[BOOK 1] A Demon in a Ninja W...

By BlameMyGamingChair

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《Confirmed. Reconstructing the spirit...『Gamers mind』 has been acquired. Report. 『Gamers mind』 and 『Gamers bo... More

Chapter 1 - Game!
Chapter 2 - The Genderbender
Chapter 3 - Demon lord?
Chapter 4 - The Demon is a Gacha addict
Chapter 5 - Forbidden scroll
Chapter 6 - Haha Team goes... BRRR
Chapter 7 - Haha bell test goes... BRRR
Chapter 8 - demon of what???
Chapter 9 - Another self-proclaimed demon
Chapter 10 - Gaia's theory
Chapter 11.5 - misunderstanding
Chapter 12 - Haha chuunin exam goes... BRRR
Chapter 13 - Snakes!!!
Chapter 14 - NERFs and BUFFs
Chapter 15 - NERFs and BUFFs part 2
Uzumaki Karma, so far...
Chapter 16 - The genderbend is all over the place
Chapter 17 - I'm the prisoner
Chapter 18 - Death
Chapter 19 - The end of the demon

Chapter 11 - Self-proclaimed demon lord

7K 355 81
By BlameMyGamingChair

Yo! BlameMyGamingChair's here!

Anyway, I've been trying to find excuses for an early updat-


BlameMyGamingChair: I had absolutely no idea what are you talking about, BEEP* -Chan.


BlameMyGamingChair: Anyway, we reached 100 Votes!!! Which means... If we do the math... At least 10 people decided to actually vote rather than reading these chapters and leaves them untouched! It's a big progress!!! Ahahahaha! Hahaha... Haha.... Ha...

To celebrate this 100 votes, i declare to Ms. Beta Read for an early chapter to publish.

Beta Read: it's just 100 votes what are you so excited abou-

BlameMyGamingChair: HAHA Votes goes... BRRRRRRR

Karma Uzumaki's POV

I had bought zabuza for 7 million ryo.

I only gave him 3,5 for starter and the rest if we catch gatou alive.

I did manage to tell zabuza my "predictions" on how and why gatou will betray him.

Good thing he believe it.

If I failed persuading him, then I won't be able to bribe him with more money.

Gatou offered 10 million after all.

Karma Uzumaki Clone's POV

Right now, I am fighting amongst bosses' clones who henged as zabuza with kakashi clone.

We play the act just like in the real anime.

All I need to do is drag haku in to empty ID and then create bunshin to make it seem real.

Naruto and sasuke were doing pretty good dodging because I still activated my Seishingan.

But I'll stop giving them the advantage just to make it seem like I struggle.


Sasuke unlocks his Sharingan while naruto fainted.

Sasuke protected naruto from senbons and boy my other clones are great actors, I'm not going to be surprised if we got 『acting 』 skill after we all dispersed.

The reason boss created mana bunshin was because it's just an illusion made from mana, but when it dispelled memories can be collected as well.

The only downside is that boss doesn't know how to make it solid yet.

Kakashi will act as Haku's killer.

Now I will be the one who transports haku to empty ID, and then make another bushin henged as Haku after Haku tries to take Kakashi's 『Raikiri 』.

By then, gatou will come in and be the idiotic villain he is.

And that's when we all will dispersed and let zabuza kill gato.

And of course inari will came with vilagers.

The plan is perfect.


All clones except me dispersed.

Boss is back from the ID, and the real zabuza and kakashi gets back in position.

The moment they got out, zabuza cast hidden mist to hide us on the mist.

They don't really fight after that though... they were just talking to each other.

They're pretty good actor.

Now all I need to do is transform into haku and take his place.


Sasuke uchiha's POV

「Whoaa what's this??!! 」 naruto shouted.

「It's karma's doujutsu, you better use it wisely dobe.」 I answered.

「I knew that -ttebayo!」

He answered as he dodges senbons from behind we keep trying to find a way out untill...

「w- my eyes became normal again!??」 The dobe said.

Our view started to change normal,

「Did something happened to karma?」 I blurted out loud.

Naruto narrowed his eyes on that.

Suddenly he got hit by senbons from his left side.

「you both kept up with my speed until now.... But now though... I wonder why...」

The masked guy said as more senbons thrown at us. The dobe is down! Shit...

I parried senbons after senbons but then...

My eyes are hurting, I can keep with Haku's movements while he became slower.

Did karma use his seishingan again?? No... this feels different... did I... awakened my sharingan?

No matter.

Right now, I managed to block incoming attack but then, the masked guy aims at the dobe.

I rushes taking the blow.

「Hmph..you...I hate you」 I said shakily.

「W-why... I didn't asked for your help!!!??」 naruto asked.

「I don't know... my body just move on it's own accord... 」

「That man... I promised that I'll defeat my brother... but.. You, don't die... 」

I said before losing conscious.


Karma uzumakis kage bunshin's POV.

I can feel demonic chakra from the boys direction, narutos' pissed huh...

I rushed inside the crystal mirror while they're busy fighting.

I pull of sasukes senbons and forced him to take potion.

He is messy, his clothes are full of holes amd scratches from the senbons, and a trail of blood can be seen escaping from his lips.

He is still not waking up.

I used my seishingan to find my way to tazuna and sakura.

「Sasuke-kun!!」 sakura squaled.

「He's fine, only unconscious. I need to get back to kakashi. Narutos' rampaging over the masked guy for hurting sasuke so you better not go there」

I said before going back to kakashi.


「Sorry, I cannot die yet!」

Haku disappeared leaving the dumbfounded naruto with a kunai in hand.

This is my chance.

I throw a kunai slowly at naruto so he look away from haku who's running towards zabuza.

Naruto looked at the kunai that suddenly appears out of thin air and jumped back dodging it.

Confusion is written on his face.

At the same time, I drag haku to the ID as I used my spirit rings' abilities.

『Spiritual interference』

I can see haku stopped his track and grip his head before I manage to sneak in behind and chop his back, making him unconscious.

It's a good thing I have 『seishingan』.

With my 『magic perception』 got nerf'd, I won't be able to feel enemies near me anymore.

But with seishingan, it's like having byakugan with the ability to lend others byakugan.

Additionally, not only I can share my vision, I can also see what they see.

I get out of the ID henged as haku as I rushes towards zabuza it's a good thing that zabuza keep this mist thick.

I told him to stop feeding the mist chakra after kakashi to raikiri'd his shoulder.

I also gave him a potion.

Well, not that I think he will actually drink it.

Karma Uzumaki's POV.

「Sorry, I cannot die yet!」

I can see Haku disappeared leaving naruto by using seishingan.

Kakashi hesitate as he used raikiri approaching zabuza.

In half way... before haku dissapear and appear with crystal mirror, Kage bunshin that I left here earlier transformed into haku.

My Haku bunshin rushed to take kakashi's raikiri.

He wouldn't actually got killed, kakashi has hesitate to use it in the first place.

But my haku bunshin decided to pressed his chest to kakashi's raikiri.

My haku bunshin is bleeding as kakashi 'killed' him, kakashi and zabuza narrowed their eyes.

I felt bad now...

In the plan, I told them to act by kakashi immobilizing zabuza by his ninkens and finishing with raikiri.

They didn't think that haku would take the blows for zabuza.


「This... went exactly as you predicted, demon...」

Zabuza said while turning his head to me.

「It is...」 I trailed off.

I can see kakashi narrowed his eyes again.

Did zabuza forget our contract?? He's giving off a huge amount of killing intent right now...


「Gatou... why are you here? And what's with those subordinates...」

「We had a little change in plans...

I'm sorry, Zabuza, but you're going to die here.

If I rent official ninja, it would cost a lot of money.

So, I rented an exiled ninja like you.

If you ninja had just killed each other, it would have saved me trouble and money.」

The man now dubbed as gato said.

He approached haku clone and says.

「Oh yes, I owe this guy a favor.」

He kicked haku clone.

Naruto gritted his teeth at this.

「y-you bastard!! 」 naruto shouted.

「stop it naruto! 」 kakashi stopped him.

「and you call yourself demon of the mist? A cute devil if you asked me」

Gatou said.

Ignoring those words...

「Kakashi, I'm sorry, but the battle ends here. Since I don't have a reason to kill Tazuna, I have lost the reason to fight you.」

Zabuza said.

「Why don't you say something, too! He was on your side, right?!」

Naruto asked zabuza.

「Shut up, kid. Haku is already dead. 」

「You really don't feel anything about what he did?! 」

「I said this before. We ninja are just tools. Like how Gato used me, I was also just using Haku. I wanted his abilities, not him.」

「he- he really liked you! And you really don't think anything of him?! Do you really...

Really not think anything of him?!

When a person becomes as strong as you do they start to think like that...?

He- He sacrificed his life for you! Dying as a tool... is just...」

「I know. He was too kind...

Haku... Not only did he hurt his heart to fight for me, but he hurt his heart for you guys.

I'm glad we were able to fight you as your final opponents.

Oh, yes... kid, it was just like you said. Ninjas are human, too.

They might not be able to become a tool without emotions.

Kid, give me your knife.」

Naruto throws him his kunai.

Zabuza caught it before I stepped in.

「Wait a minute...」 I suddenly said.

「Oi! fake demon, Aren't you a bit delusional?

Our contract is still active, you fool.

Maa~ if you did good i'll reward you more than money, maybe...

haku's life.」

I said as 『Chakra Haki』 activated in its fullest potential.

「ka-karma... ?」

Naruto stuttered in response to my killing intent.

「Heh, well said.

I'll make sure I'll complete the contract.

Isn't that right, demon?

That last one though... was that an invitation to let me die in your hands?

Or was it an offer to bring haku back to life?」

Zabuza said with now maniac grin as he took of his bandage and bite naruto's kunai.

「saa~ what about you collect this little poor souls and offer them to me? Then you'll find out the rest.」

I said turning my heads at the crowds sadistically.

「w-w-who are you!??」

Gatou said shakily getting scared from my haki, I can see fear on his subordinates face.

「oh me? I'm just a passing through demon lord.」

The slaughter happened.

But zabuza didn't stop after he get gato.

About half of the crowds are killed with just 1 stab with a kunai.

The remaining gato's men are taking a step by step back from zabuza as zabuza stood there in a pile of dead bodies and a lively gato on his right hand suffocating gato's neck.

I slowly walk to zabuza.

「Kufufufu.... Todays offerings are great...」

I said as kakashi give me a suspicious glare from my back while Naruto is in complete awe.

I approach with my hands in my pockets.

I didn't really get my hands on their souls.

I can't get them without killing them my self.

But this is a trade for haku, so I'll let it go this time.

「 Put him down zabuza, He still have nice assets for the land of waves...」

I said behind him as I stand on the pile of bodies too.

I took out my right hand and lift it up.

I snapped my fingers as bodies on the floor disappeared.

The corpses are gone leaving their clothes and garments.

While gatou is becoming more and more lively.

What did I do, you ask?

Well, I simply took their bodies to the Empty ID.

At this point, zabuza turned his head on me.

No one can hide their surprise.

Everyone was either gaping like a fish or looking at me dangerously.

「Now as payment...」

My bunshin appears besides me holding haku on shoulder carry.

Zabuza narrowed his eyes.

He turned his eyes to behind me as he dropped gatou to the ground.

Haku clone burst into smokes.

「W-what?!!」 zabuza gasp.

Everyone eyes narrowed wider than before as I turned of chakra haki.

「he's out of cold. So don't be so rough」

My bunshin said placing haku on the ground.

「Za-zabuza-san? 」 haku asked weakly.

「Wh-what did you do?!」

The now zabuza who's cradling haku asked.

「As I said... that's your payment...
and of course....」

I throw a scroll containing money.

「That's the 3.5 milion I promised, you are free to go. I thank you for the offerings. I'll make sure to use their souls wisely.」

I said with innocent smile.

Before turning my head to gatou who's cowering in fear.

「As for you....」

I trailed off, loosing my smile.

I took a wood bat on the ground which was apparently one of the sacrificed bandit's weapon.


Gatou is out of cold.


Kakashi and naruto shouted in worry while catching up to my place.

Tazuna and sakura who have sasuke on they're shoulder also came by behind us.

「He's just a kid!! That demon guy is also downed!! Let's just attack!!!」

One bandit shouted while one by one the other bandits starts agreeing.

Ignorance... Well, they are human after all...

「Kakashi-sensei, don't you have a technique that can just beat them all at once?」

Naruto who's besides me now asked.

「No, I've used up too much Chakra.」

Kakashi sensei answered.

「That's not needed」

I said as my bunshin loot gatou's body. I need to make sure he gives all his money back to the village.

Documents of his corruption should be taken as well.

「w-what do you mean??」 Naruto asked.

「Oi! Old man tazuna.」

Tazuna winced at this.

「You remember I said something about how your people will gain their hope back and all that shit, at the first time we met???」

I asked.

「Y-yes, I've been thinking on that...」

「well that...」 I said.

「Don't let them escape!!!!!」

The bandit shouted as they charged in.

「you'll see that hope today」 I finished.

Suddenly an arrow flies, and it sticks to the ground.

「Anyone who gets any closer to this island will die facing the force of this island!」

「Inari!」 naruto shouted.

「Heroes are supposed to come late!」 inari shouted.

「Inari.... All of you...」 Tazuna said.


『Kage bunshin no jutsu !』 naruto shouted.

『Kage bunshin no jutsu...kakashi version 』 kakashi shouted.

That's a move??? What did ya even changed??

The bandits get scared, and scram. Pushing each other on to the boat and leaving fearfully.

Everyone cheered.


No one's POV

「But you know kakashi sensei... does a ninja really has to be they said a ninja supposed to be??」 sakura asked.

「Ninja are not supposed to seek their reason to exist. it's important that they exist as a tool. That idea exists in Konoha, too.」 Kakashi answered.

「Does becoming a real ninja really mean that? I...kind of... don't like that.」 Naruto said.

「Do you think so, too?」 sasuke asked kakashi.

「Well, no. That's why ninja unconsciously suffer from that idea. Like Zabuza and that boy.」

... After a slight pause...

「Alright! I've decided! I'm going to follow my own 'way of the ninja'! I'm going to run straight down the path where I'm not going to regret anything!」 naruto exclaimed.


「Now then, Isn't about time you explain everything to your teammates... karma-kun?」

Karma looked at kakashi with annoyed look.


Karma uzumaki's POV


Well I need to cooperate as a team that's for sure... but explaining everything again is... troublesome...

Either way, I told them my power. With more lies and half truth to spice things up, of course.

They didn't knew about the IDs yet.


naruto exclaimed as much to my surprise...

Well, naruto never did ask me many things...

Sometimes he's just too afraid I will hate him.

Which I keep repeatedly says I won't...

As for sakura's and sasuke's reaction though...

「You guys aren't surprised???」

「Well, no... it's kind of understandable now how you're so strong...」


I sweat dropped.

I guess they're just tired of my bull this a couple months??

Now that I think about it...

Why does it feels like I feel they're so... close...?

Not that I'm gonna say that out loud.

Maa~ I'm not going to think about that so much.... the plot is changing.

But thank god not many has changed, for now that is...

_Flashback end_

「We've completed the bridge thanks to you, but were going to miss you.」

Tazuna said.

「Thank you for everything.」 kakashi said.

「Now, now, old man Tazuna, we'll visit you again one day.」


Inari asked with watery eyes, as tazuna brought his hands to inari's head.

「e-eh... Inari. You're going to get lonely, aren't you?」

「Uwaah I'm not great with the emotional stuff」

I said while sticking my nose in icha².

I suddenly interrupted, not minding the emotional kids.

「Oi old man. This one is yours」

I said handing a beat up gato to tazuna by his collar.

「Uh ah! Ugh...thanks??」

I put up Karma Akabane's lesson to use.

To stuff a pig, you need a good spice before cooking it right, except you won't cook it.

Which basically, I stuffed out gatou's mouth and noses with spices.

It was fun.

Really fun

I might do it again in the future.

「These are documents of all his crimes, well the only one's I found. It will be useful.」

I handed him over some papers I found in gatou's office after an episode of spice stuffing.

Tazuna thanked me once again.

「...I cannot thank you enough. Please accept my thanks, for everything you have done.」

He suddenly said while bowing down. I was bewildered.


It's what escaped from my mouth.

「Karma nii-san! I also I want to give you my deepest thanks!!」

Inari suddenly said.

And without any care of my confusion...

Before I knew it, tsunami also bow her head a little.

The rest of the villagers only stares at us confusedly.

「St-stop it. You're grossing me out.」 I said almost stuttering.

What is this feeling... it felt kinda... nice? No... comfortable.

I turned my body around as I can see my teammates also staring at me.

I started to walk past my teammate with my hands in my pockets.

I stopped.

「You guys...」

I said not looking back.

「This land is once called the land of whirlpools...」

Tazuna flinched as kakashi narrowed his eyes.

「I don't care if the name's needs to be the same but...

Take care of yourself now, will ya??」

Tazuna smiled upon realization, while some other villagers cheered us goodbyes and Inari waved at us while shouting at naruto.

Which naruto shouted back as the team begin to move.


「Uzumaki, huh? Now I remember... 」

Tazuna mumbles among the villagers' cheers.

「What was that about whirlpool-dattebayo???」

「Its nothing, naruto」

I said with genuine smile.

While I can see kakashi's eyes staring at me curiously.

「Karma uzumaki's personality... tsundere? 」

Kakashi mumbles while having a notebook on his hand and a pen.

「Eh??」 (Karma)

「O-oi... what the hell was that?」 (Karma)

「 ah? It's nothing」 (Kakashi)

「 let me see.」(karma)


「Let me see!!!!」(karma)

「 No.」(kakashi)

「HAND IT OVER TO ME!!!」(karma)




<Intermediate fuinjutsu scrolls set> x1 get
<Genjutsu scroll: hell viewing technique> 1x get
<primogems> 20x get


Well, that's a happy ending... maybe???

as for zabuza...

Zabuza momochi's POV

「Haku! Are you alright??」 I asked haku.


「Tell me what happened..」

「It's that kid... the red haired one.. He said he bought you and said everything was an act... was that true??」 he asked.


「Listen... don't be a tool for anyone else.」


「I'm not abandoning you. Just... for now, I want you to decide what you want to do... you can't be a tool, you have feelings. I just realized that.」

「I-i.. 」


「Go on a journey 」(zabuza)

「what?? 」 (haku)

「Go on a journey, find your own purpose and take my money. After you do, only then I'll allow you to came back. Do you understand??」

To be continue.

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