Love Is Hard - Karma X Reader...


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A karma x reader fanfiction, Contains lemon A little angst here and there but not much to damage your heart... Еще

Chapter- 2
chapter- 4
chapter- 5


782 12 40

You were going to start your new life in college which was amazing because you wanted a fresh start after your unsatisfying school life. 

Most people would say that once you go to college you will miss your school days saying 'those were the days'. But you, on the other hand, were happy to finally get rid of that hell hole. 

It was not like your life was like that the  whole time though no, just the part you had to go to school. 

A lot of trust break, betrayal, heartbreak and humiliation, left you with scars. 

This all started when you were in first grade, but you were pretty dumb back then as well so you didn't give so much mind to it. 

Only if you knew to what extent was it gonna increase. 

You were always the target, even in your friends group if you can call them one. And it got worse when you got to 8th grade. 

You were 13 at that time when you started having feelings for a boy in the same grade as you. You tried to brush it off as a simple crush but the  more you tried the more your feelings grew. You hated it because you knew he didn't feel the same way and won't ever by the looks of it. 

You told your friends about it and they did some things you never expected them to do. 

They didn't keep the word and the rumour spread like a fire. Within a month the whole school knew that you liked the guy. Even then your 'friends' weren't satisfied so they teamed up with the boy you liked and created scenes in front of everyone so that you will feel humiliated and frustrated. That all continued and intensified on the way till you finally got out of the freakin place. 

While you were there, you even tried convincing your parents to enrol you in a different school for the last two years but they refused. 

Yes, your parents were really nice, but when it came to your struggling mental health at school, they didn't have any clue. You never dared to tell them either because from the start they are strictly against any teenage romance and such. And if you were to tell them your situation, you would just be asking for trouble to walk right up to you on a red carpet. 

Later in the last year of high school you found assassination classroom while just looking for new animeto watch. You binged the whole two seasons in merely four days and when you felt not satisfied by that, you started looking for stories on Google about it. And ofcourse you found a dozen of them. 

Slowly you caught an attraction over a fictional character from the same anime 'karma akabane'

 You grew fond of his personality, his looks, his tactics, everything. You even started to apply them in your life a little too which gave you satisfactory results. You were finally feeling a little more alive then all those years. 

Soon after final exams were over, you decided to open your own account on wattpad and started writing fanfics about karma. And as your hormones were on the high in your teenage peak, your stories also had the whiff of it, but your readers loved it so you were happy to get the appreciation. 

You never had a boyfriend so you never knew what it was like to be in a relationship and you didn't have any plans of doing so anytime soon either. 

As far as you have heard, seen and witnessed, dating someone = disaster + restrictions + emotional burden + heartbreak + trust issues + betrayal and jealousy +any other things along those lines. 

Realising that you have already experienced half of it 'without' having a boyfriend, you dreaded to even know what would happen to you after you get one. 

At the end of the year, almost everyone of your classmates were hugging and crying but you, on the  other hand, didn't even bat an eye and left as soon as the farewell get-together was over.

That horrible place could get flooded or burn down for all you care. 


"OH BOI!!! I AM SO SO EXCITED!!!...and nervous. You squealed and shivered due to the mixed emotions as you were packing your bags and chatting with your mom as she helped you.

Tomorrow you are  gonna be  moving to your campus hostel, a month before the session starts because the University wanted their students to get used to the environment first. You already had made friends online and were excited to meet them.

You were still cautious about new friends but this time you had a feeling this would be different. 

The next day, during the drive to your college, you got an earful of instructions and tears from your mom which was understandable as it was the first time you were going away from your home like that. Heck!! Even your 2 years younger brother was giving you advice which ticked you off a little as it seemed like they don't trust you at all.

'*Time skip*~ (you met your friends and had so much fun , you settle there pretty nicely ….. and like that …..two weeks passed)

One day, you were walking with your friends to the campus' swimming pool. 

When you got there, one of your friends challenged everyone to go to the deepest of the pool, touch the surface and the first to come back up can make the loser do one thing. You all agreed, although you weren't that good at swimming, you just went along with it. So with the determination of not losing all of you jumped in. 

To be honest you could've just gone half way in and come up , it was not like anyone was watching but you being you, decided to test your limits and swam to the deepest as told…. But…

As you touched the surface , a sudden sharp pain erupted from my stomach and chest which caused you to panic and frantically try to get to the upper edge of the pool.

As you came up, you gasped for air and realised that the pain stopped, 

'huh….weird…' you thought. You pushed yourself up only to realise your surroundings weren't the same as before anymore. There were trees, grass and open sky above your head. 

"What the ….?", You mumbled, rubbing your eyes just to make sure you weren't hallucinating because of the panic and lack of air earlier . but remained the same.

You knitted your eyebrows in confusion and started looking around, calling out for your friends but no-one was there. 

What you were able to hear was just your heavy breathing due to shock and panic and the silent hustle of the bushes and trees due to the soft breeze. 

Getting tired of all the shouting and walking around, you decided to sit down for a bit under a nearby tree to calm down and process the situation. 

"I went in the pool, touched the bottom of it and came up…right? so how come there are no tiles or buildings around here.". You held your head , "what is going on…"

You didn't realise how long it had been, you sitting there. Your whole body shivered slightly, realising you were still in your swimsuit. You looked up only to be greeted by the marvellous sight of sunset peeking from behind the dense tree. "Woah….beautiful…", you breathed. 

Your amazement didn't last long as you shivered again. It was getting cold...which was weird 'cause if you were still around you should've been hot, unless…. 

Your stomach turned in a sickening way. 

'it can't be…. Am I … not my…..', you shook your head vigorously.

"Nonono! Not possible. This stuff does not happen In real life…..right?"

You panicked again and stood up, you frantically started looking around to find something...ANYTHING!!, all the while  shivering from the unexpected cold.

As you desperately looked around, your eyes spotted something in the distance. You quickly walked towards it to find a uniform type of outfit…? And it was already out of place enough that it was just sitting there as if...this is all a set up. And what's more, after straightening the clothing, it kinda matched the style you usually saw in anime.

"Cosplay? Ok…? Sooo….weird is getting weirder,,,how amusing..", you spoke to no one in particular sarcastically, and looked around for anyone whose could that be, but fuck…your need got the better of you and decided to put it on for some warmth.

The skirt was a little short for your taste but oh well…'beggars can't be choosers I guess….' besides it had stockens so it was all good. When you were putting on the blazer, a card and an envelope thing fell out...and there was a box too. After you got done dressing up, you eyed the envelope suspiciously and then looked over the card which seemed to be an ID card of some sort. After a good look, your eyes widened to what it said ,"WHAT IN THE FREAKING WORLD!!!?",you nearly shouted. 

There was a name: y/n l/n and your correct D.O.B. and what's more there was your picture smiling 


Your already widened eyes drifted down the card only to see....

Institution name : Kunugigaoka University

Branch: -----

".....😑😐 What the.....? Stalking crime? Can I file a case... ?". You frowned and putting that aside, your heart was racing and your stomach was doing twisted somersaults at this point, due to the fanfictional situation you were in. Sure you had imagined yourself getting into the anime world through a portal or some other weird way....but in reality!?. 

'No way...i refuse to accept this...this has to be a dumb dream like always or maybe a twisted prank one of my stupid friends pulled on has to be...!'

your head was starting to hurt, given the messy situation you were in. And that envelope wasn't helping at all. It was in Japanese, especially those kanji syllables. your headache was getting worse with each look at that envelope. 

With a loud frustrated sigh, you put that aside and took the small box in your hand. As you were just about to open it, a thought occurred to you. 'What if I get old after opening momotaro...'. you chuckled bitterly, shaking your head in disappointment for how stupid you can be even in this situation. Still...hesitating, you opened the box. There was a key...with a key chain which had something written on it…that was written in English 

Koyeyama Saito apartment no. 25.

'heh? So.....this is most likely-....ummm..why do I feel like I should go there?....*sigh* Now that I think about it... it's not like I can go anywhere else. ...but where is this place and where am I....?'




WAIT!!! HOLD THE THOUGHT!! ... this name...the envelope... that ID card...why is it all...sounds Japanese....?

"I AM IN FREAKEN JAPAN!?!?!!!!", You screamed at the top of your lungs. You started feeling dizzy.

...this was too much

With your head still spinning, you got up. It was getting dark and not to mention more cold. Thinking that maybe you might find streets down the mountain, you started trudging down. The area of this hill you were in was quite thick... which was kinda giving you paranormal shivers at this quarter of the day. 

Sounds of owls and crickets were filling your ears as you walked through the long grass and bushes. You decided to stay on your guard in case any wild animal makes a sound, after all this is a forest. 

While walking, you kept looking around for any sounds of horns or headlights...or people...or anything basically which could provide you hope. Suddenly, in the distance, you spotted a flickering orangish light followed by some shadows and laughter noises. 

After a lot of contemplation, you decided to eavesdrop on them a little, just to assure that those people are not a threat and maybe you would be able to ask some questions from them. 

As you got closer, you were able to make out the voices....not too old but not too young either.

Slowly and cautiously, you made your way behind a tree that was away at a safe distance, so that you wouldn't get caught but still would be able to hear them and if you would be lucky enough, maybe sneak-a-peek or-two of their appearance. 

According to the voices, you could tell...2 male voices and 2 females, but...shadows show five people sitting around a supposedly camp fire... meaning one of them was quiet. 

'should I...maybe...take a peek...I mean...their voices are quite familiar, besides what are the odds...? it could be anyone besides 'them'....'

you were trying to reason with yourself. Anxiously, you popped your head out slightly from behind the tree. 

The second you did, your eyes widened....

"this...can'", you mouthed the words out. you couldn't speak as if your voice was stuck in your throat. Your eyes refuse to blink...your face went pale. you were feeling like passing out. 

'What the hell...something is definitely wrong with me. This can't be…'

Sitting there as a group, casually chatting and joking around were....Rio Nakamura, Nagisa Shiota, Kaede Kayano, Tomohito Sugino and the quiet one...Yukiko Kanzaki. Actually she wasn't all silent, it's just her voice was so soft you almost missed it. 

'No offence kanzaki.... I sheepishly thought. Although, you were still wondering if they were just cosplaying or ….

One statement caught your attention which brought you back to reality....if this is one that is...

"Hey Nagisa! Is karma gonna show up or not?"asked Sugino, getting impatient. Nagisa shrugged, "maybe soon, you know him and his tardy attitude.*

"Sheesh that guy...slacker...*Sugino grumbled under his breath while munching on his snacks. "Ehhhh~ someone is on his period~heh~", Rio teased, poking his cheek. He swept her hand away in annoyance. Others laughed at this. 

You also let out a silent giggle, but quickly stopped when suddenly a question occurred to you. 'How is that their voices are similar as well…and how am I able to understand what they are saying? I mean they must be talking in Japanese right? So how…-?'

Suddenly you heard a scream, instinctively you snapped your attention back on the group.

 'uh oh...'

 There was a knife , centimetres away from Sugino's neck. In a flash, everyone surrounded the intruder, ready to pounce on him any moment now. you held your breath. 

To your horror, that man in black jabbed the knife in his throat....., or so it looked like that. Unknowingly, you let out a shocked yelp... not to mention quite noticeable. Surprisingly nothing happened, the person bursted into a fit of mockry laughter, retrieving the blade and bending it...maybe to show it's of no harm. 

'That's familiar. way... k-karma? '

Everyone was glaring at the said male as his laughter died down and he pulled off his hood. 

"KARMA!!! WHAT THE HELL MAN!!? YOU SCARED THE FREAKIN DAY LIGHTS OUT OF ME!!!", Sugino shreeked. "That was so not funny...", Kanzaki commented. "I almost dropped my pudding because of you!", Kayano stomped her foot in anger. "I had the feeling it was you.", Rio shook her head. 

you heard responses from everyone except....Nagisa. Out of curiosity, you peeked from the tree again but this time, your eyes met with a pair of cerulean eyes looking directly at you. In response, yours widened. 

A few seconds of no movement, karma and the others noticed the bluenettte's quiet still behaviour.

"Hey? What are you gawking at?", Karma asked with his arms locked at the back of his head.

When you noticed their heads turning in the same direction as Nagisa's, you gasped and quickly hid behind the tree and crouched down, shrinking yourself as much as possible and trying to steady your breathing. Shutting your eyes tight with your hands shielding your head.

you repeatedly wished for only one thing...

'Please don't look, Please don't look! Please don't loooooook!!'

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