Kinoko Komori x reader [Mha]

By BellaWing

2.6K 47 35

Please tell me I'm not the only one who simps for Kinoko! I literally couldn't find ANY x readers for her, so... More

Info + Your quirk!
2- Class 1-B
3- Working together
4- Hero basic training
5- Your past
6- Training for the sports festival
7- It begins
8- The maze
9 - Battles
10- Hero names

1-Getting in

411 9 6
By BellaWing

You pulled on your boots and slung your pack over one shoulder. Today was the day. You were going to try--no, you were going to pass the UA entrance exam.

"Dad, I'm leaving!" You called to the basement, one hand on the front door handle.

After a couple seconds, your father appeared at the top of the stairs. "Okay. Got everything? Train ticket? Water? You'll be safe, right?"

You let out a soft chuckle. "Yes, yes, and yes. I'll be fine, don't worry!"

He nodded nervously, running a hand through his hair. "No matter what happens, I'm proud of you, okay? Don't forget it."

You nodded and gave a reassuring smile. With a deep breath, you opened the door and walked out of the house.

You adjusted the bag to rest on both of your shoulders as you started over to the sidewalk. 

You popped some earbuds in and listened to music while you were walking. Down the sidewalk, you saw the train arrive early. You practically had to run to the train station in order to catch it. Once inside, you slowed your pace and your attention diverted back to your music.

"Oi, move it extra!"

You were shaken out of your trance when a hotheaded blonde pushed you aside with much more force than needed.
"Watch it, you bastard!" What was his problem?

"What did you say to me?!"

Your face morphed into a glare.
"I said, watch it. Lemme guess, taking the UA entrance exam too? I'm not particularly sure they'd let in someone with an attitude like that."

Your stony features stared on as the newcomer's expression shifted into ugly rage.
"You watch your words! I'm going to be the number one hero someday, even better than All Might!"

"That's going to be tough. No one will ever look up to a selfish, overreactive hothead."


You clicked your tongue in disapproval as you stalked off to an empty seat you had just discovered. Your thoughts worked overtime. Did I really just say that? What was I thinking? I guess I wasn't. Why can't I control what comes out of my mouth? I'm no better than him!

You sat on panic thinking over that encounter for the rest of the train ride. Hopefully the rest of the aspiring heroes wouldn't be like the fuming boy closer to the front.


The bus screeched to a stop, announcing the arrival to the UA entrance exam. You,  the blonde, and a redhead stepped off first, along with numerous other teens.

So this is where we will be taking the written exam, you thought to yourself as you filed into the largest room you've ever stepped foot in. It could hold at least a thousand students! You dropped your bag by a seat near the edge, and looked around the room as your nerves grew greater and greater.

A faculty member dropped a small stack of papers on your desk. This was it.

Present Mic's voice rang off the walls. "GOOD MORNING TESTEES! Welcome to the written portion of the UA ENTRANCE EXAM!"

A few students groaned and held the sides of their head at his sheer volume. "You have two hours to complete this test, then it's on to the PRACTICAL EXAM! Remember, while this may be the less important portion, your scores will still be of value! SO SHOW US WHAT YOU GOT! YOUR TIME BEGINS NOW!


The buzzer went off, signaling the finish of the hour. Your lips drew to a line as you slammed your pencil onto the desk. That was so stressful. You probably got half the questions wrong, and you were going to fail and never get in, you were never going to be a hero and-

Stop it. You scolded yourself. There was still the practical exam, and Present Mic had said this didn't matter as much. You just had to dominate whatever they had in store for you next.

The participants were then filed into an expansive auditorium. The sign outside the door read:

UA high school hero course
Exam orientation

You sank into a seat, uneasy.

"What's up, UA candidates?! Thanks for tuning in to me, your school DJ. C'mon, and LEMME HEAR YA!"

You swore you could hear crickets chirping in your head.

"Keeping it mellow, huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down, okay? Are you ready? Yeeaah!"

More silence.

"Like your application said, today you rockin' examinees will be out there conducting ten minute mock battles in super-hip urban settings! After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle center, sound good?"

The crickets were becoming very prominent.


Below, you noticed the blonde from the bus staring down at his exam ticket. "I see. They're splitting us up so we can't work with any of our friends."

There was a messy-haired boy next to him. "Yeah, you're right. Our examinee numbers are one after the other, but we're assigned to different battle centers."

"Get your eyes off my card." He then switched to some incoherent mumbling, something about looking forward to crushing him?

You looked down at the small paper in your own hands.

Exam ticket
Examinee no. 2073
Test location: Battle center E

You looked on both sides of you. Sure enough, to the left was someone with a ticket going to battle center D, and the person on your right was going to F.

"Okay, okay, let's check out your targets. There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty, so better choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your Quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid-song guitar solo!
But, check it! Make sure your keep'n things heroic. Attacking other examinees is a UA no-no, ya dig?"

A stiff looking boy with glasses raised his hand. "Excuse me, sir, but I have a question."

"Hit me!"

A spotlight then appeared over the boy's head. "On the printout, you've listed 4 types of villains. Not three. With all respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful. We are exemplary students. We expect the best from Japan's most notable school. A mistake such as this won't do. Additionally, you with the unkept hair."

The green-haired boy who was pointed to perked up. "Huh?"

"You've been muttering this entire time. Stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously, leave. You're distracting the rest of us." Geez, what a stuck up jerk.

The humiliated examinee clamped a hand to his mouth. "Sorry!" He squeaked.

"All right, all right. Examinee number 7111. Thanks for calling in with your request." Present Mic put out a thumbs up. "The fourth villain type is worth zero points. That guy's just an obstacle we'll be throwing in your way. There's one in every battle center. Think of it as a hurdle you should try to avoid. It's not that it can't be beaten, but there's... Kinda no point. I recommend my listeners try to ignore it and focus on the ones topping the charts!"

The stiff-looking one from earlier bowed. "Thank you very much. Please, continue." The spotlight above him dimmed out. Well that was uncalled for.

Two different examinees started chattering softly about its similarity to a video game.

"That's all I got for you today. I'll sign off with a little present. A sample of our school motto! As General Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down: 'A true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes.' Now, you ready to go beyond? Let's hear a PLUS ULTRA!"

You saw a couple examinees deliver shaky smiles.

"Good luck! Hope you practiced hitting more than just books!"

It was time for the practical exam.


You found yourself standing in front of Battle Center E. This was it.

Your proctor, Vlad King, stood to the side of the gates. "Alright, let's start!"

Half of the students paused to stare at the Pro.

"Get moving! If you hero wannabees got any tact, you won't be showing any hesitation! Now scram!"

You started running into the battle center. Right away, you were faced with a 1-pointer.            
Quick, what do I do? You dashed forward and pointed at the robot, covering its cameras with moss. You had expected it to simply be disoriented or something, but to your surprise the thing shut down. It must be a robot thing, if they have no visibility they shut down? That doesn't really make any sense.. Maybe it's if all their sensors are disabled? Must be.

You watched in satisfaction as it toppled to the ground. This shouldn't be too hard, right?


By the 8-minute mark, you had collected 31 villain points. Your throat was feeling incredibly dry, but you pushed through the dehydration by means of determination. Then the zero pointer arrived.

The teens around you screamed and ran the other direction. But you froze up, dumbfounded by the unmitigated size of it. Wasn't this a little overkill? You were about to run as well, but then you spotted something. Mushrooms on the side of its leg. You tried to find the source, and your gaze fell upon a girl with a brown bob, bangs covering her eyes. She seemed frozen in place and was doing everything she could to help! But what could those mushrooms do against something so intimidating? If they could just reach the sensors...

Then you saw something else. A tremor in the ground beneath the girl's feet. Without thinking, you ran as fast as you could.

"Move, the ground is unstable!"

She took a few steps out of the way, but it wasn't enough. You saw the cracks flow, reaching her feet. Instantaneously, you used your Quirk. Leafy moss spread everywhere. Once the cracks were covered, it was safe for the girl to walk hesitantly away.

"Are you okay?" You questioned, grabbing her hand.

"I'm fine, thank you."

You smiled and nodded, about to ask her name when you heard a creak above. The zero pointer was still there, and very much ready to obliterate you.

The humidity from your quirk had spread through the air by now, and as you looked up, the mushrooms were quickly spreading. They reached the head of the colossal automation, covering half its sensors. You hastily covered the other half, and it finally shut down.

"Look out!" You yelled as you dragged her out of the way. It was enough to get her to safety, but the thing was coming down fast. You grabbed a flat piece from a fallen 1-pointer and slammed your body against the ground. You prayed to god that the makeshift shield would be enough, adding layers of moss on top for more protection. Somehow, you avoided getting crushed.


Your breathing was heavy and you were worried you might have bruised something. You shuffled out of the mess, to be greeted by a friendly hand to help you up.

She spoke in a quiet, somewhat intimidated voice. "I'm Kinoko Komori, by the way. Thanks again for saving me."

"Y/n L/n."


It was 8 days after the exam, and still no letter. Recovery girl had healed you of your bruises, and now you had way too much free time on your hands. Currently you were sitting on the couch, thinking back to that day. What if I didn't get in? Is 31 points enough? Maybe they didn't let me in because my written exam scores were the worst out of everyone! I'm overthinking, aren't I...

"Y/n! You got a letter! It's from UA!"

You hesitantly grabbed the letter out of your dad's grip. It was finally here! But why were you so scared to open it?

You walked to your room and sat at your desk. With a deep breath, you tore open the letter. A projection disk dropped out.

"I am here as a projection!" All might? What was the number one hero doing in a 'letter' from UA?

"Young L/n, your written test scores were very impressive!" Wait, how? I thought I flunked!

"You also scored a 31 in the practical exam! However, there's more. On top of villain points, there were also rescue points! By saving young Komori, the judges have rewarded you 40 rescue points! This places you 4th overall in the exam!"

Wait, was this really happening?!

"Young L/n, this is your hero academia!"


A/n: Am I the only one who thinks All Might is overrated?
Seriously, I really don't like him.

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