My White Knight ✔️

By mikywaymidnight

55.3K 4.5K 2.5K

What would you do when the happy bubble you lived in for the past 25 years gets popped? Do you wanna know wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thank You 🖤
Bonus Chapter(Divya's Dad POV)
Bonus Chapter
Lies and Love (Next Book)

Chapter 22

1.1K 107 40
By mikywaymidnight


Tomorrow is my son's 3rd birthday and today I got a letter saying that I am board-certified. This is the best day of my life.

I am waiting for the clock to hit 12, so I could wish him. And guess who's here with me but sleeping with his head on my lap?

You got it right! Andrew.

He went to Sydney last week and came in 2 hours back, so he wouldn't miss out on Amar's birthday. He was so tired from all the jet lag and work, so I made him sleep on my lap by massaging his head and playing some videos about my work to bore him.

He looks peaceful in sleep these days, I never understood why people watch other people sleeping but looking at him in my lap clutching my stomach, with his big hands looking as handsome as ever with his sweet face, I just couldn't turn my eyes away from him.

I bent down and kissed him on his head when he is sleeping because he would make a smug remark about me not being able to keep it to myself around him.

My phone beeped at 11:55, so I woke up Andrew and we are now going into Amar's room. I quietly turned the lights on and walked to his bed.

And I tapped him on his shoulder to wake him up.

"Amar! Baby, Happy birthday.." I said to him kissing his cheek.

I could feel him smile as his cheeks went wide.

"Thank you, Mama!" He said getting up and opening his eyes lazily.

"Happy Birthday Little Man!" Andrew yelled from behind with a huge nerf gun in his hands.

When did he get that?

"Andy...Mama Andy is here!" He said rubbing his eyes, to make sure that he is really there.

Amar jumped into Andrew's arms and they started talking animatedly to each other. Andrew came in after Amar slept, so he is surprised to see him here.

"Mama! Can we sleep together as we did in New York?" He asked me with a cute pout.

"It's your birthday baby! We will do whatever you want." I replied pinching his cute little soft cheeks.

And now we are all in my bed together, with Amar in the middle and all his attention on Andrew talking about Nerf battles they can do tomorrow at the party which I have no clue about.

But looking at my son so excited, made me happy and I slept through the night with a smile on my face that we are in good hands and leading a happy life.

We all woke up the next morning to the annoying doorbell sound. I was in Andrew's arms with my head on his chest, his hand on my waist, and Amar sleeping on Andrew clutching onto his body.

I got out of bed and went downstairs and opened the door revealing Amaya, Jameson, Elena, Alex, and Danny.

"Hello!" I yawned halfway through welcoming them in.

"Where is Amar, Diya?" Alex asked me tugging my pants.

"He is still sleeping, why don't you guys go wake him up?" I said opening the door and welcoming them in.

"When did you come back?"

"What are you doing here so early?

The questions from Jameson and Amaya as I was locking the door and I knew they were for Andrew.

"I came in last night, and stayed over after wishing Amar." He said pushing his hair back feeling embarrassed for getting caught, while Amaya came to me wiggling her eyes, and pulled me into the kitchen with Elena in her arms.

"You sneaky little thing, Don't tell me you did it?" She asked me stressing the word IT making me blush red and I started feeling hot all of a sudden.

"NOOO, Ammu! Shut up. He just slept over." I replied in a cracked voice setting up the coffee machine.

"No Ammu! He just slept over." Amaya repeated what I said in a mocking tone making Elena bang her head.

"Aunty Divya! Can you tell Maya to stop repeating? She always does this and it's so irritating." Elena said to me and Amaya gasped in shock.

Before I could make fun of Amaya with Elena the doorbell rang again, but this time it was Arjun and Dru.

"Hey Divya akka(sister)"

"Hey Divya!"

Arjun got taller and has a stubbly beard, and Dru looks as handsome as ever, he looks like he just hit puberty with small facial hair. I can't believe these two grew up so fast.

"AMAR! Guess what we got for you?"Arjun yelled getting into the house with an enormous bag in his hand.

"So, How is Andrew treating you? I got these new guns, and I can put them to use for you Divya." Dru said showing me his biceps making me laugh.

I am closer to Dru than Arjun because he was really busy with his SATs and college applications when I was there and left for college. But Dru was with me the whole time, making me laugh with his silly antics like this.

"You don't have to use them at all, he is great," I told him as walked into the living room which is an utter mess right now with all of them screaming and shooting each other.

They all started their Nerf gun battle, with darts flying all over the place making me wonder who are the adults in this place. But instead of acting like an adult this time, I joined them by taking a Nerf gun from Arjun and started making hitting everyone within range.

We played in two teams, Amaya, Arjun, Dru, and me in one team and all the others in another team. And guess who won? We obviously.

 We didn't have to cheat because Andrew refused to hit me and Amaya smashed Jameson by teaming up with Alex, who betrayed his whole team by shielding Amaya with his own little body.

We all got tired after two matches and ordered breakfast and got ready for the party. I wore a t-shirt and black jeans as I have to be active there at the party controlling all these kids. We all drove to the bounce house in our own cars except for Andrew who came in with me and Amar.

I parked the car in the lot and there was a big banner that said Happy Birthday Amar at the entrance.

Seeing the banner Amar ran away from me and joined Alex, Elena, Dru, Arjun, and Danny who are standing there, taking pictures.

The banner was almost 5 feet. How much did they spend on this party?

"Let's go in people! We can't just stop at the entrance. We have a lot to see." Amaya said and took everyone in.

I was scared to go in, but Andrew held my hand and took me in. I wanted to be Amar for a second looking at what Amaya and Andrew did for his party.

"This is too much Andrew," I told him as I was looking around.

There is a bounce castle, a rock climbing wall, a face paint station, a lego station, a Mac and cheese station in the shape of dinosaurs and 2 people in Baymax suits giving hugs and fist bumps to everyone who comes in.

"Nothing is too much for my Little man. Look at him, he looks so happy." Andrew said looking at Amar who bounced with Alex, Elena, and Danny, entwining our fingers together with tears in his eyes.

"Are you crying?" I asked nudging him.

"He looks so happy, I feel so proud and happy for him. I wish I could never see him cry." He said sniffing and pushing his tears back in.

At times like this, I wonder if Amar is my son or Andrew's. He is happy with Amar's happiness and I am happy with his love for Amar.

Happiness is contagious.

"Emotionally available men are in trend these days." He said rubbing the only tear drop that escaped his eye making me chuckle.

"I love you, Andrew!" I said holding his hand tighter.

This is the first time I said I love you to him after NewYork because he always annoys me and makes me say I hate you.

"I love you too Divya! Thank you for coming into my life and bringing Amar with you."He said and pulled me into a hug.

Just when I was getting comfortable in his arms, I felt something hit my shoulder, it was a ball.

"Enough with your romance already, let's go enjoy the party." She yelled jumping up and down on the trampoline like a kid.

"You are so dead! Amy. How can you hit me?" Andrew screamed and ran after her with the ball she hit us with and they started chasing like kids.

Vasudha Aunty, Harish Uncle, Shaurya, and Ana came together after a few minutes, and people started flowing in, I personally don't know most of them but Amar did from Global Tech. I didn't know my son had such a huge network, unlike his loner mother.

"OMG, Is this a birthday party?" Chaya yelled from behind who was with Becky, Mark, Rowan, and Valerie.

"Dr.D! This is so freaking cool, I wish I had a party like this when I was a kid." Rowan said looking around with an amused look just like I did when I first came in.

"It was all Andrew and Amaya! I had zero involvement in this. And guess who is a board-certified Trauma Surgeon now? "

"Congratulations! " Everyone hugged me and joined others to enjoy the party.

Everyone came in by 12 and the party was in a swing, with all the kids in the bounce castle and adults talking to each other and eating whatever they want.

This made me feel like I was in India, I've been missing India a lot lately. I wish I could show my mom how good Amar has turned out, it's been almost 4 years. Does she even miss me? How is she doing with my father? I hope he is not hurting her. I hope my father doesn't vent his anger on me onto her.

"Divya! What are doing here alone?" Vasudha Pinni(Aunty) asked me putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing Aunty, I..I.." I couldn't complete my words so she pulled me into her arms.

"It's okay Divya! It's okay to miss them. Now smile, and enjoy the party. We don't want Amar to feel sad after looking at you right." She said brushing my tears off and kissing me and taking me towards everyone.

I sat there talking to Ana and Vasudha Aunty, Amaya, It was 6 and all the guests started to leave, the kids are tired and started acting grumpy.

As soon as everyone left, I started cleaning up stuff all the stuff we bought.

"You know you don't have to do that right?" Jameson asked standing beside me leaning on a table.

"It applies to you too," I said smirking at him and looking at the stuff in his hands.

"I have a forgetful wife, she ignored me the whole day bouncing with all the kids and Arjun." He said looking at Amaya who was involved in talking to Arjun and hitting him.

"Anyway, Let me know if you feel slightly uncomfortable with Andrew, I will be there for you. Don't be in a relationship because you don't want to say NO. I know him for the last 11 years, he is emotional but a really good person. He will never hurt you." He said as Andrew joined Amaya and Arjun with Amar in his arms.

"I like that he is emotional about things and don't worry Jamie, I'm with him because I truly love him." I convinced him.

"It's my job to worry about you, You are my only little sister." He said ruffling my hair and I gave him a side hug.

"Stop touching my girlfriend!" Andrew said coming towards us.

That's what Jamie used to do whenever Andrew and Amaya are together, and now it's Andrew's turn.

"That's my sister, I can hug her however I want, We are legally related unlike you and my wife, who you are hanging on to," Jameson said and pulled me into a complete hug.

"Excuse me, dudes! That's my sister first. And stop smushing her Jameson." Amaya joined the battle and pulled me away from Jameson.

"Okay fine! Divya, if given the chance to pick between the three of us, who would you pick?" Jameson asked throwing me in a pickle.

I looked around and found the three of them staring at me intensely.

"I pick Amaya, Sister before Misters." I said and Amaya hugged me to death making fun of the others.

"We both lost!" Andrew sighed in disappointment.

"I didn't, She picked my wife, technically she picked half me! " Jamie shrugged at Andrew making us gasp in shock at his answer.

"Fine, If you pick Amaya you get Andrew for free. It's a buy one get one free deal." Andrew countered and hugged me from behind shoving Amaya toward Jameson.

And that's how they started bickering with each other and have been doing it for the last 5 minutes, I tried to get out of his hug feeling embarrassed by the PDA, but this moron is not letting me go at all, so I gave up and stayed there in his arms while he used my head as his chin rest talking to Jameson.

"Jamie, Andrew! We are leaving, and all the kids are sleeping." Ana announced and Shaurya followed her.

I walked to them and gave them a goodbye hug. After the Vasudha Aunty and Harish Uncle left with Arjun and Dhruv.

"Jameson, load the kids in the car. I'll pack their bags." She told Jameson and he quietly nodded.

"I told the staff to load all the gifts in the trunk, I'll get Amar to the car, pick your stuff up, and we will go," Andrew said to me just when I was thinking about the work to do.

He already did everything, how does he always find ways to impress me?

We bid bye to Amaya and Jameson standing in the parking lot.

"Did you have fun?" Andrew asked me as we saw their car disappearing.

"I did! Thank you so much." I replied hugging him, feeling grateful for having people like this in my life and he kissed me on my head holding me tight.

So, how was it? Hope you liked it.

That was Amar's birthday and Andrew and Divya's relationship is still going strong, I am so jealous that I want to make them fight.

I am trying to complete the book before I go back to my regular schedule which is on Monday. So let's see how much I can do before that.

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