A Jedi's Duty

By moon_11412

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Luna Coran has always dreamed of growing up and becoming a padawan fighting side by side with her master, but... More

Destroy Malevolence
Master Kenobi...
A New Beginning
Dooku Captured
The Gungan General
Holocron Heist
Landing at Point Rain
Weapons Factory

Children of the Force

167 11 31
By moon_11412

Luna's POV

I smirk, laughs racking my body at what I saw on the screen of my datapad while ignoring the odd look Obi-wan was giving me. Waxer had just sent me a video of Boil egging Cody straight in the face and I was replaying it for the third time.

The video had started with a small group of the 212th gathered around Boil who had his arms crossed, a scowl on his face, "I can't believe you're making me do this." He had muttered angrily.

Everyone had smirked and someone had handed him a small carton of eggs. Waxer (who was holding the camera) had told him that if he didn't egg Cody, the entirety of the 212th and 501st would each prank him once every day until every clone had pranked him at least once.

Boil had reluctantly taken a couple of eggs and positioned himself right at the entry of the mess hall so when Cody walked in, he would have a direct hit.

A few seconds later, Cody had walked into the mess hall, head buried in a datapad. There was a smack and a crack, then a few smirks. Cody had stopped, raising his head- and then three more eggs flew at his face, landing square on his forehead.

Cody had turned around, eyes narrowed as an egg slid down the front of his face, leaving a trail of clear egg white in its wake. The video shakes a bit as multiple laughs are heard from the spectators in the mess hall. I see Boil look extremely scared yet proud as a few of his brothers pat him on the back.

"BOIL." Cody's face had never looked so menacing and the video shakes even more as several clones move out of the way as Cody made his way towards Boil.

A voice shouts in the distance, "Boil, get outta here! You're dead."

Boil had taken one look at Cody and sprinted out of the mess hall with clones cheering as he ran.

As the video ends again, I check my messages in the clones group chat.

Me: His face tho XD

Trapper: Cody's not gonna be forgetting this one any time soon :D

Fives: Why didn't you guys tell me?? I would have gotten up early to see it live!!!!

Waxer: Srry Fives! It was kinda last minute

Dogma: I still don't understand how none of you have been court-martialed yet.🙄

Echo: Chill Dogma

Trapper: Yeah, no one asked

Jesse: We should all prank Rex one day too!!!


Gearshift: GUYS



Everyone: ...

Waxer: What is it Gearshift??

Gearshift: We have to do that thing today, remember?!?!

Jesse: Huh??

Me: What thing?

Trapper: Ohhhhhh rite, that

Waxer: I don't get it

Echo: I don't eit- Ohhhh that...

Echo: Remember Waxer?? The thing that's happening today

Waxer: ...

Fives: You are srsly more clueless than Hardcase

Hardcase: HA!!


Waxer: ... Huh???

Trapper: Imma just tell you in our private chat.

*Awakard moment of silence in the group chat*



Gearshift: Let's get it all ready🎉

~Everyone except Luna has logged off~

I stare at the empty screen and shrug. You never knew with the clones...

"Anakin and Ahsoka are back." Obi-wan tells me, looking up from his own datapad while sipping tea.

I look up from my datapad as well, "So how did the mission go?"

"From what I've heard, Bane escaped. Again." Obi-wan replies, frowning, "I have a Council meeting that I have to attend in a few minutes. Anakin and Ahsoka will be reporting." 

"Can I come with you?" I beg quickly, "Pleasssee?!?"

Obi-wan sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "No." He tells me bluntly, "It's a Council meeting not a meeting for Padawans."

"But Ahsoka's going!" I argue.

"Ahsoka is part of the report!" Obi-wan rolls his eyes.

"I promise I won't say anything during it!" I plead, doing my best puppy eyes.

Obi-wan sighs, "Fine. But you will stand behind my seat and listen. No talking or arguing with the Council."

"It's not my fault that they make idiotic and slow decisions sometimes," I mutter under my breath, not loud enough for my master to hear.

"What was that?" Obi-wan looks up.

I respond quickly, "Nothing."


Standing behind my Master's seat on the Council, I resist the urge to tell the Council to get to the kriffin point.

"It is most unfortunate Bane was allowed to escape. Again." Obi-wan murmurs.

Yeah, duh.

"With access to the names and locations of the most force-sensitive children in the Republic." Master Windu continues.

Master Yoda nods, gaze dark with worry, "Inflict devastating damage on the Jedi Order he could."

"We've discovered Bane's working with the separatists," Anakin states.

I frown. The separatist are involved now? I thought it was just some sith plot...

Obi-wan strokes his beard, "There are thousands of children on that list. Which will he go after first?"

"Small chance there is, through the force, the Council may detect them." Master Yoda replies steadily.

Well, it's still a chance. I think to myself.

The Council agrees to let Obi-wan, Master Windu, Anakin, and Master Yoda take care of the Holocron matters and the meeting is dismissed.

Following our Masters out of the Council Chambers, I fall in step with Ahsoka.

"So, how'd the mission go?" I ask her.

Ahsoka shrugs, "Bane still got away with the Holocron and the crystal, so I guess it was pointless either way." She responds sadly, "It feels like it's my fault." She murmurs, "And I might have accidentally gotten kidnapped by him. He used me as a bargaining chip to make Anakin open the Holocron." Her hand goes to the back of her head where her string of padawan beads would usually be hanging, "Bane also managed to escape with my padawan braid."

I put a hand on her shoulder sympathetically, "Hey, we're going to get it back." I reassure her, "Promise."

Ahsoka smiles at me, "Thanks, Moon." Looking up, she seems to remember something, "Look, I gotta finish up something." She says abruptly, glancing at our Masters who had stopped in front of Master Yoda's meditation chambers.

Obi-wan nods to the two of us, "You two can catch up." He says, "I'll comm you for further instruction."

Ahsoka and I nod in agreement.

"Ahsoka, you might wanna-" Anakin begins.

"-try to finish up the thing, yeah, I'm on it," Ahsoka says quickly, not meeting my eye.

What the kriff is going on?!?

Obi-wan seems to understand too because he nods, "We've all got the other thing ready, right?"

Anakin nods, "Pretty sure Fives and Waxer have started." 

Blinking, I glance from Anakin to Obi-wan to Ahsoka, "Uh-- what??"

Patting me in the back, Obi-wan steps closer towards the door, "I'll tell you later." He says, walking in with Anakin not meeting my eyes.

Raising an eyebrow in confusion, I turn around to ask Ahsoka, only to find that she had already left. Shaking my head in hopes to clear it, I think.

Is there anything special today?

Not that I know of...

Shrugging to myself, I decide to go meditate hoping by the time I was done, Obi-wan would be done with his own meditation with Anakin, Master Yoda, and Master Windu.

Taking my time to get to the Meditation Hall, I walk into an empty chamber, settling in one of the cushions that were laid out. Just as I close my eyes, prepared to slip into the force, my comm blinks and I sigh, answering it, "Meet me in the main hanger." Obi-wan orders without explanation, "We're going to Rodia."

"Copy that," I respond, slightly annoyed that I never got the chance to meditate.

Quickly making my way to the main hanger, I bump into Obi-wan who explains, "We think Bane's headed for Rod-"

"Rodia to steal some kids." I predict, "And we need to get there before he does."

Obi-wan sighs, "Let's get going then."

Putting my hands on my hips, I raise an eyebrow, "What am I supposed to fly?? You still haven't assigned me a starfighter."

Obi-wan shrugs, "You can use one of the shared ones." He says easily, gesturing to the small line of grey starfighters with no colour markings.

Sighing, I choose the one that looked less rusty than the others and put on a headset. Jumping into the cockpit, I follow my Master's lead and slide into a hyperspace ring.

"I still don't see why you won't let me have my own starfighter." I complain, "I won't completely demolish it the first time I use it!"

I sense Obi-wan's eye roll and he taps his comm system, "You'll get your own soon enough. Just focus on the task at hand for now." He orders.

I sigh, "Fine. And don't worry. If we do see Bane, I'll give him a nice kick in the stomach and punch in the face for stealing Ahsoka's braid."

We exit hyperspace after a few moments, and I disengage my hyperspace ring, Obi-wan doing the same on my left.

" Let's hope we have arrived in time," Obi-wan mutters as we fly towards the planet.

Quickly landing lightly on the outskirts of a city, I jump out of the starfighter, letting the force guide my steps to a small house, Obi-wan right behind me.

Stopping at a door, I glance at my master who presses the doorbell while I knocked frantically at the door. The Force was ringing around me. I could sense Bane's presence close by.

The door opens a crack, revealing a female Rodian who glares at us, "If you're looking for my son, Jedi, he's not here." She growls

"Where is he?" Obi-wan asks, trying to get a glimpse of the inside.

The Rodian simply shuts the door on his face, and I promptly hear a child scream.

"Open the door!!" I yell. When there's no answer, I ignite my lightsaber, preparing to cut a hole through the door before Obi-wan shakes his head and uses the force to unlock the door instead. "Sorry." I mutter, realizing that I was being a bit reckless.

Obi-wan sighs, shaking his head before rushing into the house.

We're instantly aimed at with a blaster, "You'll never get him." It was the female rodian again.

"Where is the bounty hunter?" Obi-wan asks, waving his hand. I sense the force shift and the Rodian rubs her head, as though waking from a trance.

"Bounty hunter?" She repeats in confusion, "He was a Jedi." 

Using the force to take the blaster, Obi-wan frowns, "Jedi do not carry blasters." 

Whirling around I spot another exit to the room. A figure in a cloak was holding a small Rodian child. 

 "What have I done?" I hear the Rodian mom gasp as I immediately sprint towards who I now knew for certain was Cad Bane.

Sensing Obi-wan slightly behind me, I continue to sprint after the Bounty Hunter, shooting a grappling hook onto a nearby building in an attempt to follow Bane as he ignited his rocket boots.

However, we were too late, and by the time we land on the platform where his ship was, Bane had just taken off.

"God kriffing dammit!" I yell angrily while Obi-wan clenches his fist in frustration.


Obi-wan and I had flown onto a Jedi Cruiser where Master Windu was waiting and the three of us wait just outside of Naboo's atmosphere to wait for Anakin and Ahsoka to arrive hopefully with Bane.

Drumming my fingers on the wall I was leaning on, I glance outside. There was a small transport flying in towards us and I could sense Anakin and Ahsoka.

"Masters, I think that's them," I report, pointing.

Obi-wan nods, "We might as well meet them in the main hanger then."

I trail behind the two Jedi Masters as we walk to the main hanger, lost in thoughts.

What's going to happen to that baby Rodian now?

Is he going to grow up and become a Sith?

Will he ever even have the chance to grow up?

And it's all your fault.

As I drag myself out of my thoughts, I see Anakin and Ahsoka standing beside Bane who was handcuffed.

Rushing over to greet them, Ahsoka smiles, "You were right, Moon. She turns her head to show me her returned padawan braid, "I got it back, and Bane's in custody."

I smile back, "That's great, but there's still at least two kids that are in danger." I look down, "Bane managed to escape with the Rodian Obi-wan and I were supposed to retrieve."

Patting me on the shoulder, Ahsoka smiles sympathetically, "Don't worry. I'm sure that the Masters will find a way to make Bane tell us where they are."

"I hope," I respond.

"Luna, come on." Obi-wan orders. He was holding Bane by the shoulders, guiding him out of the main hanger, "Anakin and Ahsoka will be inspecting the ship while we see if we can get Cad Bane to talk."

"Good luck with that." Bane sneers, not meeting any of our eyes.

Shrugging, I wave goodbye to Ahsoka and follow Master Windu and Obi-wan out of the hanger towards the detention level.


"We know that you've taken at least two children," I state, folding my arms as we interrogate Bane in a prison cell.

"Where are they?" Obi-wan demands, gaze worried.

Bane continues to say less and less, "Beyond your reach." He replies very helpfully.

"Who are you working for?" Master Windu asks, patience running thin.

"I work alone."

I glare at him, "You're a Bounty Hunter. Who's your client?"  Darth Sidious? My mind wants to ask. 

"None of your business, girly." Bane looks at his hands.

"It is only a matter of time before we locate the Holocron." Obi-wan says, voice shadowing frustration, "Make it easier on yourself."

"What are you going to do, Jedi? Torture me?" Bane mocks.

Master Windu stops, facing the ray shield, "I think the fear of whoever you work for outweighs your fear of us."

"This conversation is over," Bane states suddenly, glaring at the three of us.

Sighing, I follow Obi-wan and Master Yoda out of the cell just as Anakin and Ahsoka enter the room.

 "We tore the ship apart. There's no sign of the Holocron or the kids." Anakin reports in frustration.

Master Windu frowns, "Did you check the ship's navigation records?" 

"They were wiped clean before he landed on Naboo," Ahsoka responds.

Anakin glances at the two Masters, "We'll just have to use the force to make him talk." He states.

"I don't think Bane is that weak." Obi-wan murmurs.

"Maybe if we tried doing it together..." I trail off, glancing at the Masters when there was no response.

"Using the force to compel a strong mind to cooperate is risky," Obi-wan tells me, stroking his beard

"There is a danger that his mind could be destroyed in the process." Master Windu agrees.

"Well, do we have another choice?" Anakin asks, a hint of a smile on his face. 

Obi-wan and Master Windu exchange a look and after a moment, they nod.

"Very well." Master Windu says, stepping back into the cell with Obi-wan and Anakin. Ahsoka and I follow as the three Jedi who were standing in front of the Bounty Hunter who looked up at us suspiciously.

Anakin begins by raising his hand and reaching out, "You will take us to the Holocron." He states.

"Jedi mind tricks don't work on me." Bane sneers, his face only slightly worried.

Obi-wan joins Anakin in the force, "You will take us to the Holocron." They say together, voices merged as one.

I consider joining in but immediately know that my Force abilities weren't excaly the best and that I wouldn't be able to do much.

Bane shakes his head, trying to resist, "Forget it." 

Master Windu extends his arms as well, "You will take us to the Holocron." The three Jedi's voices come out echoey, and I glance back at Bane who was struggling.

"I- I won't." He pants, clenching his teeth.

"And you will take us. NOW!" They yell.

I sense Bane's mental walls weaken, almost breaking.

"I- I will take you..."He stops gasping in pain, "Get out of my head!" Bane groans, desperately trying to resist. I share a worried look with Ahsoka he looked in so much pain...

The three Jedi stop, opening their eyes with identical frowns on their faces.

 "Perhaps we should try AGAIN," Anakin states, obviously frustrated that it hadn't worked.

" I've had enough of that." Bane mutters, "I'll take you to the Holocron. You'll get your children back."

Nodding to the troopers outside, they come in and retrieve Bane, guiding him to the main hanger where a transport would be getting prepared.

As Ahsoka and I trail behind I glance at her, "So, what was the thing that you needed to finish?"

Ahsoka stares at me innocently, "No clue what you're talking about she responds quickly, catching up to the Masters.

"The chancellor wants a report on our progress." Master Windu was saying.

Obi-wan frowns, "Tell him this is not Republic business. It's an internal Jedi affair." 

"I'm sorry to disagree, but as long as the Jedi are acting as a military, we should report to the chancellor, even on internal matters such as this," Anakin says quickly.

Obi-wan exchanges a quick glance with Master Windu and then puts an arm around Anakin's shoulder, " Well, then, I guess you just volunteered to go." He smiles, walking away with Master Windu, gesturing for me to follow, "Give the chancellor my regards." he says.

"Wait a minu-" Anakin starts.

Master Windu nods, "I agree. Report back here when you are finished."

"This could be a trap, Master. You sure you don't need us to go?" Anakin sighs.

"Of course it's a trap, Skywalker." Master Windu grins and I look at Ahsoka in astonishment. So. The Great Leader of the Jedi Council was capable of smiling.

"Don't worry about them." I grin, "I'll keep them out of trouble."

Obi-wan smirks, "More like the other way around." Glancing at Anakin, he nods, "I will contact you when we find the children."

Waving goodbye to Ahsoka, I follow Obi-wan on board where Master Windu and Cody were waiting.

" The coordinates?" Master Windu asks, turning the Bounty Hunter who looked annoyed.

"The coordinates are 6.7. 3. 1. 1. 7. Cross 7RB71." Bane responds.

I frown, glancing at Obi-wan and Master Windu, "But that's gonna take us into the far Outer Rim. Neutral space."

Master Windu nods, "She's right."

Bane stares at us challengingly, "Do you want your Holocron and your kids or not?"

Shrugging, Master Windu pulls the lever and we make the jump to hyperspace.

Settling myself beside Cody, I grin, "So, how did it feel, getting egged by Boil this morning?"

I could see Cody glaring at me through his helmet, "I imagine Waxer sent you a video?"

I nod, holding back a fit of laughter, "You should really check the group chat more often."

Cody folds his arms, "I don't have time to deal with all your shenanigans."

Looking up, I glance at him, changing the subject, "Anything special today? Something the boys are looking forward to or have been prepping?"

"Uhhh- I don't know, sir." Cody tenses.

Raising a brow, I stare at him, "You clones are horrible at lying, ya know?"

Before he can answer, we come out of hyperspace, entering an asteroid field with a ship in the center of it.

Master Windu pilots the ship towards it, dodging a few asteroids and then docking at the side. We all get up and prepare to board the other ship, unsure what we would find.

"We'll be fine, Cody." Obi-wan says, "Stay here and watch the ship."

Cody nods, "Yes, sir. I'll keep the ship running."

"I don't sense any children nearby," I murmur as we make our way into a small elevator.

"Neither do I." Master Windu frowns

" Where are you keeping the children?" Obi-wan demands, glancing at Bane as the elevator stops.

" The children are safe." Bane smiles smugly, "But first, there is your precious Holocron." He says, nodding to the small blue glow in the room, "Let me get it for you."

"No more of your tricks," I growl, pushing the Bounty Hunter back and stepping forward to retrieve the Holocron myself.

Loud alarms begin to blare as I stepped forward; there must have been security sensors.

"Blast it!" I mutter, annoyed at myself for being so reckless again.

"Well, you've certainly stepped in it this time!" Obi-wan yells as machines around the room behind to blaster fire and laser beams at us.

Backflipping onto a couple of crates, I ignite my lightsabers, deflecting laser beams away while trying to avoid being blaster at the same time.

"Bane!" I yell as the Bounty Hunter tries to escape.

"You get him." I hear Obi-wan order me, "We'll deal with this."

I rush after Bane, narrowly avoiding getting shot through the shoulder as I dodge and deflect. As I near Bane, I throw one of my lightsabers up, using the force to guide it and destroy a cannon that kept firing at me, "Not so fast." I mutter, attempting to punch him, only to have to dodge another laser blast from a different canon that scrapes my arm. 

Ignoring the pain, I whirl around,  coming face to face with the Bounty Hunter again. Before I have time to react, he kicks me in the stomach again before rushing out, "So long, Jedi." He smiles, closing the door.

Leaping back to join the Masters, I sigh, "Bane escaped."

"Now what do we do?" Master Windu growls as we fight back to back.

"Same thing as always," Obi-wan says.

"Fight our way out." I finish, jumping onto a cannon and sticking my saber through it. Taking a glance at Obi-wan and Master Windu who were still hadn't moved from their spots, I roll my eyes, "You know that you're not stuck in one spot right?!?" I yell, annoyed while doing a series of acrobatics to avoid more laser blasts, "Someone get the Holocron and then we can get out of here!"

As I hold my ground, deflecting as many lasers as possible, I hear a shout in agreement, "You heard your Padawan! Get the Holocron." Master Windu orders, jumping beside me to help deflect blasts.

"I've got the Holocron!" Obi-wan yells after a few moments.

The three of us instantly run towards the door which was now starting to close, dodging and deflecting red lasers. Barely rolling from under the door, we jump onto the ship where Cody was already preparing to take off.

"Anytime, Cody." Obi-wan pants, giving the all-clear.

Cody immediately pulls the lever and we take off from the ship just as it explodes. I slump down into a seat and sigh. The blast that had hit me had started to ache with pain and I frown at myself in annoyance. 

First Bane got away and now I have a stupid blaster wound. 

What a great mission. 

Not to mention you still have no kriffin idea why all the clones and Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-wan are acting weird.

Sitting down beside me, Obi-wan gently takes my arm. Wordlessly grabbing the small medkit aboard the transport, he takes out some bacta and begins to clean the minor wound.

Wincing slightly, I meet his eyes, "Thanks." I murmur gratefully as the heat and pain in my arm slowly ebbs away.

Shrugging, Obi-wan puts the medical supplies away, "Anytime." He bites back a smiles as though he were excited about something.

"So... What were you, Anakin, and Ahsoka talking about earlier? Something happening today?" I ask, desperate for an answer.

Master Windu turns around in his seat, giving me an odd look.

Ruffling my hair, Obi-wan smiles, "You'll find out or remember soon enough."

Blinking at him in confusion, I rack my brain for anything as we exit hyperspace, "Why can't you just tell me???" I fold my arms, pouting.

Obi-wan's smile widens and he shares an amused look with Master Windu. Reaching a landing platform at the military base on Coruscant, we all walk off the ship.

"You go get some rest, Cody." Obi-wan orders, "We'll be having quite a night today."

Cody nods, "Very well, sir. General, Commander." Nodding to us all respectfully, he makes his way to the clone barracks while I wave goodbye and follow the two Jedi Masters towards the Jedi Temple where we were to give our report.


"The base was completely destroyed, Master, and so was any clue who's behind this," Anakin explains to the Council, Ahsoka standing beside him.

Master Yoda frowns, "Most unfortunate this is." He sighs.

"And we still have Bane." Anakin glances up when there's no response.

Ahsoka sighs, "He got away again?" 

"The important thing is that the children are safe and we've recovered the Holocron," Obi-wan says calmly.

Yeah, but having Bane in custody would make this pretty great. I think to myself, disgruntled.

"The list is intact, and there is no evidence it was copied. " Master Windu confirms.

Master Yoda looks up, gaze boring into the Force, "Still, the future of all Jedi uncertain is. Move forward cautiously we must."

"Meeting dismissed." Master Windu finishes as a few of the Masters' holograms disappear.

Sighing, I follow Obi-wan out of the Council room towards our shared quarters together with Anakin and Ahsoka beside us.

"What happened?" Ahsoka asks me, nodding to my blaster wound.

I sigh, "I triggered a bobby trap and activated a bunch of laser beams and cannons." I smile weakly, "But we still got the Holocron so... mission success?"

"Mission success." Ahsoka confirms, "It's like Master Kenobi said, "We have the Holocron and the childer are safe and that's what matters."

Anakin interrupts our conversation, "Come on, Snips, the day's not over yet. We still got the thing to do."

Suddenly smiling brightly, Ahsoka waves, "See ya later, Moon!"

Anakin and Ahsoka abandon their path to their quarters and they walk the opposite direction from us.

Catching up with Obi-wan, I frown, something was up today. I just couldn't remember...

"Master." I look up, "What day is it today?"

Obi-wan shrugs, "Don't know, time flies, doesn't it?"

Before I can respond, he continues.

"You go get some rest." He orders, "I have to check on something."

I protest, "I'm not tired, though. Can't I come?"

Giving me a stern look, Obi-wan shakes his head, "I'll comm you if I need your help."

Sighing, I reluctantly agree, "Fine."


Ahsoka's POV

"Engines are good," I report to Anakin who was making a few last-minute adjustments to the controls on the Jedi Starfighter.

"Controls are all set too." He says, jumping out of the cockpit, "Obi-wan should be here with KT soon."

Taking a step back from the starfighter, Anakin grins, "Gotta say, the paint job that you did looks pretty good."

I take a step back to admire the starfighter too. It was a Delta-7 just like any other Jedi starfighter. Anakin and I had been working on it for a while now. Him making a few adjustments to fit her liking while I did a paint job and boosted some of the engines. Now looking at the crisp pale aqua colour markings I had chosen to match her lightsabers, I felt proud of the work we had done.

Obi-wan enters the hanger as well, guiding an R2 unit called R2-KT, "Must say, you two have done a fine job with that." He says, nodding to the starfighter, "She's going to love it."

Anakin grins, "Definitely. You got the necklace?" 

Obi-wan nods, "Didn't think I'd lose it after how long it took for us to make, did you?"

I roll my eyes as the two bicker about who had lost more things.

"-you've lost more cloaks than I have my lightsaber." Anakin was arguing.

Breaking it up, I step in, "Let's go see how the Clones are doing with their part of the plan." I say, nodding to the room next to us which were the 501st and 212th shared barracks.

"Good idea." Obi-wan agrees, "Then we can get her down here and see if she'll finally remember what day it is today."

Leaving the starfighter to rest, we open the door to the clones' barracks, eyes widening at the chaos inside.

Multi-coloured streamers were being hung on the walls and on bunks and there were balloons being blown and immediately popped while a crowd of troopers tried to steal a few snacks while decorating.










"Oh, uhh- Good to see you, Generals, Commander." Cody dodges away from the chaotic decorating, "As you can see, everything is going well. Mostly."

Obi-wan's eyes widen at the mess, "This will take a while..."


Luna's POV

"Luna, get down to the clones' barracks NOW. It's urgent."

I blink at my comm in surprise, "What is it Mast-"


Feeling unsettled and a bit worried, I clip my lightsabers to my belt and quickly make my way to the Clone Barracks.

Reaching the barracks, I knock on the door. No answer. Using the force to open the door, I step inside. The room smelled oddly like Mantell mix, cake, balloons, juice, and a variety of food but was oddly dark. 

Glancing around, the doors slide close, "Mas-"


"THE KRIFF-" I jump back in surprise as the lights suddenly turn on and the 212th, 501st and Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-wan reveal themselves, letting out confetti bombs.

I pause for a second, thinking, "OH MY GOD I REMEMBERED! TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY!"

Obi-wan rolls his eyes, "Took you long enough." He smirks.

Ahsoka gives me a hug, "I'm surprised you didn't remember."  She says, "How old are you now? 14?"

I shrug, "Something like that. Today's not my actual birthday. It's just the day the Jedi found me and brought me to the Temple. I don't even know my real birthday."

"CAN WE HAVE CAKE NOW???" Waxer and Hardcase yell simultaneously.

I glance at the gigantic table of food, "You guys really didn't have to go through the trouble of doing this..."

"Well, we did." Anakin grins, "And it was worth it. Happy Birthday, Moon."

As everyone in the room dives in for food, I hear a splat and a short but heavy silence.

"WAXER!!!!!" Cody leaps up, a piece of cake sliding down the side of his face.

"FOOD FIGHT!!!" I hear someone yell. (Presumably Hardcase)

Anakin gets up from his seat excitedly, "Oh, it's on!" He yells, throwing his slice of cake at Obi-wan who dodges a second too late.


Before long, the barracks are filled with yells and flying food. 

"IT'S A GOOD THING THESE WALLS ARE SOUNDPROOF!" I yell, trying to be heard over the sound of other yells.


"WATCH OUT!" I yell, shoving her aside from a coconut pie that had come flying at her face.

She picks a slice of cake lying on the ground and throws it back at whoever had thrown the pie, "THANKS!!" 

"ANYTIME!" I respond, finding a raw egg and throwing it at Cody.

The doors of the barracks suddenly slide open and Master Plo and a few troopers from Wolfpack walk in, freezing at the sight in front of them.

"What th-" Master Plo's eyes visibly widen and the awkward moment is broken when Hardcase throws a coconut pie at Wolffe's face.

"THIS IS WAR!!!" He yells.

As though his words were a signal, the food fight continues with Master Plo and the Wolfpack now part of it. 

Pies and slices of cake continue to fly through the air, while we all fight to the death. Excitement fills the air around us and I can't help but smile; I was so lucky to have a life like this. A life with friends who cared but were slightly crazy and a- 

"WAXER!!!!!" I yell, jerking myself out of my thoughts as a bowl of Mantell mix is dumped on my head.

"SORRY COMMANDER!" Waxer yells, laughing.

Grabbing myself a pie, I narrow my eyes, using the force to locate him in the crowd of people.

"Gotcha," I murmur when I spot him taking cover by a few of the bunks in the back. Tossing the pie up in the air a couple of times, I use all of my strength to throw it precisely at his face, landing square on his forehead.

Doubling back with laughter, I gasp for air at his shocked expression.

"Nice shot." Anakin tells me, sliding next to me and Ahsoka, "Bet I can do better on say... Rex."

Ahsoka laughs, "Give him a break, Master. He's having a rough day."

"No rougher than Cody," I smirk, nodding to the clone commander who had several eggshells and pieces of pie and cake sliding down his armour.

After about a few more minutes of the food fight, we were all exhausted and collapse on the ground panting.

"Wow..." I pant, leaning on a wall, "That was..."

"Intense?" Master Plo asks.

Obi-wan brushes off his rodes which were slightly stained now, "Horrible?"

"Interesting?" Ahsoka smiles.

Anakin punches the air, "Fun?" 

Leaning on each other for support, Cody and Rex sit down. "Exhausting?"

"THE BEST THING EVER?!?" Waxer and Hardcase grin like maniacs.

"A combination of those things, yes." I agree.

"We're gonna have to clean all this up now..." Obi-wan sighs, "Can't have you living in barracks filled with smashed food."

Echo grins, "Already thought of that." He says, pressing something on his data-pad.

A few seconds later, a squad of cleanup droids roll in all equipped with sponges, buckets, and other cleaning tools. Before long, they had the place looking mostly back to normal.

"This has been great and all bu-" I'm cut off.

"WE HAVEN'T DONE PRESENTS YET!!!" Anakin yells before I can finish.

I turn red, "You guys didn't ha-"

"-Well too bad." Ahsoka interrupts me.

"Cake was my treat!" Waxer says.

Rex grins, "I got the Mantell mix!" 

"Pie was from me," Cody says, brushing off bits of food.

"We got the balloons and confetti." Fives and Echo say.

"I got the streamers and toilet paper." Hardcase grins, "I didn't know what to do with the toilet paper, so I stacked it in the back."

As one voice layers in with another, the room is filled with clones yelling out what they got for me. 

Feeling a lump swell in my throat, my heart softens. It felt great to have people who actually cared for me. People who saw me as a friend. People who I knew I could count on no matter what.

"Thanks, you guys." I say after everyone had quieted down, "It really means a lot to me."

"It's nothing." Waxer grins.

Hardcase laughs, "Yeah! It gives us an excuse for having a food fight!"

Cody rolls his eyes, "We should all get some rest." He says, "And if I hear a single peep from one of you, you're dead." He adds, gaze sweeping over his brothers.

"We'll leave them in your capable hands then, Cody." Obi-wan laughs.

"Night, Generals. Commanders." 

Walking out of the Barracks with Master Plo and the Wolfpack, we say our goodbyes and head for the Jedi Temple. 

"Wait- where are you going?" I ask, realizing that Obi-wan, Ahsoka, and Anakin weren't beside me.

"One last present!" Ahsoka smiles, "Or three."

Anakin nods towards the main hanger, "Come on."

Smiling, I follow my three friends to the main hanger wondering what they possibly could have gotten me.

"Your own starfighter!!" Anakin throws his arms up, gesturing to a starfighter in the far corner of the hanger.

"Oh my go-" I stare at the brand new Delta-7. It had crisp aqua markings that matched my lightsabers and looked like it had a few modifications installed. Running my hand along the sleek and shiny nose, I smile, "Did you guys make this yourself?"

Ahsoka's grin widens, "Yep. It took a while, but I think we did a pretty good job."

"It also comes with an astromech." Obi-wan adds, gesturing to a pink R2 unit who beeps hello, "R2-KT." 

"Thank you so much, you guys." I stare at the starfighter and put a hand on the astromech no; my starfighter and astromech.

"That's not it," Obi-wan tells me.

Turning back around to face my friends, I watch as Obi-wan takes a small pouch off of his belt. Putting it in my hand, I feel its weight and take out its contents.

"Wow." I breathe, staring. A small crescent moon necklace lay in the palm of my hand. It had odd markings and uneven humps with a few glimmers of colour here and there. Frowning, I squint, realizing that the moon was divided into three parts, each designed to look like Obi-wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka's lightsabers. "Is that... kyber?" I ask, noting the small hints of crystal in each section.

Anakin nods, "We each got a small chip of kyber from our lightsabers to put on." He explains, "Took a long time for the pieces to fit just right."

"Just to remind you that you're stuck with us." Ahsoka grins.

"You guys are the best." I smile, feeling my heart flood with gratitude again. I clip the necklace on my neck, feeling it settle like it was meant to be there.

Ahsoka embraces me into a hug, "What are friends for?"

Joining our embrace, I see Anakin grin at Obi-wan, "Come on old man, join the group hug this one time."

Sighing, Obi-wan obliges, "Happy birthday." He murmurs softly, "And may the Force be with us all."

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