101 Dalmatian Street x Pet Re...


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Y/n Radcliffe is the Daughter of Rodger Radcliffe and Anita Radcliffe, the Heiress to her family's Dalmatian... Еще

🐾Dalmatian Home Sweet Home🐾
🐾Meeting the Boyfriend's Family🐾
🐾Mum, Dad meet My De Vil🐾
🐾Dalmatian Street🐾
🐾Puppies, Fighting and Taken🐾
🐾Adventure, Rescue Chase, & Home🐾
🐾Thirteen Years Pass By🐾
🐾Museum, Next Day & Puppies🐾
🐾Y/n Radcliffe's Bio🐾
🐾The Crazy Days at AP🐾
🐾A New Year With Spots🐾
🐾New Day, Same Drama🐾
🐾A Sea of Spots & Adventure🐾
🐾Bring This Down & Goodbye For Now🐾
🐾101 Dalmatian Street🐾

🐾Origins of the Heiress & Lil' De Vil🐾

3.5K 60 25

The scene opens on the skyline of a neighborhood in London and pans down to focus on Pongo, and his human pet, Roger Radcliffe, living inside their flat.

Pongo: "My story begins in London, not so very long ago, and yet so much has happened since then, that it seems like an eternity. At that time, I lived with my pet in a bachelor flat just off of Regents Park. It was a beautiful spring day, a tedious time of the year for bachelors." Roger is seen playing the piano and writing some notes on the sheet. "Oh, that’s my pet, Roger Radcliffe, a musician of sorts. I’m the one with the spots." Pongo is then shown resting on a couch by the window. "My name’s Pongo. As far as I could see, the old notion that a bachelor’s life was so glamorous and carefree was all nonsense. It was downright dull." Pongo leans up on all fours and stretches while yawning. He watches Roger smoke his pipe and continue practicing, as we then see Roger's living room with discarded music notes across the chair and floor and a cello in one of the seats. "It was plain to see that my old pet needed someone. But if it were left up to Roger, we’d be bachelors forever. He was married to his work, writing songs. Songs about romance of all things, something he knew absolutely nothing about. Oh, he’s intelligent enough, as humans go. And I think you could say, Roger is a rather handsome animal in his way. I could see no reason why my pet didn’t deserve an attractive mate. At least I was determined to do my best." Pongo stares at a cover of one of Roger's pin-up magazines and pushes it aside with his nose. "Of course, dogs are a pretty poor judge of human beauty." Pongo then looks at the cover of Roger's Lilliput magazine issue depicting a sexy blonde in a green and pink swimsuit against a blue background. "But I had a rough idea of what to look for." Pongo sees a shaggy saluki and her beatnik human pet walk to the park. "Hmm! Unusual breed. Very unusual. Hmm! Oh, surely not." (He then sees a small, stout pug and her similarly dignified human pet walk the opposite direction. "Well now, what have we here? Hmm. Well, a little too short coupled. Nope!" A purple-colored poodle with black-haired bangs and her sophisticated owner pass by. "I say! Well, I do say! Now there’s a fancy breed. Hmm. Perhaps a little too fancy. Yes, much too fancy." A cocker spaniel and her elderly owner ride along on their bicycle. "Too old." A little girl in yellow and her yellow labrador puppy walk down the street. "Too young. It was a problem, a real problem. Well, now that’s a bit more like it!" Pongo sees their ideal wives: An identical Dalmatian with a blue collar named Perdita and her human owner, Anita. "The most beautiful creature on four legs! Now, if only the girl-Well! She’s very lovely too. It was almost too good to be true." Anita and Perdita walk to Regent's Park. "I’d never find another pair like that, not if I looked for 100 years. Ah, they’re heading for the park. A perfect meeting place if I can only arrange it. Uh-oh, but Roger never stopped work ‘til after 5:00. That would be too late." Pongo said as he sets the clock hands five minutes after 5:00 with his nose, rushes to Roger's study, and prances and barks at Roger to get his attention.

Roger: "After 5:00 already? Fancy that." He puts on his trench coat and trilby hat. "All right, Pongo. All right, boy." He said as soon as Roger puts the leash on Pongo, he takes off, heaving Roger through the front door. The scene slides away to see them traveling quickly through Regent's Park. "Pongo, boy, take it easy! What’s all the hurry? Pongo, boy, slow down."
Pongo looks around the area and sees the pug from recently barking at a few pigeons to chase them away. The, the two bachelors. cross a bridge past the saluki and her master painting this scene of the park. Pongo the continues on.

Pongo: (narrating) "I was afraid we’d missed them. Perhaps they passed on by the park. Then, suddenly… I spotted them." As told, Pongo sees Anita reading a book on a park bench with Perdita sitting next to her. "It was a perfect situation if I planned it right. I couldn’t depend on Roger. I knew what he’d do. He’d settle on the grass, puff his pipe and that would be it." Roger sits on a bank of the Thames River to look at the scenery with Pongo sitting next to him. "No, it was all up to me. Well. At first I had no particular plan, just anything to attract attention. You know, stir things up a bit." Pongo goes ahead and grabs Roger's hat.

Roger: "Pongo, you silly old thing!" Pongo playfully crouches down on all fours and leaps away. "C’mon! C’mon, let’s have it, boy. Pongo! Pongo!" He said as Perdita and Anita look at Roger and Pongo fooling around with little amusement, as Roger retrieves his hat.

Pongo: (narrating) "For a while, it seemed to work. At least they had seen one another. Things were going along first-rate." Pongo looks at Roger and then looks at Anita back-and-forth, until he does a take. "But, for some strange reason, they left!" Pongo sees Anita and Perdita returning home and tries to make a break for it, until Roger pounces on Pongo to stop him.

Roger: "C’mon, you old renegade. We’re going home."

Pongo: (narrating) "But I wasn’t giving up. I was determined that somehow they just had to meet." Pongo heaves Roger and forces him to meet Anita just in time.

Roger: "Oh!"

Anita: "Ohhh!"

Roger: "I beg your pardon. Please excuse me."

Anita: "I must say, what on earth!" She screamed out while Pongo is overly focused on his goal, that he accidentally ties their legs up with his leash.

Roger: "Oh, really. Good heavens."

Anita: "Oh, dear." Perdita becomes alarmed at this and tries to free her mistress by holding onto her coat with her teeth, only to make things worse.

Roger: "Ohh!"

Anita: "Ahh, ahh!" Perdita accidentally rips off part of her mistress' coat, as Roger and Anita lose their balance and land into a nearby pond.

Roger: (groaning) "Oh, oh."

Anita: (disappointed) "Oh, my new spring suit and my new hat! Ah, ah…" Anita stands back up, followed by Roger.

Roger: (pleading) "I’m terribly sorry. Please let me help you. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s come over him." Pongo said as he looks at Perdita and tries to apologize for humiliating himself and Roger, but Perdita turns away from him out of disgust. "I’m so sorry. He’s never acted this way before. Oh, Pongo, You!"

Anita: (irritated) "Please, just go away! You’ve done enough. Please?"

Roger: (hands her a hankie) "Oh. Oh, I say. Here, take mine."

Anita: "Oh." Anita said as she and Roger share a laugh, as Perdita looks at Pongo lovingly. Pongo's plan of getting Roger to meet Anita works, as an iris shines on him, which turns into a stained glass cathedral window. Both couples are now at the church getting married.

Priest: "Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour and keep her in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her so long as ye both shall live?"

Roger: (solemnly) "I will." He said as Pongo and Perdita lean into each other, touching their noses with one another. A few months later, they all settle down at a nice flat just near Regent’s Park.

A Year Pass

Roger and Anita have been married for a year while Anita found out that she was pregnant and Roger was excited as were Pongo and Preddy after nine long months, Anita gave birth to a Daughter named Y/n Anita Ratcliffe but as that happened Anita's oldest friend Estella 'Cruella' De Vil had a son that she named Carlos De Vil so naturally Anita was his Godmother while Cruella was Y/n's Godmother much to her father's dismay as a year passed by.

Pongo and Preddy watched after Y/n as she napped on the window cushion in her onesie cooing as the dalmatians sighed softly for Preddy was expecting puppies any day now.

Pongo)- "Oh, the pups are going to love her Perdita." He quitely barked as Y/n hummed slowly waking up and looked at the dalmatians giggling.

Preddy)- "Look at her, our pets must be so proud. She's so beautiful." She said honestly before gently licking the little Y/n's cheek then carefully picked her up from the seat and placed her on the floor as the one year old was held up by the dalmatians to learn to walk as Perdita sighs lovingly at little Y/n as she sat onto the floor until Pongo looks up to ask a question to her.

Pongo: (concerned) "Perdita, darling, are you all right?"

Perdita: "Oh, of course, dear. After all, dogs were having puppies long before our time." She said as she licks Pongo on the face to reassure him, as a smile runs across his face just then, Nanny, Roger and Anita's housekeeper, enters with a platter with cupcakes, a tea pot, and tea cups on it.

Pongo: (narrating) "Oh, that’s Nanny, a wonderful cook and housekeeper." Nanny sets the platter down on the coffee table, as one of Anita's notes falls on the floor. "She’s such a kind, understanding soul." Nanny, realizing her mistake, gets down on all fours and retrieves the note. "You know, at times she seems almost canine."

Anita: "Roger, dear, tea time. Tea time!" She yelled out as Roger plays the song on the piano, Nanny uses a broomstick and taps the handle on the ceiling to get Roger's attention.

Roger: (singing) "Be down in a minute." Nanny leaves, just as Roger comes out of his study, scatting and whistling to the lyrics of the song. "Do you like my new song?"

Anita: (scatting as well) "Such clever lyrics."

Roger: (chuckles) "Melody first, my dear. And then, the lyrics, hmm?" Roger said he and Anita rub noses and share a good laugh. As Pongo and Perdita rest their heads on the windowsill, they hear a car coming.

Perdita: (scared) "Oh, Pongo… it’s her. It’s that devil woman."

The car, a red-colored Alvis Speed 20 SD Standard Coupe-like model with headlights and bumpers that resemble a scowling face, rockets down the street, blaring its horn, and scares a flock of pigeons while turning a sharp left. Perdita runs away to hide, but Pongo sits there, boldly. The car comes to a sharp, complete stop by their flat.

Roger: "Oh, must be Cruella, your dearly devoted old schoolmate. Cruella de Vil. (gets an idea) That’s it!" (starts singing) "♪ Cruella De Vil, ♪ ♪ Cruella De Vil, ♪ ♪ If she doesn't scare you, ♪" He sang out as he picked up Y/n making her coo as he rubbed his nose to his daughter's as she giggled happily. "♪ No evil thing will... ♪"

Anita: "Oh, Roger."

Roger: "♪ To see her is to, ♪ ♪ Take a sudden... chill! ♪" He sang out as span Y/n about before scarring his wife.

Anita: "Ohh!"

Roger: "♪Cruella, Cruella... ♪ ♪ She's like a spider waiting, ♪ ♪ For the kill... ♪" He sang out as Anita took hold of Y/n as the silhouette of Cruella walks up to the front door.

Anita: "Roger, she’ll hear you!"

Roger: "♪ Look out for Cruella De Vil! ♪"  Roger slips back in his study and plays an instrumental version of the opening lyrics on the piano loudly.

Anita: "Let her in, Nanny." Cruella bursts through the front door on cue holding her son Carlos in one arm, bumping Nanny against the door without knowing it.

Cruella de Vil: (loudly) "Anita, darling!" She arrives in the living room before gently placing Carlos in front of Y/n.

Anita: "How are you?"

Cruella de Vil: (sarcastically) "Miserable as usual. Perfectly wretched!" Pongo backs away from her, as Cruella's cigarette smoke fouls up the living room, forcing Anita to plug her nose and ruining Pongo's vision while Carlos and Y/n coughed from the smell. "Where are they? Where are they? For heaven sakes, where are they?"

Anita: "Who, Cruella?" She asked as Carlos and Y/n clumsily piled each other playfully while they blissfully giggled together.

Cruella de Vil: "The puppies! The puppies". Roger blares the melody on his trumpet, loudly. "No time for games. Where are the little brutes?" Pongo angrily watches her from behind the loveseat.

Anita: "It’ll be at least three weeks. No rushing these things."

Cruella de Vil: "Anita, you’re such a wit. Here, dog, here. Here, dog." Pongo, having backed into a corner, snarls angrily at her.

Anita: "Cruella, isn’t that a new fur coat?" Pongo retreats by hiding behind the couch.

Cruella de Vil: "My first true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs! Is there a woman in this wretched world who doesn’t?" She questioned as Roger finishes the melody as he plays it loudly on a trombone, amusing Pongo.

Anita: "Oh, I’d like a nice fur, but there are many other things…"

Cruella de Vil: "Sweet, simple Anita. I know, I know! This horrid little house is your dream castle..." She walks over to the coffee table and rudely sticks her cigarette in one of the cupcakes, ruining the frosting. "And poor Roger is your bold and fearless Sir Galahad! The only beautiful thing that came from your union was this precious little pup!" She bursts out laughing as she picked up Y/n whom looked at her confused til she touched Cruella's cheek before she placed Y/n back with Carlos whom was reaching out towards Y/n frowning.

Anita: "Oh, Cruella..."

Cruella de Vil: "Then, of course, you have your little spotted friends." She said as she set Y/n down onto the couch before placing Carlos next to her while Y/n hugged Carlos as Crulla breathes some cigarette smoke that encircles a portrait of Pongo and Perdita. "Oh, yes, I must say, such perfectly beautiful coats." She said honestly

Anita: "Won’t you have some tea?"

Cruella de Vil: "I’ve got to run. Let me know when the puppies arrive." Pongo watches her leave from behind the couch. "You will, won’t you, dear?" She asked as she picked up Carlos and placed him into a mink fur sling carry pack carefully before leaving.

Anita: "Yes, Cruella."

Cruella de Vil: "Don’t forget, it’s a promise. See you in three weeks. Cheerio, darling." She shuts the door behind her and leaves for home.

Anita: (exhausted) "Ohh!"

Roger returns from the study and imitates Cruella while Y/n looks at her father and giggled clapping her hands.

Roger: "♪ At first you think, ♪ ♪ Cruella is the devil. ♪ ♪ But after time has worn, ♪ ♪ Away the shock... ♪" He sang out as Anita looks at him, annoyed, while an amused Y/n and Pongo watches him sing.

Roger: "♪ You come to realize, ♪ ♪ You've seen her kind of eyes, ♪ ♪ Watching you from underneath, ♪ ♪ A rock! ♪"

Anita: "You’re no help, Rog." She said honestly as Roger pulls Anita up and dances with Anita and Pongo barks and prances around them playfully.

Roger: ♪ This vampire bat, ♪ ♪ This inhuman beast, ♪ ♪ She ought to be locked up, ♪ ♪ And never released, ♪ ♪ The world was such, ♪ ♪ A wholesome place until, ♪ ♪ Cruella, Cruella De Vil! ♪" Roger and Anita embrace as they rub each other's noses.

Anita: (playfully) "Roger, you are an idiot!" She said as the two looked at the couch watching Y/n wiggle off the couch and clumsily walked towards her parents making Anita gasp happily. "Oh Roger look!" She smiled before kneeling down onto the floor carefully. "Come here, Love." She said as Roger kneeled down by her while Y/n kept going as Pongo goes to the kitchen and sees Perdita hiding under the stove.

Pongo: (concerned) "Perdy?"

Perdita: (worried) "That witch. That devil woman. She wants our puppies. That’s all she’s after."

Pongo: (consoling her) "Don’t worry, Perdy. They’re on to her. Nothing’s going to happen to our puppies."

Perdita: (worried) "But, what does she want with them? She can’t possibly love them. Oh, Pongo. I was so happy at first, but now I…" She tearing up. "Oh, I… I wish we weren’t having any." She sobs as Pongo licks her on the cheek, feeling worried before the two went back into the living room to see Y/n had walked successfully to Roger and Anita.

Y/n: "M-mummy, D-d-daddy." She spoke up in a stammer as Roger picked her up smiling happily.

Roger: "Did you hear that, Anita? Oh, our little girl I'm so proud of you, sweetheart!" He shouted out happily as Anita and Nanny smiled sweetly especially as Y/n looked over at Pongo and Perdita.

Y/n: "Pon-Pon. Preddy." She giggled happily as she reaches out towards the dalmatians whom walked over towards her and licked her cheeks lovingly.

Made in anticipation for the new Cruella movie this Friday!

Should I continue?

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