all thanks to your maps, Wylan."

Alina laughed. "It's thanks to your talents too, Inej. Don't sell yourself short."

"Heh. I just do what needs to be done."

There was a hint of confession in Inej's voice. Alina knew that Inej didn't want to kill. But she also knew Inej would take those lives again if necessary. Inej wasn't like Alina - Alina couldn't kill. But Inej and Jesper did, almost daily. Alina didn't know how they did it.

But then again, she was supporting the gang and getting paid for it. Alina couldn't really say she was a Saint either.

Alina and Inej leant on the rail. The knife-wielder adjusted her purple hijab.

"One day, I'm going to leave the Dregs. I'm going to get a ship, and I'm going to hunt slavers."

Alina wasn't surprised. Inej had always had that iron will in her - suddenly, she thought of Zoya. Inej and Zoya would be good friends, Alina thought.

"When will you leave?"

Inej sighed. "I don't know. There's so much going on right now. The indenture is the only reason I'm staying here."

Alina bit her lip.

Just tell her.

The Sun Summoner didn't look at Inej. She stared out at the sea and gripped the rail.

"I paid it off," she said.

"What?" Inej tore her gaze away from the waters.

"I paid off your indenture. I paid off Jesper's debts too."

Inej was staring at her. Alina closed her eyes, felt the wind on her face. Freedom. She then opened her eyes again, staring out at the grey ocean.

"We're going to find your parents."

She looked at Inej now.

"You're coming with me to Ravka."


Jesper rushed in, holding some papers. "My debts have been paid off." The Fabrikator's eyes were wide. "Who did this?"

"She did." Inej cocked her head in Alina's direction. Inej couldn't believe it either, even though she was holding her own papers that confirmed everything had been paid off.

Alina was writing to the handler of her mission. Still undercover, she pretended to write to a friend before sealing the letter in an envelope and tucking it into her bag.

"Right," Alina said, getting to her feet. "We're going to find Inej's parents. Jesper, I don't know if you want to come with. You have your mother back home after all."

"I...Wylan, wait. Why did you do this?"

Alina startled at her alias. Sometimes, she forgot she'd joined the gang as Wylan Starev, not Alina Starkov. "It's obvious you two didn't come here on your own account. Nina and other Wylan and Kaz chose this. You two were forced into it because the alternative was worse. And I've seen the way Kaz treats you. Both of you," Alina added. "I knew you both wanted to get out - Inej you want to find your parents, and Jesper, you have yours waiting back home. You want out of the Dregs because you're too good for them."

" know about my mother? How?"

"You talk about her a lot," Alina smiled. "She's doing well?"

"Absolutely," Jesper grinned. "She's doing fantastic; sends a lot of letters for sure. And I'd like to come with you to Ravka," Jesper added, "if only to help Inej reunite with her family."

Alina smiled. "I think you're going to like the woman I'm friends with. She's lovely."

"Count me in, then," Jesper smiled. "I love making new friends."

Alia beamed. She hadn't told Kaz about this yet - paying off their indentures and debts.

"I want to discuss something with you guys first. Do we tell Kaz about this or not?"

"Kaz won't like it," Jesper said, tapping his revolvers. "But it's better to be honest than not."

"I'll do it." Inej got up from her seat. Jesper shot her a worried look. Alina gave Jesper a reassuring smile.

"We'll all do it. Together," she said. Inej and Jesper smiled at each other.

"Together," Inej said.


That night, Alina, Inej and Jesper went to Kaz's office and told him. Kaz looked surprised and took it relatively well, but Alina didn't know what to do when he said, "Starev, you are still in my employment. What gave you the right to do that?"

"I beg your pardon?" Alina stepped forward. "Am I not allowed to use the money I have to help other people?" She raised her voice. "Am I not allowed to-"

Kaz rapped his cane on the floor, and Alina went silent, clenching her fists.


"And why is that?"

"Wylan," Jesper said a warning tone, but Alina didn't listen.

"Why am I not allowed? I'm in your employment, yes, but that doesn't mean you control what I do with my finances."

Kaz gave her a look. Alina glared at him, clenching her fists.

"You have a lot of nerve, Brekker."

"Yes, I do. It's why I make people nervous."

Alina shook her head and left his office. Inej and Jesper followed.

"We're going to the ship. We're getting you out of here," Alina said.

"What if he sends people after us?" Inej asked.

"He won't if I have anything to say about it," Jesper said.

"Do you have anything to say about it?" The Wraith teased as the three reached the docks and climbed aboard the ship.

"Many things." Jesper winked at her, and Inej laughed as the two headed inside.

Alina grabbed the wheel and let the boat sail away. She looked over her shoulder and watched as Ketterdam was left behind in the fog and mist.

Then, she faced the sea again, and smiled.

Ravka, here we come.

The Light That Blinds {Grishaverse Big Bang 2020}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ