Phoenix Fire (Doctor who fic)

By mastersofnothing

1.6K 96 5

On one night there was a girl, she had a crack in her wall. It terrified her. She prayed to Santa to send som... More

(The 11th Hour) I'm just a friend but she's Amelia Pond!
(The 11th hour) Hey! that's my human race, Mad Man
(The 11th Hour) Babysitting a Mad Man
(The 11th Hour) Basically ... Run
(The Beast Below) BITE ME MAD MAN!
(The Beast Below) Icky and too much.
(The Beast Below) I'm the bloody queen mate.
(The Beast Bellow) THAT'S IT!
A bird that's not really a bird?
What was that? (Victory of the dalek's)
jammie dodger (Victory of the Daleks)
How to be human? (Victory of the daleks)
so its been a year

(The 11th Hour) Mad man in hand cuffs

264 8 4
By mastersofnothing

Present day.

I am a very loyal friend and I will dive through hoops for my friends,,,, but when I got a call from Amy saying a mad man broke into her house and is now knocked out in her hall. I contemplated leaving it for her to deal with it but curiosity got the better of me and I cant help but want in on this adventure. I slowly arrive to the Pond residence running up the stares to see my best friend in her police outfit and the mad man knocked out on the floor, cuffed to the radiator.

"really Amelia? the outfit?" I ask as I try not to laugh my head off.

"Shut it Phoenix. Its this or a maid's outfit. Now the plan is you live here and I am the first to arrive on the scene. Got it?" Amy said using my full name, which I hate.

"Yes ma'am" I walk over to the wall as the man on the floor starts to wake up.

"White male, mid-twenties, breaking and entering. Send some back up I have him restrained" Amy says into her fake walkie talkie before turning to the man. "Oi! You, sit still."

"Cricket bat. I'm getting cricket bat." SHE HIT HIM WITH A CHRICKET BAT? I love this girl.

"You where breaking and entering" I say causing him to notice me behind Amy. I give him a smug smile because this is a funny situation to be in.

He quickly tries to stand up from his seated position, but he clearly didn't know, he was handcuffed to the radiator.

"Well, that's much better. Brand new me. Whack on the head, just what I needed."

"Do you want to shut up now? I've got back up on the way" why Amy never became an actor I have no idea.

"Hang on, no, wait. You're a policewoman"

"And you are breaking an entering. See how this works?"

"But what are you doing here? Where's Amelia?" I haven't known Amy her whole life but I've been here for a lot of it and no one calls her Amelia anymore, who is he?

"Amelia Pond?" I ask taking a step next to Amy defensively.

"Yes, Amelia. Little Scottish girl. Where is she? I promised her 5 minutes but the engines where phasing. I suppose I must have gone a bit fer. Has something happened to her?" 5 minutes.... The man who promised her 5 minutes? But it can't be. I look to Amy who looks shocked to say the least.

"Amelia hasn't lived here in a long time" I say taking a subtle step in front of Amy but I think he picked up on it.

"How long?" he slightly raised his voice at this.

"Six months" I respond quickly.

"No. no. no. no. I can't be six months late. I said 5 minutes. I promised" neither me or Amy said anything to him, Amy just turned around and started walking to the other end of the hall. "What happened to her? What happened to Amelia pond?" we did answer him, Amy just stayed with her back to him and I dropped my head.

"Sarge, it's me again. Hurry it up. This guy knows something about Amelia pond." Amy said into her fake walkie talkie, keeping her act up.

"I need to whoever lives in this house, right now" the man says looking between me and Amy.

"I live here" I said leaning against the railing.

"but you're a boy" well done captain obvious.

"Yeah, and this is where I live. Got a problem with that?"

"How many rooms?" he says after studying me for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry what?" Amy asks looking at him.

"On this floor. How many rooms on this floor? Count them" he looked between me and Amy as he asks this.

"Why?" I was curious and slightly scared at what he was getting at.

"Because it will change your life."

"Five" Amy started.

"One, two, thee, four, five-" I finished counting before I was interrupted by the man.



"Look" I have looked and there's five. Amy voiced what I was thinking.

"Look where?"

"Exactly where you don't want to look. Where you never want to look. The corner of your eye. Look behind you" he didn't take his eyes off us while he said this kind of scaring me at the same time as intrigued me. Amy started turning around looking through the corner of her eye, until she was turned around with her back to us looking at something that wasn't there.

"That's, that's not possible. How is that possible?" I was very confused at what she was shocked at but I wouldn't take my eyes off the man, not until he gave me a slight nod signalling for me to look and I did. but that door has never been there.

"There's a perception filter around the door. Sensed it last time I was here. Should have seen it."

"But that's a whole room. That's a whole room I've never seen" I am too focused on the door to talk but Amy seems to have dropped the act due to shock.

"The filter stopped you noticing. Something came here a while ago to hide. Its still hiding and you need to uncuff me now" he started talking a lot quicker in tempo and louder at the end, clearly uneasy with being restrained.

"I don't have a key, I lost it" Amy said nonchalantly like it was nothing, but it was definitely something.

"How could you have lost it?" me and the man said at the same time causing us to look weirdly at each other before he notices Amy's advance to the mystery door.

"Stay away from that door!" he's ignored "Do not touch that door" he is ignored yet again "Listen to me, do not open that-" and she opened it. "Why does no one ever listen to me? Do I have a face that nobody listens too?" he says asking me I just shrug at his question. If I'm being honest, he kinds does.

"Ok Amy, maybe listen to the mad man! Come back" she doesn't even listen to me! She just waltzes into this room we have never noticed. The man ruffles through his pockets looking for something quickly looking at me.

"Screwdriver, where is it? Silver thing, blue at the end. Where did it go?" I have no idea what he is talking about.

"Amy the mad man is asking for his screwdriver. Maybe get out of the creepy room and help me here?" I shout to the door getting uncomfortable with Amy not being safe.

"Stop calling me a mad man" he says looking to me.

"But that's exactly what you are. A Mad Man"

"There's nothing here" we hear Amy talk from the room.

"Whatever's there stopped you seeing the room. What makes you think you could see it? Please just get out!" he shouts as he keeps looking around for his 'screwdriver'.

"Silver, blue on the end?" we hear Amy ask from the mystery room.

"My screwdriver. Yeah"

"It's here" why does this keep getting stranger and stranger?

"Must have rolled under the door."

"Yeah. Must have" there was a pause after she said this only making me more antsy. "and then must have jumped up on the table..." that can't be good.

"Get out of there!" and there's my reassurance that this is definitely not a good idea. "Get out of there!" he shouts again trying to get Amy's attention.

"Get out!" I join in hopping she will listen to me .... She doesn't. "Amy get out of there!"

The man beside me keeps struggling against the handcuff keeping him in place. Looking between him and the door, I decide it would be the best idea for all of us to get the hell out of here. Moving over to his handcuffed hand I start struggling against the cuffs with him.

"Why does she not listen to us?" he asks as I try and help him.

"Sorry" I say giving him a sweet smile.

"Why are you apologising?" he looks absolutely baffled at my response.

"Because she gets it from me" that's not a lie. "Amy! what are you doing?"

"There's nothing here, but..."

"Corner of your eye" the mad man says slowly

"What is it?" she sounds scared. I quickly stand-up stepping towards the door but I'm stopped by a hand grabbing my trouser leg.

"Don't try to see it! If it knows you've seen It, It will try and kill you!"

"Well, that's bloody brilliant aint it! Amy get out now!" I look down at the man shocked and slightly angry that Amy isn't listening to us. There's some silence between us before we hear a scream come from Amy causing my head to snap towards the door.



Amy comes running out of the room right into my arms and I have no protest in holding her before she gives the 'screwdriver' to the man, or more him taking it from her hands. He points it to the door and this funny buzzing noise comes from it, apparently it locks the door. He starts to do the same thing but to his cuff, talking to the inanimate object while doing it. Mad man.

"Will that door hold it?" Amy asks still hugging into me. I am about the same hight as her so its not the most comfortable, but she needs it.

"Oh yeah, yeah. Of course. An interdimensional multiform from space. They're all terrified of wood" I think the sarcasm was great but from the glare Amy gives him I don't think she's in the same boat as me. Suddenly the door is backlit with a golden glow.

"What's that? What's it doing?" Amy asks as I move her behind me and away from the door. Don't get me wrong I am terrified as well but protecting her seems more important than fear right now.

"I don't know. Getting dressed. Run. Just go. Your back-ups coming, ill be fine." He says cleaning up his 'screwdriver'.

"There is no back up" Amy says in a slightly snarky tone. I have to hold back a snicker. Busted.

"I heard you on your radio, you called for back-up!"

"It's a pretend radio!"

"But you're a policewoman!"

"I'm a kissogram!" and there it is! final move, checkmate. And to top it all of she takes off her police hat, letting all her hair fall down her back, throwing the hat away.

We don't get time to comment on it before the mystery door is knocked off its hinges, falling to the floor revealing a man in a boiler outfit holding a big dog with a chain leash. I'm not usually afraid of people, I get into fights all the time but this man is scaring me pretty bad just the look in his eyes seems off.

"But it's just-" Amy doesn't get to finish before the mad man cuffed to the radiator cuts in.

"No, it isn't. look at the faces" you can hear growling that's meant to be coming out of the dog's mouth but it's coming from the man instead. Somehow that makes him scarier.

"What? I'm sorry, what?" Amy grabs my hand from behind me while she looks towards Mr. know-it-all next to us.

"It's one creature. one creature disguised as two. Clever old multi-form" Oh great! We're complementing the deadly alien now? "but of a rushed job though. Got the voice a bit muddled, did you?" oh now we are taunting the alien! The dog-man looks directly at us causing my grip on Amy's hand to tighten because if I haven't said this before, THIS IS TERRIFYING. "Mind you, where did you get this pattern? You need a psychic link, a live feed. How'd you fix that?" surprise, surprise the multi-form didn't answer just snarled at us. Then even better he took a step forward to us, opening his mouth to reveal large sharp needle like teeth that should not be able to fit in his mouth! "down boy!"

"Yes, because that's going to work!" all I got was a shrug in response from the mad man as we look back at the scary man.

"Me and them. We are safe, want to know why?" he says patting my foot as he talks. "she sent for back-up!"

"I didn't send for back-up!"

"He knows that Amy! It was just a clever lie to save our lives!" sometimes this girl is clueless.

"Ok, yeah. No back-up. And that's why we are safe. Alone, we are not a threat to you. If we had back-up, you'd have to kill us." We seemed in the clear before we all heard a large booming voice from outside repeat the message "attention prisoner zero, we have the human residence surrounded."

"What is that?" Amy whispers

"That would be back-up. Ok, one more time. We definitely do have back-up and that is why we are safe."

"Prisoner Zero will vacate the human residence or the human residence will be incinerated" the loud message changed so something worse than before. Incinerated!

"Well safe apart from, you know, incineration!" I say looking to the mad man. As the message repeated itself, prisoner Zero made his way into another room away from the corridor causing us to relax but only slightly. Mad man started hitting his 'screwdriver' off the ground trying to get it to work but it wouldn't turn on. "for fuck sake. Here" I quickly swipe a hair pin from Amy's hair, moving next to the man to pick the lock of the cuffs. It took me a bit to get it but I finally got the cuff off him.

"Run!" A hand grabbed mine dragging me down the hall as Amy is pushed in front. As we make our way down the stairs and out the house, we pause for a second so mad man can lock the door. "a kissogram?"

"Yes!" I follow behind the two having conflicting emotions as this is funny and terrified because there's ALIENS IN THE HOUSE!

"Why'd you pretend to be a policewoman?"

"You broke into my house!"

"I thought you said you lived here?" he says looking at me I just smiled at them.

"Its this or a French maid!" we began running to the garden. "what's going on? tell me!" we make it to the garden to a big blue box? "Tell me!"

"An alien convict is hiding in your spare room, disguised as a man with a dog. And some other aliens are about to incinerate your house. Any other questions?"

"Yes!" both me and Amy shouted at the same time.

"Me too" the box doesn't let him in as he tries to unlock it. "No. No. No. No. Don't do that, not now! It's still rebuilding! Not letting us in" because that makes so much sense! I'm about to comment but I'm cut off by the alien message again and Amy grabbing both me and mad man dragging us away.

"come on" we get about 5 steps before mad man starts fighting against her trying to get to the shed.

"Wait, wait! The shed! I destroyed the shed last time I was here! Smashed it to pieces!" he says as he runs to the shed managing to jump over the shrubbery in the way.

"Ok. They got a new one! Now let's go because aliens and dog man!" a say following after him with Amy on my tail.

"But the new ones got old! Its ten years old at least!" me and Amy share a look as he sniffs the wood and even licks his finger. "Twelve years. I'm not six months late, I'm twelve years!"

"He's coming" Amy quickly cuts in trying to distract him from the truth.

"You said six months. Why did you say six months?" He comes up to our faces but I give him no reaction so he turns to Amy who keeps fidgeting on her feet.

"we've got to go."

"This matters. This is important. Why did you say six months?" Amy can barely look at him until she can't keep herself in control.

"Why did you say five minutes?!" the now confirmed Doctor takes a moment looking at Amy before replying.


"Come on" Amy tries to get us moving again.

"What?" he asks again.

"Come on!" she shouts grabbing our hands pulling us away, the Doctor looks to me, shocked.




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