I'm sorry...~America

By lemonade_and_Honey

38.7K 604 198

This is about America....America has become extremely depressed, and nobody knows why....in this story we rid... More

Im sorry
Go away
Finland's Journal
Hey sorry to pop up
The intervention (Pt. 1)
The intervention (Pt. 2)
America Arrives
Okay be honest
The girl
Finally home
Lets take a break
In her eyes
Time is unforgiving
Is it possible?
You do?
Double trouble
FrUk (lemon)
Broken Glass
Ex's and O's
Truth seryum
Lets go home
The bridge and the castle
Finland returns
Fast aging
Birthday boy
Finally home
Work day
Baby blue


69 3 2
By lemonade_and_Honey

~Arthur's POV~
I woke up at a quarter past lunch time spooled in the arms of Francis...in my bed...thankfully fully clothed. Well at least he was I was still in my bloody shorts. I stirred and tried to get off of Francis but my movements only made him hold me tighter. I groaned and tapped his arm, "Francis...Francis get up I have to work it's already past lunch!" I wriggled against and Francis let out a small sigh moving his face onto my neck and scratching it with his beard. "Ow! Francis your beard is sticking me!"
"Can't you just let me hold you a while longer..."
"I think you've held me long enough!- oh..~" Francis kissed the hickey on my neck and ran his fingers up my chest. A whimpered for a moment before pushing him off and getting out of bed. Francis frowned and sat up, "Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait?" I blushed and grabbed some clothes from my closet. "Nothing you...you didn't do anything I just- I must get to work Francis it's very important that I do" I slipped on my trousers before buttoning up my shirt and checking my hair. "Alright alright, my apologies"
I smiled softly to myself for a moment as I tied my tie. "Listen Francis not a word of this to anyone. Not until we've talked about it more okay? Until then we both still reject our feelings."
"Your still rejecting them..." Francis mumbled and got comfy in my bed.
"That's another thing go back to your own room!"
"Aw but mon amour why? Yours is so comfy~"
"Because if someone see's you in here their going to get the wrong idea about this"
"Will they though? I don't see why we need to keep it a secret-"
"Francis just- please...we can talk about it later..."
"...alright...only if you give me a kiss" I blushed and rolled my eyes walking over to him. Francis sat up excitedly and held his arms out wide for me. I leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Mmph- Fran-" Francis deepened the kiss for a moment before pulling away and smiling at me, "Merci~" I felt my face grow hot as I looked away from him, "twat..." at last Francis let me go and I made my way to my study to try and find a way to save Christina.

~Alfred's POV~
I tucked Christina into bed and kissed her on the forehead as she drifted off to sleep. The false labor in the garden gave us both quite the scare...with the pace that the baby's growing...I'm not too sure if the next on will be a false alarm. I sighed and moved a piece of Christina's hair out of her face before leaving the room and exploring the estate to get my mind off it. I wandered down the old corridor where the nursery used to be and stopped to see if perhaps my old stuff was still there. I opened the door and was immediately swatted in the face with dust, "shit!" I covered my face with my arm and coughed up some dust bunnies swatting the dust away from my face before it finally settled. Nothings been touched...I don't think this door's even been opened since Matt and I were kids. I walked inside and placed my hand onto a small chest covered in cobwebs, "this was my old toy box..." I crouched down and lifted the top up and peeled inside. There were seven little wooden soldiers that Arthur made for me when I was a young colony...I picked one up and smiled at it softly, still in pretty good condition considering how old they are, I noticed an old matted teddy bear with stains galore and chuckled softly to myself. "This was matt's teddy bear...we absolutely destroyed the poor thing didn't we" I set the teddy back inside the box gently and patted its head "sorry teddy..." All that was left in the box were some old spelling blocks and picture books so I just the toy box continuing to search the room. The walls had a tree painted on them with a different season on each side and the ceiling was painted as a half cloudy day and half starry night sky. Francis painted the nursery...I remember him falling once and spilling paint everywhere, Matt and I played in it of course because there was no stopping us from making a mess. I laughed and wiped some dust off of my old crib and watched a spider crawl across the pillow. Why hasn't Arthur had this place cleaned? If he didn't want to keep it a nursery he could have at least turned it into another guest room. But if I'm being honest I'm glad he didn't, the nostalgia I get from standing in this room is intoxicating, that or I've inhaled too much dust. Seeing as that's a highly possible option I decided to leave the nursery and shut the door behind me before continuing down the corridor and stumbling upon some old portraits. There was one of each queen England's ever had with Arthur ranging from when he was a toddler all the way up to today, god England's eyebrows really were always bushy like that, it's a wonder they haven't fallen off his fave and flown away. I walked a little farther down and found some portraits of the UK family. There was one of Scotland, North and south Ireland, and of course wales. It's been a long time since I've seen any of them...all I really remember is that their all just as loud as Arthur but none of them are quite as grouchy as him. I chuckled to myself and continued down the hall way and found some portraits that were covered with black drapes. I knew exactly who they were...they were all of the great empires and deceased countries that no one ever really talk about anymore, they were the ancients. Only a select few countries have met the ancients and are still alive today, those countries are Italy, Hungary, Austria, England, Spain, China, And France. Everyone else is either dead or too young to have met them. I bowed my head in respect to the ancients before continuing to read out their names out loud, "Germania...The great Roman Empire...Ancient Egypt...Holy Roman Empire and-" I stopped and traced the name on the plaque with my finger. "Native America..." now she was the one ancient I did meet...she raised Matt and I for the first part of our lives before we were taken in by England and France...she was the kindest soul you could ever meet; and I'll never be able to forgive my people for what they did to her. I closed my eyes and took my hand off the plaque before stuffing my hands in my pockets and returning back to the main part of the estate.

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