Son of Krypton {"Boy Of Steel...

By JayTheOkayAuthor

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Izuku Midoriya is far from being normal. Saved by his biological parents when his planet was on the brink o... More

Chapter 1. Shocking Information
Chapter 2. Not From Here
Chapter 3. The Start Of Training!
Chapter 4. Funeral and Argument
Chapter 5. A Gift From Bruce!
Chapter 7. A Vigilante?
Chapter 8. The Entrance Exam
Chapter 9. Class 1-A
Chapter 10. The USJ Incident
Chapter 11. Hero Names and Training!
Chapter 12. The Sports-Festival (Part 1)
Chapter 13. The Sports Festival (Part 2)
Chapter 14. The Sports-Festival (Part 3)
Chapter 15. An Unstoppable Force

Chapter 6. Making Amends

1K 26 3
By JayTheOkayAuthor

"Truth, Justice, and the American Way." - Speaking.

'Up, up, and away!' - Thinking.

"Hello there." - Artificial Intelligence, Hologram, Phone call, Important Word.

"Statistically speaking flying still is the safest way to travel." - Somebody reading something out loud.

Superman - Time, POV, A/N, Location, All Might Speaking.


{ Kal-El / Izuku Midoriya }

| Location: Midoriya Residence |

| Time: 9.32 A.M. |

My eyes open as my radio alarm clock starts to play music to wake me up. "It's my birthday!" I whisper yell as I get bolt out of my bed and all across my room to get ready for the day. I begin to sing along to my alarm clock as I go over to my closet to pick out an outfit.

"Make you banana pancakes. Pretend like it's the weekend now." I mumble as I walk over to the alarm clock and shut it off. I walk back over to the closet and pull out a new suit that Bruce had recently bought me for today that is very expensive. I lay it out on my bed and I grab a towel then I head into the bathroom that connects to my room.

I take a quick shower and wrap a towel around my body once I finish. I dry myself off and walk back into my bedroom and put the suit on. I do my hair and then walk outside of my room, I go downstairs and I see my Mother sitting at the table and eating cereal. 'Today is the day!' I chant in my head

"Hey Mom?" I walk up to her with a small smile and she looks up from the table. "Oh Izuku, you're already up. And dressed really nice? Is there a special occasion today?" She questions and my smile drops. "Yeah, I'm going to a celebration today.." I fight the urge to cry as she looks back down at the table and continues to eat her breakfast.

I put my head down as I walk back upstairs and grab my backpack containing my super-suit and put it over both of my shoulders and adjust the straps on them so it doesn't fall off. I climb out my window and jump down to the ground. I look around before floating slightly off of the ground with my legs flailing about. "Still haven't gotten the hang of this!" I take off flying at a low speed due to me not really having any experience with it.


| Location: Japan Wayne Manor |

I fly all the way over to Bruce's mansion without being seen and land in the forest near it. I emerge from all the trees and walk up to the gate and press the button on the intercom system. "Yes?" A British sounding man answers. "Hey Alfred, it's Izuku." I speak into the system and the gate makes a noise and then swings open.

I walk through the gates and up to the giant estate's front door. It opens as I reach it and Bruce is standing there in a black suit with a slightly crooked tie. "Kal-El. Happy Birthday." He says in his monotone voice and I grin. "Thank you Bruce." I walk inside the home and we walk into the giant living room area.

"Greetings Master Midoriya." Alfred walks up to Bruce and fixes his tie. "Happy Birthday." Alfred gives me a small hug and I light up. Alfred walks away to go get tea and Bruce and I sit down on the couches. "So how did it go with her?" He asks and my smile falters. "Well I approached her and tried to talk. But she forgot what today was so I dropped it." I explain and he nods.

"Sorry." He apologizes and I shrug. "Not your fault." A silence falls over us before he changes the topic. "So how is flying going?" I groan and he chuckles. "It is so hard! I love it so much though. I think if I get a little more practice in I'll be pretty good at it." We both talk and eventually Alfred comes back and serves us tea. "More practice you say? Suit up." Bruce says as we both get up. I nod.


Next thing I know I'm sitting on top of a yellow construction crane that is high up in the sky overlooking the city of Musutafu. "Your objective is simple. Stop crimes without being seen. Put the googles I gave you on and nobody should be able to recognize you. They aren't a permanent addition to your costume so don't worry that they are ugly." Bruce says through the earbud I am wearing.

I put the googles on and use my enhanced hearing to find people in danger and hear a young woman scream nearby. I leap off of the crane and begin to free fall. "Wohoo!" I shout as I begin to fly at extreme speed to get to the lady. I do flip for fun and a barrel roll to move out of the way of a building and use my hearing again. I hear a mugger with her and spot the alleyway she is in from above.

I use my enhanced vision and see he has a gun. 'If I make noise when I land he could kill her!' I think as I calm myself down. I drop all of my speed and slowly float down and land making no noise. I cross my arms and clear my throat. The mugger spins around and his eyes widen. "Who the hell are you supposed to be?!" He demands and I freeze for a moment. 'I don't have a name!' I panic

"A hero?" I make my voice deeper and he laughs. "That is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard!" He points his gun at me and fires. The young woman screams as the bullet hits my chest and does nothing. I look at the ground and see that the bullet had flattened when it hit me. The mugger looks shocked so I take this time to run up to him at the max speed I can get in a small area like this and punch him in the stomach. Sending him flying to the dead end of the alleyway.

I use my enhanced hearing and find his heartbeat and sigh. I walk up to the shaking lady and smile softly at her. "Are you okay?" I ask and she nods. "T-thank you so much! I'm Lois. I didn't know that there was a new hero around! It's like you are a made of steel!" She exclaims and blush slightly. "I guess I'm the Man of Steel then." I quip and she smiles. "Well I have to go but please stay safe." I float up slightly before shooting back up into the sky and flying around.

"That was uncomfortable." Bruce comments through the ear piece. "You were listening?" I ask and he chuckles. All of a sudden a huge explosion goes off nearby me and throws me into the side of a building. I jump out of the hole I made and put on my serious face and fly at my current max speed to the area of the explosion. As I get closer I use my hearing and vision and see a gross, green looking sludge monster reeking havoc on a shopping center, somehow lighting everything on fire? With a crowd watching?! 

"Why aren't they evacuated yet..." I stop when I hear a scream that sounds familiar. "He has a hostage Bruce!" I shout as I fly even faster before dropping from the sky and landing in front of all the bystanders in a superhero pose. Everything goes quiet for a moment as everyone stares at me. 'Good thing I have the googles on so nobody will be able to recognize me.' "Is that a new hero?" The crowd starts to murmur as I stand up.

"Never seen this guy, but the way he dropped down from the sky makes it seem like he is pretty tough." Death Arms comments as I look at the situation. 'One hostage who he seems to be suffocating to probably take over seeing as he doesn't have a solid body. The hostage seems to be Bakugou who is causing explosions while trying to escape. So I need to grab Bakugou out so I don't hit him and try and find a solid body part on this monster!' I come up with a plan as I crack my knuckles.

Everything stops and slows down as I dodge a piece of debris thrown at me and I run up to the monster as fast as I can get and grab Bakugou's free arm. I yank him out of the sludge, making sure not to pull to hard so I don't injure his arm. I carry him and place him on the stretcher that was set up. I run back and put my fist out and jump, zooming through the air with my fist out and aimed at it's eye.

Time resumes and I hit it with as much force as possible without killing it. Sludge explodes all over the place as my fist hits it. I roll as I hit the ground and get back up. Suddenly storm clouds begin to cover the area and it begins to rain. "No way.. he changed the weather with a singular punch?!" The crowd cheers as Death Arms and the other heroes on the site stand in shock.

I walk up to them and deepen my voice so I sound older than I am. "Why were you all standing on the side-lines?! This boy could've been seriously injured or killed today if I hadn't shown up! If you actually used your brain you would have realized that if all of you worked together, you could've saved him!" I lecture and he gulps in fear even though he is 6 '6 and I'm only 5'7. "Our quirks weren't right for this situation." He answers and I clench my fist.

"Seriously? A true hero does everything they can to save others. Their quirk doesn't matter in that moment." I look at the crowd and see a news crew trying to push through it and a sickly, skinny, blonde man walking away from it. The news crew finally reaches through the crowd so I zip back up into the sky and fly away.

"Nicely handled. Now go save more people." Bruce chimes in and I grin. 

Down below Death Arms pulls out his phone and dials a number. "Hey. Can you find somebody's hero license for me? I want to know everything about him that I can."


{ Kal-El / Izuku Midoriya }

| Location: Roof Of A Random Building |

| Time: 2.12 P.M. |

"This was the best birthday ever!" I exclaim to Bruce as I dangle my feet off the edge of the building and finish my delicious sandwich Alfred packed. "I'm glad you had a good time. Although if you want to do it again then don't get seen by anybody because it will attract to much attention. So if you like, this can replace some of your training." Bruce says and I take off my googles. 

"Really?" I ask and he nods gives me a small smile. "Happy birthday Kal-El." He puts his hand out and I shake it. I hear gunshots and somebody screaming. I look at him and he nods. "Got to go!" I stand up and take a running start. I leap off the building backwards and put my googles on as I fall. Right before I hit the ground I start flying as fast as I can towards the noise.

I arrive quickly and see two groups of people firing at each other. I zoom in and crush all of their weapons and hit a specific pressure point on one of them and knock the out rest out by clapping my hands with enough force to throw them all into each other. I alert the authorities and jump back into the sky. 'Yeah. Best birthday ever.'


{ Third Person }

| Location: U.A. High |

| Time: 2.46 P.M. |

"Nezu!" All Might storms into the office. "Yes All Might?" He sips on his tea and All Might shuts the door. "I believe I have found the perfect successor!" Nezu puts down his cup of tea and glances up at the man.

"Really? Well who are they?" Nezu asks and All Might scratches his head. "Well, I don't actually know their name. And they are already a licensed hero.. but he stopped a crime earlier and lectured the heroes who didn't do anything about what a true hero means!" All Might exclaims.

"Can you describe their quirk or what they look like so I can put it in the list of licensed heroes?" He asks and All Might tries to remember but before he says anything gets a notification on his phone. He takes it out of his pocket and reads it. "Another crime was just stopped! I'll go catch him!" All Might buffs up and zooms at out of the office.


{ Kal-El / Izuku Midoriya }

I zip through the air as I try and make it to the crowd in danger. 'A villain is punching buildings down with people below them and people still inside!' I scream in my head as I fly as fast as I can. I arrive to the scene and see a man with a giant quirk knocking down the buildings and laughing.

I put my fist out and fly towards him. I hit his jaw and he stumbles backwards I hit him again and he falls into an empty part of the street and turns back to normal size. I hear a cracking noise and turn around and see a building starting to split in half. "Oh crap!" I shout as I fly through a broken window of it and run around the destabilizing building. 

"Is anybody in here?!" I call out and get no response. "What do I do?!" It hits me, literally. Pieces of debris fall on me and I crush them. "My speed!" I use my super-speed to run around the entire building and search it in mere seconds. I come across a room and see a family of four bundled up. 

I stop my speed and they scream in shock when I randomly appear. "I'm going to get you out of here!" I think for an idea when I see it. "Everybody get in the tub!" I yell and they all get in the bathtub. I lift it up and fly them out of the building. I land and place the tub on the ground at a safe spot when I see the building finally falling with people still underneath it.

"No!" I push off the ground and launch myself to the building. I place my hands on the side of it and try to push it away from them like what I did with the bus two years ago. "Come on!" I beg as my grip on it starts to slip. Then out of nowhere the villain wakes up and uses his growth quirk again. He hits me while I am still holding the building and I am thrown away from it.

The top half of the building falls below at the crowd and I try and get up from the ground in time save them when. "HAHA! Fear not citizens! Why? Because I am here!" All Might declares as he rushes into the scene and punches the debris. Causing it to turn into little pebbles. The civilians rush out of the area and I sigh. "Young man! You did an amazing job! Shall we take down this villain, together?" All Might walks over to me and gives me his hand. I take it and he pulls me up.

"You ever hear how Bluebird and Mockingbird took down their giant villain a couple days ago?" I ask All Might and he nods. "How about we give it a try!" He grabs my arm and begins to swing me around. "ASSISTED... DETROIT!" All Might calls out as he lets go and I go flying directly towards the villain. 

"SMASH!" "SMASH!" We both yell as my fist hits his stomach and sends him falling down and crashing into the road. I float down and walk over to the villain. I check for a pulse and sigh. "Good job for such a newbie. What's your name?" All Might asks. "Nothing official yet, but some call me The Man of Steel... because nothing can wound me." I awkwardly explain and he nods. I see a camera crew rushing onto the scene and look at All Might. "Good to work with you!" I fly away and he smiles.

Bruce calls and I tap the earbud to accept. "Kal-El, I just saw what you did. Nice job. Now get back to the Manor for a surprise." He says and I grin. I fly towards the manor and land on a nearby rooftop. I go over to the door of it to access the stairs and change back into my actual formal suit.

I walk the rest of the way to the Manor and the gates open wide when I arrive. I go to the front of the door and open it and see tons of people who I have no idea are standing there surrounded by decorations. "Surprise!" They call out and I smile. Alfred walks up to me and I smile. "Did you do this?" I ask and he nods.

"It is all of Master Bruce's old family friends who were in Japan. I have been wanting to fill one of the Manors with happiness again. Thank you Master Midoriya." I give Alfred a hug and smile. I talk with the people attending and make quite a few new friends before walking over to the food station.

I grab a water bottle but turn around when I feel a tapping on my shoulder. "Mom?" I ask when I see her standing behind me in a pretty dress. "What are you doing here?" I ask and she sighs. "I'm so sorry Izuku. I know that my actions aren't excusable but please give me another chance." She pleads and for a moment I want to say. 'Yeah they aren't.' And walk away. But I don't.

I nod. "Okay." I smile slightly. 'It seems like things are looking brighter for me.' 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't worry, UA is coming up. For my last story I didn't include entrance exams or anything to get into UA. So I wanted to do that for this. As always please leave a comment for suggestions and please leave a vote. Peace :)

NEXT UP: 'A Vigilante?' Izuku has been going on patrols whenever he can when Death Arms approaches him. Saying he knows that he doesn't have a license but respects him and lets him go with the promise he'll stop until he gets a license. Now Izuku focuses on school and training when he gets an internship offer from a place called The Daily Planet after he does a project for class and his teacher posts it online. And for his first day, he sees Lois Lane again! Until next time! Go beyond, PLUS ULTRA!!!!

(If you want to see something that looks similar to when Kal-El jumps off the crane earlier in this chapter then watch this video up until 1:20 )

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