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It all started when you were in a taxi, driving through the foreign city of Chicago. You were a fashion designer that came from London, but so far, you weren't very successful in the United States. Which was why you came to Chicago.

But then he showed up.

In the weirdest way possible.

The cabbie hit him with the taxi.

He wasn't driving very fast, but it still knocked him down.

You quickly hopped out of the cab along with the cabbie, kneeling next to the man.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?"

He sat up, rubbing his head a bit. "I should really watch where I'm going.."

You sighed in relief. "Thank goodness, I thought you were dead."

"Pay attention to the road!" The cabbie shouted, clearly upset.

"I'm sorry." The man said, standing up.

"Sorry doesn't take the dent out of my cab!"

You stood up as well. "Don't yell at him!" You Said.

"I can pay for the damage." The man said. "I'm really sorry."

You looked at the front of the vehicle. "There isn't any damage to be fixed." You Said, looking up at the cabbie. "There's no dent."

The cabbie crossed his arms over his chest. "There could've been."

You rolled your eyes, pulling money out of your pocket. "You know what, I'll walk to my destination."

You shoved the money at him, then walked over to the sidewalk sassily, beginning to make your way to where you were going.

"Hey, Wait!" You heard behind you.

The man from before caught up to you, smiling at you. "Hi."

"Hi." You responded as you continued walking.

"I just wanted to say thank you." He said.

"For what?"

"Standing up for me, I guess." He said, looking down at his feet as he smiled a bit.

"Oh, no problem." You Said. "He was a jerk."

He shrugged. "I've seen worse."

"Are you hurt?" You Asked.

He shook his head, then laughed.

You looked up at him confusedly. "What?"

"It was kinda funny." He mumbled, still laughing.

You looked down, laughing a bit. "I guess so." You Said. "I thought you were injured."

"You said you thought I was dead!" He chuckled.

"That, too."

The both of you stopped walking.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay." You Said. "It was nice meeting you.."

"Patrick." He said, looking at you with ocean blue eyes.

You nodded. "I'm Y/N." You Said. "Anyways, I have to get to a showcase.."

"A Showcase?" He asked curiously.

"I'm a fashion designer.." You Said. "This could be big for me."

He nodded, smiling. "I hope it goes well."

"Thank you." You Said, smiling at him. "Nice meeting you, Patrick."

"You too, Y/N."

You smiled at him once more, then began walking away.

"Wait!" You heard again, and stopped, turning around to see him running up to you.

He came over, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "I-I was wondering.." he started. "Can I get your number maybe?"

You felt yourself blush a bit. "Oh, um...Sure.." you said. You began frantically digging through your purse to find a piece of paper and a pen.

When you finally did, you wrote your number down quickly, then handed him the piece of paper.

He smiled. "Thank you."

"No problem." You smiled back. "Text me if you'd like, maybe we can see each other again."

He nodded excitedly.

You both looked at each other for a moment, then you looked back down at the sidewalk.

"I should really go now." You Said. "See you later, Patrick."

He smiled. "Bye."

The two of you went your separate ways, and you smiled as you walked.

Maybe life in Chicago wouldn't be so bad.

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