ScaryKouji [Discontinued]

By urat1o

172K 5.6K 3.4K

What if Ayanokoji always has his scary eyes and dark aura around him. Also he's in Class A cause why not? Aut... More

1. Declaration
3. The Childhood Friend I Never Met
4. Clubs And The SCP
5. Making Of A Pawn
6. Joining The Student Council
7. Midterms
8. Class C vs Sudo
9. Cruise
10. Start of the Island Exam
11. Plans For The Island Exam
12. Scouting the Enemies.
12.5 The Deal With The Dragon
13. Finding the leaders
14. The End Of The Island Exam
15. The Results Of The Island Exam.
16. Unexpected
17. A Failed Attempt.

2. Beer Chan

14.2K 371 173
By urat1o

Kiyo POV

It was now the 2nd day of school, I woke up and got ready for school, today technically will be my first day at school as there were no classes yesterday. I wonder how is it going to be, I had no experience regarding school life. All my life I had been confined in those white walls stripped of my freedom. As much as I don't hate that place I simply can't let go of this newly acquired freedom of mine, I'm simply curious, curious about how this world works. Although I have read many books regarding society they just simply added to my curiosity. I want to know simple yet important things. So I have decided to get the answer to the question I used to ask myself the most during the 15 years of my stay in white room. And that is-

"What does Ice cream truly taste like?"

I read in books some said it tastes sweet and cold, some said it is a completely different sensation some just simply said that it can't be described in words.

So I have decided, today before going to my class I will go to the convenience store and buy an Ice cream.

I left my room half an hour before our classes start and went to the store, I spent the next 15 minutes deciding on which Ice cream to eat and ended up buying 7 different flavors, I also bought a polythene bag and some dry ice to prevent them from melting. I take out the Chocolate Ice cream and started eating it.

It truly is a completely different sensation. It tastes better than anything I have ever had, even after I was out of the white room and living with Matsuo san I was not allowed to eat any deserts or junk food, Matsuo san once had tried to buy me an Ice cream but he got caught by one of the guards and was about to get punished when I had stopped it at the very end. I scared off the guard releasing all of my darkness, my killing intent visible in my eyes. Matsuo san was the only person I used ever Honorifics for, he treated me like his son and gave me the love I had never received. He is the one due to whom I'm currently able to enjoy my freedom.

Matsuo san and I both knew of the consequences of me escaping here. Matsuo san will get heavily punished, but it was his wish, he wanted me to experience the things I was deprived of, even if he had to face the consequences. Of all the people I have ever met I am certain that Matsuo san was the only one who treated me with love and was the only one who's actions had no ill intent.

So to respect his wish, I will make sure that I'm able to graduate from this school and spend the 3 years of my freedom to experience every thing I can.

Even if I have to destroy each and every one in this school, I will do what I have to. No matter the cost, no matter what I have to sacrifice. Because as long as I achieve my goals, as long as I'm Victorious, That's all that matters.

As I was thinking about this I saw that my ice cream had started to melt so I started to eat it at a faster rate.

"Yo, good morning Leader."

I was greeted by a familiar voice which belonged to my classmate and the person who sits in front of me, Hashimoto. He called me leader huh, well I did announce it yesterday that I will be the one leading the class, even so I don't think many students will accept me this easily. I didn't knew if he was trying to joke or was he serious anyway I decided to greet him back 'cause even if I am more capable than anyone else without allies I will not be able to face my enemies efficiently.

"Good morning."

"Eating Ice-Cream this early huh, don't you think that's bad for you?"

"Not really, it's just a myth actually it's better than eating it before you sleep." It was indeed true that eating anything sweet before sleeping has more adverse effects on human body than eating it in the morning.

"Hmm, if you say so, by the way I really didn't expect you to just go ahead and announce your leadership in front of everyone like that although you sounded really cool ,ended up scaring most of them."

Well that was to be expected, not like I thought that would've worked anyway. Now I need to know Hashimoto's true intentions, I had already seen him hiding behind the convenience store, he was rather good at hiding his presence but still I ended up noticing his shadow, He can make a good spy if I get him on my side.

"I have my reasons, but don't worry, I'm confident that I'll be a good leader."

"Oo you sound rather confident huh? Well just so you know you got me by your side."

"Sure, but why me?"


Looks like he didn't understand what I wanted to ask him.

"Even though you know that not many people will follow my commands you're still by my side. Any particular reason?" I asked him while maintaining eye contact although my voice was a lot softer than before, is this due to the Ice cream? I wonder.

"Maybe it's just that I'm moving on my instinct, also when you were speaking back then you sounded confident and it felt as if you will do as you say, there was a strong look of determination I saw."

"I see."

We talked about some trivial things as we reached the classroom barely before the classes start. As I take my seat I looked around to see that factions have already started to form. Although the majority of the class still hadn't come up with a discussion yet. Currently from what Hashimoto had told me, the class is majorly divided into 3 factions.

The Sakayanagi faction which includes Kito a scary looking boy, Nishikura a beautiful girl and some more of my classmates. .

The Katsuragi faction which includes Yahiko the green haired boy whom I had scared off yesterday, Mashida an average looking boy and some more of my classmates.

The Ayanokoji faction which still feels weird to say, It included only me and Hashimoto as people didn't exactly had a great impression of me. Well that just means that I'll have to prove my worth to them.

Still almost half the class hadn't join any faction so I decided to make my move right now to gain some members.

I stood up and walked towards the Teachers podium and stood behind it as I reached it and looked towards my classmates they all stopped talking and faced me, except Yahiko who kept on talking and apparently hadn't noticed the situation. As he was talking everyone looked towards him and he finally noticed all the gazes on him.

"Wh-what's wrong?" He asked and a student pointed in my direction and he turned around to see me standing at the teacher's podium.

"Now that I have everyone's attention I have a few things I want you all to listen to." I spoke and no one said anything and kept their gazes focused towards me, Yahiko looked like he wanted to say something but was stopped by Katsuragi who seemed to be interested in what I wanted to speak.

"I think by now most if not all should have realized that this is not a normal school, we are being evaluated as I speak and the way we behave will determine the way we will live our life in the school for the next 3 years. Due to this I want everyone to pay attention to the teacher in the classes and refrain from using your mobile phones or talking unnecessarily, otherwise due to the actions of a few individuals the whole class might end up suffering."

As I said this Yahiko tried to retort.

"H-Huh? and w-why would we listen to you, I've decided to support Katsuragi san a-and he's the one who will lead our class."

He was trying to sound a bit dominant but due to being scared his voice came out rather low as he stuttered while talking. This earned him a few chuckles from my classmates and before he could say anything else Katsuragi spoke up.

"As much as I agree on what you said about keeping a disciplined environment, I must say that you have no proof and all you said is just a theory of yours."

"Who said that I don't have any proof?"

To my statement Katsuragi raised a brow and I continued talking.

"Yesterday I went to the cafeteria to observe some senpai's and I found that even when it was the start of the month more than half of the senpai's of Class D and some of Class C bought the free vegetable meal set. If they were to get 100,000 points there wouldn't have been any point in them eating that as it didn't look much appealing. Even in the convenience store I visited free items were present. Moreover sensei had himself said it yesterday that the school evaluates us on our talents so if they see that we aren't behaving correctly then they will take away the facilities we are provided. Also if you hadn't noticed there are cameras installed in the corners of each classroom which means that we are being monitored as I speak. This is more than enough evidence to support my claim."

The class looked shocked and Katsuragi wore a surprised face, he was probably thinking on how he wasn't able to notice all these hints.

With this I will probably be able to gain some allies and many will see me as superior to Katsuragi at least.

As I complete my speech Mashima sensei arrived and I went back to my seat. As I passed by him Hashimoto gave me a thumbs up.


Classes went by normally and no one misbehaved, looks like Sakayanagi had also told her followers about her doubts regarding the S-System as they didn't look much shocked when I was giving my speech. After classes I was approached by 2 of my classmates who supposedly took interest in me due to my speech.

They were both girls and now the Ayanokoji faction has 4 members :

-Ayanokoji Kiyotaka
-Hashimoto Masayashi
-Motodoi Chikako
-Nishi Haruka

They invited both me and Hashimoto for lunch and we accepted and talked about trivial things while eating, I noticed that Motodoi kept on glancing to Hashimoto from time to time, is she attracted to him? I shrugged my thoughts as they asked me some questions. Mainly about how I will get more followers, why did I bring 6 ice creams with myself and so on. I replied and we talked for a bit before going back to our classroom for the rest of the classes.

I noticed that even though at first people are scared of me and hesitate to talk to me as time goes by both parties get comfortable. Both the girls said to me that I should smile more often and that it will make me look a bit more approachable. I said I'll try it over time.

After classes ended I left the classroom alone and walked back to my dorm. I was in Room no. 401, the room was quite spacious for a student dorm and already had essential appliances like AC, fan, bed a Closet etc.

When I was living with Matsuo San he had tought me how to cook different dishes. The guards didn't had a problem with it as I practiced it in my free time.

Even though I'm in Class A and won't have a problem when it comes to points, the food in Cafeteria is not as good as the one that I can make, so I went out to the convenience store to buy some ingredients along with some other items that I wasn't able to buy yesterday.

When I was almost finished with my shopping I saw the purple haired girl who sat next to me, Even though she is my seat ate we haven't even spoken to each other even once. She hasn't joined any of the factions yet so maybe I should try to make her join my side? Wait did she just steal that can of beer?

I decided that it can be a good opportunity for me to gain another pawn in my class so I quickly bought my stuff and chased after her. When I finally saw her I called out to her.

"Excuse me."

She turned around to face me with a disgusted expression.

"What do you need?" she asked me trying to cut our conversation short.

"I was just wondering why you stole that can of beer?"

As I said this her eyes widened as she realized that she had been caught in the act.

"Wh-what do you mean?"

She tried to play dumb huh.

"I'm pretty sure what I saw was a can of beer, maybe I can ask the school to check the security camera at the convenience store."

At my remark she flinched and took out the can of beer she had hidden in her jacket.

"You're just gonna report me huh, just shut up I'll do it myself."

She took out her phone and started to call the teacher but I snatched it away from her.

"Now now, don't be so hasty. I have no intentions on reporting you to the school, you wouldn't want your newly started school life to end this fast now will you?"

"What do you want?" she asked me knowing that I wouldn't have talked to her for no reason.

"I just need you to do what I say and help me out with the tasks I give you in the future, you do that and I'll make sure you enjoy these 3 years of your school."

"You're just after my body aren't you, you perv-" she almost shouted but I put my hand on her mouth.

"I have no interest in your body as I said I just want you to be my ally and help me out, I won't give you any meaningless tasks so don't worry." I said and took my hand off her mouth only to see her cheeks were red.

"Give me back my phone!"

"Check your pocket."

She checked her pockets and found her phone which I placed when I covered her mouth.

"Now come to my room with me I need to ask you some questions." I said and started walking towards the first year dorms. Hesitantly she followed me while glaring at the back of my head as we walked in silence.

Luckily as we entered there was no one in the halls, most people were usually hanging out in the library or in the Keyaki mall around this time.

I opened up my door and she clicked her tongue before she entered the room.

I hadn't really bought anything for my room and had just cleaned up before leaving for the convenience store so my room looked as good as new right now.

I asked her to sit on the bed while I went back to the kitchen to make some dinner for both of us.

She just kept on fiddling on her phone as I came back with 2 plates and served the food on the table.

She sat across from me and looked at the food suspiciously.

"Don't worry I haven't mixed anything in the food, I'm eating the same thing. If you want you can exchange plates."

I said trying to remove her suspicions. We just ate and surprisingly enough she praised me for the food. I gave her one of the ice creams I had bought which she gladly accepted. Then I asked her some questions related to her opinion on the school and the class. I also asked her about why she shoplifted to which she told me about how it was a hobby she had acquired.

We talked a bit more and her expression of disgust was finally gone. This was some good progress.

She thanked me for the dinner and left my room, I cleaned up the dishes and then went to sleep. It has been 2 days since I had enrolled in this school and already had gained 3 pawns, the results were beyond my expectations and I was satisfied with them.

Trailing off my thoughts I fell asleep and wondered what will happen in the 3 years of my school life.

And Beer Chan has officially joined the Ayanokoji Faction


Also this fic is gonna be Ayanokoji X Kamuro just in case you were wondering.

Thanks for reading.

I'll try to edit out out and post the rest of my drafts ASAP.

Till then


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