Pokemon: Pure Chaos

Por Willkeisler

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Ash Ketchum....the boy from Pallet Town who had gone on many adventures in the world of Pokemon. after so lon... Más

A Trainer's Beginning. Dawn Of A New Era
Starting Out! A Trainer's Most Important Descision!
First Battle. A Group Bout!
Battle Against The Leader. Who Is This Kid????
Trainer's First Catch Attempted Catch!
Charmander The Guardian Of Route 1!
Battle Of Intelligence! Potential New Catches!
Soft Spoken! A Shy Girl's Inner Strength!
Getting Adjusted! The Battle Club's Royale!
Battle Of Brawn! Rose Vs Jorge!
Friend Vs Friend. Nate and Kai Square Off!
Asuka's Courage! Internal Battle Against Herself!
Elise's Newfound Strength! Her Test Of Evolved Courage!
Prove Yourself To Be The Best! Will vs Melony!
A Battle For A Friend. Calm And Smart vs Calmed And Gifted vs Shy Determination
Asuka's test. Jorge's Patience
Long Awaited Battle! Skill Vs Bizzare Strategies!
Will and Jorge's Final Clash! Fighting Fire With Fire!
Heracross, The Lowly Knight Of Viridian Forest!
Asuka's New Strength. Eeveevolving Into Someone Greater!
Trainer Abuse. Nate and Will's Stand Against Injustice!
A Cutting Edge Catch and Nostalgic Reunion!
Kai and His Unwielding Johto Spirit!
A Beautifly Catch! Elise's Boundless Courage Revealed!
Viridian Forest Day 2! Rose's Confidence!
A New Test. Viridian Forest's Special Trainer!
Arrival At Pewter City! New Battle Club!
Pewter City Battle Club! A True Victory For Rose!
Nate's Strategic Test! Battle Of Brains!
Courage! Elise's Newfound Strength Explodes!

Viridian City At Last! Rise Of The Battle Club!

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Por Willkeisler

Though it took them time to get out of route one, Will and his new friends finally arrived in Viridian City, where they hope to be able to heal their Pokemon at the Pokemon center, get something to eat and hopefully get some rest themselves. Will looks around the city to find the Pokemon Center of this town to be able to do so. "We all worked real hard to get what we got today. I think we've earned a break after that." He said calmly to his friends while petting Bulbasaur.

Nate looks to Will seeing him be so kind to his Bulbasaur and smiled at how kind he was to his Pokemon and other trainers. "You must really love Pokemon a lot don't you Will? The way you treat all of yours and study everyone's battle style shows that." He said to his curly haired friend.

Will glanced at Nate as he pet his Bulbasaur. "Well yeah I love Pokemon. Loving them is the best way to show you respect them as more than just things you battle with. They live and breathe like we do every day. So I believe that they deserve to be able to be treated the best they can like humans do." He told him.

All his traveling companions heard what he had to say and honestly all felt stunned by his kindness. Asuka wasn't though. She had this feeling that he would be this kind ever since she saw him pick his Pokemon. Though he was nicer than she expected. She didn't mind though. She did decide to let her newly acquired Pikachu out of it's Pokeball to have it be out and about like how Will with his Bulbasaur. Her Pikachu, now out of its Pokeball ran around for a little bit then sees Will trying to communicate with him.

Will listened intently to the electric mouse. "Oh no no don't thank me. It's thanks to Elise and Asuka. I just tagged along to give some form of assistance." He said perfectly understanding what Pikachu was saying somehow. Almost like he could speak Pokemon's language like it was English??????

Asuka's eyes widened when she heard Will. Sure she kind of understood her newly acquired Pokemon but him????  "You can understand him??????" She asked in disbelief.

The goofy trainer looked at Asuka with a confused expression on his face. "Well yeah. I always knew how to speak to Pokemon. Almost like a second language somehow. Dunno why though." He explained to everyone with a dumbfounded expression. "Why's that such a big deal though? I mean sure it's cool but I figured all of you could do that too." He asked the group confused by everyone's shocked and awed expressions.

Rose took a step up to her new friend Will unsure how to say what she wanted without sounding too blunt. "Dude we knew you were a ballsy trainer but you're fuckin nuts with how you have more than just that kinda talent...." She told the boy who looked at Rose not sure what she meant by that. She noticed and let out a hefty sigh. "Never mind. It ain't important...." She muttered out.

Elise smiled at him showing her respect towards him. "Though it may be unusual it is a very handy ability. It could help him get more Pokemon to trust him and want him to catch them after their battle." She explained with a shy smile. "Plus his current Pokemon may have a better time battling with him because of his ability."

Kai glanced at him as the group walked towards the Pokemon center. "She's got a point. Plus he got us to travel with him. I don't think he would try some dirty moves. But I won't let him win. He is a future potential rival after all." He proclaimed as they all stepped in the Pokemon center.

The moment everyone did step in, there were more people than their should be normally. Everyone each with a weak or injured Pokemon looking frustrated or confused. Will wanted answers and stepped up to a trainer up at the counter for Nurse Joy. "Excuse me? I don't mean to be rude but do you know why there are so many trainers here?" He asked the female trainer curiously.

The girl nodded her head. "You're not from here are you? Plus you're a new trainer. You got that new trainer stench on you." She stated rather rudely. "Haven't you heard of the Pokemon Battle Club?" Everyone shook their heads to say no. The female groaned frustrated and annoyed. "Figures.....sorry. I'm just frustrated cause I just lost coming from there. It's a place in almost every town where trainers can battle freely. Most Battle Clubs have different types you have to battle with like water and grass or fire and Fairy types depending on the owner of said club. But they require you to battle certain numbers of trainers that come in like a free for all. Some require 2-4 Pokemon. I just lost my battle to my 5th trainer pretty bad so I'm annoyed. Sorry I took all that frustration out on all of you...." She explained to the group. "Anyway.... I'm gonna just sit down and relax. Hopefully that way I can calm down after that." She said as she walked by a nearby bench away from Will and the others.

As soon as Will had processed this, his hand was trembling from the news. But it wasn't trembling of fear. No this excited him. "That sounds like it'll be so much fun!!!!!! Battling tough trainers from all over! I'm so psyched!" He shouted as he gives his Pokemon to Nurse Joy.

Asuka was both bewildered and amazed that the curly haired boy was so willing to take on another challenge so soon as she gave her Pokemon to Nurse Joy as well. But she admired that most about him since she saw him battle a few times. "I wonder what you prizes you can earn if you win and beat the trainers at the club?" She wondered out loud.

Nate studied this information on his phone. He found something explaining Battle Clubs and began studying it with Elise on his shoulder to take a peek herself. "According to this, some clubs you can earn some money. Some you can earn a Pokemon. And others you can earn a variety of food for both trainers and Pokemon." He read off carefully making sure he got the correct information for them.

Kai nodded his head to confirm Nate's response. "Altimar has one as well. If one is for Pokemon you can pick one out of the 3 they have. I have some family who battled in a few of these about a year and a half ago." He explained to give more detail.

Elise was amazed by Kai's information and thought it over. "Maybe we should try it out tomorrow. I mean why not? Maybe we can train our Pokemon that way. Plus who knows? Maybe we'll meet more rivals and improve as trainers overall!" She suggested before looking over at Will. "Plus I think Will here wants to battle people." She giggles happily loving how excited he looked.

Will nodded his head so fast, you would think his head was going to pop off. "Yeah! Yeah let's do it tomorrow guys! Rest tonight do the Battle Club tomorrow!!!" He shouted out eagerly.

Asuka thought about what she wanted to do. But after hearing Will's enthusiasm, how could she not want to join him? "Sure! Let's do it! We can get better all together that way!" She said finally giving her thoughts to the group.

Rose smirked at Asuka while leaning on a wall nearby. "Well shit I'm fucking in. I wanna kick ass." She shouted determined to show what she was made of. She, like Will, was getting excited for the thought of battling some trainers. The very thought of showing how tough she could be to people that could underestimate her made her confident and the thought of winning all the battles she could was her own personal test to show that she was getting better. Especially with what she had caught so far.

Kai had no hesitation the moment Rose said she wanted to do this. When Rose wanted to join in the Battle Club, the black haired male jumped out of his seat. "Yeah I'm in! We can see who's best that way!" He accidentally shouted out eagerly.

After everyone else showed their enthusiasm for this club, Nate stood as well, hand clutched tightly in a fist. "Well then if you all want to do this, how can I decline that? Maybe we'll get to battle each other! I'd love to test myself against you all! Plus maybe come up with a bunch of new strategies together!" He said starting to get excited for the battles himself. He wanted to really expand his mind to the different types of battle strategies no matter how crazy or impractical they may be.

While Will waited for his Pokemon to be healed, he saw the necessary rules for the battle coming ahead. For the rules of this club, apparently a trainer is required to use 4 Pokemon, any type is acceptable due to most trainers not having many types of Pokemon yet. He was now deciding on what his strategy was going to be as well as what Pokemon they will start with.

After waiting for about a half an hour, our heroes' Pokemon were all rested up and healed. So everyone decided to go and eat a meal before going to bed. Though once they did get to bed, no one was able to sleep. If they were all being honest, they were all far too excited for the Battle Club coming up tomorrow.

(Editor's note: this one is going to be a few chapters long so it doesn't drag on for too long focusing on every trainer there. Hopefully you'll enjoy though! :3)

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