The Stars Aligned

By dr4c0sl0v3

222K 5K 5.4K

"You're a goddamn catalyst, you know that?" He said slowly, the wind picking up and blowing his hair into his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Author's Note

Chapter 15

4.8K 114 157
By dr4c0sl0v3

November 24, 1995

"Angelina Johnson scores ten points for Gryffindor!"

The crowd roared with enthusiasm, and I resisted the urge to cover my ears. I pulled my white sweater tighter around my arms, shivering against the winter cold. A light layer of snow softly cascaded on us, a warm up for the blizzard that would rage at night. Delicate snowflakes landed on the open pages of To Kill A Mockingbird.

"Look here! Looks like both Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are in pursuit of the Snitch!"

My eyes snapped to the field, scanning. And then I saw Draco, his good arm outstretched just inches away from the Golden Snitch, with Harry close behind him. I found myself internally conflicted on who to cheer for.

Draco's finger closed around the golden ball, and he waved it in the air above his head, a small smile curling across his lips, his hair sticking up in all directions.

"Slytherin wins!" Lee Jordan screams, albeit with a slightly disappointed undertone.

I stood up and hollered, my book falling to the ground. Heads turned to me, confused as to why I was cheering for the other team, but I didn't care. The Slytherin side erupted in cheers, and I could see Pansy in the front row jumping up and down and screaming happily. The players descended to the ground, the snow crunching beneath their feet. I saw Ron tear his helmet off, disdain clear in his expression.

Now. Do it now.

I left my book on the floor and hurried down the stairs to the quidditch pitch. The loud music and cheering fans buzzed around me as I crossed the field to where all the players were. Ginny saw the direction I was heading and gave a discreet thumbs up, winking.

Theo and Blaise were patting Draco on the back supportively, all three of them looking incredibly handsome in their green quidditch uniforms. Theo noticed me approaching first, and his eyes lit up. "Ay, Granger! What are you doing here-"

I walked right past him and threw my arms around Draco, pulling him close.

His body was stiff against mine at first, but when I squeezed his waist tighter his arms came up around me, sighing into my ear as his fingers tangled with my curls.

I heard the music come to a halt, and the loud chattering went down to a dull murmur. I pulled away gripping Draco's arms and found that all eyes were on me. Confused. Angry. I looked back at Draco, and his expression was open, asking me. I pulled my wand out of my pocket and muttered the spell to magnify my voice. I raised the tip of my wand to hover below my lips. Never leaving his gaze, I announced, "I am friends with Draco Malfoy, as well as Pansy Parkinson, Theo Nott, and Blaise Zabini. If you have a problem with that, too bad."

Draco's eyes brightened, and he nodded once, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Complete silence.

Then, a loud whoop from Blaise.

"The Golden Girl is my friend, everyone!" yelled Theo, pumping his fist into the air.

"And mine!" Pansy's voice from the stands.

The student sections exploded with shouts, some of approval some not, and the music resumed. Draco's eyes were shining, and he was fully grinning at me as he pulled my arm and enclosed me in another hug.


My declaration of my friendship with the Slytherins was all anyone was talking about, but I really didn't care, not anymore. No one knew who they really were, and I was fine knowing the truth.

As I headed down to dinner, everyone looked at me but no one said a word. Ginny passed me, giving me a look over her shoulder that said 'talk later'.

Suddenly I was yanked back into an alcove. I shut my eyes and tried to scream but a hand clasped over my mouth. I opened my eyes to see Harry, his green eyes flashing.

"It's just me," he said softly, taking his hand off of my lips.

"And me."

I peeked behind Harry and saw Ron, shifting uncomfortably on his feet. Multiple purple and green bruises were scattered across his face, and his right eye was still slightly swollen. Good. Well deserved.

I turned on my heel to leave but Harry grabbed my wrist and dragged me back. "Alright, this has gotten totally out of hand," he said, shaking his head.

I wrenched my arm from his grasp and crossed my arms over my chest. "I agree."

Harry tugged at Ron's arm, pulling him forward so they were side by side. Harry looked at him expectantly, jerking his head at me. "Ron?"

Ron looked at me, his expression wary. "Hermione, I'm sorry I said those things to you yesterday, I lost control and I didn't know what I was saying."

"So you didn't have control when you called me selfish, brainwashed, traitorous bitch?" I said calmly, keeping my composure.

He blew air out of his nose, his mouth turned down in a frown. "I'm sorry, okay? When I looked over and saw you sitting with the people I hate the most..." Ron shook his head, running a hand through his hair and looking at the floor. "I lost myself."

I stared at my best friend who had hurt me so deeply only the day before. "I get it, I do. I used to hate them too." He lifted his eyes back to mine, and I didn't break eye contact. I needed him to see my side. "But I don't anymore." His mouth opened, but I continued, "And you don't have to be friends with them, but my relationship with them has nothing to do with you."

His jaw tightened, but he nodded. "Fair enough. As long as..." Ron cast a brief look around to make sure no one was within hearing distance. "As long as you tell us what their plans with You-Know-Who are."

My mouth was hanging agape. "Are you actually being serious right now?"

Ron glanced sideways at Harry, and Harry widened his eyes, as if warning him to take it back. Ron looked back at me and shook his head repeatedly. "No, no, no, not at all."

I thought of the sweet boy who fought off the troll for me in first year, and I thought of the hateful boy who insulted me so profoundly. They were not one and the same. "You really hurt me, Ronald," I said quietly, my fingers twitching and pulling at one another.

His expression softened, and he stepped forward and pulled me into his arms before I could do anything. "I'm so so sorry, Hermione," Ron whispered in my ear. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

Or will you just hurt me again?

I pulled back and looked into his apologetic face, and there was no way I could refuse him. "Okay." Ron's shoulders slumped in relief, and he released me and stepped back.

Harry sighed loudly. "Finally." He turned to me, his eyes bursting with excitement. "Hermione, what we wanted to tell you was that Ron thought that I should start teaching a Defense Against the Dark Arts class since Umbridge completely butchered the course and we never learn anything. What do you think?"

I beamed. "That's an amazing idea!"

Harry chuckled. "I'm glad you think so. We're going to meet everyone at the Hog's Head tomorrow to discuss it."

I nodded, making a mental note. "Sounds great. I'll be there."

We walked to the Great Hall together, talking like we hadn't in a long time. And things were okay. Something inside me tugged at my heart, urging me to go sit with the Slytherins. They sent me friendly waves, save for Draco, who wasn't there. But I sat with Harry and Ron. Things were fragile between the three of us, and I needed to focus on repairing it.

Ron was particularly gentle with me, never speaking over me and always agreeing with my points. All the while, his brutal words echoed boisterously throughout my brain.

But it's done. Resolved. We moved on.

And yet I couldn't help but think that a certain group of four people would never say things like that to me.


Draco was early, already sitting in our usual spot in the corner of the library when I arrived, a cigarette at home between his lips. I smiled at him, sinking down to the floor across from him and beginning to pull out my things.

"Thank you." I looked up at him, and his eyes were kind. "For what you did today."

I shrugged casually, as if it was no big deal. "I wanted to show you that I'm not ashamed of you," I said simply.

His eyebrow quirked up and he blew out a puff of smoke. "Noted."

I suppressed a smile and added, "I haven't bled for you yet per se, but I figure the opportunity will present itself eventually."

Draco chuckled loudly, coughing on the fumes.

Madam Pince appeared in front of us, her hands on her hips and her glasses askew on her nose. "You two need to be quiet. There are other people in this library, you know."

I clamped my mouth shut to hold in my laugh. "Sorry, Madam Pince." She huffed and disappeared behind the bookshelves.

"Are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" He asked, rolling out his parchment on his lap.

"Yes, are you?"

"No, I have to-"

Madam Pince's head poked out from behind the bookshelf. "One more time and you're kicked out of the library," she hissed.

Draco sketched a mock bow. "My sincerest apologies, Madam Pince." The librarian glared before disappearing again.

Draco leaned forward. "We should have a way to communicate," he said under his breath. "You know, without being loud and risking the wrath of Madam Pincher Bug."

I snickered. "That's a good idea," I whispered. "What should we do?"

He held his finger up, removing his finished cigarette and putting it aside. He lifted his wand and waved it in the air, mumbling a spell under his breath.

Can you hear me?

I flinched, and Draco was staring at me anticipatingly, doing that thing where he tilts his head and his hair falls over his eyes.


He smiled. Yes.

My mouth was parted in awe. How did you do that?

He smirked, as if smug that he knew something I didn't. It's a spell that connects two minds for a short period of time. My father has used it with me often.

Why does he use it with you?

He shrugged casually, but his teeth clenched and unclenched. To scold me in public without anyone else hearing.

I pursed my lips, looking at him with sad eyes. I'm sorry.

Draco shook his head slowly. Don't be.

I realized tonight that I almost never see you at dinner.

His tongue flicked over his lips, and his eyes darted to the floor and back up again. I just don't get hungry.

No, I insisted. Don't lie to me. You're a fifteen year old boy, of course you get hungry.

You really wanna know? I nodded.

His posture was rigid, his face set in stone. My father makes me skip dinner. He says I need to eat less and exercise more.

I couldn't hide my disgust. Are you serious? You're already thin, and you're growing.

His analysis of my... Draco shifted awkwardly, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment. Stomach.... concluded that I eat too much at dinner before I sleep, and that I need to focus on shaving that off and building more muscle in my arms.

I scoffed. You need to eat, Draco.

He gave me a hard look. I'm fine, really. I'm used to it now.

You're gonna start eating dinner, I said firmly.

No, I can't.

I'm going to make you.

His eyes widened, and he shook his head over and over. My father has a way of knowing things. If he finds out-

He won't, I interrupted. And if he does, you can blame it on me. Okay?

No. His face was set with determination. I won't do that to you.

Yes. You will. I pulled the container out of my bag and threw it onto his lap. Now eat.

Draco's eyebrow rose and his eyes raised to mine. Green grapes?

I mirrored his raised brow and said nonchalantly, I know they're your favorite. Just eat.

Draco hummed in appreciation, but he didn't open the carton. I rolled my eyes, reaching over and removing the lid. I grabbed a grape between two fingers, and his eyes widened when I placed the grape into his mouth, my fingers resting lightly on his lips. I smirked a little, removing my fingers and placing them under his chin to close his mouth. Chew. He sent me a close-lipped grin, bringing his hand up to his forehead to salute me.

What were you saying earlier? I asked as he chewed, satisfaction clear on his face. Why aren't you coming to Hogsmeade?

Theo, Pansy, Blaise and I have to stay behind, He answered, swallowing. We are joining the Inquisitorial Squad that Umbridge is forming.

Oh. That doesn't sound great. I grabbed another grape and threw it at his face, and he caught it in his mouth. I smiled. No offense.

He nodded, chewing again. You're right, it's not.

Then why are you all doing it?

His jaw stilled, and his tongue ran over his teeth. His eyes glued to the floor, and even though his voice was in my head, it sounded distant. We all got owls from our parents saying we have to.

I winced. Do they do that often? I asked as gently as I could. Force you guys to do things?

Draco's grey eyes met mine. All the time.

Something clicked inside my brain. Hopeless, clueless kids. That's all we are.

Except we were thrown on opposite sides of the war.

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