Patrick Stump Imagines

By -cheyenne-w-

569 12 1

Imagines with the most fedorable cinnamon roll on earth ^-^ !!Requesting Open!! More

back home
let's kill tonight (supernatural au)
love, selfish love
missing you
it's gonna get better
i wanna scream 'i love you'
the great escape
daddy issues
the (after) life of the party
your name is bedussey?

dance, dance

114 2 1
By -cheyenne-w-

It was after class, and Pete, Andy, Joe, and Patrick all stood at the corner of the school, not wanting to have anything to do with any of the other students. Pete was looking at a nearby bulletin board, and he suddenly pulled Patrick over to him.
"Do you see that?" He Asked in a whisper.
"See what?" Patrick Asked.
He pointed at one of the posters on the Board, and He leaned in to read it.
School dance on Saturday.
Pete grinned at him.
"Take Y/N." He whispered.
Patrick looked over at you, and you waved a bit. He waved back, Then turned back to Pete.
"I can't just ask her to a dance! I don't even know if she likes me!" He whisper shouted.
"Come on! I'm sure she likes you. She has to like you." He said. "You should at least think about it. We only have one more year left at school and all."
"I might think about it.." He Said.

"There She is.." Pete Said, seeing that you were over by your locker. "Now go ask her."
"I don't know.." Patrick Said.
"Just do it already!"
Patrick took a deep breath, then walked over to you slowly.
Pete facepalmed. Patrick looked back at him and gave him a questioning look.
"Walk faster!" Pete whisper-shouted.
Patrick walked to you a little faster, then stood behind you.
"H..hey, Y/N?" He asked.
You turned around.
"Oh, hey Patrick." You Said, waving a bit.
"Um...I was wondering.." he said. "Would to.."
He suddenly stopped and looked at Pete, who facepalmed again.
"Ask her." He mouthed.
He turned back to you, his face completely red.
"Um...would you like to.." he said again. "Dance?"
"What?" You Asked confusedly.
"I mean...let's go to the dance." He said. "If you want to...I mean, will you go with me?"
You chuckled a bit.
"I'm sorry.." he said, blushing even more. "I'll just go..."
He turned to walk away, but you stopped him by saying, "Wait!"
He turned back to you, and you smiled.
"I'd love to go with you to the dance." You Said.
"Really?" He asked.
You nodded.
He smiled, then looked back at Pete, who also smiled.

"I'm so glad I went to the dance with you." You Said to your husband.
He kissed you on the cheek.
"I'm glad I finally asked you." He said.
"Oh come on, you wouldn't have asked if it wasn't for me." Pete Said, giving Patrick a playful punch on the arm.
"Yeah.." he said, blushing a bit.
"But does anyone remember what happened before the dance?" Joe Asked.
"Oh no.." Patrick Said.
"Oh yes.." Pete Said.

It was a few hours before the dance, and Patrick was pacing around nervously.
"Patrick, Everything is going to be fine." Brendon Said.
" it's not.." Patrick Said.
"Calm down.." Andy Said.
Patrick looked over at the closet, wishing he could hide in there until the next day.
"Patrick, don't do it." Brendon Said. "Think about this for a second.."
"There's no other choice.." He Said.
He ran over to the closet, and Brendon and Joe grabbed his arms.
"Pete!" Joe called.
Pete ran in and jumped on Patrick's back.
"You're not going to hide in the closet!" He shouted. "You ruined that party by doing that."
"You're right..." Patrick said.
They all let go of him.
"I should hide under the bed.."

Patrick sighed, and you chuckled a bit.
"Pete.." he whined.
"What?" Pete Asked, still laughing.
"You promised not to tell that story again." He said.
"Aww're too cute." You Said, kissing him.
"He was even worse at the dance." Pete Said.
"No.." Patrick Said.

"Hey Patrick, can I talk to you for a second?" Pete Asked.
"Uh...sure." Patrick Said.
He followed Pete to the corner of the gym.
"What is it?" He Asked.
"Ask her to dance." Pete Said.
"Ask her" He Asked, swallowing nervously.
"Come on, Do it!"
"Hey, you like her, don't you?" He interrupted.
"Well...yeah.." Patrick Said, looking over at you.
You smiled and waved..
"Okay...I..I'll do it." He Said.
"Good. But I'm gonna be watching you closely to make sure you don't chicken out." Pete said.
"Okay.." Patrick Said.
He started making his way to you, taking a deep breath.
He stepped up to you.
"Y/N?" He asked.
" you" he said. "Woah...its hot in here..."
He stepped backwards.
"Patrick, the table.." you started.
But it was too late. He had knocked the table down, and there was food and punch everywhere.
He looked back at you nervously.
"Should we dance..?"

Everyone in the room erupted with laughter, except for poor Patrick, who was just blushing.
"Aw, honey.." you said, trying to stop laughing. "We did have a lot of fun after we cleaned up everything."
"And That was the night you shared your first kiss." Andy Said.
"And if I had to do it over again, I wouldn't change a thing.." you said.
Patrick smiled at you, and you smiled back.
"I love you." You Said.
"Love you too." Patrick Said, giving you a kiss.

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