A Jedi's Duty

By moon_11412

3.6K 121 169

Luna Coran has always dreamed of growing up and becoming a padawan fighting side by side with her master, but... More

Destroy Malevolence
Master Kenobi...
A New Beginning
Dooku Captured
Holocron Heist
Children of the Force
Landing at Point Rain
Weapons Factory

The Gungan General

228 8 2
By moon_11412

Luna's POV

I am one with the force and the force is with me.

 I am one with the force and the force is with me.

I feel myself peacefully relax as I meditate in the Twilight. I had my lightsaber laid out in front of me and I smoothly fit the pieces back together. 

Obi-wan and Anakin had been gone for a while, and I enjoy the peace and quiet as it lasts. While in meditation, I ponder on what it was like being a padawan. I hadn't been one for long, but I sure was enjoying it. Obi-wan was a great Master- mostly. I mentally shake my head, he was just trying to teach me everything I need to know. It's not his fault that I have a tendency to wander from protocol. I grin, I knew one thing for sure: This padawan-ship was going to be interesting.


I open my eyes, frowning. The force was sending me a warning. Getting up from the floor, I glance outside. It was now morning and Obi-wan and Anakin still hadn't returned. Probably got drunk. I think to myself, half amused half annoyed. 

I stop, frowning a bit. The force was sending me a warning. I walk to the window, glancing outside. It was empty. No one was out.

The tugging at the back of my mind becomes stronger and I stop myself from walking off the ship to where the force was trying to make me go. No. I tell myself sternly. Obi-wan told me to stay on the ship. Then again, the force was telling me to go... so it had to be alright. Right?

I sigh. The force better have a good reason for me getting off the ship or I was going to be stuck at the Temple for who knows how long.

I pick up my Master's lightsaber which was lying in the co-pilot's seat and hook it onto my belt, doing the same with my own lightsaber. I hope I get to get it back soon. I think hopefully.

I walk off the ship and look around. The force was tugging me back towards the pirate's place. I sigh. This had better be worth it.

As I near the entrance, two pirates walk out and I promptly hide behind a pillar.

"You heard the boss, the Jedi said that the other one was tired and stayed on the ship." One of them says.

The other one nods, "Let's just knock 'er out and throw 'er in with the rest of 'em. Then we'll get our spice."

"Their ship must cost something too. Better try to keep it intact."

I frown. So the pirates had taken my Master, Anakin, and Dooku prisoners. They were obviously stronger than I had thought.

I duck out of my hiding spot, "Well, gentlemen." I smile as they whirl around to face me, "Tell your boss that he'll have to wait for his spice." I swiftly cut off the ends of their blasters and knock them into the wall, causing them to lose consciousness.

I then shove them behind a nearby stall where no one would notice them. Dusting my hands off, I leap into a vent system to navigate through the building.

Using the force as my guide, I crawl through the vents, searching for my Master's force signature. As I continue to crawl, I slip at one of the openings, landing back on the ground in front of two stunned pirates.

"Blast it," I mutter, quickly using the force to smash them into unconsciousness too. I sigh, pushing the two pirates into the vent system so no one would find them.

I abandon my attempted stealth and rush through the halls, following the force. I hear hushed voices around the corner and I stop, alarmed. There was nowhere to hide without getting caught.

"I want you to intercept that ship and force it down." I hear a pirate's voice rasp quietly.

I frown. Ship? The Republic ship?

"Be careful. I want that spice intact." The pirate continues.

"It's too risky. What about Hondo?" Another voice says nervously

"That nitwit couldn't kill a nuna. He depends on me for that."

My eyes widen. These pirates were rebelling!  My hand automatically reaches for my lightsaber. I could easily overpower the two pirates... Right? Peering around the corner, I could see that there were only two of them.

I'll knock out the one going to intercept the ship. I think to myself. That way, the other pirate will assume it's taking long.

I quickly jog back to the next corner and hide, waiting for the pirate to arrive. I hear rusting and sense him getting close. Igniting my lightsaber, I jump out, causing him to recoil. But before I can slice off the tip of his blaster and knock him out, he yells out, "The other Jedi's here!

"Kriff," I mutter, immediately abandoning my attempt. I rush down the halls, instantly knowing that there would be reinforcements arriving and that I would be outnumbered. Quickly jumping into a ventilation shaft, I crawl through the dark silently, heart pounding with the sudden realization of danger. I had really underestimated these pirates.

Thoughts racing, I pause to think as Obi-wan would have told me to do. What now? I had to warn that ship. But what about Anakin and Obi-wan? I stop, torn between the two duties. Through a quick check in the force, I could tell that Obi-wan was fine and so was Anakin. I sigh. They would just have to wait a while longer for me to rescue them. "Sorry, Master," I mutter, wishing there was another way. Using the force to scout out a path out of the pirate's place, I continue to crawl, remembering to be extra careful since probably half of the pirate base was looking for me.

"Are you all fools?!" I hear Hondo's voice yell, "Check the ventilation shafts. It's one of the oldest tricks in the book. And for goodness sake, find her already! I don't want any more trouble."

My eyes widen and I crawl through the vents faster, realizing that I didn't have much time.

"Whoa!!" I yelp as I slip through an opening to the outside. I cling to the edge of the vent as my legs dangle about 12 feet above the ground.

Using the force, I let go and land softly on the ground. I dust my pants and quickly find cover by a few crates, tapping my com.

Typing in the Republic Ship frequency, I frown, realizing that the connection wouldn't be stable.

"This is Commander Coran, do you copy?" I whisper into my com.

There's no reply for a few seconds and I look around nervously.

"This is CT-7608, Mack." Comes an extremely static reply.

Letting a small sigh of relief, I relax a bit, "The pirates have captured Generals Kenobi and Skywalker. They are being held prisoner with Count Dooku and I need backup." I state, "We cannot underestimate these pirates." I swallow, "A small band of them are planning to rebel and shoot down your ship. Be on gu-"

There are panicked voices on the other side and I frown.

"Mack! What's coming on over there?!"

"We've been hit!" He yells frantically, "The systems fai-"

He's cut off and static fills the empty transmission.

"Mack?! Mack do you copy?!" There's still no response. "Kriff," I say a bit too loudly.

Slumping down, I rub my temples. What now? I had been too late to save the Republic ship and Obi-wan and Anakin are still in prison. I sigh in defeat. I had no idea what to do. Maybe I should go check on the Republic ship. There might still be survivors... But what if there aren't? I groan, wishing my Master was here to tell me what to do. Might as well find him and ask.

I get up, making sure that there were no more pirates and head towards the direction the force had been pulling me to before. Beginning to jog, I realize that all the speeders in the hanger area were gone, meaning that the Pirates had gone to collect their spice and kill any survivors- if there were any.

Pressing my com down again, I look for the closest Republic frequency with no luck, "This is Commander Coran." I repeat, "Does anyone copy??"

There's still no reply.

The Pirates might be jamming the transmissions... I think hopefully, shaking it off. Soon, I approach the Pirates place and I stop, figuring out pretty quickly that there would be high security and guards at every vent entrance and exit. I'll figure this out. I think nervously to myself. As I near the pirates' place, my brain spins,

 Force, I should have gone back to check for survivors!

No, I need to get Obi-wan and Anakin out first.

But what if there are survivors?!

I stop my mind from arguing. I had made my decision. I had to stick with it. 

Looking around, I could see a vent entrance- which was guarded by pirates. The entrance was h=guraded too, meaning my only way in was through the roof.

"Here goes nothing," I mutter, using the force to help me jump onto the roof. 

Landing as quietly as possible, I use my lightsaber to cut a hole and peer inside. It looked like I had cut a hole straight to the roof of the detention hall. Good job, me. I think, smiling. 

Slipping through the hole I had created, I land lightly on my feet into an empty hall. I stretch out my senses, determined to find my Master and Anakin this time. Tiptoeing around the halls, I quietly knock out a few more pirates and hide their unconscious bodies, following the force to a cell at the end of a hall. There was a guard posted in front of it, and I step forward, silently praying that my little force training with Obi-wan would serve me well.

IWaving my hand, I stare into the pirates eyes and use the force, connecting with his mind, "You do not want to stand guard." I state.

"I do not want to stand guard." The pirate repeats blankly.

"You want to deactivate the cell bars and go out drinking."

"I want to deactivate the cell bars and go out drinking." The pirate proceeds to deactivate the cell bars and walks to go drinking.

I sigh in relief and let out a small smirk quietly to myself as Obi-wan, Anakin, and Dooku walk out of the cell, all tied together. 

"Not bad." Anakin grins at me.

"Oh, yes. Most impressive-" Dooku stops and frowns when he realizes that it had been me speaking, "I see your little rat is here to save the day." He finishes sarcasically.

I glare at him, "Look, I ju-"

Obi-wan interrupts, "I thought I told you to stay on the ship." He states, frowning.

 "First of all, the force told me to come get you guys. And second of all, I just got you guys out of prison! A little gratitude would go a long way!!" I snap angrily. I had forgotten that I had disobeyed orders getting off the ship.

Obi-wan's eyes narrow even more, "You will learn your place, young one. It is not in your place to give me a lecture. Remember, you ar- "

"Enough with the lectures." Anakin interrupts us, "Let's just get outta here before we get caught again."

I raise an eyebrow, "Again?"

"Uhh- Long story." Anakin looks away uncomfortably.

Rolling my eyes, I sigh. Will wonders ever cease to end...

Obi-wan gives me a final glare, "Anakin's right, we need to get out of here."

The four of us begin jogging towards the nearest entrance, hiding behind a couple of crates as a few pirates walk past. Suddenly, an alarm begins blaring and I tense.


Now sprinting, we rush down the halls and I knock over a stack of crates to slow down the pirates who had started to pursue us before following Obi-wan, Anakin and Dooku out of the door.

"Now we just have to get beyond that wall." Obi-wan says, rushing forward.

I follow them, igniting my lightsaber and Obi-wan's, beginning to deflect blasts that the pirates were shooting.

A quick glance behind me, and I could see the three of them dangling over the edge of the wall, Anakin desperately trying to hold on while Obi-wan held onto Dooku.

More pirates join in shooting at both me and the others and I hiss in frustration as one comes close to hitting me in the shoulder.

We were outnumbered.

Taking cover behind some barrels, I grab a scattered blaster and begin shooting back... Until even more pirates came.

"Luna, get out of here!!" Obi-wan shouts.

I frown, about to argue before seeing that Hondo was standing right above them, not yet noticing me. Gritting my teeth, I sneak away while at the pirates' attention was on Hondo. I can't believe they've been captured. Again. I think to myself, annoyed.

I should have stayed behind to help fight.

But if I did, I would have been captured too.

At least I could be with my Master and Anakin so they could help me figure things out.

How would I be able to do anything if I was kidnapped though??

I sigh, annoyed as I argued with my brain. Now isn't the time, I tell myself. I'll cut a hole in the ceiling, straight into their cell and get them out from there.

Taking a quick turn, I leap into the roof and quickly locate an area that was close enough to the cell my Master and Anakin had been held in.

"Here we go again." I mutter to myself, using my lightsaber to cut through the roof. I use to force to push aside the piece of roof and to my surprise, Dooku force jumps onto the roof. Alone.

As far as I could tell, Anakin and Obi-wan weren't in the cell. Glaring at Dooku, I ignite Obi-wan's saber along with my own.

"What the kriff did you do to Anakin and Obi-wan?"  I say, pointing the two lightsabers at his neck.

Dooku doesn't look the slightest bit bothered by the lightsabers, "The pirates took them away." He responds easily.

Grumbling under my breath, I glare at him, "You're coming with m-" I stop, gasping out as I feel sudden pain from the force. Obi-wan and Anakin were in trouble.

"The question is, what will you do?" Dooku smiles cruelly, "Save your Master and your friend, or successfully capture me while they suffer- and possibly die."

I bite my lip. By the kriffing Force why do I have to choose?!?

Sighing, I deactivate the two lightsabers and jump through the hole I had made, neatly cutting through the door and knocking out a surprised pirate.

As I enter the doors of the main room, both sabers ignited, I see Obi-wan and Anakin groaning in pain as Hondo electrocuted them in front of a large crowd of laughing pirates.

Fury flashes through my blood and I glare at him, "Hondo." My voice comes out icy and cold, and Hondo stops torturing the two Jedi, turning to me.

"Ah, yes, Luna... Coran, is it?" Hondo smiles, "I was expecting you to come to rescue your friends here." He gestures towards Anakin and Obi-wan who was giving a worried glare.

"Let them go, Hondo." I order angrily, "They haven't done anything to you."

Hondo grimaces, "I'm afraid I cannot do that, my young Jedi friend, you see, I expect a bit of profit off of these two." He pauses, eyes scanning over me, "And I just feel you would add such a great amount to that..." Glancing at the pirates closest to me, he smiles, "Seize her!"

"Well, I tried."I mutter to myself, bringing the two lightsabers up to defend myself. My moves were restricted, though, I didn't want to kill anyone.

Just as I was able to break through a row of pirates, Hondo begins electrocuting Obi-wan and Anakin, causing the both of them to yell out. 

I stop, sabers raised to Hondo's throat.

"Drop your weapons." He orders me, "Or your friends get it." His hand hovers over the button to turn it on again.

"I- fine." I scowl, dropping my weapons on the ground.

Hondo smiles while grabbing the two lightsabers and putting them on his belt along with mine and Anakin's, "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Turning back to Obi-wan and Anakin, he grins, "Back to the fun." He presses the button again and both Jedi groan, bodies twitching.

"Wait! You said you'd stop!" I yell angrily, struggling as two pirates grab and cuff me.

Hondo turns to me, "Rule number one of dealing with a pirate, don't trust them." He smiles, continuing to torture Obi-wan and Anakin.

Suddenly, all the power goes out, also stopping Obi-wan and Anakin from getting electrified. Taking the moment of confusion as an opportunity, I use the force to grab all the lightsabers which were all hanging from Hondo's belt, slicing off the electro-cuffs. 

"Catch!"  I yell at Obi-wan and Anakin, tossing them their sabers as they drop to the ground.

The two of them swiftly ignite their sabers. I rush forwards, pointing my saber directly at Hondo's neck, daring anyone to shoot while Anakin and Obi-wan stand defensively in front of me.

"What chance do you really have, Jedi?" Hondo says nervously as we back into a hall. "Now, let me go, and I might let you live."

"Approach us, and he dies," Anakin growls warningly.

We stop as two battle tanks approach us, "Great..." 

"Looks like your forces were destroyed, Jedi." Hondo smirks triumphantly.

"Ani! Obi! Moon!" 

I raise an eyebrow as Jar Jar's head pops out of the tank.

"Jar Jar?!" Anakin grins, surprised.

"Mesa have arrived with the spicen." Jar Jar explains happily, smiling at us.

"Excellent, Jar Jar." Obi-wan tells him.

"Assuming the pirates still have Count Dooku to trade." He says, eyes turning to Hondo.

I grimace, "Master, about that..."

I trail off as a saucer-shaped ship takes off. That one's my fault. I think, despaired.

"Well, that answers that question." Anakin shrugs.

We continue to make our way towards the tanks with Hondo nervously keeping his neck as far away from my lightsaber as he could.

"Commander, start the engines, please." Obi-wan orders.

"So what now, Jedi?" Hondo sighs, "You're going to arrest me?"

"No. Luna, release him." Obi-wan tells me.

"What?" I look at him in surprise.

"Captain, you have nothing we want." Obi-wan explains, "And since we're not prisoners anymore, you have no bargaining power."

"What? Yousa was in bombad trouble? Mesa rescued you!?" Ja Jar exclaims.

"Uh- no, Jar Jar, we weren't in any trouble," Anakin says, not meeting Commander Stone's eyes. (Or helmet visor.)

The Commander smirks, knowing from me that Anakin and Obi-wan had indeed been held, hostage.

"Let's leave on even terms." Obi-wan finishes.

I sigh and deactivate my lightsabers, following him towards the ship.

I hear guns being aimed and my hand reaches for my lightsabers as the pirates aim their weapons.

"Hold. Hold!" Hondo orders.

"Jedi, after everything, you're just going to walk away?" There was disbelief in his voice.

"We have no quarrel with you and we seek no revenge." Obi-wan

"Indeed. Very honourable, Master Jedi." Hondo mutters half to himself.

"Oh, Captain, you will find that Count Dooku does not share our sense of honour," Obi-wan warns him.

"And he knows where you live," I add, boarding the ship with my Master.

As the ship takes off, I slump into a seat, exhausted from the day.


I look up and see my Master staring expectantly at me. Right... The lecture.

"I'd like to talk to you. In a separate room." Obi-wan tells me.

I sigh, following him into a separate room.

"I know I was wrong." I blurt out before he can say anything, "I know I should have stayed on the ship, but the force told me to! I knew that you were both in trouble, and I wanted to help! And then I realized they were targeting the Republic ship because some of the pirates were rebelling so then I decided to go warn them. But I warned them too late because their ship still ended up getting shot down and it's all my fault that there are people dead." I pause, "Then I realized that they were probably all dead, so I decided to go look for you and Anakin. Then I re-"

Obi-wan stops me, his eyes amused, "I do not believe that I asked for a summary of your day, padawan."

I blush, "Right. Sorry. You can talk now."

Shaking his head in amusement, he smiles, "I'm not mad at you, Luna. I understand that it was necessary for you to disobey orders." He pinches the bridge of his nose, "However, I do not want you to end up like Anakin and jump into random situations without a second thought."

"I heard that!!" Anakin yells from the cockpit.

I snicker slightly.

"Like you did on the Separatist ship the other day." He continues, "Enough of lectures, though. I am proud of you." He smiles, "You showed great courage holding out on your own and keeping a level head- mostly."

I grin, punching him lightly in the shoulder, "Hey!" 

My Master ruffles my hair, "I understand we're still in the early stages of your padawanship, and I know that we both still need to adjust. You- to having a new Master and beginning your training, and me- getting used to dealing with another ridiculously reckless padawan who happens to be a bit calmer than the last one."

"I heard that too!" Anakin yells again.

"But I have high hopes for you." Obi-wan finishes with a smile at me.

I smile back, feeling better, "Me too."

Hey Guys!

So sorry for not updating sooner. I've been on vacation in Alberta for the last few weeks and haven't had time to write! I'll also be busy for the next week, so don't expect another chapter for a while. (Still trying to figure out an updating schedule😬)
Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors, I'm doing this pretty late at night so... Fun...
I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and once again, thank you so much for all the views, votes, and support :) ❤❤

~May The Force Be With You~


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