My White Knight ✔️

By mikywaymidnight

55.3K 4.5K 2.5K

What would you do when the happy bubble you lived in for the past 25 years gets popped? Do you wanna know wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thank You 🖤
Bonus Chapter(Divya's Dad POV)
Bonus Chapter
Lies and Love (Next Book)

Chapter 23

1K 102 52
By mikywaymidnight


"Hello! This is Riya from Academy of Building Blocks pre-school. Can I talk to Divya, Amar's mom?"

"This is Divya, How can I help you? Is Amar okay?" I questioned her feeling panicked.

Alex, Amar and Elena go to the same preschool. Amar joined preschool a month after his birthday, and it's been 4 months since.

"Are Alex and Elena okay?" I asked her again before she could reply.

"Everyone is fine Ma'am! I would like to meet with you and discuss something about Amar. Can you come by around 3P.M today?" She asked me.

"Sure! I will be there by 3. See you soon." I told her and cut the call.

I felt relived that everyone is fine, but what does she need to talk about? Did he do anything? Did he hurt anyone?

I started panicking and called the only person that popped in my mind who can calm me down.

"Someone's missing me!" Andrew said but I could feel him smile.

"The preschool people called, they said they want to talk to me about Amar. I am terrified, I don't know what to do. I was always a goody two shoes, no one had to talk to my parents about me. I don't know what to do, did he do something wrong? Did he hit anyone? Did he.."

"Divya, Relax! Stop overthinking, every thing will be fine. If it was an emergency they would've asked you to come right away. May be she wants to talk how exceptional my Amar is." He stopped me from my negative thoughts and calmed my frightened heart.

"You think so?" I asked him still doubting myself.

"I know so. And before going to the preschool swing by the office and pick me up. I will join you guys. I am in the middle of a meeting right now, I will call you later, Bye, Love you!" He said giving me confidence and cut the call.

A smile formed on my lips as soon as I heard the Love you, even though I've listened to that like a million times it still feels like the first time.

Life has been wonderful these days, and the main reason for that is Andrew. I've always struggled with work, raising Amar, education and life but when you have a person to share your load, all the struggles and happiness with they seem lighter. I don't know how but he makes me happier and complete.

We've grown really close in the last 5 months and can you believe we never fought once. I tried to start a fight so many times because that's all relationships are right a few fights and making up. But this Andrew never fights back with me, so annoying.

He also shared all his past, how he overcame his addiction and how they started Global Tech. And the relationship between Andrew and his father has improved a lot, Theodore visited us twice.

"Dr.D, We have to go for the rounds!"Valerie said opening my cabin door breaking my chain of thoughts.

I joined her and look at all the patients, whom we performed the surgery last week and their families who are happy. I love my job, looking at these smiles make all the 10 years of hardworking worth it.

"Dr.Divya, My brother's stomach pain is gone."My patient Phinean's little sister said to me as I entered their room while her parents gave us a sheepish smile at her daughter.

"That's so good Lilly, I told you I can help him." I told her looking at his sheet. Phinean is 12 year old boy who came in with appendix the day before yesterday.

"Everything is fine now Mr.Lucas and Mrs. Lucas. The stitches are healing. You can take him home tonight." I told her walked out of their room not before giving Lilly the candy I got her.

"Valerie, prepare their discharge papers. Where is Becky?" I asked her as I couldn't find Becky all day.

"She is taking the day off, Dr.D and the residents are having their finals. So, it's just us."She replied and walked away to complete her work.

I went back to my office and completed my paperwork and sign all the documents. I drove to Global Tech, picked up Andrew and as usual I drove while he sat in the passenger seat.

We reached the Pre-School and walked in.

"Hi, My name is Divya! We are here to meet Riya." I told the receptionist and she called Riya informing about my arrival and Andrew was on call with someone.

Riya walked in wearing a black knee length skirt and a tight blouse, wow she doesn't look like a pre school teacher, instead she looks like she just came from a runway.

"Hi Divya! Please walk with me to my room." She told me.

"Give me a minute, Andrew.." I said to her and yelled out Andrew's name.

"Is he Amar's father?" Riya asked looking at Andrew who's coming towards us.

"No, He is my.."

"Hello Mr.Jones."She said to Andrew in a sultry voice cutting me off and he smiled at her showing off those dimples.

She knows his name. Duh! he was an actor once remember.

"This way Mr.Jones." She said to him ignoring me completely.

"Mr.Jones makes me feel old, call me Andrew." Andrew replied walking with her

Hello people! We are here to discuss about my son and I should be the one taking here.

Why am I not liking her vibe towards Andrew?

We walked into her cabin and sat before her, while she kept looking at Andrew. May be she is star struck looking at him.

Stop staring at my boyfriend stupid woman and tell us why I am here, I wanted to yell at her but instead I said this.

"You wanted to discuss something about Amar, Riya?"

"Uhh..Amar. Yeah! Amar is a great kid but he hit our part-time worker Gillian today." She said looking at Andrew.

Amar hit somebody that doesn't make sense.

"Can we know why did he do that? Amar is not person who throws temper tantrums." Andrew asked her before I could.

"He didn't do anything bad. Gillian tried to hug Elena after she said she doesn't like to be touched by random people, so Amar and Alex hit her." She said placing her pen on the desk looking at Andrew.

Should I be proud that my son was defending his cousin? or should I be mad that he hit an adult?

"I think it's a good thing, People should understand that even kids have boundaries and you can't just go and hug a child if you find them cute." Andrew announced and she just nodded at him in agreement with a smile on her face.

Andrew got a phone call again and he left, leaving me in this room. She kept looking at the door for Andrew to return making me furious.

"Amar is my son, so it would be better if you discuss anything related to him with me. And Andrew is MY boyfriend and I suggest you to respect that by staying in your limits." I hissed at her seething with anger.

"Sorry Maam, I gave Amar detention for today and tomorrow for acting out. And I wanted to say nice parenting. That's it. Thank you for coming in today. " She said getting up her chair with a scared look on her face.

Serves her right! How dare she disrespect me? I've encountered this before they always look for a male to talk to, ignoring the female in the room.

I got out of my chair and walked out of her room and dragged Andrew along with me into the car.

"What happened why do look pissed? Did she say anything?" Andrew asked me with a confused look on his face.

"I hate her, and you too. She was seducing you and you encouraged her." I yelled at him and put my seatbelt on and Andrew started laughing.

"I didn't joke, stop laughing." I stared at him.

"You look so cute all riled up and jealous for me." He said pinching my nose.

"Pfft..In your dreams. Why would I be jealous? I was just mad at her for ignoring me as Amar's mother she should be talking to me and me only." I shrugged at him.

Was I really jealous? Is that the reason I snapped at her?

"You don't have to deny, and I love you and only you."He said kissing me on my cheek.

Now is my chance to start a fight, maybe we can a have a full on fight this time.

"No you don't, You were sitting there flashing those dimples, completely ignoring me." I said back.

"What are you talking Divya?"

"It's fine, you think she looks pretty and She is more in your league unlike me." I said to him faking sadness looking at his panicked face.

"Divya!" He tried to stop me but I cut him off

"Don't Divya me, I get it. You are bored of me. But I never expected this from you out of everyone Andrew. You really hurt me today." I said and turned my head away from him not able to control my laughter looking at his face.

"You sly fox, stop laughing I can see you in the mirror." He gasped and laughed my heart out looking at him.

"I'm sorry! I just want us to fight."I told him controlling my laughter.

"I told you a million times, I will never fight with you. And now I am mad at you for toying with me and making me feel scared." He huffed at me with a pout.

I know how to pacify him, I unbuckled myself and held his collar pulled him towards me and started placing long lingering kisses on his neck.

I read somewhere that if you kiss a man on his neck, he will fold like a banana peel.

And he folded just like they said leaning on to the other side giving me more access.

"You are seducing me, this is not fair!" He grunted as I stopped kissing him.

"Everything is fair in love and war." I said to him and pushed him back now that he is back to normal again and started driving.

"Fine, have a taste of your own medicine then." He said and placed his hand on my thigh and started tracing his fingers slowly from one end to the other making my legs weak.

When I tried shove his hand hand away, he held it tight. It feels like I am on fire, I gulped in fear of his next move

Don't give in to the temptation Divya, think about something else.

Think about work, yeah work.

Where do I work? What do I do?

Oh my god! I am screwed.

"Andrew! Please stop. I am driving."  I said to him taking gulps and long shuddering breaths.

"Say that, you were Jealous and you will never ever start a fight with me." He said whispering near my ear.

I could feel his hot breath on my neck leaving goosebumps all over my body which made my breath hitch to complete stop.

I had to end whatever he is doing to my body and concentrate on the road.

"I was jealous and I will never start a fight." I said as fast as I could and he took his hand off my leg making my heart rate go back to normal.

"I am not driving you around next time not if you do things like this." I announced as soon as we reached Global.

"Don't blame me, you started it. And I like it when you drive me around, that way I can enjoy watching you instead of the stupid road." He said giving me a sheepish smile making all my other feelings run away except love for him.

He pecked me on the lips and started disappearing into the crowd and I drove back to hospital.

Later that I went home and told Amar to not hit people instead talk to the nearest elder and made him apologize to Gillian for hitting her.

But Andrew took Amar out for ice cream saying that he was proud of his actions. Andrew stays over some nights and it looks like he lives with us most of the time.

And now I am missing him, Andrew and Jameson went to Tokyo yesterday and I feel bored in this house with Amar at School.

Time flies when you are happy, and runs like a snail when you want it to go fast. I took a nap and texted Amy to meet at the hospital tonight after my shift so we can go out instead of staying in.

I got to work at 10, and there were no surgeries scheduled for today. So I worked on my research along with Rowan.

Amaya texted me that she was waiting in the lobby with all the kids, so we could go out around 6. Rowan already left for the day and I started packing my bag and rearranged stuff for tomorrow.

"Dr.D, I'm sorry. I know you are done for today but we have a patient in room 750 with third degree burns on his hands. I tried to contact other staff but looks like everyone is busy." Valerie said knocking on my door.

I sighed at my bad luck and walked with her putting on my coat and stethoscope and followed her.

"Hello Sir! Dr.Divya will be taking care of you today. Don't worry you are in great hands she is my favorite." Valerie said as I walked into the room and looked at the patient she was talking to.

My heart stopped all of a sudden and I froze looking at the person who ruined my life sitting on a hospital bed right before me.

Please, don't be true. This is not real, Jay is not here. It's just my imagination.

"Divya" He barely whispered making me shiver reminding me of all the pain he put me through.

He is here, my nightmare is here.

What do I do know? I knew this was bound to happen but never imagined today would be the day. I wanted to run away from this room but my legs got stuck to the floor. My mind screamed danger but my body was not cooperating to move and run away.

I stood there looking at him as he gazed at me with the same intensity. I looked at his hands which are burnt severely.

"Wow, you two know each other Dr.D. Let's start." Valerie said making me look at her as she started cleaning the burns while he kept looking at me.

I can't show him that I am affected by his presence. I am strong now, I can't let him break me again. I took a step forward to treat his burns. I am doctor and I took an oath to heal people who seek my help. I will do that no matter how much pain he put me through.

"Valerie insert an IV with a painkiller and antibiotics." I told her examining his hands and she left the room to get those leaving us both.

"So, this is where you've been hiding with that lunatic Amaya!" He said as I was peeling off the dead skin on his hand.

Before I could reply to not mess with Amaya, Amaya herself barged into our room looking furious and jumped onto Jay and started hitting him.

"How dare you touch my Amar?" She yelled and punched him on his face.

And the monster is back.I wish I had a friend like Amaya who punches everyone that hurt me.

How many of you want to kill Jay?

Do you really think people like Jay will change? Personally I don't.

How will Andrew react on Jay's arrival?

Do you think Divya is ready to face Jay?

Stay tuned.

Don't forget to vote and comment your opinions.



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