Narutoxblackgirl reader

By xnarum_ix

56.1K 1.8K 610

✨I do not own characters nor pictures✨ You and naruto are best friends what happens when he leave the village... More

Stubborn Nobu
Wash day
Yasushi Sasaki
Yasushi Sasaki pt2
New comrade
Run away bride
Hinata rescue mission
Touching one's heart
Tailed beast dream
Festival Time
Our last chapter
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
⚠️New Book⚠️


2K 68 29
By xnarum_ix


So today is the day i start working with Naruto to pay off the food we ate. Im dreading having to work in this place i should be on mission, training, or at least going on a damn adventure or something. And I've also stayed up all night reading half of one of the make out series i didn't go to sleep until 4/5 in the morning.

I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. Taking off my bonnet revealing my braids swinging down ,i then brush my teeth, then wash my face all the regular morning things.

After my outfits already on i go to grab my headband. Wait its not like im doing something today besides work. But i should bring it just in case. I bend over having my braids swing downs and tie my headband on. Once its on i bend back up and flip my head. And i really didn't have to do my edges because my headband was on, but if it wasn't i would do em ASAP.

Little time skip.
On my way i seen Naruto heading there too a few more steps in front of me. "Hey Naruto." I say jogging up to him.

"Oh wassup Y/N" Naruto says

When we arrived at the place he opened the door for me "thank you." I say

"No problem." He says

The owner told us we'll start today off as dishwashers. Im dreading this all ready.

Time skip
Today was me and Naruto's last day at this place. The owner normally had us working in the back but since it was pretty packed tonight we worked the floor.

"Y/N, this goes to table 4." Another worker named Mika says.

"Got it." I say trying to grab the plates

"Naruto, table 10 still hasn't got their order taken." Says Mika. "We need more workers but we have 3 people out today."

"Ive got an idea." Naruto says he poofs up 3 shadow clones. "See, now we wont have to freak out and rush, my shadow clones will  help." Naruto says

"That is a genius idea." I say

"Well i am smart." Naruto says

"Ehhh, only 2/5 times" i say jokingly.

I go to give the food to table 4. Oh thats team 10, no wonder why most of the plates are going to them. "Here you go guys." I say placing down their food.

"Thanks" they all say

"Hows it going so far?" Shikamaru ask.

"Todays our last day. Oh and Choji we are defiantly fighting when im free." I say in a mean demeanor.

3rd POV.

Y/N returns back to her work in the kitchen and team 10 starts to converse.

"That girl gives me chills, but why does she want to fight you?" Asuma says

"Hm, i don't know." Choji says stuffing his face.

"I know, because Choji ordered almost the whole menu at the gathering we had for Naruto and Y/N is paying for it by working. Well her and Naruto.

"Those two are still as close as ever." Ino says

"Yea they are." Shikamaru says.

(After shift)
"I thank you guys for your help and keeping your word's by working." The owner says halfway bowing.

"No problem." I say

"We were glad to help." Naruto says.

"And as i promised you guys are free. I hope you visit again."

Me and Naruto got off later today due to the amount of people that were there. "I am beat." I groan.

"Me too." Naruto groaned back.

We dragged ourselves across the village ready to just lay in a bed.

"There you two are." Pervy sage says.

"Ahh" i groan " you need some thing." I say in a worn out way.

"Tsunade needs to see team 7 Sakura's already their." Pervy sage says.

Naruto let out a groan "but granny Tsunade's office is that way." Naruto says slumped over.

"You two look dead, but you'll be okay." Pervy sage says.

Time skip. (Tsunade's office)

"Took long enou- you two look dead."  Tsunade says.

"We already heard that one." I say

"Anyways, im assigning you to escort a little boy name Nobu Michiko, he is a important child of royal blood. Dont let anything happen to him." Tsunade says

"Cant we get anything exciting. Im a Shinobi not a babysitter." Naruto says.

"Be grateful your getting a mission." Tsunade says. "I can always call another team to do it."

"No we'll do it." I say, its about time i go on another mission.

"Ok, you guys we'll get Nobu in the morning and meet at the gate at 10 am." Kakashi says

"Ok." We all say

Time skip.Next day

Naruto came to get me in the morning then we went to get Sakura. She was already ready as well it was around 9:30am so all it leaves us to do is go get Nobu and then go to the front gate.

When we got to Tsunade's office she had a annoyed look on her face and the little kid kept on rambling. "Oh there they are!" Tsunade says relieved to see us. "Take him..take him please." She says sounding like she wants to get him off her hands.

"Hi im Nobu- wait you really pretty ms." Nobu says getting close.

"Ohh thank you." I say patting his head.

Naruto had a smug look on his face. "Dont you think im pretty too." Sakura says.

"I guess i could lower my standards for a while." Nobu says.

Sakura gives him a deadpan look and the rest of us laugh.

"Well Tsunade we gotta get going." I say

"Y/N you should really address Lady Tsunade with more respect." Sakura says

"Pft, she doesnt care and neither do I, right Tsunade." I say

"Just get out." Tsunade says

I laugh at her comment.

It was 10 o clock and we stood at the gate waiting for Kakashi.

~10 minutes past.~
No Kakashi.

~20 minutes past~
No kakashi

Kakashi starts walking towards us. I quickly go behind him in a flash and kick him in his back sending him flying back a bit to where Naruto and the rest of them were. Hm he didnt have his guard up.

"Thats what you get, Kakashi sensei we waited here too long." Naruto says.

"I know , whats the excuse this time." Sakura yells.

"You are our Sensei you shouldn't show up 1 hour late." I say with my hands on my hip.

"Wow and your strong." Nobu says with his eyes practically gleaming.

"Thank you." I chuckle.

With me distracted Kakashi came behind me and chopped my neck which didnt hurt much but left a slight pain. "Oww" i say

"Thats just for earlier." He says with his eyes closed so im assuming he's smiling. "Since everyones here lets get going.

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