Sleeping In Your Arms (Sasuke...

By Thanatos_0307

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Kamina Akiruta, a girl who suddenly appeared in the Leaf Village. No one knew anything about her nor did they... More

Character Profile
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Sequel and Special Thanks

Chapter Seventeen

2.4K 52 51
By Thanatos_0307

(A/N: Yo, people! Only three more chapters to go! Anywho, enjoy this chappie and pic on the side is for later... This chapter is dedictaed to one of my followers; grandegirl128. Thanks for your support!!! Love ya! —->)


Chapter Seventeen


Everyone was depressed about the death of our Third Hokage. During his funeral, I really cried my eyes out and my team along with some of Konoha 12 were able to comfort me. I never really got a chance to show my gratitude to the Hokage for taking me in and letting me live in the Leaf... I'll miss you, grandpa third! You were a great man! Although the village had its downfall, we were able to rebuild the damage that the assassination brought to the buildings and houses. The Hidden Sand is still our allies and we understood that Orochimaru used them to get me and Sasuke in his hands. Gaara, Temari and Kankuro left the village a few weeks ago but I gave them all something to remember me by before they left.

"What's this?" Temari asked as I handed her a bracelet

"It's a charm bracelet, Temari! Each charm really suits you!" I said as I put the bracelet around her wrist. It really suits her because the charms were mostly different styles of fans.

I then faced Kankuro and gave him a blue scroll. "What's this? Something to kill me when I get back home?" he teased making me roll my eyes and bonk him in the head making him groan and Temari laugh.

"No, open it when you get home and I'm sure you'll come back to Konoha to thank me" I said and ignored his comments as I faced Gaara, who looked at me with slight nervousness. I smiled before giving him a hug which made him tense but eventually relax as he hugged me back. We stayed in that embrace for a while before I pulled back and took something from my weapons pouch. I handed him the cute object which made him stare at it with confusion.

"Here, she's all yours! I have on just like it, see?" I said as I raised a teddy bear that was identical to the one he was holding but mine had a blue ribbon while his had a pink one.

"Why did you give me a teddy bear?" he asked as he eyed the bear I gave him.

I giggled. "I noticed that you have insomnia so I gave you a teddy bear! When you have nightmares, hug that bear and imagine that that's me, comforting you and telling you that your best friend is always here for you! I also placed a jutsu on that bear so it can tame the Shukaku so you can sleep peacefully. I named my bear Pan-Pan because you look like a panda so I named it after you!" I said

Temari and Kankuro stared at me with wide eyes and smirks while Gaara eyed his teddy bear for a while before staring at me. "Should I name mine, as well?" he asked

"Of course!" I answered

He thought for a while before smiling a genuine smile which made all of us surprised. "I'll name her MiMi" he said making all of us laugh.

"Why did you choose 'Mimi' for her name?" I asked with a smile

"Because your name is Kamina so I took the second syllable and repeated it" he answered making me laugh again before hugging him...

"I'll miss you Pan-pan" I said which made him laugh surprisingly.

"I'll miss you too, Mimi. Thank you for being my best friend" he said

As we pulled away, I gave each of them one last hug before they left to go back to Sunagakure.

Naruto left the village with Jiraiya a few days ago to search for the next Hokage, Lady Tsunade. When I heard about this, I was really excited to see Lady Tsunade again! It's been years since I saw her and Lee's operation would probably go better if she were here. Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki came to the village two days ago which did not go well, might I add.

Kakashi-sensei is currently trapped in a genjutsu... Itachi's genjutsu, might I add! Kurenai-sensei and Asuma-sensei are having quite a hard time in keeping up with the two Akatsuki members so I told them to get reinforcements instead... After much arguing that I can handle the situation, they finally left to get back up. Here, I face THE Itachi Uchiha once again... also the shark dick who always teased me back then.

"Nice seeing you again, Uchiha and Shark Dick" I said

Kisame grew an anime vein and pointed his Samehada at me. "Stop calling me Shark Dick! It's been years since I haven't heard that and hearing it again makes me mad and irritated!" he said

I ignored him as I faced Itachi with my activated Mangekyo Sharingan. "It's been a while, hasn't it, Itachi?" I asked

Emotion flashed through his eyes for a moment before it disappeared and was replaced with his normal cold eyes. "Yes it has, Kamina" he answered coldly

It was really hard to face Itachi without crying... He was like a brother to me when I was younger and he told me the reason why he killed his clan.... I wish Sasuke would realize how much his brother loved him.

Soon, Kurenai and Asuma returned with none other than...

"The green beast of Konoha is here; MIGHT GUY!" Guy-sensei said making me sweatdrop but eventually focus back on the situation.

"Kurenai-sensei, Asuma-sensei, please take Kakashi-sensei back to the hospital. I and Guy-sensei will handle this" I said

"Hai!" they replied with Kakashi in their arms as they leaped away.

"Guy-sensei, you fight that shark freak while I fight the Uchiha" I said

"Yeah!" he replied as he immediately charged for Kisame while I charged for Itachi with a kunai in hand.

Our kunais collided with each other as we stayed close and kept our kunais in position against each other.

"Itachi-kun... I-I missed you" I said quietly so only the two of us could hear making his eyes soften.

"I missed you too, Kamina-chan... How's Sasuke?"

"He was in the hospital a few days ago but got discharged since he recovered. He fought with the Shukaku but he's alright now... He really wants to get revenge, Ita-kun.... I don't know what to do" I said sadly

Itachi sighed. "There's nothing I can do to change that"

"Yes there is! Tell him the real reason behind the Uchiha Clan Massacre."

"Kamina, I can't... It's for his own good, for the Leaf's own good"

By this point, tears started falling down my cheeks. "Why must you suffer for the sake of the village, Itachi?" I said with a bit of anger

"Because I care for the village very much" he answered simply

I knew that he wouldn't agree to tell the truth so he and Sasuke could live a happy life so I decided to let it slide. "Itachi, I never got to say thank you. Thanks for being there and for being a brother to me when I was younger and when I needed the comfort"

He smiled slightly so only I could see. "Anything for you, Kamina. Besides, you're going to be my sister-in-law in a few years, am I right?" he teased with a smirk making me blush a bit


"Stop denying it, I know that you and Sasuke are dating! I saw you guys kissing a few days ago!"

"Fine! Just shut up!"

He laughed a bit "Just take care of yourself and my brother, if Sasuke hurts you or breaks you heart, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind! Oh, and I don't want to have little nephews or nieces running around soon, okay?" he teased again making me blush deeper.

"Itachi!" I said

"Alright, alright, let's pretend to fight now... They might start getting curious as to why we're talking" Itachi said and I nodded.

So we continued to fight and fight but it was all pretend because I knew Itachi could do better and he knew I I could do WAY better. Right now, I was heading to a paralyzed Kakashi's hospital room when I heard a loud scream. Sasuke suddenly slammed the door of Kakashi's hospital room then ran out to some other place because he clearly did not see me. I went to the open door and saw Asuma, Guy and Kurenei in front of Kakashi's bed.

"What happened?!" I asked firmly

"He found out that Itachi is looking for Naruto so he went to where Naruto is" Kurenai said

WHAT THE @#$%!

I immediately went out of the hospital to chase after Sasuke... I ran out the village gates, ignoring the calls from Izumo and Kotetsu. This is bad; this is really, really, really bad! You know why it's bad? Here are the reasons:

1.       Itachi's after Naruto. Even if Itachi does not want to hurt Naruto, he has to do it.

2.       Sasuke will see Itachi.

3.       It's going to be awkward with Sasuke, Itachi, Naruto and me under the same roof.

4.       I did not realize that I'm still in my red pjs.... Awkward, I swear!

I summoned all of my cats and they all kept up as I ran full speed to north, leaping from branch to branch.

"Where are we going, Kamina-chan? Are we going to fight again?" Chiharu asked

"Sort of... You see, there's a friend of mine who happens to be Sasuke's brother.... Technically, Sasuke hates this guy's guts so if things get too personal, yeah there's going to be a fight. But if they somehow make up and live happily ever after as brothers, then I guess there's no need to fight" I said... Technically, the first option will happen... Who in the world would ever think that the second option would happen so easily?!

"Let me take a good guess; it's Itachi, isn't it?" Leiko asked

I smiled nervously and let out a small chuckle "Yeah"

"Well, obviously there's gonna be a fight! Do you even think that the second thing you said will happen?" Leiko said like I was the dumbest person in the world.

"Yeah, well, there's a chance!" I defended making all of them sweatdrop.

"Ugh! Let's just get this over with so we can train! Where are they?" Leiko said irritated

"..... I have no idea" I said making all of them sweatdrop and give me a deadpan look.

"So you're saying that you don't know where we're heading?! Unbelievable!" Leiko exclaimed

"Relax, I'm going to find their chakras so be quiet!" I ordered as I focused while leaping from branch to branch to branch. I felt a lot of chakra signatures a few kilometers in front of us... Villagers, cats, dogs, kids, Sasuke, a bird on the ground, Jiraiya, a random woman who- wait a second! I sensed Sasuke and Jiraiya!

"I sensed them!" I said... Thank God for my sensory skills that can reach up to 389km!

"Where are they?"

"In a small village that's 20km ahead. If we talk later and walk faster, we'll probably get there in three minutes" I said

Silence came upon us as we focused on only our speed... I didn't want to take my leg weights off since I only do that as a last resort.... After exactly three minutes, we found ourselves in front of an open village gate. Taking no time at all, we entered and were greeted by the busy streets and noisy sellers. Focusing on chakra once again, I sensed Naruto, Sasuke, Itachi and Shark Dick inside a hotel... Oh-oh, I hope I'm not too late.

Running like there's no tomorrow, I reached the hotel reception desk and asked the lady in front.

"Hey, a kid with blonde hair and an old man with white spiky hair is staying in this hotel, right?" I asked quickly


"What floor?"

When the woman told me the answer, I immediately ran up the flight of stairs until I reached the right floor..... Right then and there, a horrible sight greeted me.

"Kamina-chan, help him!" Naruto screamed as he lied on the floor with Kisame keeping him guard.

Sasuke... he was in the worst state.... Itachi.... Itachi was holding Sasuke up by his neck with his back against the wall.... It hurt me.... To see the boy I love being pushed and beaten by the man I consider as my brother... As I see this heart breaking sight before me, all I could think of was why? Why did their relationship have to be so complicated? They could live a normal life, a life where they're both brothers.... Why must they both suffer? It's hurting my heart....

"You do not have enough hatred" I heard Itachi whisper to Sasuke making my heart crack a little more.... I know that Itachi did not mean those words... but I can just imagine how Sasuke is hurting because of it.... I played along and pretended to get angry at Itachi.

"Hey you, whoever you are, let go of Sasuke!" I screamed

Itachi turned around and I gave him a look that said 'We need to pretend again' and he replied by giving me a look that said 'I agree, this is getting out of hand'. My three cats, who were behind me, seemed to notice our exchange of glances and they immediately understood that Itachi was not an enemy and that they should go easy on him if a fight were to commence. I halfheartedly focused my chakra onto my palms causing the all too familiar Chidori to appear...

"I see that the Chidori is a popular jutsu in the Leaf nowadays... Sasuke also used that jutsu on me a while ago" Itachi said coldly

I pretended to glare and growl in anger. "Yeah, well, mine's more powerful since I'm angry!" I said before charging towards him. Itachi eyes me for a minute and stayed in place... Soon, our surroundings turned rather weird... The walls became all pinkish and slushy-looking. It kind of looked like we were inside someone's mouth. The Chidori disintegrated on my palms as I stared at my surroundings... What is this jutsu? Did Itachi cast it?

I saw Sasuke sinking into the pink slushy thing surrounding us and I immediately panicked... But I eventually relaxed when I figured that Jiraiya did the jutsu... Itachi and Kisame made a run for it, leaving Sasuke and Naruto behind as they exited by using Itachi's Amaterasu. As my surroundings turned back to normal, I immediately caught Sasuke before he fell to the ground. I was crying by now as I held an unconscious Sasuke in my arms... I was too busy crying that I did not notice that Guy-sensei has arrived until he shouted about how a sexy beast he was and etc. I placed my glowing shaking hands on Sasuke's forehead and tried to heal the damage caused to his brain... I healed some of it but not all of it so he'll pretty much stay unconscious until Tsunade-sama heals him... I caressed his cheek before facing Naruto who, I did not notice, was staring at me and Sasuke all this time. I stared at him for a while before begging him with all I had.

"Naruto, I know I don't have the right to ask such a thing from you but.... Please find Lady Tsunade and bring her back to the Leaf... I may be a good medic but Lady Tsunade is the best and I'm not trained enough to heal Sasuke's brain damage... Please, I'll do anything in exchange, just please bring Tsunade-sama to the Leaf" I begged

Naruto stared wide eyes at me before engulfing me in his arms. "I will, I promise... And you don't have to do anything in exchange" he said making me cry even more as I wrapped one of my arms around him since the other was holding Sasuke.

"Thank you, Naruto... Thank you so much" I said

He pulled back and gave me a smile before facing an unconscious Sasuke and looking at him with determined eyes... "I'll find this Tsunade person so she can heal you, Sasuke" he said making me smile once more as Guy-sensei walked towards us.

"Here, let me take him and let's go back to the Leaf." Sensei said and I quickly handed Sasuke to him.

"We'll come with you!" Naruto said

"No Naruto, we need to keep searching for Tsunade" Jiraiya argued

Naruto frowned but agreed as we separated ways. While on the way back to the Leaf, I could not help but keep staring at Sasuke.... I love you, Raven... Please know that I will love you and only you...

My three cats did not talk until we reached the village. We said goodbye before they disappeared in a puff of smoke. I stayed with Sasuke in the hospital all throughout the week until I heard great news... Tsunade-sama has arrived...


I waited for a few days before the woman of the Legendary Sannin appeared in Sasuke's hospital door. We were both surprised to see each other once again.

"It's been a long time, Kamina" she smiled

"Yes it has, Tsunade-sama" I said

"So this is the friend Naruto was talking about" Tsunade said as she went beside Sasuke's bed and placed her glowing hands on his forehead. We, Sakura, Naruto and I, waited anxiously until Sasuke finally opened his eyes and sat up. Sakura was the first to hug him and even if jealousy bubbled up inside me, I was happy to see my Raven all well and good. As Naruto and Tsunade exited the room, I sensed how depressed Naruto was... probably from seeing Sakura and Sasuke hugging... He really likes Sakura, doesn't he? To make him feel better, I chased after him outside the room and hugged him which caught him off guard causing him to take a few steps back. He eventually hugged me back.

"Thank you, Naruto... You don't know how happy you made me... And don't get depressed over Sakura... There's already someone out there for you" I whispered, referring to Hinata.

He pulled away and stared at me with confused eyes. "What do you mean?" he asked with his head titled to the side. I giggled at how clueless he is.

"Now is not the right time for you to find out... But, Naruto, listen carefully to what I'm going to say, okay? And be sure to remember this in the future" I said and Naruto nodded as he anxiously waited for me to continue. I took a deep breath before speaking once again. "Naruto, I know you're clueless and all, but you have to notice some things in your surroundings. Sometimes, you look for someone else's love when someone's heart and love already belongs to you... You just have to open your eyes a little wider to see it" I said slowly so he would understand. He thought about it for a minute before his eyes widened in realization.

"Are you saying that...? Someone likes me?" he asked and I nodded

"Yeah, but don't think it's me because I already belong to someone" I said

Naruto's eyes widen even more "You already belong to someone?!" he shouted

My own eyes widened as I realized that I told him that I'm not single anymore... Uh-oh...

"O-oh... um... i-it's nothing!" I said nervously

"Who is he, Kamina-chan? If he hurts you, I'll beat the crap out of him! You're like a sister to me!" Naruto said with a brotherly aura making my heart warm at his protectiveness. I smiled before hugging him once again.

"You'll find out when the time comes, Naruto" I said

He sighed but eventually nodded as I pulled away. "You promise to tell me one day, okay?"

I nodded. "Now go, you still need to heal Lee!"

His eyes widened and he immediately ran down the hall. "Oh right, c'mon Grandma Tsunade!"

"I'll be right behind you! I'll just talk to Kamina a bit!" Tsunade yelled out before facing me. "You've really grown, Kamina" she smiled making me blush.

"Thank you very much, Lady Tsunade" I said

"Naruto told me that you somehow managed to heal some of this Lee guy's damage. He also told me that you're researching on how to fully heal him?"

"Yes, Lady Tsunade, I have managed to increase the chances from 36-64 to 45-55 but sad to say that his chances of failing are still on the lead" I said with my head down in shame at how weak my medical skills are in front of such a high ranked medical nin... The best at that!

"There you are again, always lowering your own self esteem. You have done well, Kamina, and I am sure that if you and I would work together, the chances you have now are 50-50. You did a great job so don't bring yourself down" she said

I lifted my head up and smiled at her. "Thank you"

She smiled again. "You still haven't changed; always wanting to comfort your comrades whenever they're down. But I am curious, who is this person who likes Naruto that you are talking about?"

I sensed our surroundings to see if Naruto was within earshot. Once I did not sense him, I told Lady Tsunade.

"She is a very shy but nice girl named Hinata Hyuga. She is very strong and her ninja way is the same as Naruto for she admired his determination. Naruto is just really clueless" I said which made her laugh.

"You got that right!" she laughed once more before walking towards me and surprising me as she gave me such a warm hug.

"You have a pure soul that is none like any other... Please, do not change that in yourself. You heart and kindness, in my opinion, is our key to peace. Never let go of that" she whispered. I was shocked, stunned, flattered and well... everything positive! I hugged her back.

"I won't change for anyone or anything" I said which made Tsunade smile before pulling away.

"See you around, kid" she said before walking down the hall.

"Same with you, Lady Tsunade"


A few days have passed since Lady Tsunade arrived and tonight, there is going to be a festival and fireworks display in celebration of the new Hokage. Ino, Tenten, and Sakura forced me to go but I declined. Today was my birthday but I did not plan on celebrating. During my past birthdays, I would usually just train until my heart's content and make atleast three forbidden jutsus. Ino, Tenten and Sakura finally gave up in trying to get me to join the festival.  Right now, I was lying on my sofa and staring at the ceiling with a bored expression. I'm going to train at 7:30PM and it's currently 6:00PM so I'll just wait a few more minutes before standing up and getting ready. For some unknown reason, I'm really lazy today. As I was about to get ready to train, someone started to violently knock on my door. I sighed before standing up and tiredly opening the door.

"Kamina!" Naruto screamed in the most worried and panicked voice making my laziness vanish.

"Naruto, what's wrong?"

"It's Sakura!"

Having understood what he meant, I immediately ran with Naruto towards Sakura's location.

"Where is she?! What happened to her?!" I asked continuously as we ran the streets of Konoha. People were looking at us as if we were crazy but I didn't care. Sakura was my priority right now.

"I know where she is so follow me. Some people kidnapped her and told me to get you or else they'll kill her! They also said that if I told the Hokage, they'll still kill her! I didn't know what to do so I just came to get you!" Naruto screamed

I groaned internally... Please tell me that Orochimaru isn't behind this! I'm gonna put that snake in a genjutsu if he hurts Sakura!

"Where's Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei?!"

"Sasuke stayed to watch over Sakura while Kakashi-sensei's unconscious!"

"Those f**king a**h*les better not hurt her or they're all going to experience hell!"

We kept on running and running until we stopped outside a medium-sized house. I stared at it in slight confusion... How could such a normal house contain such dangerous kidnappers, as Naruto said?

"There inside that house!" Naruto screamed very loudly that it almost broke my ear drums.

Suddenly, I heard Sakura's deafening scream inside which was proof enough that something bad was happening inside. I took a deep breath before running and slamming my body against the door, causing it to fall to the ground. When I stood up with a kunai in my right hand, the lights suddenly turned on.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAMINA!" Everyone yelled out as I stood in shock. They were all wearing kimonos; sleeveless kimonos for the boys and kimono dresses for the girls. Balloons were all over the place, there was a banner hanging from the ceiling that had the words 'Happy 13th Birthday Kamina!' painted on it with red paint, and all of the people I knew were standing in front of me with smiles on their faces... I was still frozen until I registered everything in my head... T-they planned a surprise for my birthday... N-no one... Not even my parents had ever done that for me!

"Hey Kamina, Naruto here planned it all! He told us that today was your birthday and then we all worked together to get this assembled! Do you like it?!" Kiba, being the loudest of them all, asked with Akamaru on his head. I stared at them for a while before facing a blushing and smiling Naruto beside me. I smiled before hugging him tight.

"Thank you... No one, not even my parents, have done this for me.... Thank you, Naruto" I whispered. Naruto was shocked but he eventually hugged me back.

"You deserve this, Kamina-chan... After everything you've been through and after everything you've done for me and for the rest of 'em, this is one of the things we'd do to repay you" he whispered back making tears almost leave my eyes...  I couldn't help it, after my thirteen years of existence, this is the first time I ever felt acceptance... In Konoha...

I pulled away and faced the rest of my friends with a smile... "Thank you... This is the best birthday ever!" I said as I ran towards them. They all smiled and took that as a signal for a group hug which is what we did.

"Hey Kamina, that's not all! Sasuke here thought of another surprise for ya!" Naruto exclaimed.

I faced Sasuke, who was smirking, and gave him a look that said 'What's he talking about, Raven?'. He smirked wider before signaling for everyone in the room to follow him. Naruto, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, Lee, Kakashi-sensei, Asuma-sensei, Kurenai-sensei, Guy-sensei, and Sakura all entered the kitchen with Sasuke. Hinata, Ino and Tenten were left with me as they both covered my eyes. I could sense that the thirteen people who went inside the kitchen eventually came out and placed themselves in a straight line in front of me. Once the three girls uncovered my eyes, I saw the thirteen people who went inside the kitchen, each of them holding a cake that had candles on it. Ino, Tenten, and Hinata stood beside Sakura. I was really overwhelmed...

"Kamina, you have to blow each candle but first, we have to say what we wish for you in your birthday before you blow." Tenten explained. I nodded as I walked towards the first cake that was held by Neji.

"Well, I eventually took a liking to you from the moment I saw you in training fields. You were not like other girls and I liked that about you. I started to see you as a close friend from the time you sparred with me before the Final Exams. So I wish you'd get stronger when you grow up, happy birthday, Kamina" he said simply but I saw a ghost of a smile on his lips.

I smiled at him before blowing the candle and giving him a thank you. I moved on to the next cake which was held by Lee.

"Kamina-san, from the very first time that I and my team saw you in the training grounds, I admired your youthful self and how powerful you were on your own! When I saw you once again in the exams, I liked you even more because of your kindness! Thank you for taking care of me and healing me during my weakest point! Happy Birthday and I wish for youth to burn within you more!" he said dramatically making all of us sweatdrop before I smiled, thanked him, told him that taking care of him was no problem at all, blew the candle then moved on the next cake. This time, it was Shino.

"At first, I never really noticed you. That was until you trained with me before the Final Exams. That time was when I realized that you are not like those girls who freak out and kill insects; you actually have a great interest in them like me. So for your birthday, I wish you'd become a more beautiful butterfly in the future. Happy Birthday, Kamina" he said making me laugh at how weird his voice sounded. I blew the candle, thanked him then on with the next cake.


"Hey there, Kamina! Well I really think you're awesome because you helped me when I went to the hospital and then you took the time to train with me and Hinata! You're really awesome and he's really lucky to have you!" Kiba said with a wink making all of them stare at me with questioning looks. I blushed and Kiba laughed as he continued "Anyway, I wish you to be more awesome when you grow up! Happy Birthday!" he said and Akamaru barked in agreement. I blew the candle and thanked him.


"Hey there, Kamina-chan, thanks for being my friend and thanks for not judging me and calling me a fatty. You're really nice and I wish that your kindness will never change! Happy Birthday!" I smiled, thanked him then blew the candle.


"Well I really thought you were different from the time that I and my team sparred with you in the training grounds. You're not like other girls who are such a drag" he said making Sakura and Ino glare at him making me laugh. "Anyway, at first, I saw you as an intriguing girl then a friend then a close friend then I eventually saw you as a sister so if you have a boyfriend in the future, he needs to go through me, understood?" everyone cooed at how protective Shikamaru was and I just nodded with a smile. "Happy Birthday and I wish you still won't be a drag in the future" he said making me laugh before I thanked him and then blew the candle.

Guy-sensei... Good luck to me now.

"Hello there, Kamina, I really liked our first encounter where I saw you using the Primary Lotus in more than one target. You are very full of youth and I wish that will never change! Happy Birthday!" I smiled, thanked him then blew the candle.


"Hey there, kid. You're really strong, stronger than me even! I really admire your determination and kindness. That's a great virtue and I hope that will never change. Oh, and I also found out from Kakashi that you have an IQ level over 200. I would like to have a match with shogi with you sometime. Oh, and be sure to keep it slow with your special someone, okay?" he teased

"Asuma-sensei!" I complained which made him and the others laugh before he greeted me a happy birthday. I thanked him, blew the candle then went to the next cake.


"Hey there, Kamina. You are a very brave girl and I know that from the continuous times that you have saved your comrades from danger. I hope that your bravery and wisdom will never change. Happy Birthday, Kamina!" I smiled, thanked her, and blew the candle then on with the next.

Kakashi-sensei... Now, I want to hear what this guy has to say!

"Hey there, Kamina. Well my first impression of you was not 'You're an idiot' but I simply thought that you were a girl worthwhile. You're Will of Fire is none like any other and your heart and soul is as pure as snow. I believe that your kindness will surely be our key to peace in the near future. I'm really proud of you as your sensei because of your will to protect your friends and your unreachable strength. I wish that your pure soul and heart will never change. Oh and I really hate it when the two of you get all lovey dovey so I wish you'd also lessen the sweetness because ants are already biting me every time I see you guys" sensei teased making me shout his name with annoyance making him and everyone else laugh again. "Anyway, Happy Birthday and take good care of yourself" I thanked him then blew the candle.

Sakura, Ino, Tenten, and Hinata.

"Well I'll go first, I think that you're the best of friend I've ever had oh and..." Sakura moved forward to whisper in my ear "I know about you and Sasuke, at first I was mad but I understand how you feel. I'm not mad at you, Kamina... I'm really happy for the both of you... You deserve to be loved after everything you've been through" she whispered making me freeze before I hugged her tight.

"Thank you, Sakura"

      She hugged me back.

     "Anything for you, Kamina... Thanks for everything you've done for me" We pulled away and we smiled at each other.

    "I wish you the happiest life with him" she said making my eyes water before I faced Ino next.

"Hey there, Kamina, I really thought you're pretty from the first time I saw you. When I first fought with you, I started to dream of becoming exactly like you; pretty, smart, strong, nice and loved by everyone she meets! I also know about you and 'him' and just so you know, I'm happy for you. Sakura's right, you deserve all the happiness in the world after all you've been through. I wish you would bloom into a more beautiful and kind flower, happy birthday" she said and right now, tears started to run down my cheeks as I hugged her. "Thank you" I whispered as she hugged me back. "You're welcome" she replied as we pulled away.

I then faced Tenten.

"Hey there, I really liked you when I saw you jump down from the roof when we first met. I thought you were really awesome when you did that and when I learned that you could do medical ninjutsu; I really wanted to be like you! You're like the smaller version of Lady Tsunade and I've always wanted to be like her! I wish you'd still be nice and that you'd still be the same loveable Kamina in the future, Happy Birthday!" she said and I gave her a hug and smile before facing Hinata, who was holding the cake.

"I-I really s-see you as such a nice girl, Kamina-chan, I've always thought why such a great ninja like you would ever want to be friends with me.... So I'm really thankful when you found some time to train with me and to help me in some of my problems. I also want to be just like you in the future! I wish you the best health and a bright future, happy birthday" she stuttered and I smiled before thanking the four of them and blowing the candle.


"Hey there, Kamina-chan! Thanks for always believing in me and thanks for always giving me motivation whenever I feel so defeated. Thanks for being the best friend ever! Well now I see you as a little sister so if a boy ever asks you out he'll have to go through Shikamaru and me! Thanks for believing that I'll become Hokage someday! I wish you'd still be so kind and helpful in the future and happy birthday!" I hugged him before blowing the candle and thanking him.

The last......... My sweet Sasuke.

I smiled at him and he smiled back as he held a cake with my picture and a candle on top of it.

"Well I really thought you were interesting from the first time I bumped into you... Do you remember that? When you were crying in the academy then you bumped into me? Then I started to hang out with you on your rooftop and then I figured how unique you are. Um... I was really flattered when you told me that I helped you sleep.... When you almost died in the Land of Waves, I was really depressed but good thing Kakashi-sensei was there to give you enough chakra to stay alive. It was really silly of you to give me all of your chakra but thanks for that. Um... When you almost died in the Chunin Exams, I was really worried and almost pulled my hair out from the stress" he said making all of us laugh. "Anyway, since Sakura and Ino don't have a problem with our situation anymore, and I don't give a damn about how Naruto would probably react, and almost all of them know already anyway, I've decided to finally show the world the that you" he said as he came closer and connected out foreheads making all of them gasp. "Are mine" he smirked before kissing me... right there... in front all of them.... Oh my gosh!

I could hear the squeals from Sakura and Ino and the confused comments from the others. Once we pulled away, he smirked and continued. "I wish you'd still be as beautiful as you are and I wish that you and I will last forever because I'm really damn serious about you... Happy Birthday, Mina-chan" he smiled. I was dumbfounded at first but I eventually hugged him, blew the candle, thanked him then kissed him on the cheek.

"And that last one ends our thirteen candles!" Tenten exclaimed making all of us cheer and clap.

"Present time!" Sakura said as she dragged me to the living room where we all gathered around.

Present time? This is probably the best day ever!


We were now at the living room and the girls were preparing their gifts for Kamina while the rest of the boys kept on bugging me.

"Hey! Why didn't you tell me that Kamina-chan was your girlfriend?"- Naruto... Stupid dobe!
"Hey, you better not hurt her! She's like a sister to me so if you break her heart; I'll break your bones." —Shikamaru... Psh! I'll never even think of doing that! I love her for crying out loud!
"I never knew you had the guts to confess about her, dude!"- Kiba... He's just like Naruto.
"No! You stole my beautiful youthful princess!"- Lee... She's my princess now, by the way.
"You guys look great together"- Choji... Heh, he seems fine by me.
"It seems that the Uchiha got hit by the cupid"- Neji teased with a smirk... Yeah, I probably have gotten hit pretty badly because I'm so damn in love with her.
".... That confession was really unexpected"- Shino... Yeah, it was.
"I hope that your sweetness will not increase now that you have announced your love for one another" Kakashi-sensei said with a sweatdrop making me smirk... Hmmm, I might try that... ;)
"Love has really changed 'ya, kid"- Asuma-sensei... Probably has...
"Take care of Kamina, okay?"- Kurenai-sensei... I promise.
"Such beautiful events happen to such youthful people!"- Guy-sensei.... Weird.

So yeah, they really started to bug me and annoy me when Sakura announced that it was time to give Kamina's presents starting with Lee's Team. I hope she likes my gift....


"Alright, Lee's team goes first!" Ino screamed... To say that I was overwhelmed would be an understatement because this feeling I have right now is beyond words to be described. In my thirteen years of existence, only Itachi Uchiha had given me a gift for my 12th birthday, last year to be precise. His gift was a bracelet with my name on it. I never wore it because I consider it special since it was my first ever gift and I did not want to lose it nor get it dirty so I just kept it inside a box in Wyuju Valley so no one would ever see it nor get a hold of it. So the feeling of receiving gifts from other people who you never thought would let you feel acceptance was such an incredible feeling!

"Here, you said you needed a new set of weapons the last time we trained" Neji said as he handed me a pouch full of shined and brand new kunais and shurikens. I thanked him and said that I really appreciate his gift.

"I bought you something that you might enjoy during your free time! I heard that you often create jutsus so this will really help you!" Tenten said as she handed me a scroll. I opened it and was very pleased that it contained info about the most awesome jutsus there were and how some of them could be combined to create a new jutsu. I smiled and thanked her, saying that this was really cool.

"Here you go, Kamina-chan! Since Kakashi said that you have leg weights that weigh 3,600 pounds, we thought about increasing the weight! So we bought you leg weights that weigh 5,000 pounds! Good luck in training with them!" Guy-sensei and Lee said as they both handed me such heavy leg weights that they had trouble with holding. I smirked as I took the leg weights and easily held the both of them in one hand, surprising everyone with how much strength I had.

"Thanks, these are really helpful" I said as Lee and Guy-sensei stared at me with their jaws on the floor.

"H-how c-can you hold that so easily when I had trouble holding only one?" Guy-sensei asked with a sweatdrop making me giggle as we moved on to the next team.

"Alright, it's our turn!" Ino screamed as she handed me a box with a ribbon on top. Once I opened it, I gasped at the beautiful sight. It was a pretty ribbon with black and red designs...

"I noticed how you always wore that ribbon and I thought you'd want to change it because it's getting dirty" she smiled. I thanked her and smiled as well.

"Well, it was troublesome to find you a gift, but I finally found one that really suits you" Shikamaru said as he handed me a scroll that was as tall as Konohamaru, you could say. I grew curious as to what's inside so I tried to open it when Shikamaru frantically grabbed my hand.

"Don't open it here or we all might die! Open it in a wide area where it can move freely..." Shika said and I nodded as excitement bubbled up inside me as to what the scroll might contain.

"Here, I bought you an all-you-can-eat buffet in the Onigiri shop down town" Choji said and I smiled widely as I imagined how I would stuff my face with Onigiri once I reached that shop that Choji was talking about.

"Well this will surely help you practice a bit until we do the real thing" Asuma-sensei said as he handed me a shogi board.

I smirked. "Be prepared to lose, sensei!" I said with pride making Asuma-sensei chuckle before he ruffled my hair.

"We'll see about that, kid!" he said

"Our turn!" Kiba shoved Asuma-sensei away, much to his dismay, and handed me a small box wrapped in brown. I opened it and was surprised to see three red pills inside a small container. I looked questioningly at Kiba for an answer as to why he would give these to me.

"Well those pills are from our clan and we use that with our dogs to make us more powerful. These pills are the same but the only difference is that it can be used in cats. This will be convenient when you and your cats have low chakra" he explained and I was stunned at the info. I smiled and thanked him, saying that this will really be convenient since we're focusing on using high-leveled jutsus right now.

Next was Shino who handed me a book with a butterfly on the cover. "You told me once that you would like to find half or all of the species of butterflies when you grow up... This book will probably help you... It's a book from our clan that has been kept for centuries and I managed to get my dad to allow me to give it to you... I hope you find half of the butterflies on the list" he said and I nodded, thanking him and saying that I will surely find more than half and give some to him.

"H-here, Kamina-chan, I really think that this will be useful in the near future... M-mostly when you come across tough enemies" Hinata said shyly as she handed me a black scroll. I immediately knew what she was talking about... I heard that the Hyuga clan had some satisfying info about some rogues because of their amazing Byakugan. I'm really flattered that Hinata had entrusted some of the info on me. I smiled, thanked her and said that I was honored to be given her trust to keep such a scroll.

"Here you go, Kamina. I hope you like it" Kurenai-sensei smiled as she handed me a cute little teddy bear with my name in the middle. I giggled and hugged the bear really tight causing Kurenai-sensei to smile a little wider.

"I love it, sensei!" I smiled as Kurenai-sensei ruffled my hair... What's with senseis and ruffling hairs?!

"Finally!" Sakura said as she walked towards me and handed me a red box. "Open it and I want to see a smile on that face" she said. I opened the red box and unintentionally, a smile did lighten up my face at the sight of the pretty little necklace inside the box. It had a heart in the middle that had the words 'Win together; lose together, teammates' engraved on it. I smiled wider as I remembered that I said the exact same words on the survival test that Kakashi-sensei gave us which taught us about teamwork.

"Flip it over" Sakura instructed and I did so. My eyes started to water once again as a picture of team seven was placed on the other side of the heart. I gave Sakura a hug, thanked her and gave her a big smile despite my watery eyes.

Next up is our knuckle-head ninja! "Hey there! I had trouble finding a gift for you so I asked Pervy Sage to give me some advice. Surprisingly, he knew who you were and told me to give you something like this" Naruto said as he held up a small brown box. I laughed at his nickname for Jiraiya-sensei as he handed me the box. Once I opened it, I started to get teary eyed again. Inside the box was a kunai that had the words 'Thanks for believing in me. I will always treasure you as my sister-like friend and I will surely be Hokage... for you' on the top and the words 'You're one of the people in the world that are worth fighting for and worth dying for' on the bottom. I couldn't handle it anymore, something about reading these words made my heart warm and tears started to pour down my cheeks as I hugged Naruto so tightly. He seemed taken aback but eventually hugged me with the same tightness.

"Thank you... nii-san" I whispered. Naruto pulled away with wide eyes put still kept his arms around my waist and mine around his shoulders.

"W-what d-did you say, Kamina-chan?" he asked with surprise.

I smiled. "You said you saw me as a sister... I see you and Shikamaru as a brother. Can I call the both of you nii-san?" I asked

Naruto and Shika seemed surprised but eventually smiled and nodded.  I smirked as I faced a nervous Kakashi-sensei... He's probably nervous about giving me his gift... "Your turn, sensei!" I said happily which somehow managed to make him smile behind his mask.

"Well... Since you're not like most girls, I had a bit of trouble in finding you a present that you'll like. But eventually, I found one a few minutes ago... thankfully. So I hope you like it" sensei said as he handed me a square object that was wrapped in a red. I opened it and smiled at the picture inside the picture frame. It was a picture of me, Kakashi and Sasuke when we were training for the exams. I was really surprised that he even took a picture of us! We were all dirty and exhausted but our smiles said otherwise. Kakashi-sensei was in between Sasuke and me with his hands on our shoulders from behind.

"Flip it over" sensei instructed and I did so. Once again, I went teary eyed at the words behind the frame. Geez, I keep crying today, what's with that?! I guess I'm just really touched that my friends threw a party for me. Anyway, the words on the frame read 'Everlasting love will never falter just like the love and kindness that exists in your heart and soul. True peace is your dream and I'm starting to believe that your dream will come true. You're our key to peace and I hope that you grow up to be the same strong and pure girl that you are now. I am so proud of you'. That last sentence did the job and I engulfed sensei in a hug which caused us to move back a bit. He was surprised but eventually hugged me back and stroked my hair. "I hope you never change, Kamina" he whispered and I hugged him tighter before replying. "I won't, I promise" I said as I pulled away and moved on to the last gift.... Sasuke.

He smiled at me and handed me a rectangular box with a ribbon on top. I took the box from him and opened it... I gasped and I could see the smirk slowly forming on Sasuke's lips at my reaction to his gift. It was a beautiful necklace with a heart and the Uchiha symbol in the middle. "Open the heart then flip the symbol over" Sasuke instructed. I first opened the heart and saw my picture on the left side and Sasuke's pic on the right side. The words 'I will always love you' were written on the right side of the heart below Sasuke's picture. I felt my heart flip at the words before I looked behind the Uchiha symbol and another set tears started to form in my eyes at the words I read. 'Forever and for always' was engraved behind the Uchiha symbol and I suddenly felt the tears run down my cheeks as I gave Sasuke a hug.

"I love you too... Forever and for always" I whispered so only he could hear. I knew that he liked my answer based on the way he was hugging me back. Once we pulled away, he gave me a gorgeous smile before pinching my nose. I giggled before facing the others, who stared in awe at our exchange of gestures. We both blushed at the attention before Ino, thankfully, broke the silence.

"Happy Birthday, Kamina-chan!" she said and they all took that as a signal to have a group hug!


"Why me?!" I complained as Ino and Sakura kept on arranging my hair.

"Because you have to look pretty!" Sakura argued.

After my birthday party, Ino, Sakura, Hinata and Tenten decided to take me back to my apartment so they could help me get ready for the festival. Much to my dismay, Ino and Sakura are currently fixing me up so I could look 'more beautiful' as they said. Hinata and Tenten were preparing my attire for the night.

"Kamina, you look pretty without make up so I can just imagine what you'll look like with it" Ino said as she added mascara to my face...

"But I hate makeup" I said

"You have to love it tonight!" Sakura stated as she added a little blush on my cheeks.

"Viola, it is done!" they both said as they took a step back to examine me. Judging from the way they were looking at me, I guess they did a good job.

"Kamina, you look like a goddess!" Ino squealed with Sakura.

"Time to change into your kimono!" Sakura said as she handed me to Hinata and Tenten who gave me the black kimono that I bought a few days ago along with black ninja sandals. I went inside the bathroom and wore the clothes they had given me before going out once again.

"You look great!" Tenten said

"I think she needs a necklace to go with the outfit" Ino said

I smiled at what Ino said and immediately went to get the necklace that Sasuke had given me. Once it was around my neck, I turned to face the four girls.


"You really look like a goddess!"

"You look beautiful!"


I blushed at the compliments before facing the mirror and gasping at the sight. Surely, this goddess-looking girl in front of me is not me! Her hair was in a high bun with strands falling down the sides to frame her face. Her lips were pinker than before and her cheeks had a good blush on it. The mascara made her eyes shine out causing her beautiful greenish-blue orbs to lighten up her whole face. The black kimono she was wearing clearly suited her even if it was just a simple design. All in all, she really looked like a plain but gorgeous goddess. I still can't believe that this girl I am seeing is me.... ME!

"You guys did great" I smiled

"Of course we did!" Sakura stuck her tongue out cutely at me making me giggle.

"You guys don't look bad, yourself" I complimented. It was true, though. Hinata had her hair up in a bun like mine with two sticks popping out. She wore the bright yellow kimono we bought a while back and yellow slippers. Tenten had her hair in her usual two buns and she wore the pink kimono she bought. Ino also had her hair up in a bun and she wore the purple kimono. Lastly, Sakura let her hair down and wore the kimono she bought. They were all pretty stunning, in my opinion.

After a few minutes, we decided to head out to the center of the village where everything was being held. It was a good thing that Hinata was able to come! Before all of this, Hinata's eyes were not functioning well because of training with Neji. Sakura asked Hinata to go with us and Neji told me that Hinata was depressed since her dad didn't allow her because of her temporary eye condition. Luckily, the power of Naruto's words had strike again causing Neji to ask me for help in healing Hinata faster so she could watch the fireworks display. I obliged and here she is now, all pretty and ready to impress.... NARUTO!!! (Fangirl scream)

Once we reached our destination, we saw everyone already waiting there. Neji saw Hinata and gave me a nod of thanks which I returned with a smile as I stood beside Sasuke. He stared at me with for a while making the both of us blush.

"You look... gorgeous" he said shyly making me blush even more before I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Not bad, yourself, Raven" I said and he smirked

"That's why you love me, right?" he asked with his all-so-famous Uchiha smirk.

I decided to tease him to lower his arrogance a bit. "I love you? Really?" I asked making his smirk slowly falter. I laughed and gave him a quick peck.

"Just kidding, Raven, of course I love you" I said making him smirk again as he started to lean closer for another kiss.

"Now I know what Kakashi meant" said a teasing voice making Sasuke and me pull away quickly.

By now, everyone- and I mean EVERYONE- was staring at us with smirks plastered on their faces. We both blushed as everyone let out a small chuckle.

"I knew you guys would be sweeter! Just when I thought the torture was over..." Kakashi-sensei said with a sweatdrop.

"It's not really torture but I guess I understand why you always complain. Sweetness can be very annoying at times" Asuma-sensei said with a smirk

"Hey, I hope I don't become an uncle soon because I've just become a brother!" Naruto teased causing all of them to laugh again. I, on the other hand, grew an anime vein and held my fist up.

"I'm not getting pregnant! Will you stop teasing me about having se-" I was about to shout but Kakashi-sensei interrupted by covering my mouth with his hand.

"You don't want to say that, kiddo" he said with a sweatdrop while the rest of them blushed.... Especially Sasuke. I huffed before crossing my arms and turning my head away.

"Let's just get going!" I said

They all laughed before obliging as we walked around the hectic village.

We all walked around the village and tried to several booths and games. As I was playing a kunai throwing game so I could win a teddy bear for Sakura, someone tapped me from behind. I turned around and my eyes widened as they landed on a large red teddy bear that was almost the size of Naruto. Behind the teddy bear stood a smirking Sasuke.

"I love you" he said and I smiled before taking the teddy bear and giving him a long, passionate kiss.

Once we pulled away, he held a hand to my cheek and looked at me intently. "Mina-chan, always remember that I love you, okay? I love you so so so much... remember that" he said with so much emotion making me somewhat confused but flattered.

"I get the feeling that you're saying those words because something else is going to happen" I said

He gave me a smile but stayed silent about the topic as he dragged me to the place where we could all see the fireworks for later.




Everyone shouted as fireworks were now lighting up our sky. I and Sasuke stayed silent as we watched every blow of the light. I suddenly felt his hand on top of mine causing my head to turn to him. He smiled at me before leaning forward to connect our foreheads.

"I love you, Mina-chan. You know that, right?" he asked with his right hand on my cheek and the other on the ground we were sitting on, supporting his weight. I placed one of my hands on his cheek while the other was on top of his other hand that was on the ground.

"Of course I do. I love you too, Raven" I replied

He smiled. "That's good, really...... Just always remember that I love you no matter what... I promise." he said before finally attaching his lips with mine.

I smiled... My life could not get any better. After my horrible years from experiencing my clan's death to getting treated like an outlaw because of my demon cat, good things have finally entered my life starting with Itachi. Honestly, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have ended up at the Leaf. Soon after Itachi, I met more blessings that God had reserved for me; Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi-sensei, and the best gift of all, Sasuke Uchiha. Then the rest of my friends came along and now, I could not be happier! But of course.... Everything must come to an end....


After a few weeks, my life went fine. Wake up, go to the hospital to heal Lee, train a little bit, and hang out with friends or Sasuke, then go to sleep beside my sweet Raven. Everything was going fine... until one day ruined it all.

After going on a mission in the Land of Tea, Sasuke was in the hospital, recovering from the injuries he had received from that very mission. I opened his hospital door and the sight of a sitting Sasuke on his bed greeted me. I sat beside him on the bed and gave him a smile which he, surprisingly, did not return. Instead, he frowned and turned his head away from me making my brows furrow.

"Sasuke, is something wrong?" I asked

No answer.

"Sasuke, are you sick?"


"Do you want me to get you a-" I was interrupted when Sasuke faced me with angry and irritated eyes.

"Leave me alone, Kamina!" he screamed.

I was taken aback. Sasuke had never called me by my first name ever since he told me he loved me and never had he raised his voice at me like that. I regained my composure.

"What's wrong with you, Raven?"

"My name's not Raven, it's Sasuke. And I don't need to explain anything to you because you are nothing to me" He said. I could hear my heart crack as he said those words and I'm sure that tears were starting to form in my eyes.

"Y-you don't mean that! You said you love me, that you will love me forever!" I argued

"Then I guess I was mistaken" he said

My jaw dropped.... He was mistaken? What's wrong with him?


"I said my name was Sasuke"

"Fine! Sasuke, did I do something wrong? Did I make a mistake? What did I do? Tell me so I can fix it!" I said desperately.

He gave out a bitter chuckle as if he was mocking me.... I could feel my heart breaking more as the seconds passed. "You did nothing wrong. The mere fact that you are a monster is wrong enough. I can't believe that I even touched a disgusting thing like you! Fix it? How can you fix the fact that you're a monster? How can you fix the fact that I just don't love you?" He said bitterly.

I focused my mind on his body, searching any signs if a jutsu was placed on him so he would say these things to me but... He was saying everything in his own free will.... I tried to touch his cheeks but he just pushed me away causing my butt to land on the ground.

"Leave me alone!" he said and just then, Sakura and Naruto entered the room. Sakura immediately went beside me and put a hand on my back as tears started to fall down my cheeks.  Naruto just clenched his fists and glared at Sasuke.

"What's your problem?! Why did you do that to my sister?!" Naruto screamed

"Sister?" Sasuke laughed bitterly. "You're right, she is your sister because you're both monsters!"

That last one hit me hard... I started to sob as Sakura kept on comforting me... I looked weak but I didn't care... This feeling in my chest won't stop.

Naruto grabbed Sasuke by his collar. "How dare you say that to Kamina-chan?! She has done nothing but love you!" Naruto said angrily, whereas Sasuke just smirked with bitterness.

"I don't need that monster's love" he said

Everything seemed to crack and fall down on me... Everything hurts...

"You motherfu-" Sakura interrupted Naruto before he got any further.

"Sasuke, why would you do that to Kamina-chan?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you, to any of you"

Things started to get worse until, eventually, we were now on the rooftop. By this point, Sakura was starting to sob so I stayed strong, stopped my tears, and this time, I was the one to comfort her as I glared at nothing in particular. A fight was going to happen.... And I didn't know what to do. Soon, Naruto had his Rasengan at the ready while Sasuke had his Chidori. I stared at them with wide eyes... They aren't seriously going to use their jutsus against each other, are they?! As they were about to collide with Sasuke from above, Sakura suddenly broke free from my arms and started to run towards in between Naruto and Sasuke. The three of us were panicking as the Chidori and Rasengan were about to hit Sakura....

What the fuck should I do?! I thought to myself before a suicidal idea suddenly popped up. As the jutsus were only centimeters away from Sakura, I used an earth wall to block Naruto's Rasengan but I wasn't enough to create one for Sasuke's Chidori causing me to block it for Sakura with my own body. The lightning jutsu hit my shoulder but I didn't care because Sakura was safe. The earth wall started to break as the Rasengan, that Naruto could not control, was starting to get through it while I could feel Sasuke's Chidoru getting close to breaking the bones on my shoulder but honestly, I felt numb. Nothing could be more painful than what Sasuke had said a while ago... Nothing could hurt more than his rejection.

I suddenly felt Kakashi-sensei's presence as he got a hold of both Sasuke and Naruto's wrists and threw them away so their jutsus could hit the water containers. As their jutsus died down, I saw how Sasuke smirked at the small indent that Naruto's Rasengan did to the water container he had hit whereas Sasuke's arm was literally buried inside the water container because of his jutsu. Little did Raven know that behind Naruto's water container, his Rasengan had done a large blast. 

"Kamina, are you alright?!" Kakashi-sensei asked worriedly

I emotionlessly looked at my bleeding shoulder... You could already see the whiteness of my bones but I seriously still felt numb.

"I'm fine, sensei" I replied unenthusiastically as I walked to the edge of the building. "I'm going to train for while" I said

"Kamina-chan, you need to go to the hospital!" Naruto argued.

"No need" I said as I turned my head to face the worried faces of sensei, Naruto and Sakura but the somewhat conflicted face of Sasuke. "Nothing is more painful anymore" I said as I looked at Sasuke, who just held my look with an emotionless yet conflicted face. I turned around and jumped down the building as I headed for the training grounds. Nothing hurts more than what Sasuke did.'

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