The Horrors of the Jungle {Bl...

By Angeliese

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The Horrors of the Jungle {Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji} (Fanfic)

Chapter 1: The Letter

137 3 4
By Angeliese

Chapter 1: The Letter

It was a quiet afternoon as I sat at my desk, finishing up the remaining of the days paperwork, when my butler entered the room. He held a silver platter with a few letters on it.

"Leave them there for now," I said, waving my hand for him to scram as I was busy, "I have other work to attend to."

"Very well, sir, but, I'm afriad this letter is most ergent." He replied, holding the letter towards me.

I pulled focus from the papers displayed on my desk to look a the small envolope in his gloved hands.

I took it from his hands and looked at the wax seal. it was from her majesty.

"I don't remeber hearing of any crimes in London." I said, reaching for the letter opener and slicing it open.

I pulled out the pieces of paper within and read them over quickly, collecting a summary of it before I handed it over to Sebastian for him to read over.

"It seems, this is business outside of Britian." I said, entwining myfingers together and placed them onto my lap.

"Yes, there have been recent murders in India." He replied, skimming through the letter, but never forgetting a detail.

"yes, a small village has been disturbed by someone who is murdering the residents, and quite savagely apparently." I replied, going over the facts in my mind.

"Yes, it seems that is, perhaps, a cerial killer for they all have something in common."

"Yes, they were all taken from the village, and then days later were found in trees, their bodies mangled."

"Young master, could it be maybe an animal living there attacking them?" Sebastian asked, placing the letters neatly onto the desk.

"Perhaps, but it seems as though the nature of the murders are cruel, too cruel for the Queen to describe." I said, looking down at my lap, thinking.

"But, why is this a concern of the Queen?" Lau said, tilting his head.

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE???" I screamed at him. I know Lau had his "surprise visits", but he at least knocked on the door, this is the first time he's entered my office unnoticed.

"My, my, earl, you seemed stressed. I think this would be a chance for you to relax, you must consider it." He replied with a smile, rubbing Ranmoa's thigh as she sat on his lap, "Don't you agree, Ranmoa?"

She simply nodded her head.

"Mister Lau, although we hounered by your precense, it would be better if you were to knock efore entering the manor." Sebastian said, bowing his head.

"Oh, of course, I do guess Master Butler does have a point, right, Ranmoa?" He said.

I rubbed my temples in frustration, I did not have time to deal with him, there were more important matters at hand.

"Again, Earl, I must ask. Why does this concern her majesty?" Lau said before taking another drag of his pipe.

"Well, her majesty does have many relations in India, but mostly, the village being attacked is one of her companies work areas. The villagers, along with workers, are being attacked, so it is slowing down productivity. The other fact is how cruel the murders are, so she prays for their souls to hope it stops. She would like me to get to the bottom of it." I said, leaning my head on my hand, my elbow on the desk.

"Ah, I see, but I do agree with Master Butler. What if is an animal?" Lau asked.

"Then we track it down and kill it." I said plainly.

"Hmm, what if it is endangered?" Lau asked.

"Mr. Lau, I know you are no stranger to underground business. We'll kill it anyway, and what happens, happens. Besides, the mangey beast has killed more than twenty people, by any countries standards, the thing would be put to death." I replied, with a smirk. For one who deals with the black market, you would think he wouldn't ask such dumb questions.

"I see. Well, then, since it seems you'll be heading to India, I will make arrangments for you, Earl." Lau said, standing up.

"Thank you, but my butler can see to it. Mr. lau, will you be accompaning us?"

"Most likely, until then Earl." He replied exiting the room.

I took a large sigh, rubbing my temples once more.

"Sebastian please make the preparations." I said.

"Of course, young mas--"

Sebastian was interuppted my Lau poking his head back in the door.

"Where is the front door again?"



My, my, the master seems to be very high strung about this. of course, I do know he does not like animals, or the wilderness.

"too wild and unruly" he says, I do guess that's why it's called "the wild".

Hmm, although this case is very odd. Someone dragging bodies into trees and leaving them on display........even by my standards it is quite sick, but very smart and clever.

If it were a human, they're sending a message to stay away. Though, I don't see why some one would become so enraged over a few trees missing. It's just a small lumber company, what harm could it do?

Or if an animal, it is quite a vicious one. A very strong one as well. It has to be, for it dragged 100 pound men up trees, not to mention it had the stregth to rip them appart.

This is an adiversary I wouldn't mind meeting. Wether animal or human, it was quite the killer.

I made my way down the halls where I arrived to the kitchen. I entered silently, looking for Bard roy.

"Oh, eh, Sebastian, I didn't se ya' there." He said, brushing down his hair.

"It seems you're almost done cleaning up the kitchen from today's earlier mess." I said to him.

"Eh, yeah, flamethrowers can make quite the mess." He replied rubbing the back of his kneck.

"Yes, please try to learn from your mistakes, but I am not hear to scorn you."

"Really, what are ya' here for then?" He asked, looking towards me as I ripped off my tailcoat and putting on an apron.

"I need you to alert the rest of the staff that we are going on a trip." I said, pulling out pots and pans to prepare for tonight's dinner.

"What? Really, we're goin' on vacation?" He asked, with slighlty excitement in his voice.

"yes, you all three need to pack, leave the rest of the day's chores to me." I replied, taking out ingredients and placing them onto the countertop.

"Really! What about Pluto?" He asked.

"I will discuss it with the young master, but do inform Finney and Meyrin," I said, pulling out a large steak knife to cut the meat infront of me.

"Alright." he said, about to exit the door.

"One more thing, Bardroy. Do not in any way, at all, try to help," I said, bringing down the knife swiftly, cutting the large piece of meat clearly in half, "Understood?"

"Loud and clear." He replied a little frightened before he ran out the door.

"Bafoons." I whispered to myself.

This trip was going to be quite troublesome. India is quite far from here, it will take maybe a week to get there, not to mention the work we will all have once we return.

But, I do guess a change of scenery will help the master.

India. I have not been to such a place in quite a while. The last time I went somewhere excotic, well, you might say, a certain tribe has, "disappeared."

Samawhhattan village does sound familair though, if I remeber correctly an old aquantince of mine lives there. Although, I doubt he is the cause of it, but he might a great help in navigating the dense forest.

But, as for this, well, murderer, I'm quite curious who or maybe what is capable of such gruesome murders.

I guess we'll just have to see.

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